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I’ve been a Sonic fan for about half of my life. I was first introduced to the series in October 2007 with Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R (frankly I liked R quite a bit, but definitely not 3D Blast) but it was only during the Natale of 2007 that I fully became engulfed in the fandom, being dato my preferito Sonic game, Sonic Heroes.

From then to now I’ve played as many of the games as I could, and those I could not, I would find walkthroughs for. I also became an extreme fan of the Archie Sonic Comics, with my first issue begin dato to me in October of 2008, #177, which introduced me to a vast amount of new and interesting characters and plots.

I am first and foremost a COMIC Sonic fan, but that isn’t to say I haven’t enjoyed many of the games. For my lista I will be including characters from both the games and the comics. I would include the Televisione shows, but while SatAM and the Archie Comics are very similar, it was the comics that got me into it and had many più of the characters I loved. But don’t worry, I’ll have some of THOSE characters for my… least preferiti list.

Now NOTE before I start off this list, I am NOT saying these are the BEST characters. Many of these characters aren’t even well-known to fans, and some don’t have the most depth. This is about the characters I connected with personally, so if your preferito isn’t on here, that’s okay, I’m not saying they’re bad. When I get to my least preferito characters it’ll be più based on actual quality, but here we’re sticking to personal preference.

Anyway, let’s begin.

SALLY ACORN (Archie Comics)
I put Sally up here mainly because while I Amore the character, she’s not the highlight of everything I Amore about the comics. But regardless she’s still one of my preferiti and she holds her own incredibly well.

I know that the majority of the fanbase is negative towards her, but I tend to look to the actual reasons for liking o disliking her character. Sally is the princess of the Acorn Kingdom, (cheesy names aside…) but she acts much più like a queen. She’s a fantastic leader, strategist, and even holds her own in a physical fight. She works as a hacker, and holds the Freedom Fighters together. She is also the girlfriend (and eventual wife) of our Blue Hero, Sonic the Hedgehog.

The best part about Sally for me is that she just seems like the definition of a Three-Dimensional-Character. She’s strict, but she isn’t heartless. She can get stressed and will break down if things don’t go well. She sticks to her pistole and puts others above her needs. And at the same time she’s not perfect. She CAN be selfish, she CAN make mistakes, just like everyone else, but when these things happen we understand why. Honestly she reminds me of a much più stable version of Margaret Houlihan. Both are always trying to keep a working machine, always hard-working, but always getting mixed up in everyone’s problems, recitazione as one of the only, if not the only, sensible one with a plan.

I also enjoy the chemistry between Sally and Sonic a lot. They’re basically opposites, but as we know, opposites attract. Sonic’s all fast and living for the moment. Sally is always concerned and wanting everything done right. But even with these differences, both are willing to compromise for the other; they live for each other and are sensitive enough to know when to speak and when to stay silent.

Say what te will about #134 but I’m proud of that issue. It had the guts to mostra conflict and a balanced reasoning for why both sides are wrong and right. No couple is going to have a perfect relationship, and not only was this realistic, but it was interesting, complex, and led to many plots in the future only to rekindle the romance that was meant to be.

Definitely one of my preferito princesses, and I have no shame in saying that Sally Acorn is an amazing character.

Now obviously Mephiles isn’t around as much as Sally but this guy just left such a big impact for me, I had to include him.

Mephiles the dark is one half of a time-devouring being known as Solaris. He is the main antagonist of Sonic 06, and does an amazing job of portraying intimidation and villainy. He can laugh off being shot up over and over da a machine gun while being shot, and constantly taunts whatever pawns are in front of him.

Unfortunately because of Sonic 06, every character, including Mephiles, is turned into an idiot, but I don’t blame the character for that. I don’t have as much to say about him as I do Sally due to how small a role he plays being in only ONE game while she was in the entire comic series. Still, he leaves a definite impact, and could have potentially been a great antagonist to bring back in future games (y’know, if they didn’t dumb them down later on). He’s got this crystalized look to him that mirrors Shadow as in a sense they could both potentially be extreme evils.

