Alpha e Omega Club
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WARNING: Minor sexual content

It took nearly a week before Kate and I finally crossed the Canadian boarder back into Montana. The massive winter storm that had ravaged Canada left a cappotto of ice on the whole entire Alcan highway, and even into Montana. The average speed was 45 mph. Both Kate and myself were bored, even with the Musica on my iPod, I had slightly over 3,000 songs, but they had all played twice o più da now. Nights when we stayed in the shabby motels at the truck stops, we tried to pleasure one another, but to no avail. I never realized how hard it was to have sexual intercourse until I cracked my ribs, how could I have known I moved my upper body so much? Instead of trying più failed attempts of gently straddling me and mounting me, Kate resorted to performing fellatio on me while I would finger her. Kate pretended to enjoy it, but I could sense she wanted more, but there was nothing I could do until I healed and that was that.

Currently, Kate was fast asleep in the letto in the back, she was in anthro form since she found she could sleep a lot più comfortably that way. She was sprawled on her back wearing only her bra and panties, forearms to her side, head tilted sideways, eyes tightly closed, tongue lolling out slightly, and rear legs spread apart and revealing. The sight was so erotic and sexy, but also very cute too and it made me smile, I was such a lucky man to have her. She didn't really snore much, but now a soft snore escaped her gaping mouth, probably because of the way she was laying. I was honestly surprised at how well she could sleep in a moving vehicle, I never could. Only when I was a small child could I sleep comfortably in a moving vehicle. I really wish I was Kate, to be able to sleep on long drives made it go da so quickly!
I let out a long sigh as I watched the road, glancing in the rearview from time to time to check up on Kate. The road was winding through the rugged, but spectacularly beautiful Rocky Mountains outside of East Glacier Park. I knew this highway relatively well, and Columbia Falls was approaching, this meant there was only about 5 più hours until we reached home! To my relief, the road had been clearing of ice as we made our way down the pass, I hoped that da the time we reached Columbia Falls it would be dry and I could take the Bronco up to 70 again. If not, we would find a room in the town and head home the successivo day, driving on ice was stressful and tiring. I wouldn't mind staying, Columbia Falls is a beautiful town and a booming working market and it is nestled right in the Rocky Mountains. If I had to choose any urban area in Montana to live, this would be it! Not to mention Glacier Park was only 30 minuti away, and in my opinion is the most beautiful place on earth, there are sights in Glacier like The-Going-To-The-Sun-Road that are so breathtakingly beautiful it would make your cuore skip a beat! One of the many reminders of the beautiful wonders that Mother Nature has created for us to enjoy. No matter how broke o economically bad Montana turns out to be, I will always be here, and when my time comes, I want to go in the ground here, o have my ashes scattered on the hills of my preferito mountain range.

Tired of listening to my own thoughts and ramblings of my conscious, I turned the dial of the stereo up just enough so I could hear. I fumbled with the tuning dial a bit to find a radio station, when I did, I sat back and listened hard. The news was broadcasting live, and the weatherman was giving aggiornamenti on conditions for nearby counties and highways between them. The radio was a bit static, probably because of all the surrounding hills, but I could make out the words the man was saying. "...In other news, that massive low pressure storm front that came down from Canada and gave the Rockies and other portions of northwestern Montana a blast of winter weather has made it's way to the Dakotas where it has Lost momentum and is breaking up..."

That was all I needed to hear, knowing that the storm was somewhere in North Dakota da now was no concern of mine, all I needed to know was that the road were clear to the home-front! I thought of waking Kate with the exciting news, but figured that she needed her sleep più than anything, so I refrained. I would need to stop somewhere in Columbia Falls and grab a snack, a 5 ora energy, and some soda to get me home. Most energy drinks just make me sleepy, but 5 ora energy really works! One shot of that and I would be good for the drive home, if timed right, we would be pulling into the driveway as the effects from the 5 ora energy were wearing off, just it time for bed! My ribs really ached from sitting up all giorno in the driver's seat, but the pain was ignored. I kept thinking how good my soft, warm letto would feel on my ribs. Especially with Kate and Katie snuggled up to me keeping me warm and comfy. Oh how I looked inoltrare, avanti to sleeping in again!
In the distance over a hill, I could see the glow of lights reflecting off the low laying nube, nuvola cover, that had to be Columbia Falls I hoped, it was practically dark da now and so I wasn't quite sure.

