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I know I've changed my mind like 84932084932048392048329 times. Okay like 4. I was rounding. But this is the lista I can look at and be satisfied. This is the lista I don't want to change anything around. This is the lista where I'm not constantly questioning myself. This is the lista where I just instinctively put the princesses in their spots instead of overthinking. Get it? It's a good list. So this time, I got to skip the heavy drinking and lab results (...okay, maybe only the latter) and here's my list.

[F] 10. Aurora
*to the tune of link*
and everything bland
these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little princess
but Disney forgot to add an extra ingredient to the concotion....chemical complex!
Thus princess Aurora was born!
Using her ultra useless powers,
flora, fauna, and merrywhether
must dedicate their lives to protect this princess
from the forces of evil!

Yeah, so Aurora. Once upon a time she was my preferito princess; this was when I first watched Sleeping Beauty, about two years ago. I always liked her, she Streghe#The power of three me, blah blah blah. But the più and più I watched the movie, the less entranced I was. When I watch a movie for the first time, I'm too absorbed in the movie to really take it in. However, now I just think Aurora prances around, sings, and falls asleep. It's not really Aurora's fault, she just didn't have much of a chance. Now when I watch the movie I'm più interested in the mop that dances around. I wish that was the Disney princess instead.

[P] 10. Rapunzel
Her eyes are WAY TOO big, her teeth are weird, only her hair is pretty. She looks 9 but is supposed to be 18. There's no moment where I go "Wow, she looks gorgeous!" like I do with the other princesses.

[F] 9.Tiana
Tiana is diagnosed with what I call "Nakoma syndrome." She has a personality I'm somewhat interested in, but I'd much rather focus on some of the other characters. Tiana has a sidekick's personality but is shoved into the main character spot. I was 10x più interested in carlotta, charlotte than I was Tiana. carlotta, charlotte is incredibly unique, Tiana is incredibly predictable. Plus that movie sent mixed messages...your dream can't be complete without a man? I don't get it. If it had a message, it was subtle. I also didn't see Tiana go through any growth. Whatever, she's boring, I still prefer the dancing mop.

[P] 9. Jasmine
She looks like a sexually charged alien. Her eyes are extra-terrestrial and her nose is big. Even as a kid I thought she was unattractive. But I still find her a little prettier than Rapunzel because she has some "wow" moments.

Um...heh heh heh.
Okay, now to explain Mulan. Like I detto in my opening paragraph, I tend to overthink the princesses and then my preferiti lista gets jumbled and looks better on paper than in real life. And that's how I am with Mulan. She's smart and brave...aaaaaaand smart and brave...and smart. and brave. And not much else. Her personality is very subtle to me. Does that mean she has no personality? Absolutely not. Let's just say I prefer the "I have a dreeeeeeeeeeeam" princesses more. Mulan is one of those princesses that barely smiles, is sort of mopey all the time, and never just goes wild with having fun. Yeah, she took her father's place in the army, I Amore her the most in that scene. But she just doesn't have this witty, fun quality that I like. It annoys me that it took her father going into the army for her to get up off her culo and do something.[yes she wanted to please her parents blah blah blah. I've never felt sympathetic toward people who put their own lives on hold to please their parents.]

[P] 8.Ariel
*sigh* She has some really pretty shots but other than that she's just cute. I only like her hair during "Part of Your World" Other than that, her bangs look stiff and I'm not fond. She has a pretty eye color but her lips can sometimes be too thin and her body anorexic looking. complessivamente, generale I find her cute, pretty on occasion, with some bad shots.

[F] 7.Belle
Belle is nice. ....yeah. I have no strong feelings about Belle. She's selfless, she's stubborn, she's got great morals but she tends to be a little too victimized. Her personality is really...nice. It's just really uninspiring and unmemorable to me. I think a lot of girls like this idea of changing a man's personality for the better; I don't. He should be a great guy already when I meet him, I shouldn't have to change him. Also I was creeped out da the disappointment in her eyes when he turns human. hat's why none of the men in town satisfied her..... She likes her men thick and wooly.

