Arthur e Gwen Club
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Arthur could not help but smile at the soft giggle that emanated from before him. Her soft frame molded perfectly into his and for just the briefest of moments he could imagine they were simply a man and a woman made for each other with no cares in the world as they galloped through woods. The scent of lavender wafted back into his face soothing him and making him surer than ever that what he had planned for today was the beginning of a brighter giorno for them both. The sound of her voice brought him out of his reverie.

“So are te finally going to tell me where we are off to?” she asked playfully.

He smirked as he leaned in closer to her ear and softly teased back, “And where would be the fun in that? Besides, this is supposed to be a surprise.”
He paused and released one of the reigns of their shared transport before waving the free hand in front of her face and inquiring, “Your eyes are still closed right?”

It was her turn to smirk as she retorted, “Of course, My Lord. We both know I always do as my sovereign commands.”

This commento brought on a shared chuckle as the prince responded, “Merlin has become a bad influence on you.”

“Or maybe it’s not Merlin at all,” she replied as she leaned her head back against his shoulder.

Arthur could not resist resting his head against hers and reveling in their banter and closeness. It was everything he imagined when he first embrace his deep Amore for her. Guinevere was everything he could ever hope to want in a woman, his wife and future queen, even if at times she doubted all of these things. He hoped after today there would be no più room for uncertainty and only hope and joy for the future . . . their future.

A short while later their mount came to halt and a curious Guinevere once again inquired, “Now may I open my eyes?”

He softly whispered against her ear once more, “Not yet. Just give me a moment.”

She then felt him sposta from behind her and after placing her hands on his shoulders he placed his strong hands rest upon her waist and gently lifted her off the stallion. Once she was safely down on the ground the prince turned her around and away from him. Then with an excitement he did not even attempt to hide he spoke again, “Ok. Now te can open them.”

She inhaled deeply and gradually allowed her eyes to open. What she witnessed before her eyes nearly took her breath away. She stood gazing upon a very familiar scene, down to the luxurious red and oro blankets and pillows resting just across the small stream. Guinevere turned her head to look up at him and found his smiling face gazing right back her.


She was completely at a loss. Of all the things she expected this had not been on the list. Not that he ignored her da any means but he was just so busy running the kingdom while his father continued to convalesce that she never imagined he would find the time for something this elaborate. Yet here they stood looking at an exact recreation of their first official date. For someone who often found it difficult to express his inner feelings, it seemed her Beau could occasionally step out his comfort zone. Her eyes trailed back to the serene scene, “Well that explains why te requested I wear my pesca, peach dress.”

His smile brightened, “Yeah, that but also te look quite lovely in it as well.”

She turned completely and lifted her hands to rest them on his chest as she met his beam and warmly replied, “Arthur, I don’t know what to say.”

The prince easily slid his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he tenderly replied, “I just thought of how the last time we did this it didn’t end so well but maybe we could try again minus the interruptions.”

“But what of the kingdom? I am sure te have più pressing matters to attend to,” she firmly retorted.

He placed a soft baciare on her forehead before just as resolutely replying, “There will always be pressing matters but sometimes te have to take moments for those things that are truly important.”
He leaned down and ha rubato, stola a small peck from her slightly smiling lips. Then with his familiar smirk and a wink he added, “Besides, I told Sir Leon and Merlin that unless Camelot was burning to the ground, they were to handle things until we returned.”

Her smile grew, “So I have the Prince Regent of Camelot all to myself for a bit.”

He rubbed his nose against hers, “You can have all of me for as long as te like.”

Her smile softened as she raised a hand to caress his cheek, “Who could refuse an offer like that?”

The two then connected in another gentle kiss. His hands lightly caressed her sides and back as hers gently stroked his face and hair. When they finally separated, both glowed happily before he reached for her hand and silently headed over to the lovely setting that awaited them.

Once again she was humbled at this nobleman . . . this future ruler as he served her and did so with so much Amore in his eyes that it nearly brought her to tears. Never in her wildest dreams did she, a serving girl and daughter of a blacksmith, believe she would ever be in such a position. She had been prepared to spend the rest of her life as a servant, living to serve and embracing that role but when Arthur began to take an interest in her and her life things seemed to miraculously change.

His persistence and constancy had eventually won her over and as she sat across from him sharing a meal and chatting about nothing in particular, she was again in awe that it was she he desired.

Arthur had noticed her gaze transfixed on him and while used to being the center of attention, her lingering gaze appeared to have something significant behind it.

“Guinevere, where were te just now?”
She focused back on the moment and gave a soft smile, “Just thinking how so much has changed.“

He smiled back, “I hope that’s a good thing.”

