Arthur e Gwen Club
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posted by sportyshuie
    Arthur struggles to walk as the pain seeps deeper into his heart. He clutches the wound tightly on his stomach and staggers forward. All around him, knights lie dead. It hurts him to see all his friends, his brothers at arms, lying dead in a battle caused da none other than his sister; another Pendragon. She knows them all. She herself had many times treated their wounds, laughed and joked with them, visited their families and been protected da their valor. They are her family as well as his. How can she turn her back on them? Why didn’t she feel any remorse in killing them?

‘Where is she anyway?’ Arthur thinks as he remembers watching her use her powers to throw his knights to their death. He heard her voice, the scream and something about Emrys but he didn’t see her after that. ‘Is she dead?’ he thinks again but as the pain distracted him, he forgot all about Morgana.

He uses Excalibur as his walking aid and skips as many dead knights he can and makes the way towards the cave. His vision blurs and he has to shake his head a couple of times to wave the blurriness over. Sweat trickles down his neck, making way into his chainmail. He grimaces, takes a stride and all of a sudden his knees gave out. He kneels down but plunges Excalibur into the ground as well, stopping him from completely crashing onto the ground. He clutches his stomach and grimaces. His mind wanders, towards Guinevere.

Guinevere is having a hard time trying to keep her mind focused on her patients. She is still thinking about Arthur and the battle.

‘Did it go well? Did Arthur win? Is he all right?’ was all that she can think about.

The sounds of knights screaming in pain, the sounds of armour chinking and swords crashing on the ground o even the sight of blood bore no interest to her. She was thinking about Arthur and him alone. And it made her deaf to the one voice that had been calling her numerous times at the opening of the tent.

“My lady…” Leon calls, but no answer. “My lady?” again no answer. He steps closer and leans towards Guinevere. “Gwen?”

“Huh? Leon? What happened? Why …?” Gwen is stunned to see her friend, the knight in the tent.

Leon is soaked with blood. There was a huge gash on the side of his neck but he cares little about it. He was breathing fast. “My lady, the battle has been won.” He smiles at her.

Now that is one piece of news that seems Musica to Gwen’s ears. She needed this at this time. Now for più news. “And Arthur?”

Leon’s smile fades. Gwen’s cuore slows down. ‘No …No!’ she thinks. ‘No Leon, don’t do this to me!’

“We are still looking for him, Gwen. We will find him.” He promises like he does all the times to his friends. “I promise you.”

“Thank you, Leon.” Gwen says as quickly as she can and turns around almost knocking against a wounded man on a stretcher. She stops and they pass her by. She is crying. Her cuore is weeping and she is clutching her stomach like she always does whenever she’s scared o anxious. She kneels down and starts wiping the blood of the man they brought on the stretcher.

Leon knows Gwen is hurt and she is crying. He didn’t have to hear her cries o look at her eyes to know that. He can feel it. He has known Gwen for years and been under Arthur’s service since Uther’s reign. He knows about their love, and in fact, had been the secondo after Merlin to guess it. And he has always approved. He has seen their Amore for one another, how they cherish one another, and has been happy for the young king and Queen over the years. So it hurts him as well to see the young Queen whom he proudly calls his friend broken da the news that her husband is still missing in the battlefield. But he will not rest till he finds Arthur. He will continue on his cerca and if it takes another battalion to be sacrificed, so be it. This is their king they are talking about. It’s Arthur Pendragon, a loyal friend and knight. Arthur will do the same if any of the knights are missing so now it’s time they repaid that faith and loyalty. Swallowing his hurt and choking back his own emotion, Leon walks out of the tent.

Gaius watches Guinevere from afar and he, too, feels the young queen’s pain. He knows Merlin is out there and will take care of the king, but he prays for the safety of both the men. He just wishes Merlin and Arthur return back in good health. The knight he’s been tending to screams in pain and that snaps Gaius back to his duties.

Merlin wanders around Camlann alone, searching for Arthur. He is still in his Emrys disguise and scans the area quickly using his magic.

‘Where are you, Arthur?’

And then he spots him. His cuore crushes. ‘What the …’ Emrys drops his staff and rushes towards the cave where Arthur is lying unconscious against the rocks.