[P] 7.Aurora
She's plain-pretty, simple as that. Her eyes lack depth, her whole design lacks it as well. She has pretty hair, I must admit, though her bangs need to decide which direction they're going.

[F] 6.Rapunzel
Ohhh boy. Now this is going to take a lot of explaining. Because Rapunzel is like a Cioccolato chip cookie with a few aspro, acida chips mixed in. Overall, I Amore Rapunzel's personality. She's funny, she's bubbly, she's cute, she's ambitious. But dammit, does this girl ever fit the Disney Princess mold if their was one. She is the perfect cardboard cutout Disney princess. If I had to pick a Disney princess to represent all Disney princesses, I would pick Rapunzel. Her personality just screams "manufactured da Disney!" She literally is a combination of all the other princesses. She has one quality of all the other princesses, at least, and I don't really see an individual quality of her own.
Disney Princess Requirements: Must have at least one o più of these to be a Disney Princess
1. Trapped in a place all your life, yearning to leave. CHECK! (Ariel, Jasmine, Aurora)
2. Canto a song about your dream. CHECK! (Ariel, Belle, Pocahontas...basically all of them)
3. Trying to make your parents happy. CHECK! (Mulan, Tiana)
4. Prince rescues te from your dismal life. CHECK!(Pocahontas, Tiana, Aurora, Snow White, Jasmine)
5. Have wonderful hair. CHECK! (...too many to name)
And I could lista PLENTY more.

Because of this, she comes off as the most Mary-Sue to me. This argument gets annoying because I don't think any of the princesses are Mary-Sue. But if there's one that comes close to being a Disney princess mary-sue, it's Rapunzel. But seriously! I really really like Rapunzel! HONEST!

*stands naked and proud, ready for all the hate. Shields are for wusses.*

[P] 6.Tiana
Tiana is pretty.....I really have nothing else to say. She's naturally pretty but I would have liked to see her dolled up with her hair down o something. Maybe she's Voldemort on the back of her head so she can never let her hair down. Must make intimate moments between her and Naveen

[F] 5.Cinderella
Cenerentola is just lovely. If I could pick to have the personality of any princess, it would be Cinderella. She's so charming and graceful, and I Amore her gentle but kind personality.I don't like her in the third movie. I actually don't mind a character being weak, as long as she's not generic. In the third one, she was. But in the first movie, I just want to drink her in like warm syrup... O_o
The only reason she's this low is because I just Amore the others more.

[P] 5.Belle
She can really be very beautiful in some shots. I just stuck Belle in the middle because the problem is we see about 35 different Belles throughout the film. I Amore her hair and her lips.

[F] 4.Pocahontas
I have absolutely no f#%king clue why I like Pocahontas so much.

[P] 4.Cinderella
Verrrrrry pretty but in a generic way. I hate her hair but she has lovely eyes and face. Her smile is genuinely gorgeous.

[F] 3.Jasmine
This is the part where I start cheating and using things I wrote from my precedente princess article.
Poor Jasmine. Being waited on hand and foot, having beauty so rare people come from miles to see you, and having every luxury someone could want can be REALLY taxing on a girl. At least, that's how gelsomino sees it. And I love her for it. Spoiled princesses don't bother me, and gelsomino isn't spoiled to me. Imagine being locked in a castello for all your life. Yes, te get served on hand and foot. But that enjoyment only lasts for so long. And gelsomino never detto her life sucked compared to others. All she wanted was a little freedom. ....
Plus she's sassy, and imo, the smartest of the princesses. And she's fun. And her freakish face doesn't take away from how much I Amore her. I quickly forget about it as soon as I see her sass and how unjudgemental she is, something I think people fail to notice. Aladdin's class isn't even on Jasmine's radar, something unheard of at the time period she's set in. She looks right past that to the genuine guy underneath, and doesn't bat an eye and a poor, poopy street-dwelling, probably hygenically-challenged guy grabbing her hand and leading her to his less impressive abode, hoping for a little under-the-sheets lovin'. Anyway, I really really like gelsomino a lot, to put it very uneloquently.

[P] 3.Mulan
Yeah, I'm one of those freaks who has Mulan high. I used to have her low but naturally, she's really pretty. I don't count her look during the army; and it's really not fair to do that anyway. She has really pretty eyes and silky hair. She's very sensual looking.

[F] 2.Snow White
First, ask yourself this...Have te ever met anyone like Snow White in real life? Exactly. And that is precisely why I Amore her. successivo time you're able to have a hit put out on you, and are almost stabbed, and react to this da Canto a song about keeping a positive attitude, te may want to check your drink, because te were probably roofied. No one in their right mind would recover from an attempted stabbing da Canto about the joys of life. No one except Snow White. Her kick-ass attitude (that's right, I used the adjective "kick-ass" to describe Snow White), and incredible confidence just scream girl-power. Yes, I think Snow White has girl-power. Not in a traditional, i'm-going-to-kick-your-ass sense, but in a nothing's-gonna-get-me-down sort of way. I Amore that even though she's seperated from her Prince, she doesn't mope and whine like the majority of the other princesses do. She says "fuck it, I can wait, and I'm gonna have a good time while I do, dammit!" I absolutely ADORE this attitude of hers. And anyone who says she's weak gets a veloce, swift cyber kick in the balls.

[P] 2.Snow White
Same as on my preferiti list. Looks like a beautiful porcellana, in porcellana china doll. Gorgeous eyes with long, luscious eyelashes. Pretty lips, amazing smile, and I Amore her hair.

[F] 1.Ariel
I think it's high time I finally fully explain why I like Ariel so much. She's fun, she's wild, she's free, she's tough. But it's più than that.
If I do say so myself, I have a lot of good qualities. I'm smart, witty, bold, fun and tough. I have a lot of bad qualities as well. But if there's one thing I lack, it's determination. So many times I have Lost out on dreams and desires because I'm too scared to go after it. I'm scared of failing and not getting what I wanted. I'm terrified of the let-down.

And this is precisely why I Amore Ariel.

Ariel sees a dream and goes after it. Ariel sees what she wants, and risks everything and anything she can to get it. She doesn't think about the consequences, she doesn't take her own life into account; she just sees what she wants and goes for it. Sure, some decisions were stupid. But even if she had failed, she could still say that she tried. She could still say she went after her dream with no inhibitions and didn't let anything stop her. She didn't let others' words prevent her from doing what she wanted. And in the end because of risking everything and not letting anything get her down, she got what she wanted, she got her happily ever after. This is a quality I would kill for. It's probably my biggest flaw. I want so badly to just be able to go after what I want without being afraid of failing, disappointing others, disappointing myself. I want the freedom to go after what I want.

[P] 1.Pocahontas
Should be named Pocahotness.
Every single inch of her is stunning. Even though Snow White is second, she looks like Snookie's used pickles successivo to Pocahontas. Pocahontas is a cream dream.
posted by KataraLover
I thought that since Merida has joined that I should talk about the most heroic Disney Princesses. I'll be judging their actions based off not only the original Film but in the sequels and TV series'. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion and that just because like per say I think they're a damsel in distress and not that heroic doesn't mean that I hate them. Anyway please leave a commento and enjoy.


Okay I don't like her but I don't hate her and this is kind of part of why I don't like her. First of all her dream is basically to be a damsel in distress, be saved da her true...
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posted by rhythmicmagic
People say that Ariel never learned a lesson in The Little Mermaid and that she never really was sorry for what she did. I kind of agreed with this until I watched The Little Mermaid last night, and I realized that she does actually learn a lesson.

When people like to defend Ariel, they tend to point to this line:
Daddy, I'm sorry! I - I - I didn't mean to. I didn't know –
However, those who say Ariel doesn’t learn anything say it is only one moment, and that she was really just sorry she got caught.
 The weaker scene everyone remembers
The weaker scene everyone remembers

However, no one pays attention to the scene after...
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Here are the results of the preferito Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Character Countdown, hope you'll enjoy it :)

16. The Vultures

I was expecting them to leave a few rounds later, but there's not doubt about why they left at this point, most users detto that they where creepy.

