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posted by alexajaye
Author's note: I postato this on FanFiction and Deviantart, but I wanted your take here on Fanpop. It's Post-Breaking Dawn. You'll see da how much when te read. If te like it, hate it, whatever, leave a commento below. Thanks in advance.



    Chicago was nice, as far as the Windy City part, which it was very much. I'd never been anywhere except Phoenix and Florida with my mom, California with my Dad and Forks. It was something to get used to, but I was adjusting. It had been fifteen years since Renesmee had been born, and she was fully grown now. She was making her own choices even though she was only technically fifteen, and I was learning to give her room. Jacob was helping us keep us in touch, and even though we could only really talk over the video link, I could see she was happy. Jacob was making her happy, and he was keeping her safe. I only wished that I could see her più often. And Edward was dealing with the fact that his little girl was all grown up and living her own life. He kept up appearances, but I could tell he missed her.

    We'd only stayed in Forks long enough to say goodbye to Charlie with the excuse that Edward and I wanted to get to college before too much time passed. I'd only be able to talk to my mother on the phone, and even then, it had been precarious since my mother had a way of knowing when something was wrong with me. After the wedding and Renesmee, my mother had called me with the news that she was expecting another baby. I was happy for her, and I wanted to wish her all the best. I had to do it in an email instead of being able to visit her and Phil, and when she gave birth to a little girl, all I'd been able to do is send her a present for the baby. I knew it wasn't enough, but for all the trouble I'd caused her, I hoped it would be okay for a little while. It kind of wasn't fair to her o anyone else, but at least she was safe.

    Now my half-sister Tristan was almost fourteen, and I'd never even met her. I'd only seen pictures, but she was beautiful. She looked a lot like Mom, and she looked happy living down in Florida where she could go to spiaggia whenever she wanted. I didn't know if Mom ever told her about me, but I thought about her every now and then. I wondered if Mom and Phil planned on having più children, and I hoped at some point I would get to see them in più than a photograph. I didn't know if that was fair, but I still hoped.

    After Dartmouth, Carlisle had moved all of us to Chicago to have a chance to get used to each other again. With Renesmee in Forks, Alice's visions had started coming back into focus, and Jasper hardly ever had to do any mood modifying on my part. I was still adjusting to the whole newborn thing after our encounter with the Volturi, but they left us alone, and we didn't tempt fate. Carlisle wanted our existence to be as quiet as possible, so even if we couldn't really do the whole giorno thing every day, we could still go out at night. Edward and I liked to go for walks alone, just so he could have a look at his old home. It was very different from how he remembered, but it wasn't so different that we couldn't find all the places he remembered without a little memory recollection. I could see he liked it.

    We went to the park a lot, watching the parents and children and I sometimes wondered what it would've been like for me and Edward to have another baby. But my life was complete. There wasn't anything else in my life that I wanted più than Edward. It was enough that we were happy, and I couldn't imagine wanting anything else più than I wanted him. Carlisle and Esme were looking at a house outside Chicago for us to stay in for a little while, and beyond that, Edward and I were enjoying the moderate apartment he secured for us through an anonymous donation. It was funny how even now those things were so easily explained away.

    "We could always adopt," Edward told me one night while we were out walking. "Probably not a human baby, but there are sure to be other Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. who need homes. I'll do anything to make te happy, Bella."

    I smiled at him as we walked arm in arm down the sidewalk. "I know," I insisted. "And I am happy. I'm più happy than I thought possible. We shouldn't tempt fate, te know. For all we know, it could be like the straw that broke the camel's back."

    He lowered his hand to mine, squeezing it gently and leaning closer to baciare my cheek. "That's not possible," he argued. "But I see your point. We'll not tempt the gods for now. All right?"

    I turned my lips to his, sharing a light baciare and then I laid my head over his arm. Since we'd started doing this, he'd let his guard down a lot più than he'd ever had to in Forks. He and his family had always been forced to live on the fringe of the town to keep from being noticed. But here, it was almost like he could be normal. And I liked seeing him this way. I liked being able to stroll down the sidewalk with him and not worry about the successivo time we hunted o where we would go when we did.

