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I walked towards the rabbit, trying to ignore the stares of the Cullen’s on my back. It wasn’t easy. I could hear Ben start a conversation with them trying to attract their attention, but they answered his domande without so much as glancing at him.
“Where do I sit?” Ben asked opening the door for Alice. Jasper through him a dangerous glare and hopped in after her.
“In the front.” Emmet replied, his voice assertive, as he slipped in after Jasper. Ben opened the front door with a sigh.
This should be a fun ride…he thought wryly. I laughed, and then sighed. His was going to be as bad as mine. I frowned and chewed on my lip as I walked to the car.
Sam, Jared, Quil and Embry were already in the car as I approached. Jacob and Paul were leaning on the side of the car, their faces expressionless.
I sucked in a deep breath and smiled.
“Hi, guys.” I managed to keep my voice light, which I was very happy about.
Paul’s eyes narrowed infinitesimally. I tried to ignore that.
Jacob shoved off the car in a quick, subtle movement.
“Hey Bells!” his eyes were black, yet they seemed cautious. “Um, we have a problem.” He started; his voice was huskier than usual. “See, we all don’t fit into the car, so I took the bike today…” he nodded towards the motorcycle just beside his car. “And with one more…well it means, you’re gonna have to ride with me on the bike…if te want.” He added awkwardly, avoiding my eyes.
I smiled. I hadn’t been on a bike in months, and I wanted to try it again.
“I don’t mind riding with you, Jake.” I detto still smiling, when he looked up. He appraised me with pursed lips, before he smiled as well.
Sam leaned out of the window.
“Bella and Jacob, te two are gonna have to be in front, so te can mostra us where to go…” his voice was hard, yet still unsure.
I followed Jacob to the bike, and watched him kick it to life. He picked up the only casco and held it put for me. I raised my eyebrows, and then laughed. It was good he still thought of me as an actual human; soft and fragile. Then I shuddered at what he’d think when he found out what I actually was.
I hopped on behind him and wrapped my arms around his warm waist. It felt awkward, being this close to him after all the time he’s been gone, yet it still felt nice. Like I was whole again.
“Go straight on the highway, until we hit the I-10.” I instructed, raising my voice so he could hear it. Then I remembered.
Werewolf hearing. Right.
He started down the road and I was conscious of the rabbit idling not too far behind us. I was tossing things around in my head, trying to unscramble my Rapunzel - L'intreccio della torre thoughts when I realized there was più than one car behind me. I turned the superiore, in alto of my body and saw the Volvo driving right successivo to the Rabbit and not too far behind them was Thackery’s Caliber. On this three lane highway, was probably not the best place for a group of werewolves, Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. and witches to be racing. Thackery pushed his way in between the Rabbit and the Volvo, so he was in the middle, yet still in the lead.
Ben, Bella…get in. Nate’s voice was unexpected, yet firm.
te got it Nate. Ben thought. I saw him climb agilely from the sunroof of the Volvo and leap gracefully onto the Caliber’s roof.
I could hear the gasps of shock from both of the cars. Three new people breathing informed me that Rosalie, Carlisle and Esme had joined the group. now! It was Thackery’s voice that ordered me now.
I leaned inoltrare, avanti until my face was resting on Jacob’s cheek.
“As soon as I’m off the bike, sposta to the left, and be fast!” I whispered excitedly. He threw a panicked glance in my direction.
“What are te doing?” he demanded anxiously, looking at me as if I’d gone insane.
“Just do it…” I muttered as it turned my whole body around so that I was going backwards on the road. I rose to my feet, gripping Jacob’s shoulders for support.
“Bella what are te doing?!” più than one person shouted at me. It was a mix of Edward, Jacob, Alice, Esme and Sam. I chuckled.
“Relax, guys…I wont hurt myself.” I let go of Jacob’s arms and jumped. The feeling of the wind against my skin, made me feel as if I were flying, and the car came to me, rather than me go to it. I landed through the sun roof with sudden grace, and buckled my sede, sedile belt. As soon as I was safely strapped in, Thackery stomped the gas down and gained the lead. We made it to the clearing before the others could even blink.
We all hopped out of the car, and turned towards the car’s we could see approaching.
“Bella, mostra them the way in. we have to wait for Gracie-Elle.” Thackery ordered as they disappeared into the darkness. I smiled. Gracie-Elle was Thackery’s little sister and was once a very powerful witch, until her powers were stolen da an evil witch in the early 60’s, well, that’s all I could gather. She was put under a curse to make her look like an elderly lady during the day, but at night she turns into a young girl again. The only problem was the curse doesn’t allow her to talk about the curse.
