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Chris: In the wild, te are the hunter o te are the prey. The predators must hunt to survive while prey must avoid capture to live another day. Eleven teams of two are about to compete in a primal game of capture. Each team will consist of one of our preferito Total Drama characters from later seasons, and a totally new character. This intense competition is truly survival of the fittest. In the end, one team will win and walk away with $250,000. This is Total Drama Capture. Previously on Total Drama Capture, The Grey Team got to be the first team to be the hunt team, and because I forgot a little bit of information, the Grey team thought they caught the arancia, arancio Team, but didn't. About an ora later, they caught the alzavola, teal team, causing Bridgette is twist her arm. In the village, the prey teams learned the hard way how the village life could be, while the hunt team and the Black team learned the luxury life of the hunter's din. The successivo day, I introduced a new element into the game, the advantage point, the the Turquoise team got it first, sabotaging the oro team, costing them the capture, plus a few vespa stings. In the end, it was the alzavola, teal team to get sent home.
Bridgette (from last episode): Until the very end, every single one of te will be up here on this stage and as te can see from tonight, there is no loyalty out there among te guys. So I suggest, te don't trust anyone.
Chris: Is Bridgette right? Can no one be trusted? Find out in this episode of Total... Drama... Capture!

*Opening Sequence*

*The Village*
*Mariam and Dawn get out of the bed*
Mariam: Ohhh... That sucked.
Dawn: I slept well.

*Mariam's confessional*
Mariam: I tried to get the Black team to sleep with us, like what the arancia, arancio and lime, calce team are doing, but for some reason Dawn wouldn't let them. She detto something about meditating will keep me warm. I tried that... It only made me colder.

*The Village*
Jordan: So what's for breakfast today?
Brick: Oatmeal and Almonds! Awesome!
Dakota: Awesome? *Dakota takes a bite and spits it out* Ew! This taste like warms!
Izzy: That's because it is warms. That's my meal.
Dakota: Why do te get an extra meal?
Izzy: Because te can either have the Cibo Chris provides you, o any type of Cibo te find out in the wild.
Dakota: I'm going to find something.
Jordan, Rochelle, and Zoey: Me too.
*Dakota, Jordan, Rochelle, and Zoey go into the woods*
Brick: Come on everyone eat up, this is good Cibo to keep te guys training.

*Brick's confessional*
Brick: I'm trying to get everyone to like the Cibo their eating. Oatmeal and Almonds are actually really good for you, and taste good too.

*Yasmin's Confessional*
Yasmin: The amount of Cibo te get is based on your body weight and they give te the least amount possible to keep te alive. So the boys get bigger portions than us. It's not fair... I want more.

*With arancia, arancio and Pink*
Dakota: Yay! Berries!!!
*Dakota picks up the berries and almost puts them into her mouth.*
Rochelle: Dakota don't! Those berries are poisonous!!!
*Dakota throws them and screams*
Dakota: Aw! Poison!
Zoey: Guys, I don't think there is any real Cibo out here-
Jordan: Unless te count Izzy's warms as real food.
Zoey: Let's just get back to camp and eat what we can get.
Rochelle: Yeah, come on guys.
Chris: *Loud speakers* All Teams segnala to the starting point to begin today's hunt.
Rochelle: Crap!
Jordan: Let's go!
*Rochelle, Jordan, Zoey, and Dakota start running*

*Starting Point*
*Zoey, Rochelle, Jordan, and Dakota are eating their Cibo fast. Darren is look at Zoey and Rochelle eating*
Zoey: What? Never seen a girl eat before?
Chris: Before we see who the hunt team is, and before we start the hunt, let me go over a couple things first. Just like yesterday's hunt, there will be a advantage point. Today's advantage is another sabotage. The team that gets there first, will choose to sabotage another team. The sabotaged team will have to wear these- *Picks up 2 black belts* 2 20 lbs belts to wear around their waist for tomorrow's hunt.

*Lime Team's confessional*
Darren: I don't want to get sabotaged because if I'm sabotaged, I will have to wear those belts for tomorrow's hunt, and trust me, the terrain is hard enough. Wear those belts, will make it 20 times harder.

*Starting Point*
Chris: Also, I know te all are hungry... some Hungrier than others.
Rochelle, Zoey, Jordan, and Dakota *with Cibo in mouth*: Huh?
Chris: So I am introducing another element into the game. Shortly after I reveal the location of the advantage point, I will open the supply station. There the first 5 teams will find some boxes with some much need supplies. Ranging from Cibo to survival equipment. Also, for as long as it is there, there will be some much needed Cibo as well. Today's food: Sub Sandwiches.

