licantropi Club
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posted by princessofmagic
Thanks to precious211 for helping me come up with the titolo and Luna's name!!!!! te helped a ton!!!

Chapter one

I was in a large hall that looked like it could be in a midevil-King-Artur-type-movie. It was made of beige stone, had red banners with a oro cerchio and black lupo print on them hanging on thick pillars, torches lit on either side of them, casting a dark shadow behind the pillars,and a simple golden trono with a red mantello tossed over in sitting on the center of a platform near the back of the hall. I reconised the image imeadeadly. It's like going to collage then seeing a picture of te when te were five in your room, te just know imedeatly. I grew up in this castle, literaly. I'm not some kind of princess o anthing, I'm a werewolf and this is lupo Manor. I looked around, knowing that there must be some reason to me having a dream about this place after not seeing it for about five years. Sudenly, the pack leader, Lein, walked up to the trono and sat down on it, followed da a magigan in billowing red robes.

Lein was only a couple months older than me, with brown hair, green eyes that darkened when he was in lupo form, a kind smile permently sewn on his face, a laid back but could be very aggresive attidude, which got him up to pack leader. He gave me a tired smile.

"The pack is comeing together Luna." He detto calmly. "You have three days." Exitment filled me as the image faded away. I would get to see my family soon, both blood and bond.

I jumped awake. I had things to do! First I checked when the successivo flight to Romania was; in four hours and twenty minutes. I booked a sede, sedile and printed out my boarding pass. I was only 16-thats how old I as when I first went wolf, and I didnt age- but the magigians take care of anything I cant do because im 'not old enough'. I threw all my clothes in a bag, toletries, my books, the few peices of jewelry I had, and zipped up the bag. On the way out the door, I a picture frame caught my eye. It was of some of all of my freinds, the entire color gaurd, still in uniform, right after we won the big trophy we were holding for best in the state. I was just to the left of Maddy, who was the center, squshed inbetween her and Katie. We were all smiling ear to ear, and I sighed. There were things I would miss, like all my color guard and band friends. I shook my head. I had to forget them, I needed to for mine and there sake. I would forget them like they would me.

"But they won't forget you. When ever they think of there high school years, theyll remember te as the color guard girl who mysteriously disappeared." A tiny part of my brain said. I shook my head again. No, they wont, they CAN'T remember me, it would be to hard. To much pain.

Three hours later I was boarding my plain, handing the ticket to the yonge blonde woman taking them. School would have started da now, I probably would have been getting my flags and gun out of my locker. It's not a real gun, just a large fake plastic one covered in light blue duct tape.

I forced those thoughts out of my head again and found my seat. As soon as the plane took of, I closed the window halfway and fell asleep.

I was woken up da someone shaking my shoulder. It was the guy sitting successivo to me. He looked around his thirdys, wearing a brown wool suit like a collage professor. "We just landed." He detto smiling.

"Okay, cool, thanks." I mumbled sitting up. I didn't have anything from the over head apartment, so I just left. It wasn't a very big airport, so it took me literally five minuti to get to the baggage claim. There were a bunch of people crowded around the doors, holding colorful signs with names on them, so I walked to a different, less crowded terminal, which happened to be deserted except for a Jamaican security guard who looked like he was asleep. I walked out. I would have just caught changed into my lupo form, but I had bags, so I had to catch a cab.

"Were to?" The large cab driver asked.

"Just keep going southeast to the beginning of a country road." I replied. He raised an eyebrow but did as I asked.

An ora later I watched the taxi drive away. I waited until it turned the corner to turn and walk down the road. It went into dense woods so no one could see the castle, but opened up again to a wide clearing that held lupo Manor. I opened my arms and breathed in the familiar sent of wolfs and wild erba and Romania. I was finally home.

Chapter two

I wasn't even inside the door when my sent was recognized. Wolfs and people alike came to say hi and welcome me back. I detto hi to people I haven't seen in years, people I was in the nursery with, have known my whole life.

"Luna!" A high voice shouted. I turned to see a girl about my age with light blonde hair to her mid back and shocking blue eyes greet me.

"Hey Minnie! Long time no see!" I hugged her back. We had been nursery-buddies as babies. Her culla was alwase successivo to mine, we got fed at the same time, we shared toys, and we practically have known each other forever.