Emrys nears Arthur, kneels down da the king’s side and checks for the pulse. Arthur is still alive and it relieves him. He looks around and notices Mordred’s dead body. He sighs, both saddened and relieved to find Mordred dead. Relieved, knowing Arthur will not be in danger anymore from him, but sad that the boy, whom both he and Arthur saved when he was still a child, had to lose his life in this manner. He was a good person, potentially a Ribelle - The Brave knight and would have been Arthur’s ally in this battle if it wasn’t for Morgana’s intervention. Emrys doesn’t know what happened, but looks like he met his end da Arthur’s hand, through Excalibur. Emrys turns back and checks on Arthur’s wound. The blood has stopped somehow but the wound is darkening around the stomach. Perhaps the prophecy has become true after all. Arthur did appear to meet his end at the hands of Mordred in Camlann but it didn’t say Arthur will die here o that he will not survive the battle. Not if Merlin has anything to do with that. And he will not allow that. Emrys places his hand over the wound and uses his magic to try and cure Arthur’s wound. Nothing happens. Emrys is surprised. He does it again and yet Arthur doesn’t wake up.

‘What is happening?’ Emrys asks himself and looks around. There is no one around him. He turns back towards Arthur. There is no way he is will be able to lift Arthur up with all the chainmail and armour. After all he is an 80 anno old man! Emrys stands up and chants to himself. His eyes turn into amber and the wind around him swirls in a frenzy. Emrys glows. He chants louder and after a minute, he stops and looks back at Arthur. He was back being Merlin. He lifts Arthur over his shoulder and steps cautiously over Mordred’s dead body. Taking in as much air he can, he grits his teeth and carries Arthur away from there.

    “Guinevere, stop” Arthur says, in his sleep. He hears his wife chuckling beside him. But she still didn’t stop with the nose tweaking. “Guinevere,” he says again. His lids are still closed and he is trying to continue with his sleep but Guinevere just wouldn’t let him be. She chuckles and plays with his nose, tweaking it playfully. It tickles and very soon he is going to sneeze. He sniffs and stirs but remains sleepy. Guinevere smiles and presses his nose again, this time she tweaks it harder. “Guinevere!” Arthur opens his eyes and catches her hand. She laughs loudly and tries to wrench herself free. “What are te doing? I have to sleep.” Arthur releases her and looks at Guinevere, unable to believe she actually succeeded in waking him up.

“Sleep, my lord?” she asks, smiling and tucking in closer to him. She presses her hand on his chest and plays with the shirt. “You hardly let me sleep last night, Arthur, and now te want to sleep while I am awake? That’s not fair.”

Arthur laughs and catches her hand, brings it to his lips and kisses it. He remembers what happened last night and it brings a huge smile to his lips. He turns and looks into her eyes. She was smiling back at him. “So, this is revenge?”

“No my lord … this is just a reminder that te shouldn’t mess with Arthur Pendragon’s wife. She is not as gentle as she seems to be.” Guinevere laughs again.

‘That guy, Arthur, is a very lucky man indeed.”

“Indeed,” Guinevere says and nears him, inching towards Arthur’s face.

“What is your plan, my lady?”

“Plan?” Guinevere smiles. “I just wanted to wake te up. I have no plans, Arthur.”

‘Too bad,’ Arthur says and pushes Guinevere gently back onto her side of the letto and lifts himself up, holding her hands in his, smiling and teasing her with his looks. “Now that I am awake, I have no plans let te get out from this bed.’

“Arthur ...” and she didn’t get to say the remaining words, as they are drowned da Arthur’s kiss.

Arthur opens his eyes in a flurry. ‘Guinevere?’ he thinks and stares up in the air. He was in a forest, out in the open surrounded da trees. He was lying on something. There was a voice in his head a while ago. Guinevere’s voice. He heard it well. He was playing with her. But she’s not here now. He is all alone. Where is she? He tries to stir and he aggravates the wound. Grimacing, he lies back. Now he remembers. It was a dream. He dreamt of Guinevere and her voice seemed real in his head. He sighs, clutches his stomach and looks around him. He catches a glimpse of a man, squatting in front of him with his back against Arthur. He was staring at something. Arthur recognises the giacca anywhere. His lips curves into a smile.


Merlin turns around, smiles and immediately gets up on his feet and rushes to the king’s side. “Arthur?” he checks on the wound.

“Where have te been, Merlin?” Arthur lifts his hand and grabs Merlin’s shoulder.

“It doesn’t matter anymore Arthur. We have won the battle. Morgana’s defeated.”

“Yes … and I owe a man my thanks.”