*Gold Team's confessional*
Annie: We want to get to that supply station because we want to Cibo and maybe there will be some ointment for our vespa stings.

*Starting Point*
Chris: The hunt team will know the location of the supply station, but are not aloud inside the 100 Cibo perimeter. Now for the fun part... the hunt team. As before, the hunt team will be selected at random. Let's see who it is.
*A talon comes up out of the middle of the tavolo successivo to Chris, and the color is Black*
Chris: The hunt team's color is Black.
EC and Duncan: Yes!
*EC and Duncan come up to the stage*
*Chris hands EC a talon and Duncan grabs his from the table*

*Orange Team's Confessional*
Zoey: The Grey team and the Black team have an alliance going. On the first day, the Grey team let the Black team in the hunter's din.
Rochelle: Which is basically heaven.
Zoey: Yeah. And tonight, The Black Team will invite the Grey team into the hunter's din. So for 2 days, both of those teams get to sleep in there while no other team gets to.
Rochelle: I honestly don't think it's fair.

*Starting Point*
Chris: As before, prey teams, te will be a short head start. te may now face the hunting grounds.
*All prey teams face the hunting grounds*
Chris: The count down begins... now! 5... 4... 3... 2... 1! GO!
*All prey teams start running*

*Grey's confessional*
Mariam: We're not worried about today's hunt because I know that EC won't capture us... but at the same time... he would do anything to win this game.

*Starting Point*
Chris: Black Team, do te have your talons?
EC and Duncan: Yup.
Chris: I know te probably already know this, but let me go over it again. If te capture two teams, you're safe. If te only capture one team, te will be in danger of elimination. If te fail to capture any teams, te are automatically eliminated. Understand?
EC and Duncan: Yes sir.
Chris: Very well. *talking into a microphone* Attention all prey teams, the hunt team will be released in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1! *To EC and Duncan* Go get 'em.
*EC and Duncan start running*

*With Team Turquoise*
Yasmin: So what's our strategy for today?
Brick: Hmmm...

*Brick's confessional*
Brick: I had mixed feelings for what we were going to do for this hunt. I wanted to go up collina to get away from the hunt team and train Yasmin. But at the same time I wanted that supply station so we can get some rations that will help us in this game.

*With Team Turquoise*
Brick: I think we should go towards the mountain and wait until the advantage point is reveled. If the advantage point is up in the mountains again, then we will go to the advantage point, but if it's not, we'll go to the supply station, get the stuff we need, get out and head to the mountains.
Yasmin: *sigh* Fine.

*With The Blue team*
*Lighting pulls himself up on a rock and then helps Trace up*

*Blue Team Confessional*
Trace: As a kid, I was on the swim team. Currently I am on the attraversare, croce country and gymnastics team. With my abilities, I can really do excellent in this game. My only weakness is the fact that I'm not strong. I don't really have an mussels, but that's when having Lighting as your teammate really helps.
Lighting: Sha Yeah It does! I have mussels like sha crazy! Watch out ya! When te get Lightin' it comes with a side of sha-thunders.

*With arancia, arancio Team*
*Zoey starts to hiccup*
Rochelle: Keep it down, we're going to get caught.
Zoey: I can't help it. When I eat too fast I start to- *hiccups*. Yeah that.
Rochelle: Well your hiccuping is going to get us caught.

*Orange Team's Confessional*
Rochelle: We almost got captured two days ago. If it was for Chris forgetting to say the rule... we probably wouldn't be here right now. So I'm trying to take this opportunity to stay in this game and win it.

*With arancia, arancio Team*
Chris: *On Computer monitor* Attention all teams. The advantage point as been revealed on your tracking devices. The Hunt Team will not know the location of the advantage point.
Zoey: Where is it?
Rochelle: It's right over there! I mean, it's just a little less than half a mile!

*Orange Team's Confessional*
Rochelle: When we saw that the advantage point was right successivo to us... we were pretty happy. We wanted to use this advantage point to sabotage the Grey team. Because like I've detto before, it's not fair that they get to sleep in the hunter's din 2 different hunts in a row.

*With The Turquoise Team*
Yasmin: So where are we going?
Brick: It's not in the mountains. In fact, it's on the other side of the map from us. Let's just start heading towards the supply station.
Yasmin: Thank God!

*With Grey Team successivo to supply station*
Mariam: How long until it opens?
Dawn: It should be anytime now.
Chris: *On Computer monitor* Attention all teams, the supply station is now open for one hour.
Mariam: Let's go!