    "Are te about ready to get back?" he asked softly, holding me against him and slowing to a near crawl so that we almost moved at a human pace.

    I looked up to answer him, feeling the wind shift as I did and smelling the most intoxicating smell on the air. It smelled so amazing, so exquisite, like the finest wine ever made that appealed only to me. Blood. His hand gripped my waist, but I all but forgot he was even there. My senses, especially my sense of smell, tugged and clawed at the exterior of my control, and when I came up for air, the only thing left was a two-horned, ugly, evil monster willing to kill to get what she wanted.


    I barely recognized the voice attempting to pull me out of myself, and I was willing to do anything to get away from him, pushing him away and darting off in the direction of the incredible scent as it wafted through the air gently. I could tell it wasn't moving, and I could feel that it was close by. Beyond that, I didn't care what happened o how I reacted once I had what I wanted. Nothing else existed now. It was just me and this, and it was all I cared about. I didn't even realize how much my priorities had shifted in just a few short milliseconds, but it didn't matter. If I found what I needed, then all would be right with the world. Nothing else would matter like this ever again, and then I could go on with my new life.

    The streets were nearly deserted as it was well passed midnight, and I was able to sposta at greater speeds now than I would have normally. The smell carried me toward it, sending my mind into a frenzy and blocking everything else out. It was warm and potent and filling, and I couldn't wait to taste it. I'd never smelled anything like this before in my life — human o vampire. It was the most exquisite smell ever to exist, and it was all mine. No one o nothing was going to keep me from getting all of it, and when I found it, nothing would stand in my way until I was finished.

    The stronger the smell got, the closer I knew I was, and I slowed down only enough to keep from running passed the fonte of the smell that led me down a dark alleyway. I'd never been to this part of the city before, but I wasn't scared. dato my heightened state of being, nothing could ever hurt me — nothing human o animal anyway, and I didn't have to worry about hurting myself the way I would normally da walking through the streets without anyone to keep up with me.

    A cry caught my attention amidst all the clutter, and I inhaled again, feeling venom fill my mouth as the scent reached its peak. I was there, right successivo to the source, and it was exactly where I wanted it to be. There was no escape now. I threw discarded trash in every direction away from me until my keen eyes locked in the fonte of the smell, and I discovered a woman there on the ground clutching something to her chest. She was beautiful, with dark hair and oliva skin. She looked unconscious, but further inspection gave way to the fact that she was either dead o very close. This wasn't the fonte of my exquisite smell. No, the fonte of the smell was there, in her arms. It was a baby.

    Nothing else registered as I knelt to the ground and reached for the small creature as it cried at the superiore, in alto of its lungs for its mother. For a diviso, spalato second, I felt sorry for it. But then I knew I would end all its suffering in just a few short secondi when I claimed its blood for all mine and no one else's.

    My fingers were less than a centimeter from her forehead when I was suddenly knocked back several dozen feet into one of the dumpsters nearby. I crouched to my hands and feet, turning to see a familiar face in front of me with pleading golden eyes, but I'd forgotten his name.

    "Bella, please. Stop."

    A deep growl emanated from my gut as I moved a small amount closer, and he growled too, snarling as I attempted to bypass him for the baby.

    "You're not thinking clearly," he argued. "Get away from here. Please, Bella."

    I tried to inhaled again, to clear my head as he suggested, but it was no use. Her smell was everywhere. If it meant disposing of him to get to what I wanted, then that would just be his fate, and I didn't care what I had to do. It would take a little longer with him in my way, but I didn't care.

    He grabbed my arms, pushing me from what I sought until another set of hand took hold of me and pulled me from the alley. An overwhelming calm passed through me, and I looked back to see Jasper there with a determined expression on his face.

    "Breathe, Bella," I heard, looking and seeing Edward in front of me with pain in his eyes. "It's all right. I'm right here."

    I inhaled again, this time only smelling him and then smelling Jasper even as my eyes trained down the alley where I could see Carlisle and Esme where the baby was still laying. I knew she was there. I could hear her crying.

    Edward took me in his arms, holding me against him tighter than he ever had, and upon still smelling her scent in the air, I realized he was trying to restrain me as indiscreetly as possible while we all stood on the strada, via away from Carlisle and Esme.