"It's sooooo good to see you! I've missed te so much!" She detto as she pulled away. " Have te talked to Lein yet?"

"No, I haven't." I groaned. She sighed too. "I guess I have to." Pack members are required to go sleek with the pack leader after coming back from anything più than training. I walked down the hallways to the hall. The door was slightly ajar, so it could be pulled open easier. I walked in to see Lein sitting on his throne.

"Hello Luna." He detto calmly. I dipped my head.


"How was te trip? Any troubles?"

"No, it was good. Slept throughout the whole flight." I said, slightly board.

"I have something I do want to specifically talk to te about though." he sad scratching his chin. THAT got my attention.

"Go on." I detto slowly.

"Well, unfortunately, the reason we have called all the wolfs out of hiding is because it's not sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza anymore. The anti-humans have gotten stronger, we can't just leave them alone any more. There starting to kill random humans." My jaw dropped but Lein kept going. "We have to confront them o they'll confront us. I have spoken to the leader of several other pack leaders and they all agree. Unfortunately, they all have different chapters of anti-humans they have to fight themselves, so we can't expect any outside help. That why I expect every able bodied lupo to be her at the manor. It's also why I have talked to the leader of the vampires, and we are at a truce." I gasped. " So there will be Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. at lupo Manor." That I just couldn't take.

"What! But Lein, there is a reason it's called-" I began but he cut me off with a sharp growl.

"We have no choice! The anti-Human group isn't just werewolf's any more, its Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. to. So we need as much help as we can get." Lein detto with such authority I had remembered why He was pack leader.

"Ugh." Was all I could say. He smirked.

"I admit that it will be a new experience, and not perfectly comfortable for any of us, but what other chose do we have?" I had to agree with him on that one. "But there is another thing, as well, Luna."


"The anti-humans will do anything to get any type of advantage over us. They'll even go through the trouble to find the humans we were associated with during hiding." He looked at me meaningfully. Then it sunk in.

"Oh! Oh my god, te want to bring humans here?" I detto clapping a hand over my mouth. First Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. now humans?

"Yes. I want te to go and bring back all the humans te talked to on. A daily basis." Lein detto seriously. My brain was whizzing. Part of me though this was a bad idea, that there was a reason that the humans didn't know about werewolfs and vampires. Part of me was glad, I would get to see all my old Friends again. I couldn't make up my mind. "You'll be going imeadiatly, with Minnie, Hanna, Mark, And David."My face lit up when he detto my two brothers names. I hadn't seen them yet, and now I got to go on a mission with them? That's pretty cool.

Somehow, all the wolfs that were going already knew and had there fighting clothes on. Fighting clothes aren't a special brand o color o material, there just normal clothes and we just know how to fight in them. Well, and they don't rip apart when we shift back to human form from lupo form.

When I walked out of the hall, I was crushed in a big hug from my brother Mark. He was older than me da a couple years, but acts like a little brother a lot. He's just a big goofball that likes to have fun. Sometimes I tease him and say that if he were a house dog he would be a lab puppy. He just says he doesn't know why that's an insult.

"Hey sis!" Mark exclaimed. "I haven't seen te in forever, te know?" He let go and let me breath.

"Well, yeah, I do know, I haven't seen te in forever either Mark." I say slapping his shoulder.

"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Another voice said. I walked over and hugged my other brother David. David is older than me too, bit he acts like it più often than Mark. Which is why he happens to be a anno older than Mark, making him the eldest and leader of our Pride. A Pride is basically your blood family, they don't have a very big part in anything exept pack meetings were Prides vote on stuff. Our Pride is considered very small but very powerful, since were all related to vampires, dun-dun-dun. Our Grandfather on our dad's side was a vampire, and our grandmother was changed when she was pragnet with our dad. So, we smell a little different than normal werewolfs, but we aren't half and half. The werewolf line is stronger since both OUR parent were werewolfs and so were our grandmother and grandfather on our mothers side. So were about 80-20.

"Good to see te again Luna." David detto patting me on the shoulder. Unlike me, both my brothers look like our parents. There both about six feet tall, with light brown hair, green eyes, broad shoulders, sharp features, and when in lupo form, are both different shades of light brown. I have long black hair that comes to just above my waist, dark blue eyes, a tiny figure that reaches to 5 foot six, and when I'm in lupo form I'm a ashy color flecked with black.

