Super mario 64 Wall

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spyrogeek detto …
75th fann!!!! :D postato più di un anno fa
Mapware100 detto …
Mario:Ok,princess,wheres my cake?
Peach:Mario,the cake is a lie.
Mario:S-say what?
Toad:*Puts a bag over mario's head and beat him with a club*
Mario:*Wakes up*It was a dream?phew...w-wait,where am I?the bomb-omb battlefieds?what was I doing again?
King bomb-omb:*Throws mario off the cliff*
Mario:WAAAAAH!!!I REMEBER,MINI BOSS! postato più di un anno fa
rebeccasparks90 detto …
this was my first game i ever had and i loved it it would be nice if they could make it for Wii postato più di un anno fa
clancker1223 commentato…
they released it for wii virtual console più di un anno fa
master300 detto …
this was my first game ever postato più di un anno fa
mattthelynx detto …
I'm fan #22 and the first one to post on this wall...hmm,though i always stretch mario's face to make it look like he got hit da an train.XD postato più di un anno fa