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posted by CassandraT
 Cassandra with Priam, Helen, Andromache and Astyanax watching a battle at Troy's gates
Cassandra with Priam, Helen, Andromache and Astyanax watching a battle at Troy's gates
Cassandra is the Princess of Troy. Her parents are Priam, king of Troy, and Hecuba, Queen of Troy. Her father had married a woman before her mother called Arisbe who had dato birth to a son called Aesacus who died before the Trojan War. Priam had divorced her in order to marry Hecuba. Cassandra's siblings are: Hector, Paris, Troilus, Helenus, Illione, Deiphobus, Polites, Creusa, Laodice, Polyxena and Polydorus. She had many in-laws such as: Aeneas (husband to Creusa), Andromache (wife to Hector) and Helen (wife to Paris).

Cassandra had an incredible gift (like her sister Helenus), she was able...
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posted by HectorOfTroy
Hector, oldest child of Priam and Hecuba, presumed heir to the trono of Troy, devoted husband of Andromache, and father of Astyanax.

He was the greatest Trojan hero of the Trojan War, the main defender of Troy, and a preferito of Apollo. With Apollo's help Hector killed Patroclus, the cousin of Achilles, the greatest of the Greeks, but staying on the sidelines due to a conflict with Agamemnon. When Hector killed his cousin, Achilles became enraged and so agreed to unisciti the other Greeks in fighting against the Trojans.

Hector is tall and fit, with curly brown hair and brown eyes.
 Andromache and Hector
Andromache and Hector
 Hector and Paris
Hector and Paris
posted by HelenOfSparta
Helen is detto to have been a daughter of the king of the gods, Zeus. Her mother was generally considered to have been Leda, the mortal wife of the king of Sparta, Tyndareus.

When Helen became the in the age for marriage, many men came to ask for her hand. She ended up marrying Menalous king of Sparta.

Under a visit from the Princes of Troy, The youngest of the princes, Paris, fall's in Amore with Helen and the two of them quickly grew to Amore one another deeply. The lover's do not wish to be parted, so Paris decides to take Helen with home to Troy.
When Menelaus heard about it, he collected all of Helen's lovers, and sailed the ships to Troy. They made a deal with Agamemnon, that they are going to fight together, and if they win, Menelaus is going to get Helen, and Agamemnon,Troy.

Helen is know to be "the most beautiful woman on earth" Her hair reaches down her back, and her eyes are deep blue as the sea.
She was called

"The face that launched a thousand ships"
 The most beautiful woman on earth
The most beautiful woman on earth
 Helen and Paris
Helen and Paris
 Helen and Paris
Helen and Paris
 Paris shows Helen to his brother
Paris shows Helen to his brother
 Helen arrives in Troy
Helen arrives in Troy
 Helen in Troy
Helen in Troy
 Helen and Paris
Helen and Paris
posted by Andromache
Name: Andromache
Age: 23
Greek o Trojan: Trojan
Occupation: Crown Princess of Troy, wife of Hector
Sex: Female
Parents: Eetion, king of Thebe and Triantafilla
Spouse: Hector
Children: Astyanax
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: dark brown
Personality: steadfast and a calming influence, Andromache tends to focus on other people's need, hiding her own.
She adores the family she has married into, considering them her own flesh and blood and has adopted the people of
Troy just as wholeheartedly as they have adopted her. But the true center of her world revolves around her husband
and their child and she finds everything she needs, and far più than she ever dreamed, with them. They are the
constant blessing she never takes for granted.
-Is the son of King Priam's secondo marriage to Queen Hecuba
-We'll never know if Helen actually fell in Amore with Paris o he abducted her against her will.
-When Hecuba was heavily pregnant with her son she went to hear his future from the oracle. She predicted that Paris will be the son to doom Troy. After the baby was born Paris' patents cast of Paris into the wild to die. A herdsman discovered him and brought him up as Alexander.
-Alexander fell in Amore with a healer of the forest called Oenone. Some say she was Alexander's true Amore before Helen's beauty Vita da strega him.
-The three goddesses...
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posted by AchillesSOP
Achilles is the son of Thetis, the sea nymph and Peleus, King of Myrmidons. He has no brothers o sisters and is a Prince. His mother was favoured da Zeus and blessed da all the Gods, It was rumoured she was a mortal godess.

When Achilles was born, the Gods allowed Thetis to soak her baby in the waters of the river Styx. This would make sure Achilles could not be killed. But she held him da his heel as she dipped him in the waters and she realised she hadn't covered his heel when it was too late.

Achilles grew up to be strong and mighty and maybe a bit too self confident in battle. He was the...
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posted by hedone19
Neaira is a young woman from Thebe.

She is tall and thin. Her hair is dark blonde and her eyes are bright.

She is a hetaera so, she is well-readed and can participate in the political life in the town. She left the brodel she grew up and she wants now to see world and make people see that her town can be a good ally.

When she was a child she was sold to a madame, who taught her how to be a good hetaera. She doesn't know anything about her family.

She only cares about the present, because she thinks that, in the future, she can die of thisis o marry a rich man when she can't work.