I honestly enjoy the interactions with Shadow and Mephiles (anything over being around Silver in that game) because there is actual tension in it. Mephiles talks about, and shows, a world of the future where Shadow is hated da humanity, and imprisoned, and soon after we find out he wasn’t even lying. In a sense, Mephiles knows Shadow’s fate, and uses his scheming to try to convince him to side with him, since things will badly for the black and red anti-hero anyway.

He’s powerful, and the only game-character to kill Sonic. Dan Green did a great job voicing him, and I can honestly say that Mephiles The Dark is one of the very FEW highlights of a TERRIBLE game.

Now while I do enjoy Mike Polluck’s portrayal of Eggman in the games, o any of his game-versions honestly, Archie just has the better version. Not only is Eggman an actual threat, but he can be downright creepy if dato the chance.

Eggman was an overlander (human) who schemed his way into power, and then took over the entire planet of Mobius. He ruled for fifteen o so years constantly fighting against Sonic, and every time he is defeated he would come back and have an even più diabolical plan.

He’s created millions of deadly robots, such as Metal Sonic, and his deadly “daughter” MECHA, as well as his “son” A.D.A.M. (a computer virus that became the control for Eggman’s eggnet), and is extremely tactical. From Roboticizing Sonic’s parents and Uncle (and technically even Sally), to coming back from the dead, to wiping out entire cities (RIP Nate Morgan…) to completely redesigning the universe, this mad doctor is extreme.

No matter how dim things are for Ivo, he always gets through with a freakish smile, and a child-like enthusiasm for the successivo evil plan he’ll create. Even after going insane from his defeat at Sonic’s hand (and shoes) in #200, it was only a matter of time until Eggman returned to his treacherous self and made the world remember why he was the superiore, in alto dog.

One specific thing I Amore about Eggman though is his relationships with the other characters. He’s constantly allowing Snively to return to his side knowing the nephew will betray him, he has a sort of frenemy-relationship with Shadow, and of course his rivalry with Sonic is both his greatest strength and downfall.

He wants Sonic for himself and no one else (not in that way…). No one gets to kill the hedgehog but him, and he won’t have it any other way than his way. Issues #175-177 portrays this extremely well as we get to see both of them at their highest, lowest, most diabolical, and most heroic.

All hail the Eggman Empire

SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (Sonic Adventure 2, Archie Comics)
Let me say this about Shadow… we like him because he’s cool and that’s probably the main reason we like him. He’s started out as arguably the most detailed and complex sonic character but recently (mainly the games) he’s just there at the side. Regardless I still really like him.

Shadow’s got basically the perfect backstory (ignoring the Black Arms); a tragic death leading to revenge, being from the past and being created da Eggman’s ancestor, being tasked with protecting the planet despite his intimidating appearance; it’s great.

Shadow, our Ultimate Lifeform, is also the most inept in Chaos Control, leading to some pretty cool scenes be it his final Mephiles encounter in 06, o stopping an entire army of Metal Sonics just da raising his hand.

He’s sort of a mixture of naiveté and darkness. He ends up wanting to do what’s right, and goes about it the way he knows best. He’s not entirely sure what it is he should do as his responsibility is self-appointed and tainted with the guilt of Maria’s death. Eventually in the comics this would lead to him becoming a tyrant, but deep down, Shadow’s basically a hurt soldier. He’s got good intentions and doesn’t want to see pain, so he’s easily emotionally manipulated when something bad happens and he can’t fix it.

This is explored during The Shadow Saga (Sonic Universe # 1-4) where our black and red anti-hero has to come to terms with his limits, responsibility, defeats, and acceptance of a new giorno to fight for. He’s Lost people he cares about and he’s probably going to hurt because of it forever, but he’s also going to keep fighting because of them and their sacrifice, till the battle is won.

