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posted by para-scence
I'm never good enough for anyone. I'm always in someone's way. My mother, who had me at sixteen, always complains that I ruined her life. My father left before I was born. I never had any real friends; they all detto I was too weird, o I'm such a loser. My teachers hated me, because I could never get good grades. I could never do anything right. All my life, I've been annoying, stupid, worthless, and a waste of space. But they never even gave me a reason, so I couldn't even fix the problem. Am I too ugly? I know I'm less than average looking. My blond hair is a pretty dull color, and I never wear makeup like the other girls at school. I wish I could, but I don't have any money, and my mom would be furious if I asked her for some.

Am I really as dumb as they say? I always try to study a lot, but I can just never get the risposte right. The teacher always calls on me when I don't know the answer. I know I'm not as smart as the other kids, but why do they have to hate me for it?

Is it because I'm shy? I used to try to be friendly. The others kids just look at me like I'm crazy when I try to talk to them. Since then I've dato up. Why should I try to be kind when they're so rude to me? I gave up trying a long time ago. Just keep quiet, and try to stay invisible. It doesn't work of course. They still see me. They still hate me.

I know I'm not wanted. Mom always makes that very clear. She'd Lost her job recently, and she can't find a new one. She blames me. If she didn't have to take care of me, things would be so much better for her. She'll yell at me for a while, then she'll go and lock herself in her room. She does this so I don't know she's crying, but I do. I feel bad for her. Why did I have to be born? Why do I have to make her suffer? I count down the days until my eighteenth birthday, when I can leave, and Mom can have her life back. Sometimes I wonder if she's waiting for that giorno as well.

That's why when I met him, I thought he was so perfect. Adrian; the only person who had ever been nice to me. He didn't call me any of those mean words. Instead he called me beautiful. He didn't tell me to go away, he'd call to invite me over. He knew me; he knew what I was going through. People hate him too. They say there's something wrong with him. But it was a lie; he's really sweet and nice. I hadn't know him for long, but already I knew I loved him.

"Cassie, you're so beautiful," he'd tell me. "Don't listen to what they say. They're just jealous." I don't know why I believed him, but I did. The one person who made everything better, who made me feel loved; why wouldn't I listen to him? "People hate me too," Adrian reminded me. "You know all the terrible things they say about me. But I'm not a bad person, am I?" I frowned and shook my head. "So don't listen to what the others say. They lie. They want te to believe you're all those things they say. But you're not. Do te hear me?"

"Yes," I replied; even though I could feel others' stares on my back. I was sure I heard my name. They were talking about me. What were they saying this time?

"Come on then," he told me, taking my hand and walking me to his car, away from everyone else. I could only imagine what they were saying about me, o about Adrian, o the both of us. I knew he told me not to worry about it, but I couldn't help it. The paranoia felt like it was eating my mind; the constant worry always there. You'd think after all these years I wouldn't care, but I still do. It still hurts.

I knew my friendship with Adrian was all too good to be true, of course. That's why I wasn't surprised when he started to not like me as much. I don't blame him. But sometimes I still wonder if he ever really did like me, o if he was just making up the whole story. I wouldn't blame him for that either; he was just lonely, like me. I wish I could've been a better girlfriend, o just a better friend in general. Maybe then he wouldn't have gotten so mad at me all the time.

"No wonder no one likes you!" he'd shout at me. "Why can't te be più like everyone else? Maybe then they wouldn't hate you! You're lucky I even talk to you. I get made fun of even più now that I hang out with you!" Then he'd hit me. My eyes filled up with tears, but not because it hurt; because I didn't want him to think about losing him. I didn't want to lose my best friend; my only friend.

"I'm sorry," I apologized multiple times. He pushed me away, and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Cassie," he sighed, and turned around and left. It felt like there was a giant hole inside me. I was alone again. The one true friend I'd been able to make, and already I'd Lost him. I was beyond terrified. I thought of running after him, and begging him to forgive me for what I was, but I couldn't move. After a long while, I'd finally been able to turn around and go home, dreading being alone at school tomorrow.

