World Peace Club
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posted by moodystuff449
Why do we have something as stupid and pointless as war. Of all the things to create. A mother tells a child to stop fighting, yet calls a killer a hero. "Defend Our Country" yeah right. Defending means holding back someone who is trying to hurt you. It does not mean that if someone doesn't do what te tell them, te go into a country and kill their people. And if te have a quarrl with someone, why don't te settle it yourself instead of killing a bunch of innocent soliders who think they're doing what's right. Are we so primitive that we resolve to such matters? Have they ever thought of just nogociateing? And even if they won't settle, death and murder are not answers. God detto "do not kill" yet we kill da the thousands. We work on weapons, we make tools of destruction so that we can do più killing. We ignore the cries of pain and suffering. War solves nothing. And we are so primitive. We don't listen to the Earth anymore. And never really did. We ignore what is right and wrong and do whatever we want. Humans destroy everything. People are dying, beaten, ill-bred, and neglected. And what do we do? Nothing. We hear nothing, we see nothing, we do nothing. Even if we know what is wrong, we fear speaking out. We kill animali because we can, we destroy forests because they are helpless. How can we be "The smartest creatures on Earth" Yet be so ignorant of the important things. So much is wrong with humans. So many of us have Lost our way. So much suffering have we made among our own kind. We are all one people, yet we claim territories and statuses that supposeively raise us above others. Our brothers and sisters fight amongst one another yet we are the same. None of us have done things worst than others, but we have done those things as a group. "One nation, under god, indevisible, with liberty and justice for all." We don't even follow our own promise. It says we are one nation under god. But we don't even act together. With liberty, and justice for all. That means all of us. So much have we messed up. And for most of us, we're too broken of a people to fix.

Copyright © 2010-2011, Waverly L. Harris. FictionPress user Id 748202. All chapters, prologues, prefaces, epilogues, sneak peeks, and più belong to me.