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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! I have so much to do before London! I am having a little writer's block at the moment so, it might be a while until the nest chapter is written. Enjoy!

Chapter 20
Bella's POV

I couldn't believe it. Jasper's creator. And James was Friends with her. Maria smiled sweetly. She reminded me of Jane. "James tells me that te know my Jasper. Tell me Bella, how is he"? I tried to find my voice, but failed. "She's speechless"., James said. "No doubt Jasper told her about me. Shall I mostra te to your room"? "Of course. Come on, Bella". James took my hand and followed Maria up a long winding staircase....
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Hi! I got some bad news that I won't share with you. Some of te already know and I trust te people that know. I have two chapters to post so, enjoy.

Chapter 11
Savannah's POV

I had two più classes to go. And then my family would kill me. Unless Alec stepped in. Which he probably would. Thankfully, Alicia was in both of my classes. When I walked into biology, Alicia was in her seat. I sat down successivo to her. "So, how bad is it"?, I asked. She knew what I was talking about. "They're going to talk to Carlisle and you're grounded for a month". I grimaced. I was thinking about telling her what Alec...
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Ch 8 My Sick Days

A/N: I own no characters.
Plz R&R!
Sorry to keep te waiting so long. There's a bunch of excuses and I know te don't want to hear them!

Bella POV

Finally, I woke up. It was 3:00 AM. I wondered how I had slept so late.

I wrote Charlie a note. Explaining I was sick and would not go to school the successivo day, or, technically, today. I felt really crappy. And, my head hurt! At least I had something to distract me from my heart.

Anytime I even thought of them, the little edges around the hole would tear and burn. Sometimes, I even regretted ever finding out who they were. I mean,...
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posted by renesmeblack
Sorry for the huge gap in the middle, folks but I'm working out the kinks. Thx!


"JACOB BLACK!!!" Renesmee yelled. " What. The. HELL."
Uh,oh. Nessie has been this mad only once before. That was when I finally had to reveal the Amore between her mother and I in the awkward past. She gets all rosa in the face-seriously, she inherited pale skin from BOTH parents- and her voice has authority and VOLUME in it. I really start to fear, not her, but what she is able to do, and then I get ready to start begging for her to please STAY.
"All I detto was, you're half-vampire," I said.
"Yes, but I'm also...
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posted by doyouknow
Never in a million years would I have thought I would warm to Forks. The rain and the cold didn’t bother me anymore, but maybe that was because Jacob was always unseasonably warm.
It’s been two months since I first arrived here, and I was settling down quite well. I had made a couple of new Friends in school; Jessica, Mike, Eric, Tyler and Angela were becoming quite good Friends at this point. Although I got the impression that Mike and Eric wanted a little bit more. That didn’t bother me though, I already had a boyfriend. Ever since that first giorno Jacob and I had been inseparable. Charlie...
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posted by tmoss1223
 Twilight Child
Twilight Child
Twilight Child
Chapter One
Face to Face

“Oh yeah?! What makes te assume that moving to Forks, Washington is going to help me fit in? I can’t fit in! I’m not normal! I’m not some human! Why can’t te just let me be, and leave the subject of my social life alone?!” I screeched from the inside of my new bedroom, to the other side of the door where Renee was waiting for me to open it. Well, tough luck Renee!
I was so irate that I had been seeing red for the past three hours. Nothing Renee could say would calm me down now, and Charlie knew better than to get in my way when I was this beside...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
ok, this isn't as good as the first chapter because its a filler, but stick with me. The successivo chapter will be better i promise!

Chapter Two

    As the sun broke through my window, I sat up and gasped. Sun! There was actually sun shining in La Push, Washington! I jumped out of letto and rushed to my window, yanking my curtain out of the way. But as I looked out, it wasn’t the sun that was on my mind anymore. Glancing at Jacob’s house, the memories of the Lupi came back to haunt me once again. I had trouble getting to sleep last night. The più I thought about it, the...
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added by pameee

i_luv_edward_SWITZERLAND: Bella
i_luv_my_bella: Edward
i_c_ur_future: Alice
blood_12: Jasper (thanks 4 new u-name ideas, guys!)
blondie_123: Rosalie
Dr_vamp_man: Carlisle
mrs_c_cullen: Esme
nessie_is_beautiful: Jacob
imprinted_by_jakey: Renesmee (Nessie)

mrs_c_cullen is signing on
Dr_vamp_man is signing on

mrs_c_cullen: OMC! OMC! OMC! Honeybuns, that was amazing!