Very confusing stuff.
I leaned against Thackery’s car, my arms folded across my chest and waited patiently for the others to arrive. It didn’t take long. The Volvo was in my sight not 30 secondi after my brothers left, and the Rabbit not that far behind. I watched as they climbed out of their vehicles one da one, and Jacob skid to sudden, screeching halt, successivo to Edward, and put down the kick-stand. They all walked towards me hesitantly, Carlisle and Esme throwing curious glances at me and my new appearance. They were in front of me in no time. I pushed myself off the car, and beckoned them to follow me into the forest.
“Wait,” Carlisle begged. I turned and saw that no-one had moved. “Where are the others?” he asked curiously, yet with an edge to the question.
I sighed. And beckoned them with my fingers.
When nobody moved again, I turned my whole body to them and out my hands on my hips.
“I’m giving te the answer,” I snapped at them. “If te didn’t want to know, then why did te ask?”
They all stared at me, their eyes wide.
“Now, if te don’t mind…I’d rather like to get this over with.” I turned back around and stomped into the forest, trying to control my anger. This time I heard them follow me, so I didn’t need to turn around again. Someone was approaching me, at a faster pace than the others. I scanned the person thoughts and the loving and motherly affection to the tenors, I knew it was Esme.
She grabbed my hand, and walked successivo me, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Bella, honey, what’s happening?” she whispered, her voice thick with layers of concern. I looked at her, and saw her face was full of pain. I smiled at her and squeezed her hand back.
“It’ll all make sense soon,” I promised, knowing that everything will be okay…as long as I am willing to work to make it okay. I could tell she was about to domanda me, when I could hear my brothers talking. I shushed her quietly and let go of her hand. I walked a few steps ahead.
Here we are…I thought timidly, trying to hide my panic as to what was going to be said.
“Come, friends…do not stand under the wet trees…” Thackery called his voice light, and friendly. Carlisle and Sam took a calculated step inoltrare, avanti each and both looked at me anxiously. I nodded in encouragement. They each took a deep breath and walked through the thicket of trees. I watched as all of the Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. and licantropi walked into view of my brothers. As soon as they were out of sight, I climbed the nearest tree, to observe from afar. I would intercede if need be.
I climbed to the highest branch, just above Thackery and got a bird’s eye view of the events about to take place. Carlisle and Sam were at the front of the party, with Emmet, Jasper, Paul and Jared covering their flanks.
“You’ve been causing a lot of trouble for young Bella, te know that?” Thackery started, his voice amused. “If te want to blame someone for what’s happened to her, well blame yourself…”
Emmet and Edward growled, as Jacob and Embry’s eyes narrowed into slits.
“And what might that be?” Carlisle asked, his voice contained, trying to avoid mostrare any emotion.
Nate and Thai smiled an impish grin, as Ben glared at them. I scanned their thoughts and saw them divvying up their opponents.
“A witch of course…” Thackery stated matter-of-factly, as he took in the looks on the faces before him. Esme and Alice’s jaw dropped, while Rosalie gasped and skipped back a step. All the werewolves, apart from Jacob and Sam, were shaking their heads, choosing not to believe it. Jasper and Emmet exchanged a loaded look, before their eyes wandered around the forest. Edward and Jacob were looking at each other with a look of both horror and pain on their faces.
Not even Carlisle could digita himself.
“I…I…don’t-don’t believe it…” he detto to himself, looking at Thackery, his eyes begging for Thackery to say Gotcha!
Thackery smiled kindly.
“It was not all your fault…she never got a choice in this. This…” he struggled to find a polite way of what we are. “Curse…it was born in us…but in Bella and Nate more. They have witch blood on both sides of their family…only true pain can make it arise.” He finished his words with an ancient grief replacing the know-it-all attitude.
“Enough!” Emmet shouted in his booming voice, thrusting past Carlisle about to rip out Thackery’s throat.
I moved at lightning speed, pulling my blade from my jeans, and placing it under Emmet’s throat.
There were gasps of shock from behind him, and an outraged hiss from Rosalie.
“This blade can kill any immortal. If te value your life, back off.” I detto to him moving the blade from his jugular, and pushing him back lightly. He was staring at me in shock and disbelief.
