The Vampire Diaries Club
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posted by supernatural15
Chapter 1

Elena's POV

Matt's arm snakes around my neck, he's been doing that a lot lately getting overly protective. I've been with him for years now but since we came back to school he's been recitazione differently, probably because of the amount of attention other boys were giving me over the summer.

"Come to my house tonight, my parents won't be back until later on" there it was again, Matt had been constantly attempting to persuade me to come back to his house for 'alone time' for months now, I never would and I could tell he was getting fed up with my excuses.

"I can't, it's Bonnie's birthday, me and Meredith are taking her shopping then to the cinema" this time my excuse was a bit più reasonable than my usual ones, 'I cant, I have to study', 'I cant, I'm visiting relatives" o my favourite one 'I can't, I'm on my period' that one always made him squirm uncomfortably and change the subject. I'm not ready to take that step further with him, I'm not sure I even Amore him più than a friend yet.

"Can't te go some other day?" Matt detto stubbornly, as he glanced around their lunch tavolo to check if any boys were looking in my direction so he could glare at them.

"It's Bonnie's birthday today" I emphasised, so he might stop pestering me for a minute.

"Come over after the cinema then" he just can't take a hint can he?

"Aunt Judith wants me back after the film"

"Fine, maybe tomorrow then" he sounded hopeful…

"I Amore it!" Bonnie exclaimed she'd been trying on dresses for an ora now and finally found the right one, a purple knee length dress. Meredith smiled at her; it had only taken her five minuti to find a dress, a light blue summer dress "Its beautiful is that the one te want?"

"Yep, it fits perfectly", Bonnie detto looking in the mirror tugging her dress up, so she didn't reveal too much.

Elena came out of the fitting room in a strapless black dress that ended above the knee, the black drew attention to her golden hair and made her eyes shine brighter.

Bonnie had forced them both to get a dress, they tried telling her that they're just going to the cinema but Bonnie had said, "It's my birthday, te have to dress up, it's a special occasion" so they surrendered.

"There is no way I'm going to be able to walk in these" Elena detto indicating the six inch black heels she had on.

"Then your going to have to crawl, because te promised you'd wear them" Bonnie pouted before bursting into fits of laughter as Elena attempted to walk, holding the bacheca for support.

After they paid for the dresses they stumbled their way across the strada, via to the cinema,

"What are we going to see?" Elena asked as Meredith, always prepared, pulled three tickets out of her bag, giving them one each.

"A romance, I should have guessed" Elena sighed.

"Your going to Amore it, I seen the trailer it looks so romantic" Bonnie drawled out her words.

Elena dragged herself inside, feeling overdressed as people around them were wearing jeans and t-shirts. A few boys wolf-whistled at them, and Elena thanked God that Matt wasn't here because he would just be dramatically protective.

They went inside, the cinema room was empty, everyone else had been smart enough to avoid this film, Elena thought.

Elena fell into her seat, her feet already throbbing, "Popcorn! We forgot popcorn" Bonnie's face drawn in terror like she forgot something life threateningly serious.

"Fine, I'll come with you" Meredith sighed pulling herself up with help from the sede, sedile in front of her.

"I'll stay here, I'm not that hungry and I'm pretty sure I can't get back up."

"Ok," Bonnie called behind here shoulder as she pulled Meredith along....

Damon was, as he always was, thirsty. It was a Friday night and he needed to find someone delicious, he walked around the small town of Fells Church, he seen a few potential girls but none that made his teeth sharpen with temptation.

He went into the cinema, not bothering to pay for a ticket, he walked into a romance film, and if he was going to find someone to drink from he needed to find somewhere where he could go unnoticed. He sat at the back; the cinema was empty apart from one person he spotted near the front, the cinema was dark, as the film had started but he could see clearly with his vampire senses.

It was his lucky day, a girl with golden blonde there sat there alone he could smell her blood, it smelled unbelievably tempting, he could only see the back of her head, but it caused him to have a brief flashback of a girl he once knew…

"I Amore you" the man in the film detto to the woman, causing Damon to laugh, he couldn't help himself; human emotion was extremely amusing to him.

The girl with the golden blonde hair turned around in her chair, a bit shocked as she thought that she was alone, unable to him because he was wearing all black clothes.

When he saw her face his laughter broke off, and the brief flashback that he had before was magnified. His breathing haltered, as he took in those flawless features, he knew it wasn't Katherine, she was dead, he knew that only too well. The first thought that flashed through his calculating mind was; she will be mine.

He stood unable to stay so far away from her, as he came closer, she finally saw him, her eyes widened slightly, she knew most of the people that lived in Fells Church, but she never met him before; he looked unreal, like a fantasy.

"Mind if I sit here?" he detto his eyes gleaming even in the darkness, he read her thoughts to find out what she would say before she detto it, her Friends were with her he found out in a millisecond, disappointed.

Elena didn't know what to say, but she felt this urge that was telling her to say yes, and decided not to fight it, because he looked harmless. "Go for it"

Damon sat down a smirk tugging at his lips, "Are te hear alone?"

"No, my Friends are here" Elena was feeling surprised at herself now, she allowed a complete stranger to sit beside her when she already had a boyfriend, and now that he was closer to her, he didn't seem as harmless.

"You should ditch them and come back to my place" Damon detto his voice low as he whispered in her ear, Elena listened to the beautiful flow of his words, that made her eyes feel heavier, then when she realised what he detto she pulled herself back together, turning her body so she was further away from him.

"No, thanks" Damon's body drew back, shocked that she refused him, Damon Salvatore.

"Why?" Damon was slightly outraged; he never had someone reject him when he compelled them, but at the same time was intrigued da her will power.

"I have a boyfriend, and even if I didn't I'm not like that" Elena waited impatiently for Bonnie and Meredith to return, the stranger definitely didn't seem so harmless anymore.

Damon could sense the girl's Friends were coming back, "I understand" Damon controlled his expression, "Next time though, maybe you'll think differently" Before Elena could register his words he was standing up and heading for the exit.

"You look beautiful da the way" his words flowed back to her as he winked and vanished through the door, Elena knew she should have felt scared, but all she could feel was anticipation, she had a feeling she would see him again, soon….
The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries
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The Vampire Diaries
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The Vampire Diaries
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The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries
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The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries