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russ19520 ha detto riguardo a Alexander Rybak
Alex is going to Miami, florida,!...long flight...lots più foto and video coming soon. postato più di un anno fa
Vestulka commentato…
yeah I'm waiting :DD più di un anno fa
russ19520 ha detto riguardo a Alexander Rybak
WHAT ARE te SENDING ALEX FOR XMAS I dont want to send the same thing? postato più di un anno fa
Helene17Norway commentato…
Alex is getting so many gifts from around the world, it is impossible to not send the same. me and some other Friends are going to collect money to buy a big thing for his house più di un anno fa
russ19520 commentato…
hope it's not too big as his unit/ apartment is not big.....thanks....I'm having something specially made for him in Australia, successivo problem is getting it to Norway!! più di un anno fa
russ19520 commentato…
something for the cucina would be good,...why not hand make a ti towel o egg timer o some really good coffee!! più di un anno fa
russ19520 ha detto riguardo a Alexander Rybak
russ19520 ha detto riguardo a Alexander Rybak
I'm saving in my money box for an xmas present. What should I send him? postato più di un anno fa
Seyma_Seigmann commentato…
dont know :S must find somthing just 2 months left x) haha :D più di un anno fa
russ19520 commentato…
now he tells me he wants a full size surf am I going to fit this in the letter-box? più di un anno fa
Seyma_Seigmann commentato…
yes agree with jo135 :D più di un anno fa
russ19520 detto …
WOW !! ALEX IS GOING TO BEIJING CHINA, AND FLORIDA USA soon. What a fantastic anno he is having; well done management! postato più di un anno fa
russ19520 ha detto riguardo a Alexander Rybak
OPRAH is coming to Australia plus her whole audience free for 8 days.
2 full qantas world will see Australia. YOUR successivo ALEX!!! postato più di un anno fa
russ19520 ha detto riguardo a Alexander Rybak
Does anyone know Alex's address in oslo...aker brygge.... so I can write to him.......? thanks. postato più di un anno fa
Seyma_Seigmann commentato…
yeah but te don't need it write it to the addres in nessdon :D ! più di un anno fa
russ19520 commentato…
can te email it to me as I want to hand deliver a canguro to him at Xmas time....thanks più di un anno fa
Seyma_Seigmann commentato…
okey i can do :) but still te also can find it on the officel web site :P più di un anno fa
russ19520 detto …
WHAT DO te THINK ALEX WOULD LIKE FOR XMAS THIS anno FROM AUSTRALIA. Should I send him a kangaroo, koala bear, wombat, platypus o budgie.....or maybe KYLIE MINOGUE. postato più di un anno fa
russ19520 ha detto riguardo a Alexander Rybak
Do te think ALEX should go to AUSTRALIA where there are huge crocodiles, deadly snakes & spiders and sharks bigger than a car? postato più di un anno fa
russ19520 commentato…
yes, Australia is a must see place and very safe! più di un anno fa
s0nja commentato…
He should stay in cities :D Okay, if one have the chance to travel to Australia than he/she should go for it. It's once in a lifetime chance :D più di un anno fa
ALExXxRybakFaNn commentato…
it'll be cool più di un anno fa
russ19520 ha detto riguardo a Alexander Rybak
ALEX IS COMING TO AUSTRALIA SOON....YEAH!!!!!! postato più di un anno fa
Seyma_Seigmann commentato…
really? più di un anno fa
AlxanderRfan commentato…
Lucky australia O_O più di un anno fa
AlexForEver commentato…
yeh!luckyyyyyyy! più di un anno fa