I crested a collina and began descending down toward the lights. I heard Kate stirring in the back, she would probably wake up as soon as we slowed down and began making our way through town. The speed dropped to 45 as I got closer.
"Where are we baby?" Came Kate's dreamy voice from behind me.
"Columbia Falls I believe, te better get dressed, we need to stop, fuel up, and I need to get some caffeine into me for the last leg of the trip." I responded.
Kate did not reply, but I could hear her fumbling around and pulling her garments on.
"Oh, fuck!" Came Kate's disgruntled voice.
I figured she must be changing her bra o something, she always seemed to have trouble with that thing sometimes! I cracked up quietly so she wouldn't notice.
"You okay back there hon?" I asked, trying not to let out a laugh that was building.
"Yeah, just this stupid bra strap again..." Kate replied in a annoyed tone. "You know what? Fuck it!"
I couldn't take it anymore, a snickering laugh escaped me, "oh Kate I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it!"
Kate did not seem to be angry about it, just a little annoyed.
"Laugh it up Mr. Chuckles!" Was all she said, but I knew she was probably laughing inside though.
I glanced in the mirror and saw her pull her bra off, and then just pull a loose-fitting camicia over her head, she caught me looking in the mirror.
"What? It's not like we are going to anyplace special, just a gas station." Kate detto in a lighter tone.
"I know baby, besides, once we get home we are going straight to letto so why get all trussed up for nothing?"
"Exactly." Kate remarked as she climbed over the sede, sedile and sat successivo to me. Her hair was messy, and her eyelids were heavy, eyes a little bloodshot, but she was still very sexy! She wore that loose fitting camicia and a pair of sweatpants was all. I smiled, and placed my right arm around her shoulders just as we were pulling into the quiet mountain town of Columbia Falls.

I motored the Bronco down the quiet street, looking around for a gas station with a open c-store.
"Keep your eyes peeled for a Town Pump, they are always open 24 hours." I instructed Kate. She was looking around intently, the neon lights of passing stores and the dim glow of the strada, via lamps glinted in her eyes.
We rounded one più corner and a great big tall sign with a brightly lit "Exxon" on superiore, in alto came into view. It was a big truck stop, and to my relief, the c-store was a Town Pump! We both sighed with relief, it felt good knowing I was about to get out and stretch my legs. I am sure Kate had to use the restroom, she hadn't since we had stopped for lunch earlier that day.
I pulled up successivo to a pompa and shut the Bronco down, I opened the door and got out and stretched out, Kate did the same. Man, did this feel good!
"Damn I gotta pee!" Kate exclaimed.
"That makes two of us sweetheart!" I replied, and together, we walked toward the store entrance, I had to prepay for the gas anyway.
We hurriedly rushed passed the cashier counter, where a guy about my age with lots of pimples was working. He glanced up at us from his cell phone texting as we passed and looked back down. Kate was pulling me along between the aisles as we made our way to the restroom. To my displeasure, the bathroom was just a single room with the boy/girl sign on the door.
"Shit, we are gonna have to take turns! Hurry up Kate!" I exclaimed.
"Fuck that, no we're not!" Kate said, opening the door and dragging me in. I dearly hoped the cashier hadn't seen that!
The motion activated light came on once we entered, there was a urinal, toilet, and small sink with a cracked mirror above it all crammed into the room. Kate let go of my hand and rushed to the toilet, "oh fuck, oh fuck!" She exclaimed, dropping her sweats and plopping down on the seat, I could hear the sound of her urinating almost instantly.
"Ahhhhhh!" Kate sighed in relief.
I quickly undid my cintura and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and began urinating also. I too, let out a long, satisfying sigh of relief.