“For the most part, yes. The Camelot I have always dreamed of is dawning where men are valued, whether noble da birth o not, da what they do and not simply because of their birth. To see my brother and so many others become knights based on their abilities is something to behold. Yet I still find myself wondering just how much of this change the court will embrace. Commoner knights is one thing but . . .”

She then stopped and looked away from his steady gaze. And there is was again, that shadow of doubt that always seemed to pass across her beautiful face whenever talk of them and the future were breached. He tried not to take it personally that she seemed to doubt his intentions and determination. He knew it was less to do with that and più to do with what years of tradition had embedded in her. That she was più than worthy to be a part of court was never a domanda for him but to her there would always be a part of her that thought of herself as just a serving girl.

Arthur watched briefly as she busied herself moving their now empty plates to the side before reaching a hand out and lifting her gaze back to his as he firmly tried to assure her, “They will come around. Once they realize these changes will only make Camelot stronger, they will embrace them.”

She gave him a placating smile and nod, “Of course. I’m sure te are right.”

Guinevere momentarily went back to her task of clearing things away. Arthur noticed she still appeared less than convinced despite her words but before he could press the matter further he was mildly surprised as she scooted closer to him and moved to lay her upper body across his now lounging frame.

Neither were quick to make overly intimate gestures, as years of having to hide what they were feeling had conditioned them to be reserved but as she cuddle into his body, her head coming to rest at the crook of his neck and free hand at the nape of his neck, Arthur finally believed he knew what Avalon would be like.

He inhaled sharply before tentatively bringing one of his hands from behind his head and resting it upon her side. When she sweetly sighed in response, his caution began to dissipate and he began to lightly caress her frame with his fingers.
The pair laid this way for a long while in silence, each once again reveling in the idea of simply being a man and a woman in love.

Back in Camelot, propriety did not allow them much chance to simply be this way so in this quiet oasis both decided to embrace the rare opportunity to just be together. Eventually, the nagging feeling of uncertainty that seemed to always haunt them finally caused Arthur to break their quiet interlude.


“Mm,” she languidly murmured.

“You do know that even if the court never did accept “things” I would never give te up. I’d much sooner give up a limb than be without you,” he assertively stated.

Gwen attempted to laugh off his extreme comparison as she lightly prodded, “I hardly think I’m più important than your sword wielding arm.”

This time, though, her prince did not unisciti her in laughter. Instead, he rose up slightly forcing her to do the same.

Once he caught her eye, she could see how very solemn his demeanor was as he promptly replied, “I am serious, Guinevere. None of what I have o am matter più to me than te do. I need te to believe that.”

She sat up a bit più but held his steady gaze, Leggere how earnest he was in his declaration. Guinevere, better than most, knew how much Camelot and being a great leader meant to Arthur. So for him to place his feelings for her above either was very telling to her. She recalled the giorno following the incident they were now recreating and his calm assurance that if it came down to a choice between her and his place on the trono he would have little qualms about walking away from his duty. The very memory sent a shudder through her that compelled her to finally reply in the positive.

“I do believe you, Arthur.”


He then leaned into her and placed a baciare on the bridge of her nose before lying back once again. Guinevere soon retook her precedente position as well and allowed her fingertips to feather over the exposed skin of his neck and chest.

Another brief silence ensued before she broke it with her own thoughts, “Sometimes, it’s just so hard to trust that things will unfold the way we want them to. No matter how much we want them to.”

She heard him inhale deeply before his hand trailed up to grasp hers. He then brought it to his lips and placed a lingering baciare there before softly beginning, “I’ll admit we have faced many challenges and I know they have not all passed but te are who I want to spend the rest of my days with and I will sposta heaven and earth to make that a reality.”

He paused as he tenderly stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, measuring his successivo words carefully.

“I have never known anyone like you, Guinevere. Someone with so much compassion and love. Someone who always puts others first and gives everything she has for those she cares about. I feel so lucky every giorno that te chose me to share those things with.”

He paused briefly and lightly cleared his throat, “That is the other reason I brought te here.”

She interrupted with a throaty chuckle as she teased, “To flatter me? There was no need to go through so much.”

“Cheeky,” he playfully returned as again he rose and gently brought her up with him. Once they were both seated upright, his demeanor again took on a più serious tone. Guinevere could see the tension in his face and her countenance soon matched his own.

It became clear to her that whatever he wanted to say was important and in an attempt to assuage some of his anxiety, she leaned into him once più and rested her head against the side of his and softly whispered, “What is it, Arthur? te know te can say anything to me.”

Arthur closed his eyes, briefly, and relished her touch and words. He continually marveled at how even simple gestures of affection from her moved him so much. At times it scared him just how much she mattered to him. He loved her so deeply and the thought of not being with her made him ill inside. It was because of that fierce affection that she had the power to bring him to the heights of happiness but also to destroy him if she so chose. It was these truths that made him hesitant to say what was in his heart. Her possible rejection of his words disquieted him immensely.

