Arthur e Gwen Club
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 20: link

    Bored, Gwen thinks, rolling to her side on the bed. She had decided to rest a bit after lunch. They are staying one più night in Caerleon, departing in the morning. Odin is not staying over, leaving after dinner.
    The two kings, Prince Allard, and their knights have decided to discuss battle strategies and training. The knights are keen to spar with each other, and a few friendly match-ups are deemed not only educational but entertaining. So it was easy enough for Guinevere to beg off in cerca of a lie-down, especially because Annis has also left the men to their own devices to make her daily rounds of the castle.
    Tired, but I can’t sleep. She stands, walking to one of the windows. She sees Gwaine roundly defeating one of Odin’s knights, laughing like the scamp that he is. Arthur and Odin look on, pointing and discussing details. I can imagine the conversation. ‘If your man had done a instead of b, my man would not have disarmed him so quickly. Try it again, lads, like this…’ Yes. Fascinating stuff, that.
    She turns from this window. Of course if I want Arthur to teach me how to handle a sword properly, I probably should pay closer attention to these kinds of things, she thinks, walking across to another window. Not that I’ll get any training now. Not for at least the successivo nine months, anyway. Her hand strays across her abdomen unconsciously as she looks out of the south-facing window.
    “Oh,” Gwen breathes. Annis has beautiful gardens. Roses, honeysuckle, lilla bushes. Too late in the season for lilacs to be in bloom, sadly. She turns from the window, slips into her shoes and grabs her wrap.
    She finds her way to the garden and strolls among the daisies and black-eyed susans, the sweet william and forget-me-nots. Her gardeners are very talented, she thinks, noting that there is not a petal out of place nor a weed poking its scraggly head where it doesn’t belong.
    She bends to smell some roses, closing her eyes. Sweet. She finds her way to the honeysuckle vine she spied from her window, trained up to wind around an arbor over a bench. There are honeybees at work, climbing into the small, tubular fiori to drink the nectar within, their furry legs laden with yellow pollen granules as their fat little bodies crawl in and out of the blossoms, collecting what they will. Gwen sits on the bench to watch them at work, fascinated da their industriousness. I wonder if they know what they do. Do they know that they are making the fiori più beautiful with their attention, that their honey is wonderful and sweet and helpful to più than just their hives? o it is just instinct? She thinks of Arthur suddenly, wondering much the same thing. Does he know how he affects people? Does he work at being so charismatic, so intelligent, so understanding? How he learns from past errors and owns up to them instead of turning a blind eye? o is it just instinct?
    A bee lands on her hand, and she lifts it, slowly, carefully, so as not to alarm the insect. “You are mistaken, little bee, I am no flower,” she says, smiling at it. It crawls a few steps, then flies off once it discovers that it can get no nectar from this large sweet-smelling thing.
    “Oh, but it is te who are mistaken, my lady,” a voice says suddenly, giving Gwen a start. She turns to see King Odin strolling toward her.
    “Mistaken?” she asks, standing.
    “You are a fiore indeed,” he says kindly, bowing slightly to her.
    “You flatter me, sir,” she smiles.
    “Not at all, my lady. te are a fiore and your king is a very lucky bee,” he says with a chuckle.
    Gwen laughs as well.
    “Will te walk with me?” he asks, offering his arm.
    “I would be honored,” she says, taking it.
    They walk a ways, and Gwen identifies the fiori for him, as he knows nothing of them.
    “Lavender,” she points. “My favorite.” She leaves his arm to stoop and pick a sprig from the woody stem, smelling it as she stands.
    Odin smiles at her. “You remind me so of my youngest daughter, Gwen,” he says suddenly.
    “Yes. Nerida. She was a kind soul as well. Smart. Loved simple things like fiori and sunlight. Her name even meant ‘flower,’ actually.”
    “Was?” Gwen asks cautiously.
    “She died from fever several years ago.”
    Gwen takes his hand. “I am so sorry, Odin. Two children lost; that must be heartbreaking.”
    He nods sadly, then straightens. “I have one other daughter. She is now my only heir.”
    “And will te pass your kingdom on to her?” she asks carefully.
    “Yes. Theode will be Queen once I am gone. She is wise, like you, and strong, like Annis. She will rule well.”
    “I’m sure she will,” Gwen says, taking his arm again as they resume their walk.
    “Stubborn about getting married, though,” he chuckles.
    Gwen laughs, “Has she considered one of the servants?”
    He looks down at her and sees her smirk and twinkling eyes, and knows she is teasing him. He laughs. “Maybe she should.”