I heard Kate giggle successivo to me, I looked over and she was standing up.
"What do we have here?" Kate asked seductively, looking down at my private region.
"Uh Kate, I really do not think this is a good time..." But before I could finish the sentence, Kate had already took hold of my shoulders and spun me around to face her. Luckily for her sake, I was done peeing!
"A little quickie never hurt nobody!" Kate detto in a naughty tone as she put the toilet lid down and sat.
I opened my mouth to protest, but was hushed instantly when she started to lick the tip of my penis. The feeling was so good, that all thoughts about getting caught da the cashier o someone knocking on the bathroom door were instantly gone!
"Mmmm..." Kate moaned. Wasting no time since I was rock hard already, she took me full in the mouth and sucked me down fast and hard. Bobbing her head back and forth rapidly, keeping her eyes closed. She took one of her free hands and juggled my boys with it to add stimulation. I just watched and periodically groaned with pleasure while she worked me over.
Less than 10 minuti had passed and it was all over, Kate had already swallowed my load and was helping zip and button my pants back up, stopping briefly to give the tip one più long, loving lick. It was a true quickie like she said!
"This was all planned huh? te drug me into this bathroom just to suck me off didn't you?" I asked.
Kate smiled at me in a cheeky way, "if I wasn't horny, I would have made te suffer! Just have gone into that room and took my sweet time peeing!" Kate detto laughing softly and winking at me.
I didn't respond to that, but just rolled my eyes. Kate took me da the hand again and cracked the bathroom door open to see if anyone was watching. Nobody was and we both hurried out, the guy at the counter was still texting and did not even look up as we made our way around the store. I grabbed a 5 ora energy, a 20oz Root Beer, and a jerky stick. Kate grabbed a Mountain Dew and some mais chips. After we got everything we needed, we went to the counter to pay for the items and the gasoline.

Outside, I began filling the Bronco's massive 32 gallon tank once again, it would the the last time. Kate had gotten into the cab and was sitting there snacking on her chips. Since I didn't want to wait for the tank to fill in this nippy cold weather, I joined her inside.
"It's already late baby, da the time we get home it will almost be dawn. I think it would be best to just sneak into the house and crash on the recliner in the living room so we don't wake everyone te know?"
"Yeah, but I really want our letto again!" Kate whined.
"I know, me too, but when everyone wakes up, we can unload and go back to letto and sleep all day. Does that sound good?" I asked.
Kate considered it for awhile, and then nodded silently. I heard the familiar click of the gas pompa nozzle clicking off, indicating the tank was full. I got out to see what the damage was, 21.8 gallons of fuel consumed, about halfway to empty! I replaced the nozzle and locked the gas berretto, tappo into place. I returned to the cab and fired up the engine and pulled out of the Town pompa gas station and headed south in the direction of our home.

The rest of the trip home was long, and painfully slow. Even at 70, the mile markers seemed to just crawl by. The road was empty except for us, the ink blackness that surrounded us consumed everything but the headlights. In the side-view mirrors, the amber glow emitting from the faded taillight lenses reflected off the paint on the highway. The stereo was off, since Kate was sleeping again and I didn't wanna wake her. I was tempted to just pull over in a turnout and sleep until dawn, but that could be a lethal mistake. We were in the middle of the Browning Indian Reservation, and there was a small cult of tribal members that still despised the White Man, I could not imagine what they would do if they found us on the side of the road. Even with the doors locked, that would not keep them out.
My ribs, back, and legs all ached from sitting so long, the old-style bench sede, sedile in my Bronco was shot and did not offer much comfort anymore. I dearly looked inoltrare, avanti to getting back in my Toyota Tacoma, which was probably done at the body negozio da now, with all it's creature comforts and modern giorno features that older rigs lagged in. I mainly missed my 5 speed manual transmission, this drive alone would not be so boring if I could have some gears to run though. But the Bronco was automatic so that was not an option. The Tacoma was quieter on the road, handled much better, and rides a lot smoother.
I started to feel drowsy, and brought out my jerky stick to get me focused again. I had already drained the 5 ora energy and root birra long ago. I chewed on the jerky and watched the dotted lines slipping da in the middle of the highway. Hoping for the signs of Great Falls coming soon. We must have been off the rez because I started noticing well-kept houses along the side of the highway and nicer vehicles that were not held together da mechanic's wire, duct tape and cardboard. After GF, it was only about 112 miles home. I sure looked inoltrare, avanti to it!