    I listened to them talking even though they were several dozen feet away.

    "Her mother must've gone into labor here," Carlisle was saying as he lifted her in his arms. She immediately stopped crying, and Esme spoke.

    "Do te think this means the same thing it meant for Edward?" she asked, gazing at the baby carefully. "When he found Bella. We almost Lost him then, Carlisle."

    He moved his arm around Esme then, comforting her even as he still held the baby. "Don't worry, darling," he detto gently. "We'll protect Bella. And this child. It's not too late to do anything now, so I'll call the authorities so her mother's body can be claimed. They'll contact Family and Children Services for the baby."

    "She's beautiful," Esme smiled.

    They both looked at me then as I stood pressed against Edward's chest, and I didn't even realize that I was struggling until he leaned back and made me look at him.

    "Bella, please. It's all right," he swore. "You'll be all right."

    I shook my head against his chest, still desperately trying to get away. I suddenly realized what I'd just done, and I wanted to be somewhere else più than ever before. I couldn't do it. I couldn't give in to this. Edward hadn't dato in when he'd found me, and I was stronger than some newborn fresh from its first hunt. I was better than the ugly monster I so dearly wanted to give myself over to, and I could resist the temptation encased inside that innocent , defenseless baby.

    Carlisle was on his phone now, calling the police and reporting the dead mother's body in the alley and the newborn baby he was currently cradling in the crook of his arm. He was talking to a woman at the ambulanza dispatch, and she was sending an EMT to where we were all standing. He'd since wrapped the baby in his jacket, and she wasn't crying anymore, actually grasping onto his fingers.

    "Edward, te should take Bella home," Jasper whispered close to my ear. "She shouldn't stay here with the child nearby. If the Medical Technicians see her reacting this way, they could get the police involved."

    "Edward, please," I whispered. "Is she all right? I didn't hurt her, did I?"

    He leaned back to look at me, and I slowly pushed out my shield so he would see what I was thinking. I didn't want to be a monster, and I knew he would understand that. If he understood, then he would do anything to make sure I didn't do anything to hurt anyone.

    He lifted his hands to my face, staring into my eyes. "I'm sure she's all right, Bella," he promised. "Come on, we should get te home now."

    I grasped onto his arms, helplessly pleading with him. "No, te have to make sure. Please. You're the only one who can do it for me. Edward."

    He looked at Jasper, slowly easing me into his arms and then moving down the alleyway where Carlisle was still holding the baby. I watched him approach Carlisle and Esme, and I listened as he looked over the baby's little body.

    "Carlisle," Edward detto softly. "Bella wants me to make sure the baby is all right. Is she hurt?" he asked, touching the baby's forehead.

    "She doesn't appear to be," Carlisle detto with a slight nod. "An ambulanza is on the way, and they're sending the coroner to examine her mother's body. Is Bella all right?"

    "She's fighting me and Jasper," Edward told his father. "It's affecting her as badly as it affected me when I encountered her the first time, but she doesn't want to give in. What do te think the police will do about her?" he asked of the baby.

    Carlisle's face became sad. "More than likely, she'll be placed in foster care. Unless they're able to find her father, it's likely she'll be placed in a foster home until she's adopted. And even in these times, the likelihood of that is still quite low."

    Edward's face matched Carlisle as he turned and looked at me while I stood in Jasper's arms. A few secondi passed, and Jasper's phone rang as the sound of sirens filled the air and came closer to where we were all still waiting.

    "Alice," Jasper detto into his phone.

    "Are the police there yet?" she asked, her voice desperate and airy.

    He looked at me. "Not yet," he answered, looking down the alleyway where Carlisle, Esme and Edward were still standing with the baby. "What did te see?"

    "I saw a baby," she said. "A toddler really, perched on Edward's hip while he was cooking breakfast."

    Confusion flashed across Jasper's face as he looked down the alleyway, but I understood almost immediately. Upon seeing the baby and learning of the bleak future before her, Edward had made a decision.

    The ambulanza was less than a block away now, and Carlisle began making his way to the sidewalk where Jasper and I were waiting. Edward was now carrying the baby, and Esme was guiding him to the mouth of the alleyway. In listening to Alice's revelation, I'd missed the remainder of their conversation, but Carlisle spoke once he was near me and Jasper.