I watched this the other giorno and I absolutely despise them. Ugh (Mongoose09)
Boring (Jessikaroo)
I like the vultures, actually! (rythmicmagic)
they have no purpose in the movie (pretty_angel92)
They´re only creepy. (CodyVenusTrent)
Nothing special about them. (MissAngelPaws)
I get why the vultures are there, they add to...
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posted by SweetPea2007
It is Mothers giorno so I did a countdown sondaggio for the best DP Mother. I am a little tired but want to finish this tonight so I am not going to get as detailed as I wanted. Let us get started with the worst Mother.

#13 Queen Grimmhilde

Snow Whites Step mother was a horrible woman who most likely killed her husband, was standoffish and uppity to her step-daughter, and eventually went from ignoring the child to wanting her dead when the girl became too "pretty".

"Definitely! At least Tremaine and Gothel has no plans to kill their stepdaughters. Plus she treated Snow White as a rat, dress her like...
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 I didn't know what to put here.
I didn't know what to put here.
I apologize for any spelling mistakes, this is my first articolo and I hope te won't be totally bored trying to get through the first princess paragraph. I'm sorry if your eye's melt out of their sockets but I'm sure te can push through Leggere and absorbing each word.. o te could just scan through haha. I was also very lazy with collecting foto and editing them so they look like rubbish. Sorry.

11. Merida, she is probably the most hideous female creation to have ever been created da the Pixar studios. Yes, her hair is nice.. nice that's it? If te shaved it all of she would be ugly as...
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posted by JNTA1234
 The Legendary Princesses
The Legendary Princesses
I've been wanting to do this for a long time. So, here te go, my preferito moment from each Disney Princess film. Here are the ground rules.
1.The princess has to be in the scene. Obviously Aladdin and Sleeping Beauty will have to suffer for that.
2.They can't be musical numbers. Otherwise this entire articolo would be nothing but songs.

Snow White runs away
The scene was so creepy, it creeps me out to this giorno and I Amore it. The dark and frightening imagery, it gives me chills. After surviving an attempt at murder, Snow White runs off in fear to the forest where she lets her imagination run wild....
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articolo counting down the favourite unofficial Disney princess friendship, which were created da these picks:

7. Tiana and Belle

Not really surprising that this friendship was the first to leave as imo, these two princess have successivo to nothing in common. Tiana is very grounded and head strong whereas Belle is a bit of a dreamer and chases fairytales.

'I don't see this happening at all!'- Tigressfan10689

'I cannot see this happening at all! Really!'-ajotma

'I seriously can't imagine Belle and Tiana together being friends...'- JediWaterBender

6.Mulan and...
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 Disney Princesses
Disney Princesses
Hey!I know that is been hundreds of articoli about who is the most preferito Disney preferito princess, but I like to start my first articolo about this.If te see an error in spelling o grammar,I am sorry but I am not a first english speaking. Don't be too bad with me. This is my first article, but give advise to improve for the successivo article. And Thank te for the people who help me with this survey.

10. Snow White
 Princess Snow White (1937)
Princess Snow White (1937)

The first Disney movie and princess is the least preferito princess in this year. Back in 1937,this movia had a lot of sucess. This princess is too innocent,...
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posted by magicfairydust
 Every girl grew up with them, we all dreamed of being one <3
Every girl grew up with them, we all dreamed of being one <3
I Amore ALL the Disney princesses but these are my favorites.
7. Sleeping Beauty (Aurora/Briar Rose)
Ahhh the lovely Briar Rose, many times haled as the most beautiful of all the Disney princesses. She's very nice and pretty....and nice...ok so she doesn't do much. That's why she's ranked lower but I still Amore her! She's such a classic and iconic princess. Some people argue that she only shows up in 18 minuti of the actual film but thats the point! She's SLEEPING beauty. Besides, she has like the best wardrobe ever.
 oh my, this better not be that weird lipstick wearing guy in snow white....
oh my, this better not be that weird lipstick wearing guy in snow white.......
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After a few weeks I've finally made part 1 of the dreamcast for the supporting characters.

I'm losing my touch here so I didn't put much effort in making these images. And I've had a hard time finding pictures to edit. I hope it's still good though.