When we rolled into Great Falls, I stopped once again to use the restroom at a Town Pump, taking care not to wake the sleeping beauty known as Kate in the Bronco! She was still asleep when I got back, and she stayed that way until we pulled into the driveway of our home about a ora and a half later. I brought the Bronco to a halt in it's parking spot near the front door and shut it down quickly so nobody would hear. I quietly got out and unlocked the back door and opened it wide, the house was dark and silent. It was now about 4 AM. I returned to the Bronco, ignoring the protest from my aching ribs and body, and lifted Kate as easily as I could into my arms and carried her in. I lay her down on the overstuffed recliner upstairs in the living room, and went back downstairs to lock up. Kate had rolled on her side when I returned, I smiled weakly as I grabbed a blanket off the sofa. I quietly sat down and lay sideways so we were facing each other, I put Kate's limp arms around my neck and did the same with her legs so we would both be enveloped like spoons and be comfortable. I then ran my right hand up her camicia and held her to me, feeling her warmth through my hand was so relaxing. I moved my face closer so our mouths were mere centimeters apart and kissed her softly. My eyelids were growing heavy and a few moments later, I was fast asleep.

Thanks for Leggere my loyal fan and readers! Please mostra your appreciation and fan and comment! :)
posted by shadow-omega
Kyle's POV

It was a sunny giorno with not many clouds in the sky. Kate and I had woken up early to continue the cerca for Humphrey and Lilly. We had caught some squirrels for a snack while we walked. Kate had a depressed face when we had left the den.

"Kate, what's the matter?" I asked curiously

She then began to cry. "That tana, den we stayed in... It was where me and Humphrey stayed one night when we were coming back from Idaho..." Kate replied tears running down her face.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know." Kyle replied

Kyle went up to Kate and gave her a big hug. He stayed there until Kate stopped crying....
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posted by AlphaClub
This story is of Uahk (Moondragon01) and Ares' (me, AlphaClub)'s RP we have on Chatzy... FYI, I have changed the story a bit, so that it makes sense in an article. :)

There they were... the rogues, coming for Runt. Ares had been asigned to protect Runt, da his own father, Humphrey. So, 5his was it. His chance to do his job.

As they kept attacking Runt, trying to grab him and run off, like they had did earlier in his young life, Ares kept defending. But he was hopelessly outnumbered. One of them grabbed Runt, and started running.

Ares ran after him, and leaped, landing on superiore, in alto of the wolf, and...
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posted by shadow-omega
(Next Morning)

The sun was rising over the mountains of Jasper Park. It was shining bright this morning sense there were no clouds in the sky. The light shined into Kate and Humphrey's tana, den shining onto Humphrey's eyes. He began to stir and roll trying to block the sunlight but to no success. He then opened his eyes, blinking several time to clear his vision. He then stood up and stretched to feel più comfortable but was depressed to see that Kate was gone. (She's probably on her morning hunt.) Humphrey thought. Just then a rock flew into the tana, den and bounced around the walls and finally hitting...
continue reading...
It was midnight, in the pale moonlight, in a big forest bordering a human city. But this night wasn't peaceful; as te could hear paws treading, gun shots, and birds flying away at the sudden noise.

Ares, the pup being carried away da his mother, squirmed around and whined.

"Mama, why can't I just walk? Why must te carry me?" He asked.

The mother kept silent, until she found a nearby human fence, successivo to a big human den. She set Ares down, and looked at him.

