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logan2214 ha detto riguardo a speak ur mind
why the fuck isnt there a dating sight for people younger then 18 god damn i need a damn girl friend postato più di un anno fa
logan2214 ha detto riguardo a speak ur mind
got into a fiht today XD postato più di un anno fa
logan2214 commentato…
fucking typo fight più di un anno fa
logan2214 ha detto riguardo a Rosario+Vampire fan Club
u know it probably hurts moka growing and shrinking her culo and her boobs ever time the rosario is put on and tooken off it most really fucking hurt who else agrees
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DayRay commentato…
i know i mean it would really hurt me if i wer her.I mean seriously its got to hurt her for shes growing and rathe quicly at that. più di un anno fa
logan2214 ha detto riguardo a speak ur mind
hello nice to see some one joined my club
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logan2214 ha detto riguardo a speak ur mind
this club is for whatever u want to say so if u dont like what people have to say get of the club idc
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logan2214 ha detto riguardo a Rosario+Vampire fan Club
um were can i read rosario vampire online postato più di un anno fa
Vlander commentato…
i dont suggest Leggere them online cause i feel its più enjoyable to read them in person but i think te can find them on i hope that helps più di un anno fa
LandonsMama commentato…
link :) più di un anno fa
logan2214 commentato…
ty i have read up through what they have postato online but i cant find any further story like it just stops più di un anno fa