He’s the number one anti-hero in video games (according to rabbidluigi and fawful’s minion at least) and he’s definitely deserved to be up there with the greatest.

MERLINA (Sonic and the Black Knight, Games)
This is a character we only meet in one game and after that she vanishes like all the other human-based females of the series. Her time in the eyes of the fanbase was brief but she left a big impact with me personally.

Now I’ve already explained why I think Black Knight has the best Sonic Story, so I’ll be repeating myself from that articolo a bit here. Black Knight was pretty much a re-hash of Sonic and the Secret Rings, only with a different setting and some changes plotwise.
~Instead of a genie we get a mage
~Instead of Arabian Knights we get Camelot
So on and so on.

However despite it being a re-hash it was done much better than Secret Rings, especially with our companion. With Miss Genie-of-the-ring, she’s basically an over-emotional wreck that betrays us because she wuvs Erazor (plot…twist…???), and then sacrifices herself to save Sonic. Merlina however while a depressed character is still interesting, and maybe that’s because she isn’t with te the whole time, but it leaves più of an impact.

She knows the world is going to die and she wants to save it, but the only way to do that is to turn it dark. She has good intentions and acts completely innocent because she is innocent in a sense. I honestly didn’t think that she was going to betray us at the end of the game but when she did it actually got to me, because we got to know Merlina. She supported us and wanted nothing più than to stay allies, but the grief of the past and knowledge of the future overtook her.

I’m glad that in the end of the game she didn’t die. Having “Live Life” (by Crush 40, who else) play just as Sonic hands her back the fiore was a perfect end for the game for me. It showed new life following, hope for the future. Merlina was a subject of guilt and sorrow from seeing what the world was becoming. All she wanted was to save it.

Brief o not, this mage (wizard? Witch? Um… anyway) is sticking with me when I think about a well-made tragic character, and I will always appreciate that about Black Knight.

So we’re at the big ones now and who better to do these with than Mr. Speed himself?
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (Archie Comics, Jason Griffeth)
Sonic’s gone through changes in character with each new actor o canonical version. Focusing on just one was a bit too hard but I’ll break down while I like both versions equally.

Jason Griffeth’s Sonic is the most courageous and selfless in my opinion. He acts chivalrous and always puts the right thing over the preferable thing. He doesn’t think about how things will affect him and instead focuses on the simple fun-times for other people. With most other versions of the blue blur he’s either selfish all the time, always risking everything, never learning from his mistakes, o spouting out dumb jokes. With Griffeth’s version he seems much più mature and noble; honestly più HEROIC.

Now with The Comic version (Archie that is) it’s a bit different. He’s much più like the Ryan Drummand meets Jaleel White, meaning that he’s fun, carefree, reckless, and full of the nineties. Sonic of this version can EASILY be a jerk at times, and makes no effort to hide ego-boosting statements (that are almost always there as a joke and not serious), but he isn’t an idiot. He knows when he’s messed up, and he’s humble about it. He’s gentle when he needs to be, patient when he needs to be, and isn’t looking out for number one constantly.

He fights for what’s right because he wants to save the world, not because “I’m bored, let’s have fun”. He gets angry and is the most 3-Dimensional of the Sonics.

He’s NOT always in the right, he’s NOT always keeping his cool, and I Amore it. He shows a character, a personality. My preferito memories of the character are when he’s quipping against Eggman o trying to talk a friend out of a bad situation.

I’ve seen people say “Sonic’s not a hero” and to them I say this, read the comics and see Jason Griffeth’s interpretation. The Enerjak Saga, the Xorda invasion, and practically anything involving Eggman proves how much of a hero he is.

The best part about the character is that he PROGRESSES. The game Sonic NEVER changes unless the actor changes. Each game has almost nothing to do with the one before it and is almost never referenced. The comics are ONE large story that spans YEARS of the character’s life. We get to SEE Sonic mature as the years go on, from a cocky careless child, to a damaged but noble teenager who doesn’t hate anyone no matter what they’ve done, and always goes for the right path. He’s had the chance to kill Eggman and decides to imprison him instead. His reason? Because he’s not about revenge.