    They are quiet again, and Gwen says, “Not to speak out of turn…”
    “From what I understand, speaking out of turn got te where te are, Gwen.”
    “Now you are teasing me,” she shoots back with a grin. “But what I was going to say is that Queen Annis has four eligible princes she is looking to marry off. Something perhaps to consider.”
    “Hmm. Indeed. Allard would not be suitable, as he is needed here, but perhaps one of the others,” he ponders.
    “A word of advice, if I may be impertinent once more?” she ventures.
    “Of course.”
    “Don’t push. Let it be her choice, not yours.”
    He sighs. “New way of thinking, yes? Marriage for love, and if it benefits the kingdom, all the better?”
    “Yes. A happy ruler will make for a happy kingdom, my lord.”
    “That’s what I hear.”
    They stroll further along, and Odin picks a margherita and offers it to Gwen.
    “Thank you,” she says.
    “If I may ask an impertinent question, my lady?” he says suddenly.
    “I do believe it is your turn, my lord,” she says, tucking the fiore into her hair.
    “I’ve been puzzling over something since this morning’s meeting.”
    “My father’s death.”
    “Yes. How is it that te can Amore the man who wouldn’t try to stop your father’s execution? The son of the man who gave the order, even?”
    “Uther was a closed-minded tyrant who was afraid of things he did not understand. He made rash decisions based on fear, not wanting to appear weak.” She looks levelly at Odin. “Arthur is not Uther.”
    “So te have no Amore for Uther, then.”
    “I do not like to speak ill of others, especially the dead, but no. I have no Amore for Uther. te detto his death brought te no joy. Well, his death brought me grief only because it grieved Arthur.”
    “Yes, Arthur. te forgave him though he may have been able to save your father’s life?”
    “Yes. I understand Arthur. I know how his mind works; I know the pressures he feels. He does the same as anyone: he tries. Sometimes he succeeds. Sometimes not. I think he learned that giorno that without trial there is no success. Even if te try and fail, at least te have tried.”
    “He certainly takes responsibility for his actions, I will grant him that.”
    Gwen nods, and the wind picks up. She pulls her scialle tighter around her shoulders.
    “The weather is changing, it seems. Shall we go in?” Odin asks.

    “Knights had a good time,” Arthur observes, walking the corridors of the castle. Merlin merely nods, and Arthur frowns slightly.
    “I don’t like te like this, Merlin.” He stops and looks at his servant.
    “Like what?”
    “Quiet. Introspective.”
    “Oo, that’s a big word.”
    “Shut up. I’m only going to say this once: I miss your cheerful demeanor; your… mindless chatter.” Arthur turns sharply and strides away to the upper parapet.
    Merlin chuckles and catches him up.
    “Nice garden,” he comments, but sees Arthur’s perplexed face. He follows his gaze down to see Gwen and Odin walking together in the garden, her hand on his arm.
    “They’re just talking, Arthur.”
    They stop and seem to be discussing something serious. Did she just take his hand? What the hell are they doing? Now they’re walking again. She made him laugh? Why is she making him laugh? Also, Odin can laugh? Walking again. She’s pointing at things. Must be telling him about the flowers, poor man. What? Did he just pick one and give it to her? And she’s putting it in her hair. Stopped again. Now what are they talking about?
    “Arthur,” Merlin pokes him.
    “What?” he snaps.
    Merlin raises an eyebrow at him, saying nothing.
    “Shut up.” Arthur turns back and sees them walking to the castle, so he turns as well, intending to go meet them and demand an explanation.
    “Arthur, are te really going to go down there and make an culo of yourself?”
    Merlin’s words stop him in his tracks. “Excuse me?”
    “If te go down there and say what I know is on your mind, te will make a complete culo of yourself.”
    Arthur turns and walks back towards Merlin. “How do te know what is on my mind, Merlin?
    “Because I know how your mind works, Arthur, and I know that te are as protective as a mother orso when it comes to Gwen.”
    “So? She is my wife. Should I not be?”
    “Of course te should protect her. However, te should also trust her. You’ve no idea what they were talking about down there.”
    “I know what it looked like.”
    “It looked like two people having a pleasant conversation. Stop being so jealous,” Merlin says, and strides past him to go back inside the castle.

    “Arthur, I should like to send these two knights along with te as an escort back to Camelot tomorrow,” Odin tells him. They have all assembled in the courtyard to see Odin’s party off.
    “Thank you, Odin, but I assure te it is not necessary,” Arthur says.