With a quiet sigh, he finally decided to face things, as he often did, head on.

“Guinevere . . . the giorno te became an important part of my life was also the greatest one of my life. I still do not know what I did to gain your favor, your unyielding faith and, most importantly, your Amore but I promise you, for now and always to cherish each gift.”

Guinevere knew how hard it often was for him to express such feelings. Arthur was a man of action first but on più than a few occasions he had surprised and stirred her with his words and today’s display was no exception. It set her cuore a flutter to know how much regard he held for her and them.

With a tender smile, she leaned away from their contact slightly but allowed a hand to continue to caress his cheek as she replied, “I feel the same way, humbled yet so grateful that te chose me and continue to fight for us.”

He turned his face towards her palm placed a soft baciare there, “I will always fight for you.”

He hesitated again before slowly continuing,

“There is something I need to ask of te but a part of me fears your answer.”

Guinevere furrowed her brow. What could he ask that would seemingly cause so much trepidation? She studied him a moment longer before earnestly responding, “Never be afraid to tell me what is on your mind, Arthur. I want to know. I want to share your burdens no matter what they maybe.”

He finally offered a ghost of the smile she cherished immeasurably. “I want that too, Guinevere, più than anything. I want to share everything with you—my life, my love, this kingdom . . .”

He held her in a steady gaze as his speech trailed off, giving her a moment to let what he was saying to sink in. Her eyes soon began to widen with recognition prompting him to inhale deeply before turning to a saddle bag he had brought along. He quickly rummaged inside until he found what he sought and returned his attention to her.

Anxiously, he raised a small intricately designed box to her.

Guinevere had stopped breathing at this point. For so long she would not allow herself to believe this giorno would actually come. It was an improbable future too blurry to view but as she now looked up from the miniature package into the uncertain blue eyes of her beau she knew that future was now dawning.

With deep Amore and a bit of timidity reflecting in his brilliant cobalt eyes, Arthur found his voice once more, “Never did I imagine I would find someone who matter so deeply to me. più often than not, nobility marries out of duty alone. If Amore comes it is a bonus but with te Amore is the foundation and I can’t build the kind of kingdom I want without that foundation.”

He paused again to open the box and presented its contents to her. A simple silver band that housed a modest sapphire stone encircled in diamonds stared back at her. The ring was elegant yet unpretentious just like he knew she would want it to be.

A quiet gasp escaped her lips as her she eyed the offering and a hand went to her mouth. Breathlessly, she managed, “Oh Arthur.”

His smile grew a bit più certain at her response. He gently reached for the hand that covered her mouth and boldly began to slide the ring on her finger as he inquired, “Guinevere, will te make me the happiest man in the kingdom da agreeing to be my wife and future queen?”

She inhaled sharply as she watched him fit her slightly trembling finger with the proffered jewelry. She stared at the ring for a long moment as she recalled all the promises over the years that Arthur had made her about them one giorno being together. Though her cuore had always been più cautious, he had not wavered in his belief that their giorno would come. Now as this handsome, cocky and loving man sat before her fulfilling those promises, she still could not help the remaining doubts that lingered in her mind.

As she had always been aware of, this was about più than just them. Her eyes gradually trailed back up to meet his and she noticed he seemed tentative again. She wanted nothing più than to take away his uncertainty but she needed her own reservations calmed as well.

Guinevere held his gaze as she earnestly asked, “Are te sure?”

Arthur was flabbergasted da her response. In all the scenarios he went through in his mind, this one never occurred to him. Was he sure? Did she not listen to one word he had just said? Making her his wife was the one thing he had no reservations about.

“Am I sure? Sure that I want to marry you?” he returned with a bit of incredulity.

She gave him a patient smile, “Of course I know te Amore me and if all things were perfect there would be no domanda but the reality is I am still a commoner da birth and te are a prince and future king of Camelot. Even if the court of Camelot does eventually accept me, what of the other kingdoms? Do te really think they will take te seriously with a former servant for a bride?”

“I do not care what a few shortsighted nobles from Camelot o other kingdoms think, I know te will be an excellent Queen one day” he replied defiantly.

“Well te should care. These are kingdoms that we need to have strong alliances with. The last thing I want is to be a hindrance to Camelot becoming all it can. If being with me is going to damage the kingdom . . . are te really willing to risk that?”

He remained silent a moment as he considered her intently. This was one of the many things he adored about her. She understood duty and would sacrifice her own happiness for the greater good. The fact that she did this without a secondo thought proved his point that she would be a brilliant monarch.

Arthur eventually gave her a gentle smile as he finally replied, “Believe me, I have dato much thought to what this all means. I know it will not be easy. Change never is. But I do not believe the risks outweigh the rewards.”

