Uncle Scrooge McDuck Club
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added by cruella
added by cruella
added by cruella
added by Scroogefan1867
added by cruella
added by Scroogefan1867
Goldie is the strong and tough Amore interest of Scrooge McDuck. She is the ice cold Queen of Dawson who can melt the cuore of the King of the Klondike. There has been iterations of her in comics and cartoni animati but the domanda remains, what made them so unique and beloved.

Ducktales Reboot Goldie

This Goldie is different from the other Goldie because she did not admit that she loved Scrooge più than oro ever but she showed it instead. It was revealed that the reason why Goldie left him at the ice because there was a beast coming she thought he would get out. To be fair, he did, Scrooge did not...
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added by CutiePie1112
added by cruella
added by cruella
added by cruella
added by cruella
added by cruella
added by opaquemystique
added by cruella
added by cruella
added by HighKing13
added by Scroogefan1867
added by cruella