"So, we leaving right now?" I asked.

"Yeah, Lein detto Imeadiatly, so were assuming that means right now." Mark said, sitting back down. I groaned. I just get her and now I have to go back. Ugh.

"Whatever, let me change." I was about to go of in cerca of my bags when Hanna tossed me a white camicia with a computer winky face on it and a pair of Jean shorts.

"I got your clothes. Don't worry, I hid your bags under your letto were they should be sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza until we get back." Hanna winked. She was short for a werewolf, only being 5 foot 4, but I have known her four about 13 years, so I knew she was a mini power house.

"Thanks Hanna." I grinned and walked into the nearest bathroom. Seven minuti later I came out pulling my hair into a neat ponytail. "Well? Let's do this thing!" I exclaimed. Everyone popped up, exited for the chase, when something hit me. "How are we getting there?"

Everyone looked at me like I was dumb. "Gosh Luna, I'm offended." Hanna detto dramatically, placing a hand over her heart. "I was going to transport us there via magic." I had known Hanna was studying to be a magician, but I didn't know she had progressed so far in five short years.

"You'll transport all of us there and back? So us, then add 'bout 126 people that are freaked out." I detto skeptically. Hanna nodded calmly. "M'kay.." Hanna gathered us in a tight cerchio and looked up to the celiene. She muttered a few words I didn't understand and the world seemed to flip upside down. Wind rushed past my ears, the world around us flew da in a blurry haze. A secondo later, we were standing in front of the football stadium.

"Guys, welcom to Willfred High School, home of the Bulls." I said, slightly out of memory, slightly Leggere a sighn hug on the back of the bleachers.

Suddenly Mark sniffed the air. "I smell Vampire..... And wolf. Looks like we got here just in time." I nodded.

"The band should be having an after school practice da now, but it's almost over." I sad glancing at my watch.

"Okay, Mark, Hanna, te guys come with me, we'll see if we can find the badies and how many there are. Minnie, Luna, go get the people's all together. Well meet te on the football field in twenty minutes." David said. We all nodded and diviso, spalato into are separate groups. Mark, David, and Hanna colomba under the bleachers. I could see Hannas already. Minnie and I snuck to the football field enterence, and crouched there.

"So, what do te want to do?" Minnie breathed.

"Let me go in first, alone. Let me talk to them, and if I need te I'llgive te a signal." I whispered back.

"How well known were you?"

I sighed. " Well, one of my Friends once detto that te couldn't be in marching band o color guard and not know me. So pretty well."

"Will they recognize te on sight?"

"Yep." I breathed and stood up. I walked out on to the field, but there were so intent on marching it took a second. It was one of the drum majors, Kristy, that noticed me first. Her eyes widened and she stopped conducting.

"LUNA!" She screamed and began to run over to me. The rest of the band and other drum majors and color guard stopped in confusion, because a drum major doesn't stop conducting and jump of her podium for no reason. Then they say me.

End of chaper two!!!! I'll post soon!!!
added by partypunk13
posted by Lancelot8
Everything on this, (including the picture), I got from the app and website, Your Lupine Life.

When little Fenrir was born he scared all of the gods. That’s because he was the lupo son of Loki the Norse God of Chaos o Mischief and his mom was a giantess named Angrboda. A prophesy foretold that a lupo would kill Odin and bring on the Ragnarok -which is the very end of the world.

To prevent the prophesy coming true, the gods tried again and again to chain Fenrir. Each time they failed, Fenrir was too strong. Finally they found the right leash – a magic ribbon called Gleipnir made only by...
continue reading...
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Source: TheCountess
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Source: horroredits @ tumblr
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Film horror
lupo manor
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Will fully turns into a lupo and calls for Laura, who's a Werewolf herself, to unisciti him.
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Musica vid I made to go with my original wolfman song.
Among the Shadows follows Kristy Wolfe, a private investigator attempting to unravel the mystery of her uncle’s murder. But Wolfe has a secret — as her name would suggest, she descends from a long line of werewolves.
among the shadows
This episode features 10 Werewolf scenes from Horror films & television.
superiore, in alto 10
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Source: Lakeshore Entertainment