    "We'll have to give the authorities time to cerca for the infant's father, but Edward has decided upon a trial period for Bella's sake. He wants her to overcome this, and he believes this to be the best way to go about it."

    "Are te sure that's a wise decision, Carlisle?" Jasper asked. "Not to diminish Bella's incredible control when she first woke up, but Edward had a hundred years of experience to help him resist her. Bella's only had fifteen years. Barely enough time."

    Carlisle looked at Edward, who was moving closer to me with the baby in his arms. "He knows that. But he sees Bella determined to resist, and he believes she can. We must trust his judgement."

    Edward was in front of me now as Jasper still restrained me, and since we'd all just hunted a few days earlier, I could see he was in complete control as he held the baby girl in his arms. Just as with Carlisle, she was no longer crying, grasping onto Edward's finger as he cradled her against him. The wind shifted again, and I was forced to take a breath just as the ambulanza arrived with the coroner's truck. I clenched my teeth as venom filled my mouth again, and I lunged toward Edward without thinking of the humans nearby. Jasper held me tighter, and Edward's pained expression intensified.

    "It's all right, Bella," he promised. "You don't have to be afraid of her. She'll help you."

    "Jasper," Carlisle detto too softly for any of the humans nearby to hear. "Take Bella to the house. We'll talk to the police and then be along shortly. This shouldn't take too long."

    Three paramedics were on their way toward us now, and three più medical examiners from the coroner's office were quickly following suit as Jasper grasped onto my arms and pulled me away from Edward and Esme as they protected the baby. I gave Edward one last hopeful look before I cut off my supply of air, and then I bowed my head, allowing Jasper to lead me away from the humans flooding the sidewalk. I thought if Edward was certain of my ability to resist this baby's blood, then everyone else would be also after a little while. He had faith in me. I hoped it wasn't misplaced.
sorry if my grammar is not the best but english is not my native language
renesmee pov
noah wasnt in any of the successivo classes.
i was grateful but also each class i hope that he would be there so i could see his face...
o come on renesmee cullen get a grip of yourself was he even that good looking??
i remember in my head...yep yeah he was più like GOD LOOKING
But it was a good thing i was alone in those classes so i could think about what was happening i look at my bracelete it was a gift from jacob like a promise bracelete i sigh

my thoughts were interrupted buy the teacher
mr. hara "ok kids...
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posted by surfergal
I got back to the house 6 hours later. I hugged everyone and told them sorry for freaking out. They all detto it was okay and that it happens. I went outside to call Nathens cellphone and he didn't answer. I left him a voicemail saying:

Hey, Its Addi.
I'm sorry for frreaking out on te and I'm sorry that, I just didn't know what to do. Thanks for looking out for me, your the best.
I hung up and waited for his call back. I went to get something good to eat and to drink and then went and take a shower. it felt good to take a hot shower. It was getting late and I still hadn't heard from Nathen yet....
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posted by twilightfantic1
Chapter 3


“Now do te forgive me?” “Of course mom and do te forgive me?” “Of course honey”. Then we heard a scream then another. We ran to the living room. te wouldn't believe what I saw. My husband,Edward was breaking our son-in-law Jacobs legs saying “this is for getting my daughter pregnant” crack “and this” crack “is for having the idea and trying” “Edward what the hell are te doing to Jacob?” “I was just.......getting..... pay back.” “daddy what are te doing thats my bambini daddy.”. Before I knew it...
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posted by surfergal
I finally fell back to sleep when all of the sudden I heard snarling and hissing. I jumped up and started looking around. I was so dazed I didn't know what was happening till my eyes ajusted to the somewhat darkness. There were six huge red-eyed Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. crowded around us. My cuore started racing so fast. One vampire tried to leap at me but Nathen stopped him before he could get to me. I backed up so far from everyone until I hit something so hard and cold I thought it was a vamp but I was wrong it was just rocks. It was getting colder outside. I was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt with a...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
He kissed me like he had never kissed me before so of course I kissed him back. We kissed più deeply and then all of the sudden we were surrounded da a bunch of vampire. I was scarred to death, I kindo screamed, then I changed into my human form, I didn't mean to, I couldn't gigure out how to change back.Th worst part ever is that they out numbered Sawyer and I. This isn't a fair fight! I yelled not really meaning to. This boy, not much older looking than me came up, she smells like a good snack. Will te share? The boy asked. Sawyer got really protective, she's a vampire! Sawyer said. Well...
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posted by surfergal
It seemed forever sinse we had left the house and I was scared to death. It got cold really faast and it was beginning to thunder storm. We were walking now, well I wasn't Emmet was told apperently that I needed to be carried. I so didn't want to be carried, Emmet was kinda of cold to tell te the truth.
Emmet, can I walk. I ask.
No, te will leave your scent on where te are walking. Emmet had told me.
Oh, can I have jacket? I'm sorta freezing. I said.
Yeah,Emmet detto while Rose handed him another sweartshirt for me.
Nathen came out of the woods from infront of us and ask:
Do te want me to carry...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This is not a Twilight fan fiction Sorry I didn't know where else to post this, Please read and comment!