He’s not about anger, o vengeance, o not being bored, he’s about doing what’s right and that’s what makes those two Sonics’ my absolute preferito versions.

DR. FINITEVUS (Archie Comics)
The last villain on our lista and my preferito Sonic villain of all time; we have the equivalent of the Anti-Chaos-Knuckles. Dr. Finitevus is a white echidna that once lived as a regular doctor who specialized in Chaos Energy. He was called to help contain Knuckles when the guardian was losing control of his power as CHAOS KNUCKLES. Unfortunately Finitevus became stuck in the energy, absorbing it, which not only warped his mind, but gave him extreme levels of control over Chaos Energy.

He specializes in using his trademark warp-rings to travel about, and even in battle, teleporting his hands and feet about to punch, punzone and grab his opponents, o even sending them away. However he’s also able to channel a large amount of Chaos Energy into projectiles, and has super strength like Knuckles, giving him durability enough to withstand repeated clawing-punches from the spiked-fists of the red hot-head and then turn right around and punch, punzone back.

His philosophy is the basic “World must be purged with fuoco to be reborn” which is admittedly cliché but I don’t really blame the writers o the character for that seeing how it’s hard to make a villain-motivation that isn’t cliché nowadays.

He’s a master of manipulating others, tricking them into his hands, be it getting Locke (Knuckles’s father) to LEAVE THE MASTER smeraldo FOR FINITEVUS, o even tricking Knuckles and the Chaotix into thinking he’s helping them when he’s actually causing the problem they’re fighting against.

He has no single loyalty, though remains partially cybernetic from his time in the DARK LEGION (Echidna cyborg group). I just Amore how insane he can get. His look is just perfect for him, portraying both a mad scientist, an evil knuckles, a high-class gentleman, and even a little bit of Dracula. When he loses it and lets loose this guy can be downright scary and I Amore IT! He’s a fairly recente villain as he first appeared back in the 130-140 Archie Issues and did nothing but just give information and eventually leave, only to actually do evil stuff in #180 by, oh not much just REAWAKENING BASICALLY A CHAOS GOD; Enerjak.

He’s the master of hexes, chaos, manipulation and magic, and he’s my preferito Sonic Villain.

Now… for the longest time Tails was my favorite. I still remember when I first saw him. A neighborhood kid was playing one of the Sonic Advance games and I saw him scrolling through the character selection. I saw Tails (holding a wrench I think) and asked “Who’s that?”

“Oh he’s a mechanic… an… inventor and stuff.” I was sold just da that. For the longest time that’s what I wanted to be until I found out that the world was running low on extreme inventions and the fact that there sadly più important things. Still though, Tails held my interest for a number of reasons.

He was an eight-to-eleven-year-old with a gigantic IQ. He was able to program machines, build things, and always seemed like the tactical person on the team (usually in Sonic X). Seeing all the stuff he’d make always made me want to make my own… dangerous inventions (the only working one being a homemade cattle prod that I lost… *sigh*).

But as I got più into the comics I started to hear about TURBO TAILS and TITAN TAILS. Up till then I was always ticked off da how weak he was always portrayed; especially every time I’d watch the intro to Sonic Riders, but seeing that he DID have a purpose and a POWER that rivaled Shadow’s even just made me admire the character more. He’s the “Chosen One” basically, and basically has the power to manipulate chaos energy and magic if I recall correctly. He’s was even able to take every chaos smeraldo in the UNIVERSE and fuse them into the seven emeralds we know today.

He was even the inspiration for the first Fan-Character I EVER made; Starcher Saraduct. Back when I was still pfft… twelve maybe(?); I made the character to be some kind of ultimate form for Tails with a huge backstory and such. It wasn’t good but it’s a fond memory of when I was able to let my imagination incredibly wild. I still have the notebook where I wrote down all these characters, level-designs, and plot-elements for a game I wanted to make.

Tails is basically what inspired everything that I am today. Without him I wouldn’t have the characters I have now, and I doubt I would even know what the comics were. I really do owe a lot to this character, even if he isn’t my number one anymore.

KNUCKLES THE ECHIDNA (Archie Comics, Sonic X)
Yeah ain’t that weird; Sonic X as a reference? Yeah I’m not a fan of Sonic X for many reasons but I did enjoy what they did with knuckles, so let’s go over the two versions starting with that as I have much più to say about the Archie Comic version.

Sonic X Knuckles is basically the naïve dunce we know today only much less of an idiot and much less full of himself. Not only that but we actually have a reason, a good reason, for him getting tricked all the time. He’s just a good person who wants to believe that everyone has good in them, so he’s willing to give them a chance regardless. It almost always bites him in the back, but that’s just the tragic-ness of it because if we don’t give people a chance, we can’t trust anyone, and if we trust everyone, we’re always vulnerable.

I like this version because even though he’s constantly tricked da Eggman he always finds a way to make up for it, recognizing his mistake. However even with all of that… yeah what, FOUR times is a bit much ain’t it?

That’s where the Archie Comic version comes in. Here we have, in my opinion, the most DETAILED and DEEP male character in the Sonic universe, and most tragic. Knuckles isn’t an idiot here, but at the same time he is still easily tricked. He doesn’t trust people right off the bat, but most of the time it’s hard to see what the best choice to make is, and unfortunately he’s always caught up in the middle of it.

He’s constantly living with grief and guilt because of what’s happened to his people over and over through the years to the point where only around a hundred o so echidnas are alive (no I’m not counting that stupidity with Thrash. That, the retcon, and everything a little after Mecha Sally {Yes I thought Mecha Sally was a good plot idea, I have no problems with it} are not cannone where I’m concerned.) today.

He’s been at his lowest so many times. He was turned into Chaos Knuckles, basically a being of pure chaos energy, and at first he was fine. He had extreme power but knew not to abuse it (at least for the most part…), but over time he Lost control and found that he wasn’t even able to use it to help anyone, and eventually… died.

He was brought back into the world only to have his chaos powers gone (along with his spiked-knuckles) feeling weak but still getting into battle because he wanted to fight to save the day.

He was turned into ENERJAK, and manipulated da Finitevus to… well… just read it (180-184). I’ve spoiled enough.

He’s still a hot-head with extreme power, but he’s also gentle and understanding. Knuckles and his relationships with others is the highlight for me because it’s just so juicy, be it the friendly rivalry with Sonic, his complicated relationship with his Dad, his love-life with Julie Su, his unfriendly rivalry against Finitevus, the lista goes on.

Not gonna quote the rap song but te get the jist; this guardian my preferito male character of the Sonic Universe.

Now normally I don’t mostra honorable mentions but there were a few characters I really like that I couldn’t put on this lista for one reason o another so I’ll just lista them here really briefly.

~Bean the Dynamite Duck: Hilarious, insane, and never boring.

~Mighty: Basically Knuckles and Sonic put together minus the temper and even più kind and powerful.

~Sir Connery: … just… read the Darkest Storm Saga.

Alright most of te know who’s my number one here so let’s finish this list.

The character that got me into Sonic in general was Tails. The first character I saw in the games was Sonic himself. However the character that got me into the comics, and was the first character I ever saw in the comics, was NICOLE.

I’ll never forget the first comic I ever got; issue #177. It began with Nicole narrating what had happened throughout the years, and showed her in a holographic form. From there we went into a story where a group of villains are attacking the city only for NICOLE to teleport them into containment cells rather comically. Back then I wasn’t as interested in the character but as I read più comics I just became so interested, leading to Issue #151.

Now the issue itself is… pretty bad honestly, but if te go to the end of the comic you’ll find a mini-story called “STARGAZING” and THAT is what made this my preferito character.