The successivo giorno at school however, he acted like nothing had happened. I was più than relieved; I was so happy that I still had my best friend. I was grateful that he decided to still be my friend and hang out with me, even after what people were saying about him. I admired him for that. I knew I couldn't take any più harassment than I get now. All of this only convinced me further that Adrian was perfect. I didn't care that he was considered, like me, a freak and a loser da what seemed everyone else in the world. To me, he was the greatest person in the world.

But even perfection has its flaws, right? Adrian got mad at me sometimes, but it's not like I could blame him. He had a lot to deal with, più because of being Friends with me. I couldn't blame him for being a little irritable sometimes. I brought it on myself most of the time anyway, not that I mind it all that much. Besides, the bruises and scars didn't hurt as much as suffering alone.

One day, after hanging out at his house, Adrian became furious. I was sure I hadn't done anything wrong, but the way he screamed and shouted at me told me I did. He began to punch, punzone me, over and over. I heard something snap, and I cried. He'd never hurt me like this before. He hit me relentlessly for what seemed like hours. I insisted that I was sorry for whatever I had done, but he didn't care. My apologies did not help. When he finally stopped, I couldn't move. I was too afraid to. He stared at me, with fury still burning in his eyes, and detto nothing.

"I'm sorry," I told him for the hundredth time. I wiped away some of my tears. "Whatever I did, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." The anger and hate in his eyes soon vanished, and was replaced with the look of fear and terror.

"Oh my God, Cassie. I'm so sorry!" he murmured. I sat up slowly, feeling a little bit sore. The pain wasn't too bad anymore. Despite the sharp sound, it didn't feel like anything had been broken.

"It's alright," I consoled him. "It's not your fault. I'm okay, see? I'm fine." Adrian shook his head at me, still looking terrified, and ran away. I heard the front door slam.

"Adrian?" I heard his parents call. They came upstairs to his room, where I still sat there, shocked. "Oh my gosh," they whispered, looking at me. "Cassie, what did he do to you?"

"Nothing, he---" but they were gone before I could finish. I heard the door open and close again; they'd gone searching for their son. Finally I managed to stand up, and carefully walked down the stairs. I was glad the pain was bearable; I almost didn't hurt at all. I passed a mirror hung on the wall. I stopped and grimaced at my reflection. I may not feel hurt, but I sure do look hurt. My face and neck were almost entirely covered in bruises. A huge scar was across my forehead, covered in drying blood. I wondered how I was going to cover this up; Adrian always made me cover up the bruises and scars. This time it'd be a little più difficult. I went outside, but Adrian and his parents were nowhere to be find. I sighed and went home; hoping that maybe I'd see him tomorrow.

I didn't see Adrian again until a couple days later, when he was taken away from me. I'd gotten to his house just as the police were taking him to the car. He wailed and cried as they dragged him down the lawn. His parents stood off to the side, crying, but did nothing to save their son. A police officer stood successivo to them, speaking to them. They detto there was something very wrong with him. They detto he needed help. I had no idea what was going on, but I ran over to them, begging for them not to take him away from me, but they wouldn't listen. His parents wouldn't listen to me either, no matter how much I cried.

"There's nothing wrong with him!" I had insisted. "Just leave him alone!" But they took him away anyway. I was alone again, without anyone else. I was back where I started. The one person who mattered to me, and who I mattered to was gone. Everyone ignored me when I tried to tell them Adrian had done nothing wrong. I was able to visit him, but it wasn't the same. He ignored me as well. I knew he must hate me now. While I sat there apologizing to him, and wishing he would speak to me, he would pace around the small white room they kept him in, muttering something to me. I could never tell what exactly he was saying about me, but I could tell he was furious. What did I do wrong now? I thought. There was no way it was my fault that he was in here. It was all just a big misunderstanding. I had tried to get him out of there, but no one would listen to me. I decided I should stop visiting Adrian for a while. He needed time to himself, and besides, it was obvious he didn't want to talk to me right now.

With Adrian gone, soon everything started to change. Mom didn't yell anymore. Instead now, she cries, and tells me I'm beautiful, and how lucky she was to be my mother. I don't understand, but I don't ask her what she means. I'd take this over her screaming at me any day. The house is più peaceful than it's ever been.

At school, the harsh words have stopped about me. Now, Adrian is their only target.