Rosalie was between us in no time at all, her hands already claws. She growled at me, fury plain in all her features. I sunk down into my crouch and snarled a warning at her.
“Bring it, Blondie!” I snarled at her, red clouding my vision.
“Look who’s talking!” she spat at me, baring her teeth.
Someone grabbed the tops of my arms and lifted me swiftly away from Rosalie, just as Jasper did the same to her. All my feelings on anger abruptly disappeared, and I felt tranquil and calm. I looked at Jasper and saw that he was looking at me, with a cautious expression.
“Both of you…enough.”
I shrugged out of Gracie-Elle’s firm grip and folded my arms, glaring at the creatures across from me. She still looked old, which probably explained the confused looks in front of me. How could an old lady lift me away with such grace?
“Cullen’s, Quileute’s…this is my sister, Gracie-Elle.” Thackery stated, gesturing to her. They all exchanged looks of disbelief between them.
“Hello, it’s so lovely to meet te all.” I struggled to keep my brooding expression. She sounded so much like my gran.
She threw a withering look at me, and I couldn’t keep it in. I cracked up laughing.
“Bella?” Jacob asked, his voice scared…no not scared. Was it pained? I couldn’t place it. I stopped laughing and looked at him curiously.
“Did it hurt?” he asked, looking at the floor under my feet, not meeting my gaze.
I hesitated. I didn’t want them to know how badly it did hurt. How my long, mahogany hair, receded into my scalp, in a slow and painful way. I didn’t want them to know how it hurt, when all the Bones in my body molded to give me my new figure. And worse, I didn’t want to tell them the pain of having my skin being branded with the tattoo which marks me for what I am. When Thackery and the others explained to me, that I have to have a tattoo, at first it didn’t bother me. It wasn’t until after I got it, and it started burning like sticking my hand into live flame, did I get scared. They detto it only happens when I am in danger o scared. Little did I know that, that would happen più often than I expected.
“A little,” I admitted, bending the truth until it was almost the shape of a lie. “But it doesn’t hurt any more.”
Edward moved inoltrare, avanti hesitantly. He took a deep breath and moved until he was directly in front of me. He hesitantly reached his hand out, and rested it gently on my cheek. My tattoo burned, but I barely noticed it, my cuore was pounding too hard to notice anything.
“I’m so sorry Bella.” He murmured his angelic voice thick with grief. “If I’d have known…I wouldn’t have gone.” He dropped his eyes to the floor, and he looked as if he wanted to cry. I leaned inoltrare, avanti to catch his eye. He looked up, over my head, trying to hide some emotion he didn’t want to mostra me.
I reached up and grabbed his face, almost fiercely.
“Don’t!” I growled at him. I moved onto my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.
There was a loud chorus of “Ooooh,” from both Nate and Thai at that. I planted my feet and took several steps back. I felt an invisible shimmer in the air, which means someone changing forms. I looked over my shoulder and saw Nate standing successivo to Thai disguised as me.
My jaw dropped as he skipped inoltrare, avanti towards the creatures before us.
“Oh, Edward, I Amore te so much! I promise you, te won’t break my pelvis any more!” he said, doing a ridiculous impersonation of my voice, high pitched, and still skipping. “And Jakey too!” he added, skipping past Carlisle and Sam to stand in front of Jacob. “I Amore te too, lupo boy! Oh, who will I choose?” he turned back to me, his eyes alight with humor. I snarled at him, preparing to rip his -my- throat out. There was a tremor through the cliff, as something shook it. Everyone froze.
Thackery stepped closer to cliff’s edge, a=then turned to us, a look of horror in his eyes.
“They’re here.”
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I always thought I would want to be a vampire, until I got the chance to become one. I was scared out of my mind at the fact that I would become a vampire in less than a 4 days! I didn't want to tell anyone but I knew they knew cause of Edward and Jasper. When ever they were trying to talk about me being a vampire, I would always change the subject o act like I needed to be some where. I hated that they knew my fear! I got up jumped in the doccia and got out and dressed. I didn't feel like drying my hair so I left it wet. I went down stiar and just sat on the couch. I was bored and I didn't...
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1) The wedding is something that Bella doesn't want to do and so she should be making a huge deal about it and Alice should be going crazy and overboard with stuff for it but nope it just comes right on out in a couple of pages at the beginning.

