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posted by LuciferTheDark
Lucifer the Dark

Nickname: Luck.
Species; Genetically altered Mobian African pygmy hedgehog-demon.
Name deprived from; link, god of hell, demon, Satan, devil, light-bearer, morning star, fallen angel.
Age: Unknown, ageless. Probably about 27 in the current timeline.

Theme Song: link

Lucifer was created as a back-up for the link, in case the original failed. In a way, te could say that this made Lucifer and Solaris ‘cousins’. Nicknamed ‘Project Lucifer’ after the after Satan, because of the Scientist’s unwillingness to work on two experiments at once. What the scientist’s didn’t count on, however, was for the Original link to end up killing majority of them. The few that remained were terrified of the same happening again, and ‘Project Lucifer’ was discarded.


Lucifer comes across as a rather unpleasant kind of person; due to his tendency to find humor in others pain, and his psychotic nature, loving all things gory and destructive.

He flirts with most women, regardless of whether they are already in a relationship. Lucifer loves making people feel awkward. His reason for flirting hides another personality; Lucifer is lonely.

He is used to being alone; therefore he acts rather attention-seeking when he can. He likes being mysterious; he assumes it makes him più alluring. In truth it just makes him seem like the kind of person te want to get to know, but don’t because he honestly creeps everyone out. For one to be standing successivo to him is unheard of.

One of his ‘nicer’ traits is his ability to always see humor in a situation, although this can sometimes be a negative because he’ll end up laughing at something inappropriate.

Despite his apparently confident demeanor, he is described as ‘Burning Inside’ da those who have seen him mentally break down, such as link and link.

Lucifer, when speaking to others, moves his hands around quite a lot, and will tilt his head to the side when being spoken to, and will twitch his ear when annoyed with something. His trademark expression is his insane grin.

When Lucifer is da himself, o he believes no-one is around, he’ll weep and howl out his frustrations to the world, and has made a habit of talking to the moon. One of the reasons for these activities is he believes he is just a “Stupid, good for nothing back-up experiment that has no idea where he is in life”. Another is that he always feels lonely, despite the fact he always refers to everyone as a friend.

The last, and probably also the most active contributor to his ‘depressed’ state is that he believes Mephiles doesn’t care about him anymore. During the time loop in which Mephiles was intent upon destroying the world/space-time continuum, Lucifer would not be far away. Lucifer saw Mephiles as an idol; someone who was powerful and determined to get exactly what they want regardless of consequences. Therefore, Mephiles and Lucifer had been Friends for nearly the whole period of time.

Until, of course, Solaris was defeated da Super Sonic, Super Shadow, and Super Silver. Then ‘erased’ from the whole timeline when Elise and Sonic travelled back in time to prevent any of the situations to take place da blowing the small, flickering flame that was the young Solaris out. Sure, both Mephiles and Iblis survived, though the later in a much weaker state; barely a smoldering pile of ash. The battle had taken its toll on Mephiles also; only on his memory. Mephiles could remember nothing of his cousin, leading Lucifer to believe that he didn’t care.

It should also be noted that Lucifer suffers from schizophrenia, o unbalanced personalities. This can make him quite dangerous, and he can switch from one mood to another unpredictably and suddenly. It is unknown what triggers these.

Appearance and Forms

Originally, Lucifer was just a Mobian Hedgehog who had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Unusually for a Solarin Hedgehog, he had a control over both fuoco and darkness, thus, when he had been sighted da the Duke of Soleanna, he had been subjected to immense energy, ultimately changing his complessivamente, generale appearance.

In his original, non-crystalline form, he had been a dark grey in color, with a pale, next-to-white blue muzzle and inside of ears. His quills had looked very similar to those of Sonic the Hedgehog. He had a tuft of chest fluff that only just made it to his shoulders (useful in the cold weather, he never did need a scarf).

He had bright green eyes that glistened with innocence, naivety, and intelligence.

His usual attire had been a dark grey hoodie-jacket with black designs on it, over the superiore, in alto of a brown, skin-tight t-shirt. His jeans were covered in ‘fashion rips’ and had two pockets that ran all the way down his body, each being able to hold about 6 Coca Cola cans.

Shoe-wise, he had worn the urban trend; Black sneakers with a white stripe and silver buckle.

He had been known for a collana he had worn at all times; a bright green smeraldo pendant (ironically the exact same shade as his eyes) about the same size as 10 cent piece attached to a silver chain. It was detto that this had been the fonte of his energy.

His original name was Faustus the Hedgehog, deprived from the Legend of Faust.

