Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. Suck Club
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Ok, when I saw this moive I thought, "OK, I just wasted 80 minuti of my life, and 6 dollars out of my wallet." Talk about TERRIBLE! For all te Twilight fan out there, if te think it's gonna be a funnier version of Twilight, te are so DEAD WRONG. And for all te Twilight haters, if te think that this movie will be making fun of Twilight, your a bad way! Seriously, I'd rather watch Barney!!!!!!! And I'm a TEEN. Ya, it was that bad.

But seriously, how many of te want to see Edward NAKED?

Didn't think so.

And for those of te idiots who wouldn't mind seeing Robert Pattinson.....unclothed.....It doesn't even look like him so don't bother.

And if te wanna see Aro and Jane being crowned Prom King and Queen.......well then go ahead. But I'm telling te you'll be disappointed.

How many of te wanted to see the licantropi dance in their little shorts?

Ya, I was one of those people.
But the funniest thing about this movie you'll ever see is the previews. So just watch those a hundred thousand times on Youtube instead of spending 6 bucks on a movie ticket.

Think it's funny if te want, but that just goes to mostra how stupid te are.
No offense.

Oooh, and da the way, if te want entertainment, then go watch a REAL comedy. te know what's hilarious compared to Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. Suck? Watching somebody put glue in your hair.

Ya, it was that bad.