My name is Mulletfingers o well that's what my step-sister calls me. My mom sent me off to some boot camp in Mobile Alabama, I lasted 2 days and than ran all the way back to Coconut Cove. I live all da myself because my mom doesn't know I'm back, Bea (short for Beatrice) gives me Cibo like apples, oranges and her famous banana bread. There is always police sireign going around here. The other giorno I saw a girl o maybe a boy with long hair, came through here ( the empty boatyard
filled with...
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posted by surfergal
 The jet that they flew on to Cali.
The jet that they flew on to Cali.
I stayed at Max's house for a couple of weeks, I went home every so often. Max could pick stuff up now sinse his shoulders were heald now.. I was finally able to sleep in my own bed, instead of being on an air mattress. School was starting within three days and I had nothing to take. When I did get into the door of my house Alice came straight to me and ask:
Hey, Addi Do te want to go school shopping? Alice ask me.
Yeah totally. Let me go up stairs and take a doccia though frist. I said
Okay, great. Alice said.
I loved going shopping Alice, she pick out clothes that was me and that I looked hot...
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Chapter Fourteen

    I didn’t know how to feel. How was someone expected to feel after they had almost been killed? Someone was gasping. What was wrong with them? As I tried to concentrate, I realized it was myself gasping. I think I was starting to hyperventilate.
“ Grandpa! She needs help!” Renesmee cried beside me. They were trying to get me back to the house. I couldn’t see anything. My vision had black dots clouding it and I felt woozy.
“ She’s going into shock. We need to get her somewhere she can lie down as soon as possible.” I distantly heard Carlisle’s...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Ugh I couldn't stand it any more! Edward came out side with Emmet and Jasper. Zoey, what can te not stand any more? - Edward asked. Just some people, first Collin and now Sawyer!! I said. Slow down, Zoe, What happen with Collin - Jasper asked. I dont want to talk about it, I told them. Jasper would quiet trying to make me spill, I don't want to! I yelled at him. te need to talk to someone, why not us? Emmett said. Yall are guys, yall wouldn't understand. I told them. Zoe, te know we will understand, te can tell us. Edward said. I don't want to and them I lunged for Edward. I had him pinned...
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posted by EdwardCullen604
"Leahs coming" Alice and Edward detto in unison. Alice must have been searching the future too. I guess i should have realised that Leah would come after me when her brother was upset considering she had serious anger issuess.

"Why? her patrols not till this evening" Jacob assked in a onfused tone he was still staring at me like he couldn't deide what he thought of me though none of his thoughts were good.