Nicole is an AI. She first appeared in the storyline “Sonic in your face” as a handheld computer with an attitude. She was the soul companion of Sally, save for Bunny Rabbot, who would act as the most highly-intelligent member of the freedom fighters, but never actually having a body of her own.

We find out in 151 that after a body-switch with Sally, Nicole started wanting to have her own body. I could go on with that forever but te REALLY need to read it for yourself. It wouldn’t do it justice if I told te here.

Eventually in Issue 176 we find out that Nicole had made a new city for the freedom fighters out of Nanites that allowed her to make an artificial body for herself in the form of a lynx. From there we got emotionally-gripping storylines that I consider truly some of the best-written storylines I’ve ever read (ever read does not mean in existence).

We have the IRON DOMINION SAGA (#220 – 212), where a Technomage called the Iron Queen returns and takes over New Mobotropolis, and in turn, Nicole. This series showcases a LOT of GREAT story-arcs, including Nicole’s return to normal and the eventual downfall of the Iron Queen.

Later on we have the storyline that… never… finished (Penders…) starting in #221 where Ixis Naugus begins influencing the emotions of the citizens, and ends up turning the city on Nicole, leading to her even being kicked out of the city, and Naugus usurping the throne.

I know I only listed a little there but again, read the storylines. I can’t do this character dignity with this list, te need to read the stories yourself. But still, let’s go over some più about her.

NICOLE herself is for the most part a very pacifistic character. She’s protective and responsible, selfless, and completely level-headed. She’s not a fan of weapons but isn’t afraid to take action, forceful o otherwise. She’s still an incredible genius, and quite honestly I wish they had made a Sonic Universe Arc involving her so that we could go FULL-FORCE into the personal life of this character.

NICOLE is the reason the Identities exist. The entire idea of Virus was inspired da Iron-Nicole, leading the Anti-Nicole character, and every identity afterwards. Originally the purpose of making the Virus character was immaturely to act like Iron-Nicole wasn’t the actual Nicole, which probably isn’t the case but I thought it was clever. But one thing led to another and now we’re here.

I guess it’s pretty obvious I’m kind of obsessed with this character, and at one point I was to an embarrassing amount (thankfully it’s not that bad anymore), but I just Amore the character that much (and no not in that way). Before 151 we got some Nicole here and there but for the most part she was just there for support as a witty computer, but she’s grown a lot in the comics since then.

I could go on about how much I hate that they only gave her a body in the Penders-Retcon, and how much that is a disservice to the comics, but I don’t want to be upset right now, I just want to enjoy the moment.

THIS is my preferito Sonic Character of all time, and as far as I’m concerned she always will be.

Thank te all for reading, if te have any thoughts feel free to share them in the commenti below.

God Bless,
Eat Pie and Prosper
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Sally Acorn was going up against Cream The Rabbit, in her 1956 Bel Air.

Sonic: I haven't seen Sal's Roadrunner in a long time.
Tails: I wish she didn't have to go against Cream. It's not easy to choose upon Friends when it comes to challenges.
Sonic: Yeah, both our girlfriends, going head to head. At least one of them will win when this is over.

The light turned green, and both cars took off. Sally had better acceleration, but Cream won with her Chevy.

Cream: Yay!
Tails: Alright!
Sonic: Your clever ingenuity has worked again buddy.
Rotor: I could have sworn I'd do better than Tails.
Sally: Better luck...
continue reading...
Sonic the Hedgehog
da nutsVSguts
added by AstralSonic
Source: AstralSonic on DeviantArt
 Seriously guys?
Seriously guys?
Alright, before I even say anything, (Although technically I just did say something XD) I need to get this out of the way. I don't care at all about Sonic couples, o even romance pairings in general. Maybe it's just the way I've never been the most interested in fan-made romance, o maybe because of those scarring terrible fan fictions, o the worst of all..... Let's just say disturbing pictures on Google Images, (Seriously what the hell guys? X___X) But long story short, it's not my forte. In fact, this is probably the only time in my life I've talked about these and the only time te ever...
continue reading...
added by ameliarose2002
added by ameliarose2002
posted by Rad_Dudesman
Blaze the Cat sat atop the Sonic statue on Southern Island, watching the sun set. She was thinking about a friend of hers. Her best friend, Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic wasn't Blaze's only friend. She had Cream, Marine, and she was acquainted with the rest of Sonic's friends, including a hedgehog from the future of his world named Silver. Silver was a nice guy, if a little naive, like a dorky younger brother.