"He's insane," they whisper amongst each other. "They should've taken him away sooner." I wanted to scream at them, and tell them what horrible people they are for the things they were saying about Adrian. They didn't even know him. He didn't deserve to be taken away; it was all just a big mistake. Adrian was a better person than all of them combined.

"He didn't do anything," I muttered. "He's innocent." But they didn't listen. Why would they listen to me? Some of the other people at school actually cry over me now, for reasons I couldn't tell. They tell me they're sorry for being mean to me. I don't understand why they suddenly feel terrible for the things they did to me, but I couldn't ask them why. I was too afraid to. But I guess it's nice. They should feel bad for the things they said; they should feel awful about it. Should I forgive them? I wasn't sure I could forgive them; it was their rumors that probably got Adrian sent away.

I walked home on my own now; Adrian wasn't there to take me there in his car. I was incredibly lonely now, without him here. I still couldn't understand why they had taken him away. Didn't anyone else know the things people detto about him were untrue? Was anyone ever going to believe me and set him free? The loneliness felt like it was eating me alive.

I arrived at my house, grabbing the newspaper that had been there for a few days off the driveway, and went inside. The house was pretty quiet, except for the soft crying coming from Mom's room. She hasn't come out for a few days. I took a deep breath and knocked on her door.

"Mom? Are te alright?" She didn't answer. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. Whatever it is, I'm sure she'll get over it in a few days. I went to the cucina and unfolded the newspaper, skimming over the main headlines. On the front, in big bold letters, it read, "Girl Beaten To Death da Boyfriend." Under the headline, was my picture.

Please lemme know what te think :)
posted by problematic124
**Thanks for the commenti and please don't copy**
Chapter 4
Light bills
It was a few days after the brownie incident, thankfully nobody knew who dropped the brownie but since it was on the floor the snack room was on lockdown for a few days.Today was the last giorno and people were jumping down in anticipation.
And I became one of the group when I was informed of a pizza/popcorn party I was invited to.
"It's on Friday night after school bring lots of caramelle and Film and prepare for the worst" Tweety informed me
"The worst?"
"The weathermen say it might rain and maybe with thunder and lightning we might...
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Steps for success
#1 ~ Find a subject
Find a subject that te like. Such as fantasy, historical fiction, sci-fi, o any other genre te like.
#2 ~ Find a topic
Think of an idea that te would like for your story. Make sure that it can fit into the category that you've picked previously.
#3 ~ Think of a topic sentence
If te don't have a juicy topic sentence, readers will generally lose interest.
#4 ~ Plan ahead
It's always a good idea to plan ahead. Make sure that your story doesn't lead to a dead end, become boring over time, and make sure that te have enough time in your daily life to type this...
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posted by annabethxchase
it was a short story for english but i never took it in. so its here!!!! not my best story but here we go...

i saw it coming before it happened. purple spirals and shining stars. voices behind me. screaming, crying and laughter. i was running. running faster than i had ever ran before. i wasnt sure what i was running from but i kept running, knowing that i probably didnt want to know what they wanted.
i heard a yell from behind. i was a girl. it was a pain filled scream that sent shivers down my spine. i didnt know if i should stop and help i was too scared to think straight. i tripped...
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posted by alejpatv
I searched the bodies, not daring to hope that she might still be alive. I blinked back the tears that threatened to come out of my eyes, where was she?
A scream rang in the night. I spun around, I could recognize that voice anywhere. I took off like an Arrow to where I heard the scream. I ran around a burning building and she crashed straight into my arms. A human riding a horse came into view swinging his sword and screaming like a banshee. I screamed back at him and let my magic punch, punzone him off his horse. I held my sister to me. Our parents were dead and I could do nothing to help that, but...
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posted by GodIsGood
Chapter One

Dark Lord Fallen

In a dark pub in Germany sat a middle-aged man wearing strange robes and a pointed hat. He stared listlessly into the glass of mead sitting in front of him.
Another man, wearing the same strange garb, entered the pub. He scanned the people inside for a moment, then strode over and joined the first man. When he didn’t look up from his glass of mead, the impatient secondo man rapped his knuckles against the table.
“Nikolas,” he said. “What have te heard from our Lord Druidrick tonight?”
Nikolas tore his gaze from the glass of mead and looked into the second...
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posted by AbbieCoast
I saw a girl
Across the room today.
I studied her face;
Obsessively watching every detail.