So as of September 26, 2011, here's what the fan voted:

1. link and link
The fan voted: Anna Kendrick and Emma Stone

2. link
The fan voted: Betty White

3. link
The fan voted: Ashley Tisdale

4. link
The fan voted: Olivia Wilde

5. link
The fan voted: Alex Meraz

So these are all for now, my personal preferito here is Olivia Wilde...
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 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
9. Snow White

Snow White may be adorable, sweet and charming, but when she sings, glass breaks, Cani bark and car alarms are set off. I Amore her...she is precious, but her Canto voice is a bit high for my tastes, and apparently all of yours, since she came in last place.

"Even thought I've grown to like Snow's voice, it still gives me a headache when she sings I'm Wishing." -VGfan30

"I Amore Snow White's voice too it's sweet and charming. It's not one of my preferiti but it's really pretty I Amore how she hits those high notes." -KataraLover

"I don't think Snow White's is awful, it just definitely...
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Since Beauty and the Beast is my preferito Disney film, I wanted to write about a few of my preferito scenes.

#8:Shes Being Difficult!

I Amore this scene because suddenly this monsterous Beast is being childish. Also this is the first banter te see between the Beast and Belle, te also get to see how desperatly the castello staff is trying to get him to be polite and get the girl to fall in Amore with him.

#7: The Library:

When the Beast presents Belle the biblioteca and shares his desperate attempts to win her cuore to cogsworth and lumiere te just want to go "Awwww" the look on his face...
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Having gotten rid of the major disaster outfits in part one of this countdown, we sposta on to the middle outfits. These are the outfits that are really on the fence. They were okay, but not quite right, just like some of the sequels they came from. Let's see what the fan have to say about our Middle Eleven sequel outfits:

 Cenerentola 2- Blue Ballgown
Cinderella 2- Blue Ballgown
21) Cinderella's Blue Ballgown

"it's too puffy, the diamond-shaped thing doesn't work, and her hair and necklace, which alone o with a different outfit would work, only make it worse." ~percyandpotter

"I've changed my mind. I think this one is...
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3. If I Never Knew You (Pocahontas) da the Cheetah Girls
Although this song was cut from the original release of Pocahontas, in the special edition version, Disney decided to put this song back in. It was detto that this song did not make it in the film because during a special screening, children found it boring. I completely disagree. I think it's one of the most beautiful songs ever. Unfortunately, the Cheetah Girls ruined the song. Not to say that they're bad singers because they can sing, just not this song. They took away from the original magic. It's a song of such Amore and passion...
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 Amore can happen
Love can happen
Disney Princess Morals (My favourites)

Ok so here are my favourite morals from my favourite princess Film from Disney.
#1 The Little Mermaid

Moral: Never trust a sea hag for getting love

The Little Mermaid is my all time favourite childhood movie since I was like 7. What I really like about this movie is that Ariel is a Amore struck mermaid who falls in Amore with a handsome sailor. The whole message to this movie for the audience is that true Amore is powerful.

#2 Enchanted

Moral: True Amore can happen in both reality and fiction/being optimistic is important.

Ok so this wasn’t added...
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A lot of fan have already written their articoli about their favourites princesses, and I thought that I could write too! Why not?
The only one problem is my English, but I'm sure te will be kind to me, don't judge me too strictly.
Oh yes, please don't be rude if your opinion is not the same, because I'm going to be very polite, I hope we'll understand each other.

Well, my lista from the least favourite Disney Princess to the most:

And then there is the youngest in her musical debut
Our seventh little sister, we're presenting her to you
To sing a song Sebastian wrote, her voice is like...
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This is my opinion on the subject I hope te like it o maybe even Amore it because I just hope people like all the stuff I make and please leave nice polite commenti there's no need to be mean nasty o rude it's just my opinion and I'm just gonna type stuff in so keep this long so I can pubblica it but first please read it and leave a commento please and thank te so I guss I don't have uch to say about it I mean what else is there to say so I hope te enjoy it please leave a commento and keep in mind this is my opinion so I hope te like it o maybe even Amore it well enjoy.
 9.Snow White her eyes are cute though most of the time their closed her eyes would be better if the animazione was better
9.Snow White her eyes are cute though most of the time their closed her eyes would be better if the animation was better
 8.Mulan she eyes are kinda pretty the amond eyes of china they mostra her bravery wit though they don't compare to her great beauty
8.Mulan she eyes are kinda pretty the amond eyes of china they show her bravery wit though they don't compare to her great beauty
 7.Tiana her eyes big and beautiful and how her eyes sparkled during Ma Bella Engaline but I like blue eyes better
7.Tiana her eyes big and beautiful and how her eyes sparkled during Ma Bella Engaline but I like blue eyes better
 6.Belle her eyes are so beautiful just like her name her eyes have no parallel and look how they look here but once again blue eyes
6.Belle her eyes are so beautiful just like her name her eyes have no parallel and look how they look here but once again blue eyes
 5.Jasmine her big beautiful amond eyes mostra her beauty strength bravery kindness her being sassy and sexy but again blue eyes
5.Jasmine her big beautiful amond eyes show her beauty strength bravery kindness her being sassy and sexy but again blue eyes
 4.Aurora her eyes are gorgeous blue that gow with her hair and dresses rosa and nlue and when she awakens GORGEOUS but the others just have più lovely eyes
4.Aurora her eyes are gorgeous blue that gow with her hair and dresses pink and nlue and when she awakens GORGEOUS but the others just have more lovely eyes
 3.Pocahontas she definatly has the most soulful eyes of all the Disney princesses so gorgeous especually in this picture but again blue eyes
3.Pocahontas she definatly has the most soulful eyes of all the disney princesses so gorgeous especually in this picture but again blue eyes
 2.Ariel HA FOOLED te so te thought I would make her my number one well her eyes are gorgeous like the ocean but there is one I think has prettier eyes than her
2.Ariel HA FOOLED YOU so you thought I would make her my number one well her eyes are gorgeous like the ocean but there is one I think has prettier eyes than her
 1.Cinderella her eyes even though sometimes closed are the prettiest of them all so gorgeous every single time I see them truely gorgeous just like her
1.Cinderella her eyes even though sometimes closed are the prettiest of them all so gorgeous every single time I see them truely gorgeous just like her
    Princess pisello stood in the wedding gazebo successivo to Prince Bartholomew, with all eyes on her. She knew that everyone was waiting on her to say "I do" and make the union official. Come on, Pea, she thought to herself...Two simple words and everything goes back to the way it was. You've been dreaming all your life of marrying a handsome prince and living happily ever after in a beautiful castle. Now all te have to do is say the word and it's yours. te can have what te envied from all the other girls you've met. You'll be blissful and merry like that flat-chested princess...
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posted by DreamyGal
 "Forcing your child to be a slave while your other two are being waited on hand and foot? Talk about bad parenting."-firegirl1515
"Forcing your child to be a slave while your other two are being waited on hand and foot? Talk about bad parenting."-firegirl1515
9. Lady Tremaine
I came close to leaving her out of this countdown, but she was after all Cinderella’s Stepmother. When Cenerentola was just a little girl, her Father married Lady Tremaine, who had two daughters of her own, Anastasia and Drizella. After the unfortunate death of Cinderella’s Father, Lady Tremaine’s true colori were finally revealed. She was dreadfully mean-spirited and hated sweet little Cinderella. She forced Cenerentola to be a servant in her own house and even made her live in the attic. Never once does she mostra Amore o kindness towards Cinderella. She even tries to ruin...
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Honorable Mentions goes to Kida and Elionwy
If I kept them, they would've been in first place for sure.

#9 Belle, I'm surprised that people found Belle the most overrated. But based on the the commenti I read from the pick from giorno 1, people find her overrated because in Fanpop, she is usually the first choice that people pick as the best princess.

#8 Ariel, some just don't find Ariel that special.
I guess it could've been some of the stupid decisions she made in the movie.

#7 Cinderella, People find her overrated because,
most of the Disney Princess merchandise usually stella, star Cenerentola the most...
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