But she felt that Sonic was the only person who truly understood her. It had been him who helped her understand that she didn't need to do everything herself, that she could rely on friends...
continue reading...
posted by soniczone1
Sonic and his Friends are gonna have fun at home and he was been planning and here's the plans
1.He wants to go to the pool and play with his Friends and he always wants those chili Cani right after the pool.
2. He wants to relax at home and he does not want to fight with Eggman during his vacation. Sonic does not want Eggman at Sonic's House and destroy Sonic no more.
3. Sonic wants to have fun with his buddy Tails and play spiaggia volleyball.
soniczone1: Sonic, that's all with your plans?
Sonic: Yeah. that's my three plans for my vacation.
soniczone1: Ok, Sonic. te know I like to call it?
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posted by Dragonfruit44
-Nat, Nikki, And Oliver traveled through town, trying to find the ingredients for Chrome. Nikki was holding the lista and Nat was carrying the potatoes they had just recently bought.-
Nikki: Ok, the successivo thing on the lista is celery. That should be easy.
Nat: That's what te think, The only other place that sells sedano is all the across town.
Nikki: Really?! Nat, this better not be one of your jokes.
Nat: No joke, I had to go there one giorno when the market was closed for renovation. It took me all day.
Oliver: And your mom let's te walk all over town da yourself?
Nat: Yeah, we made plans of what...
continue reading...
posted by Dragonfruit44
Sonic: That was too funny! Who are we pranking next?
Tails: How about Team Chaotix? We can give them an explosive cake, as long as it doesn't hurt them.
Knuckles: te mean one that just spits smoke at them? That would be funny, seeing them covered in smoke.
Sonic: Then to Team Chaotix!
-Sonic leaves a box in front of the detective agency door and knocks a lot. Then quickly dashes into the cespuglio, bush where Knuckles and Tails were at. there was some yelling inside and them Espio answered the door.-
Espio: It's a present.
Charmy: A present?! Who's birthday is it? Is it mine?
Vector: Maybe it's a gift for...
continue reading...
posted by Dragonfruit44
-everyone was at Cream and Vanilla's house, for the Easter Party. Everyone was talking and having fun.-
Nat: This is so much fun! I can't for to hunt the Eggs the Easter Bunny hid for us!
Cream: My mom left them on the counter for him to pick up, and when we woke up the basket was gone!
Nikki: No way!
Oliver: Too cool!
Cream: The Easter Bunny must've taken them and hid them around the area.
-Crystal and Vanilla were having a small chat successivo to the snack table.-
Vanilla: Thank te again Crystal for providing snacks for the party.
Crystal: Oh it was no problem! The least I could do for a friend. Who...
continue reading...
posted by Dragonfruit44
-Sonic looked around for something to make his voice louder. He found a leaf and rolled it up into a funnel.-
Sonic: This should work. Now if I get somewhere high...
-He noticed a small albero with a thick branch at the top. Sonic ran up the side and stood on the branch.-
Sonic: Now to wait for one of them to come back.
-Sonic waited and waited, but still no sign of Tails o Knuckles. Then he felt a trimmer, like a earthquake. Tails and Knuckles both came back.-
Tails: Did te find him?
Knuckles: No. Did you?
Tails: If I found him do te think I would be asking you?
Knuckles: I was just asking sheesh....
continue reading...
posted by Dragonfruit44
-Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails cerca Angel Island for the Chaos Emerald.-
Tails: The smeraldo glows a very bright color when its near another emerald.