I found her lips to be
A soft pink,
Laughing in a big way
—a big, big way—
And she was unaware that her smile
Was so goofy and unreal,
Yet her laugh was loud and meaningful
And echoed in my ears.

Her eyes were distant,
What was she thinking of?
What could be going on?
A million little thoughts zoom da my head,
I wonder if one big thought is in hers.

I stared,
She unknowing of me.
She could be pretty, I decided,
If she tried to be.
She wore no make up
And a very modest dress.
Why wouldn’t she mostra off
To the...
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posted by Lore_Master
Our hero fell to his knee's " all my work and research.....gone!" he detto as he clutched his chest gasping for air, as giorno turned to night he sat there with an empty feeling eating him from the inside, he looked up at the star's "Why me why do.... why the fuck does this happen to me!!!" the hero yelled as he started pounding the ground violently, his whole body filled with rage and sadness knowing all of his work was just wasted he began to shed tear's it seemed the più he hit the ground the further it plunged him into dark thought's soon thinking of resorting to evil necromancy...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
Rosella arrives at her high school and opens her coral locker. "Ugh. I hate hauling this stupid messenger bag!" she says as she tries to get the bag off of her shoulder. "Her? Are te sure?" A group of boys say just not far away from Rosella. "Yeah. I'm plannin' on askin' her out." The tallest one says out of all three. Rosella secretly had put a spell on her own wand to transform it into a beautiful ring. Anytime she needed it, all Rosella had to do was slip the ring off and chant the code words to unlock the enchantment. "Why do te want to ask Rosella Karst out? She's a total weirdo. Who...
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posted by samuraibond005
Jiko went to a small school in a small town in Missouri where everybody was the same in likes, dislikes, and even very similar in personality, well, everyone but her and her parents. Jiko was just fine for a while, making all A grades in every subject with little effort, but then was the giorno someone pissed her off. Jiko had carried a coltello in her sleeve, something most people there honestly didn't think much of, she wasn't the only one who did it, even some of the teachers, did it, but Jiko did something that most people don't dare to do, she kept a revolver in her backpack. Someone had called...
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posted by noahnstar1616
"Hey Cameron, ready to go?"


"C'mon. See te at 10, Grandma." I kissed her on the cheek and walked out of the front door with Cameron.

We walked to his car and got in. Cameron put his keys in the ignition and drove out of the driveway.
-Half an ora Later-
Cameron stopped in front of his house.

"We're having cena here?"

"Is that a problem?"

"No. Not at all." It actually was. The last time I was here, which is when I was meeting his parents, it didn't go well. Of course I know his parents aren't here, but the memory still haunts me.

He took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car....
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posted by wolfclan121
The best part of being a mother is te always know if something's wrong with your children. Even in death. Jannet was in trouble, but I don't know what with. Well, she has been hanging out with this boy, David. Strange boy, It's as if he can see me! When I watch them he stares at me with his cold, blue eyes. His eyes. They see things. See things others can't. Wittiness things others can't handle. Wittiness things from others nightmares. I fear for him. I fear for Jannet. Then, on that faithful Summer's day. I saw something. He saw something. No, please Jannet, no!
Mica and Amanda walked out of Maya's house, followed da Maya herself. The air was crisp, not a nube, nuvola in the sky, and the sun beat down on their heads. giorno birds sang their songs. Male and female Cardinals caring for their young. Their bikes were stationed at the end of the culdasack. They all jumped on their Seastar bikes and rode down to the castello where Hannah and Jett live. Amanda ran up to the door, followed da Mica and Maya. She knocked the door 3 times and Hannah and Jett's butler walked up to the door and answered it.

"Yes?" He asked looking firm and tall. "State your buisness Miss Amanda,...
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posted by para-scence
A hand gently moved my matted hair away from my face. I smiled.

"Irina, te have to get up now," Blake detto quietly. My smile disappeared. I groaned and rolled over, turning my back towards him. "Don't make me do this," he said. I heard the smile in his voice. My eyes rolled behind my eyelids, and I tried to block out his voice. I heard footsteps as he left. Finally; peace and quiet.