    “I disagree, my lord. te were ambushed on the way here. Please allow me to lend my aid to protect te and your Queen on your journey home tomorrow.”
    Gwen squeezes Arthur’s elbow gently. “Very well. Thank you.”
    Annis steps forward. “Arthur, te will keep us both updated with any information te learn of Morgana, yes?”
    I Amore how she veils commands in the form of questions, Gwen observers, taking mental notes.
    “Of course. I will appoint specific messengers to both your kingdoms, and keep in contact with te both regarding this matter,” Arthur says, nodding thoughtfully.
    “I must be off. Sir Bradburn, Sir Jerald?” he turns to the two knights he has appointed to act as escort. They step forward. “You are charged with the protection of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. te are to accompany them to Camelot and return when dismissed da King Arthur.”
    “Yes, Sire,” both men answer, nodding.
    “Arthur,” Odin turns and clasps forearms with the young king once again.
    “Odin. sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza travels, my friend.”
    “You as well. Take good care of your beautiful queen. She deserves nothing less.”
    “I know, and I will.” Arthur smiles.
    “Queen Guinevere,” Odin holds his hand out to receive hers, and she places her hand in it.
    “I am glad to have met you, Odin,” she says quietly as he lifts her hand to his lips.
     “Take good care of your king, Gwen,” he smiles.
    “Odin, travel safely and swiftly. The weather threatens to rain; do stay dry,” Annis says as Odin kisses her hand as well.
    He smirks at Annis. “Outwardly the stern queen; in reality a concerned mother,” he chuckles, and she smiles knowingly. “Annis,” he adds, almost an afterthought. “You must bring Prince Garret to pay us a visit in the near future.”
    “Prince Garret?” Annis raises an eyebrow.
    “I do have a daughter who is heir to my throne, te know,” he says cryptically as he swings himself onto his horse. He glances at Gwen, who is biting back her smile.
    Annis nods thoughtfully. “Farewell, King Odin,” she calls, and he rides off with his party.

    “What are te doing out here?” Gwaine asks, walking down the stairs leading to the courtyard. He sits successivo to Merlin on a step.
    “I’m going to go to Ealdor,” Merlin answers.
    “Looks to me like you’re sitting on a step to me,” Gwaine jokes.
    Merlin looks at him pointedly.
    “Ealdor? Why?” Gwaine asks.
    “I need to talk to my mother.”
    “About your… thing?” Gwaine waggles his fingers in the air.
    “You’re coming back,” Gwaine declares, not asking; commanding.
    “Merlin, there’s no ‘probably’ about it. You’re coming back. te are needed in Camelot. Arthur still needs you.”
    Merlin sighs. “I know.” He looks down at his boots. “Do te believe people have destinies?”
    “I don’t know. Sometimes. I think some people have destinies. Those who are wise enough to recognize that they have something to offer.”
    “Do te think te have one?”
    “Used to not. Now I think I do. Being a Knight of Camelot has made my life have some meaning again. And no one is più surprised about that than me,” he laughs. “I’m not sure what exactly is in store for me, but I guarantee it’s a damn sight better than what my future used to hold.”
    Merlin looks at the knight. I’ve never heard him talk like this before. “Does Arthur know te are actually of noble blood, Gwaine?”
    Gwaine looks at him. “When did this get to be about me? We were talking about te and your life,” he deflects.
    “All I’m saying is that he should know where te come from. If I’m going to have to own up to who I really am, so do you.”
    Gwaine scowls. “You’ve got me there.”
    Merlin laughs.
    “So what were te saying about destiny?” Gwaine asks, curious as to where he was going originally.
    “Arthur has a destiny.”
    “And so do I.”
    “I’m beginning to see that as well.”
    “My… my destiny is entwined with Arthur’s. My destiny is to see to it that he becomes the greatest king the world has known. He will unite the kingdoms of Albion, and my destiny is to make sure he achieves this greatness.”
    “Piece of cake,” Gwaine snorts.
    “How do te know this? About your destiny to help Arthur?”
    Merlin looks at him. “Can te keep another secret?”
    “Another?” He takes a deep breath. “Hit me.”
    “A dragon told me,” he says simply. “Not just a dragon, actually. The dragon.”
    “The one Arthur killed?”
    “He’s not dead.”
    “Arthur didn’t kill him. I sent him away. He’s been helping us, actually, for some time now.” Merlin sneaks a peek over at his friend. Gwaine is staring at him as if he had just turned into a dragon himself.
    “You sent him away? How on earth did te do that?”