2) Wait...what bachelor party? bachelorette party? Denali who??? where's the whole jealous stare off with Tanya and Bella?

3) Immortal that's convenient...wonder why it wasn't mentioned earlier in the series...

4) makeout session at the wedding in front of everyone...oh yeah bella is sooo self conscious

5) another waste of pages with the...
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posted by TwilightNerd6
Sorry this one is up late ive been busy with Netball training and stuff like that.
Sorry it's a bit long.

"You know how I detto that I would be back in five days?"He asked.
"Yes?"I detto confused.
"There's a change of plans, were going to be back a little earlier than we planned."He explained to me softly.
"What do te mean?"I asked. I felt like escaping but Alice and Rosalie would catch me so there really was no point.
"That means since your missing me so much, were on our way home."He anwsered my domanda like he was an angel.
"You are?"I detto with my thoughts all messed up.
"Yes, were running back...
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posted by UchihaYuki
Sorry it took me so extremely long to post this chapter, I've been and still on a trip with my family[ugh] but anyways here it is <3


“Jaake…Wake up” Nessie detto sweetly as she kissed his cheek trying to wake him up “mmm, What time is it Ness?” he mumbled into his pillow, she grinned “It’s 7:30am… I’ve been up since 6, Mommy, Alice and I are going shopping, so I just thought I’d wake te up and tell te good morning and that I Amore you..” Jacob flopped from his side to lay on his back so he could see Nessie, he smiled at the sight of her sweet smiling face and...
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posted by EdwardCullen604
just then Antonio and Elena turned up.

"how did te do that?"Antonio asked looking amazed.

Charro answered him "I think Cora can use other peoples gifts" when he spoke he sounded so sure and confident. I loved the way he detto my name in his accent.

"ahh, like a sponge like a sponge i knew her gift would be something good" Elena responded with just a hint of smugness in her tone.

"Did te just call me a sponge?" i asked puzled.

"yes te absorb other people's abilities like a sponge, sorry i'm just so used to categorilizing talents, from when i was with the volturi" she gave out a hushed growl at...
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posted by edwardlover1231
ok i dont know how many i will write today but plz coment=)

wait,wait,wait edward detto confused what is she talking didnt tell him!!!jasmine yelled.tell me what he asked confused.your girlfriends a telapath she answered amused.ENOUGH!!!!then gelsomino whent flying back leave NOW!!!!!.I will be sure to tell his masjesty.thank te i detto angry.when she left edward just stared at me confused.i was to much of a coward so i broke into a run.i could still here him following me.i sat crying tearless sobs when he came and sat successivo to know were going to have to talk about it.i nodded and...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Taylor Lautner Reveals Secrets To Ripped 'New Moon' Bodyby Access Hollywood   

July 17, 2009 LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Taylor Lautner finally transforms into a werewolf in the upcoming secondo installment of The Twilight Saga, "New Moon," and the actor revealed the work needed to transform his body into something werewolf-worthy started the giorno after he finished filming the first movie.