Merlin knows whom Arthur is referring to. Arthur saw Emrys and the look of appreciation was all over Arthur’s face during the battle. Merlin swallows. Perhaps it is time for him to let Arthur know about his secret. It is time to reveal it. But will Arthur believe him? He has to try. He has kept the secret far too long now. Arthur deserves to know.

“Arthur, I defeated the Saxons. I helped te at the battle,” Merlin starts.

Arthur looks at Merlin in surprise. “No Merlin, a sorcerer helped me at the battle. He defeated the Saxons. And I owe him my thanks.”

Merlin’s cuore sinks. How will he make Arthur understand without hurting his friend? How will Arthur understand that Merlin did it for him and Camelot? “No Arthur …” Merlin’s voice quivers. How will he tell him? “It is I … I am that sorcerer. I helped te at the battle, Arthur.”

Arthur wants to laugh. What on earth is Merlin blabbering about? If his stomach doesn’t hurt, he would have laughed. “Merlin, now is not the time for jokes. You, a sorcerer? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard … Are te sick o anything, Merlin?”

Merlin’s hurt. And he starts to sob. He had been waiting all these years to reveal his secret to Arthur and now when he does, the king does not believe him. How will he make Arthur believe him? Merlin grips Arthur’s hand on his shoulder and squeezes it gently. “Arthur, I am a sorcerer… I have magic …”

Arthur stops smiling. ‘What on earth is Merlin telling him?’ he thinks to himself. His eyes change from intrigued to surprise and then to shock. He doesn’t know what to think of the situation o Merlin. The servant boy seems genuinely pressing with his statement and Arthur knows Merlin’s eyes do not lie. He had known the boy long enough to recognise the hurt and pain swirling in his eyes. Something is wrong here. Something is amiss. He grips Merlin’s shoulder and shakes him. “Merlin, te are not a sorcerer. I would know …”

“I can prove it,” Merlin says in between his tears and using his free hand, moves it toward the fuoco crackling in front of them and chants. The fuoco swirls up and forms the figure of a dragon.

Arthur’s world stops that instant. He stares at the fire, at the dragon still floating in the air and then back at Merlin. ‘Merlin’s a sorcerer?’ the word repeats itself like a mantra in his head. He doesn’t feel the pain in his stomach anymore because his cuore hurts worse. He stares at Merlin, unsure what to say. He can’t find words to describe the hurt in him after learning that the one man he trusts above all others, the friend whom he will lay his life for actually betrayed him? How could Merlin keep this secret from him all these years? How could Merlin betray him after all that Arthur has done for him? And why? Didn’t Merlin trust him enough for him to reveal himself?

Merlin turns back to Arthur, his eyes still hurt and the tears still flowing down. He swallows and waits for Arthur. When the latter didn’t say anything, he opens his mouth. “Arthur?”

“Leave me!” Arthur snaps.

It feels like a coltello in his guts. Merlin understands Arthur’s anger and accepts it. He had expected it when he decided to reveal himself. It will not be easy for Arthur to accept Merlin’s powers. Arthur has been betrayed so many times da those he had trusted. And he trusts Merlin with his life, accepting him più like a brother than a servant. To have this kind of trust backfire and to find that person has been deceiving him will not be easy for Arthur to accept. And Merlin understands the king needs his time to let the truth sink in. So he will let Arthur alone.

“Arthur, I just want to say I’m sorry ….”

“Didn’t te hear what I said?” Arthur shouts back, startling Merlin.

Merlin’s hurt deepens but he understands the anger. Picking himself up, he leaves Arthur and walks back to his precedente spot and sits down. Arthur watches Merlin leave and shuts his eyes. He is angry and clenches his teeth. His hands rolled up into a fist pounds the ground continuously. If he isn’t wounded, Merlin would have found himself bleeding.