After the testing da the Duke, Lucifer’s appearance had become a crystalline demon-hedgehog who looked remarkably similar to Mephiles, only his muzzle was a darker shade of blue, not ivory as Mephiles is pictured with. Another difference is that is that while Mephiles had four cross-stitches in his eyes, Lucifer has only two and his sclera isn’t as brighter shade of red. Likewise, his irises aren’t as bright as Mephiles’, purely for the reason that while Mephiles was genetically grown as Solaris, Lucifer was once an organic hedgehog, not a WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction).

Lucifer, like Mephiles, has claws, but Lucifer’s are much sharper, and even just a gentle poke from them would be described as a stab da anyone else.

Like his cousin, Lucifer can ‘melt’ into a shadow, and can imitate others abilities and appearance da absorbing their shade. Lucifer has absorbed link’s, link’s, link’s, link's, and link’s, and can become a look-alike to any of these people at will.

Abilities and Powers

Lucifer can do everything Mephiles can and more, due to the fact that when Mephiles and Iblis were separated, Mephiles Lost majority of his abilities, yet was still very powerful. Lucifer, on the other hand, wasn’t as well-developed as Solaris, yet was never diviso, spalato from his energy fonte as Mephiles was.

Most of his attacks are physic based; the famed ‘Dark Chaos Lance’, similar to Mephiles’ own, only a dark shade of red instead of blinding white, and ‘Dark Spikes’, a name dato to the attack when he summons shades into Chaos Spear-like projectiles. He can whip up shields for defense, which can be made from either fuoco o Chaos Energy.

He can create clones of himself, and crystalline monsters. He can summon and fuoco lasers made from darkness, and can manipulate weather patterns, increasing o decreasing temperature.

Lucifer can also hover off the ground, yet he hardly finds this useful.

He can read minds if just one of the two conditions apply to his target; he must either be genetically connected to the person (Mephiles, Rebecca, and Crescent) o be very close, mentally, to them. For example; both he and Rebecca prove to be unbalanced, unpredictable, and somewhat psychotic. Out of everyone, he can read Rebecca’s best for he is connected to her in both ways. Coming a close secondo is Mephiles, because they once shared an almost identical mind frame.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Lucifer has much strength; most notable is his close connection to Chaos Energy. He can manipulate the Chaos Emeralds with his mind subconsciously o at will. Sometimes he won’t even notice he is doing something to one until someone points it out to him. He is very close to Chaos because, not only when he was originally born, he was subjected to huge amounts of energy, but during the testing, he had come into close contact with all seven Chaos Emeralds.

His weaknesses are somewhat less mature; he suffers from hydrophobia (fear of water, crystal doesn’t float), autophobia (fear of being alone, he has been for too long), and algophobia (fear of pain, he can’t stand it in himself o someone he finds trustworthy).

He didn’t have many friends, aside from a young human boy, Dylan, who he mucked around with at school, but they weren’t particularly close. Faustus didn’t mourn his death; they had been più allies than friends, probably due to the fact Dylan may have thought to make an enemy of Faustus would be stupid.

The Duke also found interest in Faustus (when he was 17); his first thoughts had been he could use the young hedgehog as a WMD. Faustus refused this offer, stating that he will fight only for what he believes in. When the Duke heard this, he was enraged, thinking that Faustus would turn traitor against his country. Instead, the Duke forced Faustus’ co-operation into testing for Solaris, ultimately altering him into a completely different person.

It is unknown just how much Lucifer remembers from his time as Faustus.

Favorites and Hobbies

Color; Red (the same as his aura)
Subject; Science.
TV Show; Anything gory.
Movie; “”
Music; He has people screaming in pain on his iPod, if that counts. Other than that, techno, rap, and hip-hop.

Lucifer finds a hobby as a DJ, under the name of ‘Luck’. He performs at Kryal castello (Ultraworld) and is extremely popolare with the people who visit. He has also been a DJ for the link. He, himself is a shuffler, but does not perform professionally as he does with his DJ career choice.

His shuffling is very good, near the professional level. He throws this talent around, he shuffles often. Lucifer will shuffle dato half a chance; just stick on some fast paced Techno music, like Skitz Mix, shown link, link and link.

Despite this very ‘techno’ approach to music, he does mostra an interest in più traditional dances and songs. He knows many dances, including the Tango and the Waltz, but he rarely tells anyone about this.

Lucifer also enjoys reading, but only ever does so in certain places; one of which is up a tree, another on a cliff overlooking the city.

Perhaps because of his constant reading, he is also a great writer, but has only ever written one storey; a narrative that tells us of his origins and his feelings towards the Solaris project, an Autobiography on himself.

He also enjoys beat boxing.

Other Trivia

Both Faustus and Lucifer’s names are deprived from the Legend of Faust.