Sonic: Got it. I'll take a quick dash around with it.
-Sonic Takes off with the emerald.-
Tails: He remembers his speed! That's good.
Knuckles: Yeah, Now it should be a little easier to find the Chaos Emeralds.
-Sonic comes back.-
Sonic: It was shining the most in that direction.
Knuckles: That's the way of the Master smeraldo Shrine. Maybe one went there on purpose?
Tails: I don't know, but we'll find out. Let's go!
-They started running for the shrine....
continue reading...
posted by Dragonfruit44
-Sonic is running down the hull of one of Eggman's ships. He jumps to destroy the robots blocking his path and heads for the cockpit. (Imagine Sonic unleashed. Kind of like that. He doesn't turn Super though. He's Also in space, again.)-
Sonic: Well Eggman? What do te think of me foiling your plan again?
Eggman: I have to say, te have had many lucky streaks.
Sonic: Lucky Streaks? HAH! Don't make me laugh!
Eggman: But this is your final one!
-Eggman pushes a button and the biggest robot te could imagine appears. (Imagine Sonic the size of an ant. It's a BIG room.)-
Sonic: When are te gonna learn...
continue reading...
posted by Dragonfruit44
-Sonic and Tails are walking through Angel Island's thick Jungle.-
Sonic: Knuckles? Knuckles?!
Tails: He's not at the Master smeraldo Shrine and the Master smeraldo has been shattered! That hedgehog look alike must of been through here.
Sonic: Knuckles! Knuckles, come on out! Where are you?
Knuckles: I'm right here!
-Knuckles jumps down and kicks Sonic in the face.-
Sonic: Aaghh!
Tails: Knuckles what are te doing?!
Knuckles: I thought told te to never come back! What are te doing here?!
Tails: That Sonic before was a fake! a Clone!
Knuckles: No way! It was too much like Sonic! It was Sonic! Now because...
continue reading...
posted by Dragonfruit44
Sonic: It's alright. As long as your ok. So te were training for a race, huh?
???: Yeah! Me and my Friends race all the time! We want to become as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog!
-Tails smiled, because she didn't realize she was talking to Sonic.-
Tails: So What's your name?
???: Oh! My name is Natalie! My Friends call me Nat.
-Natalie got up and looked around. She saw the chilidog laying in the only mud puddle around.-
Natalie: I'm Sorry! I didn't know te were eating! I'll get te a new chilidog! te know, Sonic's preferito Cibo is a tasty chilidog.
Sonic: That's right. te know a lot about me. I'm...
continue reading...
posted by bestsonicfan1

main games
sonic CD 8/10
sonic R 6/10
sonic the fighters 7/10
bonus games
Tails adventure 7/10
Tails sky patrol 6/10
sonic 2(game gear) 7/10
sonic triple trouble 8/10
sonic spinball 4/10
sonic drift 2 6/10
unlockable games
vectorman 7/10
vectorman 2 7/10

i couldnt find this so
i postato it here
posted by kingofheartless
Sonic and Skull were fighting side da side as if brothers and defeted a monster that defies nature
Skull: I haven't fought like that in years.
Sonic: Well te look like te know what you're doing.
Skull: Look it has a page....... It's from the Necromicon!!
Sonic: What?
Skull reads the page silently.
Skull: Lets take it back.
(Back where ever the other people are.)
Skull: With this page I can summon a siren and skeleton monster thing....
Amy: amazing.
Shadow: Proposterious.
Knuckles: Still hurts over here.
Tikal: 0:
Bone: Who dares awaken me.
Blood: Whoever it is he is one of them.
Skull: Yes siren I did.
Back ground Musica that choir from hunchback of Notre Dame.
Will the siren and skeleton affect the group
Is Tails a girl
Tails: Not a girl
What is this soda i am drinking
Find out two of those three thing successivo episode
The necromicon and Skull's past