    Merlin looks at Gwaine out of the corner of his eye and says quietly, “I’m kind of a dragonlord.”
    “Kind of?”
    “Okay, I am a dragonlord; the last one. I can command dragons, and Kilgarrah has been a hidden ally for several years now. He is wise and powerful, and he has helped us in many ways.”
    Gwaine is silent for a long while. Finally he manages a soft, “Wow.”
    Merlin chuckles at this.
    “I hope te don’t mind me unloading on te like this, Gwaine.”
    “No, Merlin, if te don’t mind me being a little… spooked da all this. At least until I get used to the idea. o until te tell Arthur. Whichever is first.”
    “It’s just so nice to be able to tell someone all this. Someone that I know won’t judge me o persecute me, I mean.”
    “I cannot even imagine how heavy this must be on your shoulders.”
    “That’s why I need to go to Ealdor. My mother is wise and understanding. And it’s always good to see your mum, right?”
    “Perhaps yours,” Gwaine says ruefully.
    “Well, I know not all are so lucky. But we are not far from my home village, so I plan on detouring there while the rest of te head to Camelot.”
    “Have te asked Arthur about this?”
    “No. And I’m not going to ask him, I’m going to tell him. If he wants me to be his advisor, he has to let me come to my decision on my terms.”
    “See, that’s why he wants te advising him.”
    “You don’t back down from him. He gets to be a bully sometimes, especially when he’s scared, and te face him down. He respects that.”
    Merlin snorts.
    “No, really, he does.”
    “I know. Otherwise he wouldn’t let me get away with it.”

    “Arthur, stop baciare my stomach,” Gwen giggles, pulling his head up level with hers again.
    He grins sheepishly at her, placing his hand over the place from which his lips were just forcefully ejected. He kisses her once, then puts his head down on his pillow, pulling her against him, his arm around her.
    “So the midwife detto everything was fine?”
    “Yes, Arthur. She detto that everything was just perfect and as it should be. She estimates that I am about three weeks along, perhaps a month.”
    “That sounds about right.”
    “Oh, so you’re suddenly knowledgeable?” she lifts her head and cocks an eyebrow at him.
    “Well, that giorno was a busy one…” he says, running his finger along her cheek.
    Gwen laughs, dropping her head back down to his shoulder. He squeezes her gently and she sighs.
    “I Amore you,” she says, closing her eyes.
    “I Amore you, Guinevere,” he answers.
    They lay quietly for a time, Lost in their own thoughts. Arthur’s hand keeps straying over her stomach, as if he is trying to feel for some sign of the life within.
    “Guinevere,” he finally says, his voice taking on a più serious tone.
    “Hmm?” Gwen had been starting to doze.
    “I… I think we should keep the news of your pregnancy quiet for as long as we can.”
    She thinks about this for a moment. “That’s probably a good idea. A sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza idea, I mean.”
    “Oh. I thought I was going to have to convince you,” he says, a bit surprised.
    “Not at all. I understand your thinking.”
    “You usually do,” he admits.
    “Lord Dungball’s letter to Morgana already hinted that they thought I might be with child. I wasn’t at the time, but now I am. And we already know that she will stop at nothing. Nothing is too low; nothing is off limits. We’ve already increased security. Announcing my pregnancy at this early stage is just inviting trouble.”
    “I don’t know why I continue to be surprised at how wise te are,” he says, chuckling.
    “Well, the sooner te learn that I know everything, the better off you’ll be.”
    “Indeed,” he laughs, reaching his fingers under her chin to raise her lips to his.
    He kisses her, tenderly, his lips soft and pliable, melding with hers in a luxurious, leisurely kiss.
    “Mmm,” Gwen sighs when he pulls back, looking up at him through her lashes.
    Arthur pulls her fully on superiore, in alto of him now, baciare her again, più ardently, his tongue making demands with which hers gladly complies, plunging and sweeping into his mouth, hungry for him.
    He breaks the baciare and opens his eyes slowly, watching her face, glowing oro in the light of the few candles still lit around them. She opens her eyes and he loses himself in the soft brown pools of her irises, reaching up to tuck an errant curl behind her ear. She drops her head down to nibble at his ear, and he wraps his arms around her with a sigh.
    “You’re the best wife ever,” he says into her neck, squeezing her to him.
    “Oh, really? How many have te had?”
    Her tease catches him off guard and he laughs suddenly and rolls them over. “Oh, you’re in for it now, Wife,” he threatens with a grin before his lips descend to hers again.

Part 22: link
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Source: Merlin`s Keep