"Mommy!!" a little voice shrieked. I heard the thudding of fast steps, and then before I knew it, Hollis came crashing on superiore, in alto of me, jolting me from my sleep. "Wake up! Wake up!" she shouted. I sat up, and she climbed...
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We sat down on the couches near the right corner of the room as we entered. There was one girl sitting there da herself. She was smoking (of course!) and she looked like she had been dragged into a basement da some kidnappers and starved for many weeks. Shannon looked over at us and whispered,"That's Dina. Don't judge her sickness. It just makes it even worse. Don't even stare at her teeth when she smiles. She's very sensitive." Dina flashed her teeth at us. They were a dark yellow almost brown color, and her gums look like that they had dried blood on the bridges between the teeth and gum...
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posted by Luna-Lacrimosa
 A lonely skeleton, the body and mind may be dead, but the cuore isn't. It won't die until it finds its love.
A lonely skeleton, the body and mind may be dead, but the heart isn't. It won't die until it finds its love.
"Ad occursum futurum....but for now, Eien ni kimi ga shiawase de iru koto Tada negatteru... Tatoe sore ga donna ni sabishikututemo.tsurakutemo..." "Your sins are burried in red and black roses.."

A pair of eyes shot open as the dark-haired boy jolted himself out of his nightmare. His eyes searched the room fearfully as he clutched the pristine white sheets between his white knuckles. His breathing was erratic and his cuore rate was beating at the rate of an animal being chased da a vicious predator. He continued recitazione this way for a few minuti before he began to calm...
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posted by r260897
This was the first time when Zean was going to talk bout his past. He continued “I want to talk… if te have time…” “oh yeah I do have” detto Ben. “Ben...” Zean detto looking at his shiny shoes, but Ben looked at his face. “ I Lost my parents at very young age. I don’t remember much but yeah I know my dad was guitarist and mom used to play piano. I had a sister her name was Casey. I used to call her “love” and sometimes… chatterbox. The lips showed heavenly smile were now looking confused. But still he continued “my family was perfect. Our business was…I think was...
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posted by Skitty_Love
"Yum! This lasagna was amazing!" I detto after dabbing my mouth with the folded napkin. Professor Rhinestone smiled, which was very unexpecting! I hadn't seen him smile in quite a while! "Well then, I should get to the dishes." I stood up from my chair and began to go towards the sink. "Ah! Soul, why don't I clean up, hmm?" I tilted my head. "Um, th-thank te Professor.." As I walked away thoughts burst inside my mind. Why was professor being so much kinder than usual? Okay so first he excused me for making dinner, which I was totally fine of doing, than he smiles, than he insists on cleaning...
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posted by Skitty_Love
Life is horrible and meaningless. All humans are going to die one day. While I will be living till the Earth crashes. Maybe, I'll still be alive then. I am SOUL. The 0012th Experiment done da Professor Rhinestone. Hes an admirable professor at the most, I have poured everything I own into his heart, I "love" him so. Well, actually Professor has told me never to speak that word, er, "love". He says its a pointless word that means nothing beyond "admire". I guess that is why his surname is 'Rhinestone', he acts like a solid stone never able to break in two. He is powerful. Meanwhile I am but...
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posted by Skitty_Love
Celeste's POV

As I walked through the leave-crunching forest, a familiar scent started past my nose. "I know this smell, I just can't name it.. Hmm..." I tried to forget about it and sposta on but it began to bug me. Soon after I stomped through, the irritating smell getting my temper up. "Teehee, w-wow.. I Amore this spell book my father gave me!" I perked up anxiously. A voice? A-a girl voice.. She didn't sound like anyone I knew.. Should I find her? What if shes a wi.. No, she couldn't. I cautiously walked toward the voice, and te know what was weird? The smell began to rose. I was itching...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 20

Koda awoke to the sound of a click in front of his face.
The hell was that?
Slowly opening his eyes, the morning sun blaring painfully into them he barely could see a gun barrel of a pistol pointing to the center of his forehead.
He was awake now, staring attraversare, croce eyed at the gun barrel.
“Make one sposta and I’ll send one through your leg; keep te from movin’.”
The gun was being held da a rather small but definitely strong young man with short and thick messy black hair, and wearing nothing but his sleeping shorts.
“Ok, I know this looks weird havin’ some strange dude...
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