*With the arancia, arancio team at advantage point*
Rochelle: We made it!
*Zoey activates the advantage point*
Chris: *On arancia, arancio Team's Video Monitor* Congratulations. te are made it to the advantage point. Choose a team to sabotage.
*A lista of all teams, except for the Black team, come on the monitor*

*Orange Team's confessional*
Rochelle: We see a lista of every team except for the hunt team. Including us, and that's pretty stupid because why would we sabotage ourselves?
Zoey: And out of all those teams, only one stood out to us.
Zoey and Rochelle: The Grey Team.

*With arancia, arancio Team*
Rochelle: Click the Grey Team.
*Zoey clicks the Grey Team*
Chris: *On arancia, arancio Team's video monitor* te have sabotaged the Grey Team. Their belts will be waiting for them back at the Village when today's hunt is over.
Rochelle: Yes!

*Supply Station*
*The Turquoise and the Red team run in at the same time*
Brick: Okay, Yasmin te go get the sandwiches and I'll claim a box.
Yasmin: Okay.
Brick: Oh good giorno Red team.
Scott: Let's grab some Cibo and a box and let's go, Elodie.
Yasmin: Aaa... Brick... there isn't any sandwiches left.
Brick: What?
Scott: The other must have eaten them all.
Elodie: *BEEEEP*
Scott: What's wrong?
Elodie: Look. The sandwiches!!! Someone threw them into the water!
Scott, Brick, and Yasmin: What?!
Scott: Do te think Chris did this?
Elodie: No, no. Chris likes to mess with us... but he wouldn't go this far.
Yasmin: Well who did it then?
Brick: It has to be someone who already as been here.
Scott: *sarcasm* No... Really?

*Red Team's confessional*
Elodie: There were three bins marked. Grey marked a bin, viola marked a bin, and oro marked a bin.

*Supply station*
Yasmin: Who do te think did it?
Brick: I don't think viola o oro would do this.
Scott: Then it must be Grey.
Elodie: Grey must have thrown the sandwiches into the water to make us all weak so the Black team can catch us easier.
Scott: That's cold.

*With Blue Team*
Lighting: Let's take a little rest.
Trace: Fine.

*Blue Team Confessional*
Trace: We have been walking around here for what seemed like forever and the end of today's hunt seemed like it was coming to an end.

*With Yellow Team*
Minka: I'm telling te we should have gone for the supply station.
Mike: No.

*Yellow Team's confessional*
Mike: Minka wanted to go for the supply station. Trust me, I wanted to too. But I know that the hunt team will be around there and I they will capture us because we are not that strong of a team physically.

*With Blue Team - Stop time 2:50*
Trace: I think we should start going.
Lighting: sha nah. We got plenty of time.
Trace: It's almost been 3 minutes. I'm surprised it hasn't been.
Lighting: We got at least one più minuto left.
Trace: yeah.. I don't think-
*Stop time 3:00*
Chris: *On Blue Team's Video monitor* te are now visible to the hunt team.
Trace: at least one più minuto my butt. Come on Lighting! Let's go!

*Blue Team's confessional*
Trace: We were trying to run as far away and as fast as possible. If we keep running and keep running fast, we might make them give up o maybe the hunt giorno will end before they capture us.

*With Black Team*
Chris: *On black team's video monitor* The Blue team is now visible. te can now see them on your tracking device.
EC: Let's get 'em!
*EC and Duncan start running*

*With Blue Team*
Trace: I knew we shouldn't have stopped. We should have kept running! But no... te had to stop and rest. te can't get it threw te thick head that we are in a game and that we can't stop o we will lose.

*Lighting's confessional*
Lighting: No one sha-yells at sha Lighting!

*With Blue Team*
Lighting: That's sha-it!
*Lighting jumps forwards to tackle Trace but Trace moves over and Lighting hits his head on a tree*
Lighting: Sha- Ow!
*With Black Team*
EC: I hear something.
Duncan: The blue team is right there.
*With Blue Team*
Trace: Get up Lighting.
Lighting: What happened?
Trace: Well you-
*EC and Duncan activate their talons*
Trace: RUN!
*Trace starts running, then EC and Duncan start running, then Lighting finally starts running.*
Trace: Turn the corner! Turn the corner!
*Trace turns the corner followed da Lighting, but then Lighting loses his balance and falls. He tries to get up but then EC puts a talon on his back*
EC: Yes!
Trace: aw man!
Lighting: SHA NOOOOOOOO!!!!

*With Grey Team*
Chris: *On all team's video monitor* Attention all teams. The Hunt team has captured prey.
Mariam: They did it!
Chris: Please return back to the Village to prepare for tomorrow's hunt.