"shes not coming to see te shes comin to see Cora" they continued to speak at the same time it was kind of freaky. Charro looked anxious as he understood why she was coming. I had to admit...
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posted by patrisha727
Opps.. sorry te guys, I forgot to post Amore here. LOL. But I postato it on my spot! ^_^

I closed my eyes, involuntarily. Damn, why did I have to get caught!?!?
I turned around to see Edward's hard face slowly.
"Hi..." I said, a little nervous.
Angela just stared at Edward with a shocked expression.
"You need to leave." Edward simply said.
"What's going on in there? That girl should go to the hospital for her arm!" I argued.
"We will take care of that." Edward said.
"What was Jasper doing?" I asked.
Edward sighed.
"You need to go, and not tell anyone, not even your parents, not even your your friends...
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posted by surfergal
I had nothing else to say to him. I didn't speak unless he ask something and when he did I pretended like I didn't hear it. I ended up falling asleep again and when I woke up I heard a pow and felt my shoulder that had been shot tiwce now. Then I looked up at him. I saw him have the gun to his head.
No don't do it I said.
Why? I hurt te I should hurt myslef. He saaid.
No te shouldn't please don't I told him.
I was breathing really heavy and I was trying to get words out and I couldn't.
Please dont do this. I said.
You will regret it I told him.
No, I'm gonna do it. He said.
Then I watched as he...
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posted by twilightfantic1
Chapter 2
    That night in Edwards arms I was sobbing. We heard a knock at the door. “Go away” Edward said. “Its me Jacob can I please come in Bella?”. Edward looked at me I just nodded. “Come in” Edward said. He just looked horrible I immediately detto “sorry”. He detto it was okay he was fine. He just wanted to see if I was okay and that Nessie wanted to talk to me. I detto okay. “Momma I'm sorry........I'm sorry te don't want me” “Now Nessie stop being ridiculous, thats not what I meant I was just......having fun if I knew I would have the most prettiest daughter in the whole inter world I wold have tried with all my might....... Edward go check on Jacob”.Then he left.
posted by surfergal
Standing successivo to Cody in the school was good. I was happy to be off of cruches and I didn't look so short successivo to him either which was great. We were pretty quiet that day. We usually talk nonstop even through class. Once school was over we went home and did some homework. It was sun shiny outside so we went outside and soaked up some rays. Soon the sun was setting and we were getting hungry so I went to the cucina and started looking for something to cook. Soon enough I found some maccaroni and some spaggeti sause so I made home-made spaggeti. It was supprisingly good! That night I took another...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
well i knew it had to happen sooner o later... WRITERS BLOCK! i have no idea where the story should go form here.. so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know! pretty slow chapter.. but if i get good suggests it'll get better!!! Amore te all! COMMENT!

CHAPTER NINE- We're Perfect

It seems like the perfect relationship, doesn’t it? Two vampires, trying to be good, who have never needed anyone until they met each other. It sounds perfect even to me. But I knew that nothing could happen, mainly because eight Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. have never lived together in such a small town. Maybe, just maybe seven would...
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posted by odegbami
i party like vampere,parying pricher. walkin down stiars in my hundred doller snikers.

word word word
Apparently not only fan are shocked at the news of actress Rachelle Lefevre not returning to the Twilight Saga for Eclipse, because apparently it was news to Rachelle herself!

“I was stunned da Summit’s decision to recast the role of Victoria for Eclipse. I was fully committed to the Twilight saga, and to the portrayal of Victoria. I turned down several other film opportunities and, in accordance with my contractual rights, accepted only roles that would involve very short shooting schedules. My commitment to Barney’s Version is only ten days. Summit picked up my option for Eclipse. Although...
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posted by EdwardCullen604
I was unconscious for about five minutes.

I woke up to three Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. staring at me like i was a freek.

"What was that?" Charro asked, listening to his voice now i noticed that he had a spanish accent i doubted più sensitive ears would have noticed it.

"i dont know i've never seen any vampire lose consciousness, i told te this one was special changing her was the right thing" the female detto sounding a little smug da the end of it, she too had a slightly spanish accent though it was even less noticeable than charros.

"Please don't Elena i already feel bad enough about this without te trying...
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An serious/obsessive reader of the Twilight Saga da Stephenie Meyer, one leap above Twilighters.

The difference between being a Twilighter and being a Twihard, is that Twihards have embraced a new Twiligion... er.... I mean, religion based on Twilight. They live and breath Twilight. Most Twihards are for Edward and Bella. Therefore, those Twihards are all for true Amore & Amore at first sight. Point out one thing to a Twihard, and they can relate it to Twilight instantly. Savage and wild, they need every single thing to be perfect in the upcoming Twilight movie....
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