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Your answer for the Irish princess tale called HUSH

tell if te cried, tell your complete thoughts on the tale, of the struggle in silence.
 ambyie posted più di un anno fa
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soups said:
Aaarrghh this book...

The back cover and the beginning of the book were very interesting and promising. In medieval Ireland, Princess Melkorka's brother is attacked and left horribly injured. The king plans revenge against the Viking attackers and sends Melkorka away so she'll be safe, but unfortunately, she is kidnapped and taken aboard a Russian slave ship.

In order to save herself from the horrors that surely awaited, Melkorka becomes silent; to the anger, bewilderment, (and sometimes wonder) of her captors, she does not speak a word aloud for the rest of the book.


The book began to drag. I skimmed through passages as I neared the end... and then came the ending. What a terrible disappointment.

No rescue? No escape? She accepts her fate, after she's been taken far from her family, married to a stranger, and raped and impregnated da him?

Talk about unsatisfactory. :( I felt terrible for her throughout the book but still thought there was hope for her to get away...
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posted più di un anno fa 
if te read the very ending, it was a page away from the back. It tells te that she was talking to her child who was at the time two. She tould him that she is a I rish princess, that was taken from her home and her only thing that gave her advantage was that she had rule to hush. Then I guess her slave person, guy overheard her and he new she was speaking the truth to him. So she was freeded!
ambyie posted più di un anno fa
Really? Aaaaaahhhh how could I have missed that D: I need to find this book again and read that part!
soups posted più di un anno fa
it made me cry. and the really cool part was that it was a real story. REAL! I freaked. 8D
ambyie posted più di un anno fa
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