Guinevere still looked unconvinced, “How can te be so sure?”

He gave her an undaunted smile, “What good would I be to Camelot o anyone if I am heartbroken and miserable? With te da my side I will be a happy, just king and Camelot will gain a compassionate and wise queen. For the first time ever the monarchy will be truly representative of the people they serve, both noble and common. I can think of nothing better. Can you?”

A smile finally graced her face. It was the Camelot she had always dreamed of and to know that he shared that dream and intended to make it a reality strengthened her resolve to be at his side through it all. She pushed aside any lingering doubts and softly whispered near his smiling lips, “I cannot, My Lord.”

The couple then proceeded to engage in another soft, lingering kiss. When they finally separated, both were smiling deeply. Arthur soon broke their silent reverie with a playful lilt, “So that’s a yeah then?”

Guinevere chuckled as she realized she hadn’t yet answered his earlier question.

“Indeed. I would be honored to be your wife.”

Arthur ha rubato, stola another, longer baciare before softly adding, “The honor will be all mine.”

She gave him another dazzling smile before pulling back to again assess her ring. He smiled as she examined it and while she was distracted he dug for something else in his bag. The rustling caught her attention and she looked upon him quizzically to which he answered promptly. “I have one più surprise for you.”

Her smile softened. She was a simple woman and although she loved how much he is willing to go through for her, she still felt a bit uncomfortable receiving so much.

“Arthur, te have already dato me so much. The picnic, the proposal, the ring . . . te are spoiling me.”

His smile grew at her humble manner. It made him Amore of her all the more. “Every giorno for the rest of our lives, if I have my way.”

Guinevere blushed at his words prompting him to continue. He now held in his hand a rolled parchment. With deep breath, he looked from her to it and then back to her, “I have here something I think . . . I hope will make te happy.”

“I am already happy,” she gently returned.
His smile slackened some, “As am I but this is something that has been long overdue. I know it won’t undo what was done but I hope it gives te a little più peace.”

He finally answered her persistent look of questioning da handing the parchment to her. She held his gaze a bit longer trying to read what the paper held in his eyes. Instead what she was greeted with was an encouraging raise of his brow prompting her to focus on the item in her hand. Slowly, she broke the royal foca, guarnizione and began to unfurl it before concentrating in on the words before her.

Arthur sat watching her while holding his breath. He knew nothing he did o detto could ever truly make up for what she had Lost but he hoped that this at least made it a bit più bearable. When she finally looked up after having read through it, tears were glistening in her eyes.

“Arthur . . . I cannot believe te did this.”
His smile returned as he reached out a hand to her face just in time to wipe away a renegade tear.

“Do te not know da now that I would do anything for you? I know that this doesn’t change what happened but . . .”

She cut in, “No it doesn’t but it does restore my father’s good name. An official pardon stating that my father was no traitor to the crown . . . I don’t know what to say. Thank te does not seem like enough.”

He was preparing to assure her that no words were necessary but before he could, Guinevere was in his embrace, baciare him forcefully at first. They had always been passionate about each other but this baciare seared him to his very soul. Soon, though, the exchange began to lighten until a più familiar intensity took hold. When gradually they began to separate each was thoroughly breathless.

She held his smoldering gaze and momentarily allowed her awe of him to the fore. How could someone like her be so fortunate? He who offered to give up his kingdom for her. He who chose to overturn centuries of tradition just to have her. He who asked her to spend the rest of her life da his side. Was this even real? o was it some incredible dream she was destined to wake from? Silently she prayed that if it was a dream that she would never be allowed to awaken.

But as his blue eyes studied her own auburn ones, she knew . . . just knew this was no dream. He was here before her offering her everything, fulfilling promises long made. Gradually another smile crept across her face prompting him to mirror the gesture. Then with quiet ardor, she simply stated, “Thank you.”

And without further explanation needed about all she was thanking him for he softly replied, “It’s my pleasure.”

And easily, the pair sunk back into another intimate baciare finally bringing their Amore and happiness full circle.
 Full cerchio
Full Circle
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posted by ellarose88
Fourth fill from ag-fics Fic Battle:

Prompt: A/G, Doctor Who Gwen is Cleopatra and Arthur is the Doctor. [prompted da rainbow_connec]

No Ordinary Queen, PG, slight M, Arthur/Doctor & Queen Guinevere

A/N: This is ficlet is based on Doctor Who 7X02 except changed to fit the Merlin-verse! I know te detto te wanted Cleopatra, but she wasn’t in the episode and I found it hard trying to write her as either Queen Cleopatra o Queen Nefertiti.


He was aiming to land in Morocco, but instead landed in Camelot. Which was not too bad? Not too bad really when he saw the exquisitely beautiful (and...
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