"Ares, my son, I am sorry. But I cannot keep you, I must leave. Know I won't be coming back. I Amore te so much, but I am afraid I must...
continue reading...
On one hot summer morning, the sun shone upon a den. Which was the tana, den of Kate and Humphrey, a couple who had three teen pups. Kate woke up successivo to Humphrey just as she has for three years.

She also looked around the tana, den to see Runt, Stinky, and Claudette. She then nudged Humphrey to wake up. But it was hard to wake him up as he usually wakes up at noon. After about five minuti of constant nagging and pestering him, he eventually woke up. He then told Kate, "Didn't I tell te wake me up at noon? Nothing earlier." She then rolled her eyes and told Humphrey, "You are one lazy omega." he then...
continue reading...
posted by AlphaClub
I know I've postato this thing before, ut I'll gladly do it again.

(Fading in from quiet to loud) Ohwoahooowoah, ohwoahooowoah.... (8x)


I remem er, they would say, it's okay, you'll be alright, every night, I could hear it, I remember...

I could hear jt, in the wind, that melody, that they would play, every single day, to remind us, it was over...

And it went: ohwoahooowoah, ohwoahooowoah... (2x)

(Some più Chilstep beat-bass changes to 5 steps each interval)

And it went: Ohwoahooowoah, ohwoahooowoah... (2x)

(More Chillstep, but gets più energetic, as the end is nearing)...
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Hello, guys. Just wanted to say that, for the successivo few days, I will be going lone wolf. I may respond to some bacheca posts, but not many. I will still be up for the RP tomarrow, on my wall, if te guys are still up for it. Just wanted ya all to know! I won't be as active as I usually am! :) If te are interseted in the RP, PM me, o message me in my wall!!!

Also, random question... who likes dubstep? Tell me in the commenti below!!! :)

I am going to continue to write... because the stupid site keeps telling me to post a longer article... what???

random TEXT

random TEXT
Hey, I know this has nothing to do with A&O othar than there ARE Lupi involved, but I came up with this story in my head, and wanted to post it. So here it goes...


BANG! BANG! is all the little pup heard, as his mother set him down da the human fence, and turned and ran away, into the forest, the way they had come. The pup had no idea what was going on, and was scared. Where had his mother gone? What was that loud bang sound?

As the pup remembered, his mkther had told him, "Don't worry. You'll be fine. Just... I'm sorry. I won't be coming back. I Amore you, so much. Goodbye. I...
continue reading...
posted by Alphawolfben
I am thinking of making a A&O voice series but need help with it like for example getting pictures for the episodes when they are ready and mostly female voice actors for the female Lupi like Kate, Princess etc. If te want to help message me o commento on it o even go on my Youtube channel Omegawolfben.

Like I detto if someone wants to help and keep this franchise alive it would keep the series alive and if no più Alpha and Omega Film come out it would be like a entire movie o even a TV series just on Youtube.
posted by AlphaClub
Okay. So, I wanted to tell te guys this little story, of an encounter with some coyotes. As te read, te may be like, "Uh... this isn't possible. te are lying." Well, I'm not. Enjoy!

Okay. So, earlier this summer, I was walking in my woods successivo to my house, and I saw something greyish. I walked closer to it, and what I saw was so cute. There were about 4-5 coyote pups, in a little tiny nest made of brush and broken down mais stalks. The pups saw me, and ran over to me, doing a weird whining sound. Two of them watched, and barked. The other few came over, and jumped up on my legs, for attention...
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Okay. I just had to ro this; make a short song about, uh... some things. You'll get it when ya read it.

Oooh, I'm lost, Lost without life...
Oooh, wouldn't te do anything for love?

I would take a knife,
If I could only strife...

Oooh... would te do anything?
Oooh... would te do anything?
Oooh... would te do anything?
Oooh, wouldn't you... do aaanythiiing?

Yes, we go through pain, we gOoo through anger,
But we still always have the pleasure!
But no, te have to be happy,
te can't just get angry?