"As soon as I finished filming 'Twilight,' I knew I had to get to work right away; there could be no waiting involved. The giorno I finished 'Twilight,' I came home and started bulking up. For 'New Moon,' I'm 30...
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posted by twilightlowdown
It’s The Secret Life of the American Teenager meets Twilight. See what happens when nessie gets pregnant and someone wants to kill her. come back successivo week for the begining of a beautiful story

Adrian: Searina Mcbeth

Amy: Renesmee Cullen

Anne: Bella Cullen        

Ashley: Kate Cullen

Ben: Jacob Black

George: Edward Cullen

Leo: Billy black

Ricky: Nate Trent

Madison: Lilly James

Lauren: Jenny Scott

Here’s a preview:
Chapter 6

Renesmee p.o.v

I walked into the living room at the cottage.
“Hey guys” I said.
“Nessie can we talk” my mom said. Uh-oh did they know....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Zoey's POV
I woke up, happy as can be. The data last night was one of the best nights ever! I never thought I would end up dating Collin. I was wondering when does someone become your boyfriend? I mean we have kissed. Are we going to fast? I don't know anything about relationships. I never been around any one who has been. It's kind of weird now I think about. I guess I should go find Alice o someone. I would feel the most comfortable around hair. She would see me planing this, hopeful come to me. So, I just planned to plan to say " Alice come to my room, I need help". It worked. She knocked...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of part 8:
I laughed. Edward glanced down at me, confused. I grinned back at him.

"that was fun. We should do that più often."

Edward snorted. "Fun? I thought te might be in serious danger," now it was my turn to snort.

"Honestly, Edward. It was fun, though. Admit it. Once te knew i wasn't going to get killed." I laughed. He joined in.

"yes, i suppose it was kind of funny."

"Did te see his face?" I said, "He was terrified of you!" I immitated what the boy's expression had looked like, and we laughed in unison.

part 9:
Alice skipped to our side.

"Are te ready to go catch our successivo plane?"...
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posted by surfergal
I got up the stairs and just started crying quietly. I knew everyone could hear me but I didnt feel like talking about it o thinking about it o anything. I put on some sweat pants and I found one of Cody's long sleeved t-shirt in my closet I put it on just smelling his scent on it. I just layed in my letto and cried, soon I feel asleep. When I woke up my face was sticky feeling from dried tears. I couldnt believe what had happened yesterday afternoon. i really thouhgt he was going to be my firend but I guess not. I walked o hobbled down the stairs and into the kitchen. Alice and Esme were...
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posted by surfergal
When I finished my homework it was around 11pm. I was tired but I was
understood it unlike usual. I went to sleep and I woke up in the
middle of the night really thirsty and sickish feeling. I went and got
a glass of water and then Carlisle walked down the stairs and I asked
him if he would take my temperature. He detto yes and for me to go sit
on the divano while he went to get his bag. When he returned he took my
temperature and detto that I had a slight fever and then I just had to
run to the bathroom. I had never puked so much in my life. When I was
done I just layed there in the floor. I...
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posted by surfergal
Later that evening one of there sons and daughters dropped da my room
to meet me. They introduce themselves as Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen.
They were so cute they help hands I quickly new that the loved each
other and I didn't think that was weird cause they weren't related.

The successivo morning well it was più like the afternoon but when I woke
up Jordan and Max were in the room. I was happy to see them cause I
missed them. I told them that I was getting to stay with the Cullen’s
for a little bit they seemed pretty happy too.