Lucifer can often be seen staring off into space, completely oblivious to everything around him.

Despite being a genetic mess, Lucifer proves to be più powerful than Mephiles, due to the fact that while Mephiles is only half a being, Lucifer was never split.

Lucifer has passed out when he saw someone in pain.

When he was Faustus, he was extremely giving. As Lucifer, he appears to be quite greedy, but, under the right conditions, he would do anything for someone.

Unlike most mobians, Lucifer cannot spin dash.

Lucifer is faster than Mephiles.

Despite his rather incredible powers, he sees them as più trouble than they are worth, though he does like having them handy sometimes.

When angered (which is often) Lucifer will strike out at the fonte of annoyance violently and suddenly.

Lucifer never bluffs; if he makes a threat, he has full intentions of carrying it out.

His preferito shade of red is the same shade as blood, yet he cannot stand the sight of blood.

Even as Faustus, Lucifer’s eyes have always had slit pupils.

Lucifer’s preferito musical artists are Nick Skitz and Blutonium Boy.
posted by CrescentVampire
As the life faded from her, I knew I was responsible for her death. Her smeraldo eyes stared into mine, in shock, betrayal.

She was a pale yellow hedgehog, quills da the side of her perfect face. She wore a white dress, a wedding dress.

I, myself, wore a black suit. She was to be my wife, untill it had all gone terribly wrong.

I should never have disobeyed Master, I should never have rebeled against my creator, Lopec.

My wife-to-be, Brissa, had walked down the isle; my angel, coming to light my darkness. The isle now splattered in her blood.

Then he had come, Lopec.

"Crescent..." he had hissed. "You...
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added by MephilesTheDark
Source: ?
added by Thirddevision
Source: Me
added by Thirddevision
added by Thirddevision
added by BeccaDaHedgehog
added by SilverHedgeh0g
added by EvaHedgehog
Source: EvaHedgehog
added by Thirddevision
added by Thirddevision
added by Flana_2
posted by MephilesTheDark

I nervously glanced around as we readied our instruments. Manic sat at his drum kit, eyes closed, drumsticks at the ready. Rebecca was grinning, her fiddle set under her chin. David and Annie sat on stools, David holding a chitarra and Annie a Mondolin. Crescent stood upfront, his voice his instrument.


I pressed my Tin Whistle to my lips, holding it gently in my crystal claws as to not snap it. The audience stared up at us, impatient for us to begin.


Manic hit his snare drum once... then again... then once more... untill David joined in with his acoustic guitar, and Annie with the Mandolin....
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added by BeccaDaHedgehog
added by LuciferTheDark
Source: Me.
posted by MephilesTheDark
Confusion. Pain. Suffering. Tension. Fear. Anxiety. Anger. Worry.

They were familiar emotions to me, never absent. Always, they stalked in the back of my mind, leaving trails of horrendous feelings.

Why were they always there? Why did they walk in my mind, suffocating me of happiness and pleasure? They never left, even when I was truly having a nice time, they would ruin the sunniest of my days.

Was it Dark? Was he back? And if so, how? How did he manage to make a return to this plane of existence? Back into my head where it all began?

I held my face in my claws. I am Mephiles. I was created to...
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posted by shade-hedgehog
this was my real nitemare friday nite me and shadow were outside just looking into each others eyes.that was a good moment between us."Shade,theres something i need to ask ,will you- mehplies out of nowhere just was in between us."Do we really have to do this again" i said."Slience!" mehplies said."youre coming with me!" "o no shes not,choas- but shadow was to slow mehplies grabbed me -strong."Meplies i see youre a lot stronger but that cant save you. i tried to kick mehplies were the sun dont sine -but then he grabed my neck and stragged me."dont touch her"shadow said.shadow tried to puch him to but didnt work-he puched shadow and had him k.o."SH-SH-" thats all i could say before there was this blackness appread.2 HOURS LATER ....I THINK. i could hear voices like "do te have her,and lets do this"
posted by MephilesTheDark
--Rebecca's home, Eastern Suburbia, Victoria, Australia.

--Shadow form.

I looked curiously down on the human male as he worked in the garage.

It was set out più like a lounge than a garage; a T.V, a couch, and a Computer.

I was sitting on the translucent roof, wondering what it was this peson was doing.

He was on a small, red, rectanglular board with wheels, slid under his white Ford, a Ute, holding some kind of metal impliment in his right hand.

Rebecca had told me of this man; his name was Nick, and he amounted to her adoptive brother. She had detto he was a real laugh to be with, and very nice....
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added by MephilesTheDark
Source: me n my bro
added by Thirddevision