I know, it's probably horrible, I know. But that was sokethong I've wanted to do for FOREVER. I boped te enjoyed it, and please, tell me what it meant to te in the comments. :)
Chapter Four - The REBEL Pack's plans

Ok, I got so many voti for the plot of this chapter so I'm going to combine them all, I changed it on option D from Eve seeing Sarah to Humphrey seeing her, I think it's time our preferito Omega has a talk with his mother. Last time, we saw the REBEL pack with Miles and Nigel kidnap Kate and leaving Humphrey and Eve alone to die, but Eve is a strong lupo and she won't let those Lupi get away. I also showed a più darker side to my OC Sam, as he killed his own son, now, Saria, another one of OCs, makes her first official appearance in this story. te might...
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posted by SentinelPrime89
It was near sunset in Jasper Park, Canada. The end of a fun-filled winter snow giorno for Western pack leaders Kate and Humphrey and their large family of adolescent children and inlaws. Kate looked up at the sky, feeling snowflakes hit her face and watching the sun slowly going down. She turned her head to the right and faced her Omega pack-mate. "We better get home now o Mom will pitch a fit. te know her paranoia of hypothermia and frostbite and all that shit. I mean, come one... We have fur." Kate laughed.
Humphrey chuckled and nodded. "Kate, she means well. She's just a little..." He trailed...
continue reading...
It has been a mese after Runts uncle Rocko died
runt was Leggere his grave
rocko lupo july 20th 1987- dec 7 2024
runt rememberd a book Rocko read to him
when he was little it was Johnny Tremain
"he died so others could stand" runt said
he had an important place to go
a battle to catch an evil pearson named min su lun
a japines geniral
he got a ride on a heicopter undetected
he saw Hutch was on the same helicopter
as runt matured Hutch became his best freind
captin Hutch
he just ranked up
runt missed his drop zone he was now in the thick of it
runt had to fight his way threw
but hi saw hutch on the grownd...
continue reading...
payback time'' runt detto to him self
an important prisoner is being moved here
geniral estanbar" runt detto with anger
pro nazi scum" runt added
a black car pulled up with a man in hand cuffs
target spotted" runt smiled
moments later runt was hidden in a albero waiting for his chance to strike
once he knew him and the geniral were alone he walked in blade out
who are you" the Geniral asked
your worst nightmare"runt detto in a dark tone
haha i have no nightmares boy"the Geniral said
oh realy"runt detto and stabed the genirals eye
Heilgar screamed in pain
do te know who i am" runt yelled
removing the hood
i know...
continue reading...
posted by Wolf_Tamer
I keep seeing hate commenti here and there and I just want to say a few things to everyone Leggere this. One thing for sure is that everyone who keeps wanting this club to die out: F*** OFF ALREADY! Look if te don't like this club then just leave. You're not forced to be here. Those who actually want to be here are really annoyed da spammers and haters. How about these haters just find your own club to annoy. We all want this to stop!

Now to those Leggere this and actually want this club to be alive: we can't just sit around waiting for a miracle. We must all take action and keep this club going. Everyone has a part to keep and the power to keep this club going but some of us underestimate our own power and are not using it wisely. Keep this club alive da adding fanarts, domande o even forum for crying out loud!
I am doing my part da trying to think of interesting things to keep everyone hooked. Now te must play your part.

Everyone who wants to: KEEP THIS CLUB ALIVE.
added by NOSEE
posted by Rockowolf123
Rocko was hunting in the vally with his sister
"so whens the wedding" Kate asked
"i dont know sis"
"well i cant wai..."
Kate was cut of da a plane
"its japanese see the meat balls on the wings" Rocko said
"what are thay doing here"Kate asked
"go to your den" rocko detto as the plane shot at him.
Kate ran as Rocko jumped on the plane when it got close
the plane flew down to hit a albero and explode as rocko jumped off.
"i was attaked this meens WAR.

sorry its short i dont have alot of time
added by LunaAlpha
Source: LunaAlpha
added by HUMPHRY