They had to leave pretty soon cause they had a curfew during the...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
Okaii, I promise to make this one LONGER! i swear, i will make this one long! :D

end of part 7:
I sighed, curling myself into edward, and cleared my mind, trying only think about the way edward's arms felt and how they held me, and how his lips felt brushing against the superiore, in alto my head. I lifted my head, keeping my eyes closed, angling it toward his lips. Edward understand, he kissed me, gently, softly on my lips, and the electricity zinged on my lips like they were plugged into the mains. I let this sensation fill my mind, and we stayed like this for the remainder of the journey......
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This story take place after Nessie is born. Zoey has been in the family since The begining of twilight. Although I don't cover anything from the books. Whatever happen to Bella it happen to Zoey accept getting pregant with a half vampire half human baby. Zoey is in Amore with Jacob Black but Jake is in Amore with Nessie. Alice and Jasper are practically her parents. She fill like the outsider because she is not a vampire, warewolf o like Nessie. The Volturi have dicided that she can be a human, until a giorno after she turns 17. She has her GED so she doesn't have to go to school.
posted by bubble_babe
Ok don't get me wrong I Amore the Cullens but take a look at what I would do if I was a Cullen

I would hot wire Edwards car and take it for a joy ride

I would go into my life story when ever I'm board

I would never sleep so I would jump all over

I use the saying "oh bite me" alot and I don't normaily get into fights but this is the Cullens we'r talking about

Sometimes I say my thoughts out-loud

I would think about Jakes body

I would be mad that I'm young and no guy would want to data a girl like me

I'd copy Edward

I'd piss off Edward

^^If I did I'd say Bella did it^^

I might crack up when he trys to hold his anger

I would jump off a big albero a yell "I belive I can fly"

And most of all I'm Crazy

So tell me if I should be a Cullen
posted by edwardcullen865
today was the first giorno after the wedding and i have to say just taking care if Mason is easier than i thought.
Edward's phone started buzzing inside my pocket.the caller id detto Nessie .
"hello" it wasn't Nessie it was Jacob.
"Bella Edward is going to kill me "
"why Jacob what happened?"
"Nessie has been kidnapped"he sounded so scared and hurt .i hung up the phone and ran to Edward.
"Edward that was Jake on the phone Nessie has been kidnapped.
he jumped up off the divano and ran to me.
" who kidnapped her ? " he asked." i knew i should've put my foot down to marriage."
"now Edward don't get...
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What is your typical giorno like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we've all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had più time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it's important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you'll see that più in the secondo film.

The entire cast of Twilight and New Moon has gone from Hollywood new faces...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
This is for people who have been Leggere Esme's Story:

I don't want to call it Esme Cullen story the whole time so I have come up with some ideas for names. please commento and tell me which ones te like. Ones i don't end up using for my story, feel free to use for any of yours:

Forever Awakening
Beyond Starlight
Sudden Dusk
Midnight Glimmer
Dawn of Life
Precious Enchantment

If te can think of any others, please let me know
I want my story to have a più interesting name so it draws più attention than just 'Esme Cullen Story'. I went online to a lista of words with 'atmosphere' and I found these words and made different combinations with them.

Bella's Pov.

"ESME!!!!!!!" As I ran over towards her.

"Uh...where am I?" Esme detto wearily.



"Hey Bella, I sorry for causing te all this trouble. I didn't mean to.
I did feel sad that, I never got to marry you. That's whay I didn't come to your
party. Then, Esme came. Something really strange happened. She turned
purple and then, she was in a cloak. Then, she put me under a spell to follow'
whatever she says. I tried to stop her, but it was too late. She told me that
I would regret asking te out for the rest of my-"

"MOMMY!!!!!" Renesmee shouted.

"It's always my ple-MOM!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

"We have to get her to Carisle. I will explain what I told Bella," Jasper detto calmly.

Suddenly, everyone took three steps away from Jasper.

"It's okay guys. He's back to normal," I said.

Edward replied sharply, "Well how can we prove it!?"

"I will mostra you."

Then, Jasper hugged Edward.