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(at g.u.n. biggest base under the pentagon)(300 people on computers and controls clnking and pressing buttons)( the gun general allmo enters room and walks over to lead scientist)
allmo:is it finished
scientist: well yes project z.a.k. is but we still havnt fixed it to be a emotionless puppet
allmo: it doesnt matter the public is dieing to see it out side to get the chamber elevator ready and send it above.
scientist: yes commander(presses button and test tube with zak in it goes flying up to the pentagono where thousands of gun soldiers are waiting)
allmo:(goes up to the pentagon)where the news lady he askes a guard.
guard: shes right there *points at a girl hedgehog*
allmo: go and interview it he says to the girl hedgehog.
the girl: my name is starlight and my camera man here is joey(points at the news ladies camera man.
starlight: okay start filming in 3...2..(walks behind the Zak the hedgehog in test tube)..1
joey:starts filming*
starlight:hello world this is news reporter starlight the hedgehog at the seen of the new zak the hedgehog.yes ladies in gentlemen its wat weve all been waiting for the ultimate life form even over shadow...this hedgehog has the power of speed faster then sonic,able to hold 2000,0000,000tons over his size,and the skin almsot in possible to penetrate unless with a krptonite to Superman and we are here to watch the finishing touch as g.u.n. makes realeases him under there controll.

(suddenly amongst the noises someone down in the lap hits a wrong button awekening zak) he has been asleep but heard every word gun ever detto and nos there gonna use him fas there slave so he bustes out of the tube) be continued