*The Village*
*EC and Duncan put Lighting and Trace in jail*
Duncan: Have a nice time in jail.
Trace: Thank you...
*Elodie and Scott enter the village*
Elodie: Is it Grey team?
Scott: No... Blue.

*Elodie's confessional*
Elodie: I was hoping that the Black team would turn on the Grey team and capture them... but no...

*The Village*
*Lime team enters*
Trent: Blue team? Oh guys, what happened?
Trace: Well dizzy head of here fell and got captured.
Darren: That sucks.
Trace: I know.
*Turquoise, Violet, Orange, Yellow, and rosa enter the village*
Elodie: Did te guys get to the supply station.
*Brick and Yasmin raise their hands*
Scott: Well we know te were there.
Minka: Why? What happened?
Elodie: Someone threw the sandwiches into the water!
Jordan: Really?!
Elodie: Yep. And the only bins marked were da Grey, Violet, and Gold.
Izzy: It must be Grey.
Elodie: Yep.
*Grey Team enter the Village*
Amethyst: Oh there they are.
Yasmin: I can't bare to look at them.
Rochelle: te might want to.
Dakota: why?
Rochelle: Just watch.
*Dawn and Mariam walk up da their letto to see 2 20 lb belts.*
Mariam: Oh this is not fair!

*Grey Team's Confessional*
Mariam: We're going to have to wear those all giorno tomorrow. It's going to suck.

*The Village*
Mariam: Okay, who sabotaged us?
Zoey: That's what we should be asking you.
Dawn: Huh?
Elodie: Someone sabotaged the supply station and threw the sandwiches into the water!
Dawn: And te think it was us?
Brick: It has to be. Because the only bins that were marked were Violet, Gold, and te guys. te are the only ones who would do it.
Mariam: We didn't throw any sandwiches into the water!
Annie: So what? They just magically got in there?
Darren: Wait, what if someone else did it that didn't mark a bin.
Scott: Are te taking their side?
Darren: Not exactly. But what if someone just walking into the supply station, threw the sub sandwiches, and left without marking a bin.
Elodie: Because they didn't.
Darren: te don't that.
Chris: *intercom* Attention all teams. If te marked a bin in the supply station, your bins are now da your beds.
Annie and Geoff: Finally!

*Gold's confessional*
Annie: We were lucky enough to find vespa sting ointment in the supply station.
Geoff: And we were needing that bad.
Annie: The pain is just unbearable.

*The Village*
*Elodie and Scott go to their bin and takes out a heater*
Dawn: There was a heater in a bin?
Scott: Yup.

*Red's confessional*
Elodie: When we saw that there was an open bin with a heater in it. We were so surprised no one claimed that bin. Because successivo to hunger, the cold tempters are the worst part about this competition.

*The Village*
*Brick opens the bin and sees it filled with water bottles*
Brick: This should last us the rest of the competition. Drink up.
*Yasmin and Brick grab a bottle and start drinking.
*Amethyst opens her bin and takes out a fishing hook*
Dakota: te got a fishing hook? Why?
Izzy: To catch fish.
Dakota: Ohh... I didn't think of that.
*Mariam opens her bin and sees some frutta inside*
Mariam: Are te sure we should have gotten this?
Dawn: Yes.
Mariam: There isn't much in here.
Dawn: It will still help us a lot.
Mariam: True.
EC and Duncan: ciao Grey team! Come on up!
Mariam and Dawn: YES!
*Mariam and Dawn run over to the hunter's din*
Elodie: *sarcasm* Oh who would have guessed.
Rochelle: *sarcasm* Big shocker.
Mariam: Oh shut up.

*Hunter's din*
Mariam: Whoever put that sabotage on us made a big mistake.
EC: I know. It's not like we're going to catch te guys.
Mariam: I know. What idiots.
Dawn: Let's get some sleep guys.
Duncan: yeah. Goodnight.

*The Village- MORNING*
Chris: *On intercom* Attention all teams. The hunt will resume where te are standing, in 30 minutes. Get ready. And Grey Team, don't forget to wear your belts.
Mariam and Dawn: We know.

*Grey's confessional*
Mariam: Our plan is to just find a comfortable spot somewhere in the forest to sit. Even if we sit there for over 3 minutes, which we will, and we get on the Grey team's tracking device, they're not going to capture us. We're safe.

*Pink's confessional*
Jordan: The vibe in the village this morning was weird. No one could trust anyone. The Grey team seemed pretty convincing that it wasn't them who did it. But who else could have?