Dr_vamp_man: I know! I can't believe I never thought of Doing It on a hospital bed!

mrs_c_cullen_: Oh yes.

imprinted_by_jakey is signing on

imprinted_by_jakey: OH, EWW! Grandma, Grandpa!

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I woke up drenched in sweat. It was the middle of the night. I could see the moon out of my window.
I found it beautiful most days but today it terrified me. This dream I had was... Interesting, In a very-scary-oh-my-goodness-I'm-going-to-pee-my-pants sort of way. I was on a cliff, I don't know what I was doing. My head was on my knees and tears were streaming down my cheeks. I was actually crying. I had never once cried in my whole (now four) years of existence.

I vaguely remember a hand. A warm brown hand, wiping my tears away. A breeze had caught on the cliff and it whispered my imprint. A...
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added by pameee
added by pameee
added by pameee
added by pameee
Hi! As a treat, I have a Jacob and an Edward POV for you. Enjoy!

Chapter 17
Jacob's POV

I couldn't believe what that bloodsucker did. He Lost her. In the past, I couldn't stand him but, this was unforgivable. But, I still loved Bella. "Give it a rest, Jacob.", Leah thought. "You didn't imprint on her so, she's not your mate". "Shut up Leah. Sam didn't imprint on te so, te give it a rest". She howled. "I'll get te for that"., she thought. I ran back to the Cullen house and phased back. There was an entire outfit layed out for me on the doorstep. I changed and went inside. "Ew, who let the...
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posted by ISABELLA92
Sorry for the long wait I've been super busy and haven't had time to write. As always I'd like to thank my amazing editor(kfchater94).

Chapter 12:
Bella’ POV

“Come on Bella. We can both go get him.” Rosalie bribed. I knew it was killing her to have to give me up, but I also knew she couldn’t orso to see me cry any longer.
“Rosalie, I Amore you. Thank te and I hope we can do this again. I’ve had a blast and I want te to know so much about me.” I detto as Rosalie carried me to Edward’s room.
“Sure thing Bella we’ll do this again.” Rosalie detto smiling.
“You know what Rosalie...
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posted by teamalice_0
Alice kept talking about how she needs to go shopping for me. I didn't really pay attention to her I was getting tired.
"Alice, let her sleep she's tired." I was too tired to put the voice to anyone, but i have never heard that voice.
"Fine, later."
I turned my head slowly to see someone who looks like a doctor. Kinda, he looked più like a model.
But I geuss he gets that alot.
A RN was injecting something into my tube.
One da one they left. Each telling me to sleep
I didn't dream, I usualy never did. I was so happy we finaly found my father, to have a bigger surpirse of me having a half sister.
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi all te peoples! I loved your reviews! I don't exactly know how James came back but, I will put together a way to explain how he was alive:D Remember like always to review! I live on reviews and they have all been good so far! So, here's chappie 3!

Chapter 3

This couldn't be real. I was dreaming. My mind blank, I tried to say something. "You're dead. This can't be real"., I stammered. "You're dead".,I detto again. "Oh,it is real".,James detto with a smirk. "How are te alive"?, I asked in shock. James shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. But, I came for revenge. Sadly, Victoria didn't get...
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posted by Styfalie
Chapter 7: Irrational Fears (Bella)
I followed Edward through the woods. He never spoke a word, just ran like there was nothing else. Lucky for me I kept some of the speed I’d had as a newborn so keeping up with him wasn’t as hard as it could have been.

“Edward. Edward stop!” I called as he passed our preferito hunting spot. “Edward, please!”

The pleading in my voice did it, he halted, turning instantly and grabbing me around the waist before I could stop my own movement. He held me close, tight, breathing deeply. This was different, sad.

“Edward? Wha—”

His lips crushed against...
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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: Same as before. I only own the idea.

A/N: Thank all of te who have taken the time to read my story and those who want to see more. I am so happy that te enjoy it. If te could, please fill out a review. Even if it is just to say keep up the good work. Thanks!!!

Chapter 4

I woke up just as the sun was coming up. I rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair. Knowing that today was going to be the longest giorno of my life, I got up and stretched. da the looks of it, Alice was already up and dressed. And she had my clothes laid out on a chair for me. I got my toiletries together...
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