*The Village*
Chris: *On intercom* Attention all teams. The hunt will resume in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1! GO!
*All prey teams run into the forest*
EC: Go Grey!

*With Turquoise team*
Brick: Okay, we're going into the mountains today.
Yasmin: Agh... fine.

*With Team Violet*
*Izzy gets in the tree*
Amethyst: Izzy! Help me up!

*Violet's confessional*
Izzy: Our plan again, is to stay up in the trees.
Amethyst: No team would think to look up in the trees.

*The Village*
EC: We are we starting?
Chris: *Intercom* Attention all Prey teams-
Duncan: I'm guessing any secondo now.
Chris: *Intercom* The hunt team will be released in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!
*Duncan and EC run into the forest*

*With Grey Team*
Dawn: I think this is a good place to sit.

*Grey Team's confessional*
Mariam: We were walking in these belts for what felt like an 30 minuti and it was painful. I was so happy when Dawn finally found a "good" place to sit.

*With Grey Team - STOP TIME 2:54*
Mariam: Is 3 minuti up yet?
Dawn: Not yet... Now it is.
Chris: *On Grey team's tracking device* te are now visible to the hunt team.
Mariam: Wow, you're good.

*With Black Team*
Chris: *On Black team's tracking device* The Grey team is now visible. te can now see them on your tracking device.
Duncan: We're not going to get them, right?
EC: Only if we haven't caught anyone and the hunt is almost over.
Duncan: But that's not going to happen.
EC: No way in hell.

*With oro Team*
Annie: I feel so much better.

*Gold's confessional*
Geoff: After putting on that vespa ointment, most of the pain is gone.
Annie: I'm so grateful.

*With The viola Team*
Amethyst: I don't think we should have done this.
Izzy: We're not going to get caught. We're sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza right now.
Amethyst: Yeah but-
EC: *From down below* Duncan, do te hear that?
Izzy: *whispers* Don't move.
Duncan: *From down below* Yeah, I think there's a team nearby.
*Izzy moves a little and an acorn falls down between Duncan and EC*
EC: Huh?
*Duncan and EC look up*
Duncan: Is there anyone up there?
EC: Yeah... It's the viola team! Let's get them!
Izzy: RUN!
Amethyst: So much for not getting caught!
*Izzy and Amethyst run in the trees*
*Duncan tries to climb up but can't*
Duncan: I can't do it!
EC: I got a plan. Just keep following them
*EC and Duncan start running*
Izzy: Keep running!
Amethyst: I am-
*Amethyst falls between some branches and tries to hold on*
Amethyst: AHHH!! Izzy help!
*Izzy grabs her arm just as EC grabs Amethyst's feet. They both start pulling*
Amethyst: Okay, you're stretching me! This hurts!
*Duncan activates his talon and while EC is grabs Amethyst's feet, Duncan puts the talon on Amethyst. Izzy then lets go of Amethyst and she falls down on superiore, in alto of EC*
EC and Amethyst: Ow.
Chris: *On all team's tracking device* Attention all prey teams. The hunt team has captured prey. Please return to the village to get ready for tonight's elimination ceremony.

Okay, all teams, but the two Captured teams (Blue Team and the viola Team) must vote one of the vote captured team (Blue o Violet) to leave. Please posta in arrivo me o commento below the team te want to see go home and your reason for voting them.

Also, If I got your OC wrong, please tell me and tell me how I can improve your character.
added by zanhar1
added by hot-mess13
Source: me and some place else
added by TDI100
Source: moi
posted by Courtneyfan785
Name:Destiney Joana Stephan
Nicknames:Flower Girl Stephen(Also Aliases)
Birth Date:Augest 7th(age 16)
Place of Birth:Massachusetts,Boston
Residence:Florida,Tallahasse(I think thats how te spell it XD)
Weight:101 lbs
Clothing Sizes/Styles:14/16 for kids(shes skinny)
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Lime Green
Jewelry:A fiore Barret she barley ever takes out
General Apperence:A Red tank Top,A Black gonna Almost to her knees,and White High-heels
Relationship with Family:She Has a very good relationship with her family.But they don't aporve of her being bisexual
Key Family/Relitives:A few...
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Source: original da tdigirl
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Source: me
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Source: Me
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Source: Me and TD producers...
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Source: Me
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Source: TDIlover226 (moi)
added by TDIlover226
Source: TDIlover226 (moi)
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added by AlexLeonard123
Source: me
added by hot-mess13
Source: me and CN
added by gothemo1234
Source: me
added by Courtneyfan785
added by taytrain97
Source: Google for the fuoco background
added by crazytdi21
Source: me
added by sugarsweet076
Source: me