‘How can he do this to me? I gave him my trust, I provided him with a status no servants deserved and yet, he lied to me? All these years, all this while, Merlin had been using magic under my nose? He knows magic is outlawed and still, he went on …’ Arthur slams his head back against the log beneath it angrily. ‘Did my father know of this? Is that what he was trying to tell me before I sent him back to the afterlife?’ Arthur remembers the final hours where his father was trying to tell him something. But he never gave his father a chance. And now it seems to make sense. ‘Why, Merlin? Why didn’t te tell me?’ Arthur reopens his eyes and looks back at his servant. Merlin is still sitting down where he did before but he seems quiet. Merlin’s image brought the anger back into Arthur and he looks to his left, where his sword Excalibur is planted firmly into the ground. He can’t reach it. He curses his bad luck and lies back. The hurt and the betrayal comes back to haunt him. ‘How many times have they come across the topic and yet Merlin managed to elude him with the truth, skillfully?’ Arthur thinks again. He lies back, thinking all the times his father and then he spoke about magic and the ban imposed upon it. Why didn’t Merlin tell him then? Why sit back and why now? What else is he capable of? Is he in the legion of Morgana? Does Morgana know about this? Are they both accomplices? Arthur has no words to identify the disgust he feels towards the man he thought was his friend. He wants to get back to Camelot as soon as possible so that he can punish Merlin for this betrayal. And thanks to Merlin, magic will be forever be outlawed in Camelot. His father is right. He had been right all along. Arthur had been stupid not to see it.

Gaius was with Guinevere when he thought he heard Merlin in his head.

‘Gaius?’ Merlin’s voice is vivid. Gaius stops working with the wound and stares ahead as if hypnotized. ‘Gaius?’ the voice plays again.

“Gaius?” Guinevere calls him.

Gaius shudders and looks at the queen.

“Is everything all aright?” she asks. ‘Gaius?’ the voice plays again.

“Yes my lady. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go someplace.” Gaius hands the bandage to Gwen and leaves abruptly. He walks out from the tent and circles it, hiding himself from the knights. ‘Merlin’ he thinks to himself.

‘Gaius, can te hear me?’ Merlin asks in his head. Gaius smiles. He closes his eye so that he can telepathically channel Merlin without any obstacles.

‘Yes Merlin. Are te safe? How’s Arthur? Is he all right?’

‘Yes, but he is wounded. I can’t cure him with magic. It’s not working, Gaius. And I have told him about my powers. I don’t think he’s taking it very well. I need te here, Gaius. Can te make it to the forest beyond Camlann? But be careful, the forest is swarming with Saxons.’ Merlin’s voice says.

‘I’ll be there in the first light tomorrow. Take care, Merlin, and take care of Arthur, too. Don’t worry, we will deal with the other matter later. Arthur’s life is più important now. Do what te must to keep him alive.’

‘I will, Gaius. Thank you.’

Gaius opens his eyes, looks around him, and assuring no one saw him, walks back towards the tent.

Gaius finds Merlin in the forest and immediately rushes to the boy, embracing him. Merlin hugs Gaius warmly, smiling at his mentor when he releases him. But it was just his lips doing the action; the rest of his body spoke different volumes. Gaius spots Merlin’s hurt and sighs, gently squeezing Merlin’s shoulder. Merlin purses his lips and steps back.

“Where is he?” Gaius asks.

“Over there,” Merlin points towards Arthur, who is still sleeping soundly. Merlin looks back at Gaius. “He doesn’t trust me, Gaius. I hurt him. I betrayed his trust.”

“You did what te had to, Merlin. That is the way of life. It was all meant to be, just like Arthur’s prophecy. te didn’t have the power to change it but te do have the chance to save him now. And it’s what we need to be focusing on. Come.”

“You go ahead, Gaius. I’ll …” Merlin stops when he notices Gaius brought nothing with him. “You came empty handed?”

“Merlin, I had to sneak out without anyone noticing and Gwen’s suspecting something already. She saw te at the battle as Emrys, and, knowing her, I don’t think te can outwit her like te did Arthur. Besides, we were running out of supplies. I need to check on his wound first.”

“You go ahead, Gaius …”

“Then go feed the horses. And wash your face as well …” Gaius says and leaves to check on Arthur while Merlin leaves to feed the horses.

Arthur waits until he feels Merlin is not around before he opens his eyes and grabs Gaius’s hand. “He’s a sorcerer, Gaius!” he says in urgency.

Gaius doesn’t know how to respond to that so he keeps quiet. Arthur expected Gaius to be as surprised as he is but the old physician is not. It seems as if Gaius has known about this for some time. Arthur drops back, releasing Gaius. He isn’t angry at Gaius; he is stunned to know the old physician, his counselor and someone like a father figure himself has kept the secret hidden from him. Arthur feels like an idiot. Is he the only one who doesn’t know about Merlin? How many other knows about this? The giorno has just gone from bad to worse.

Gaius knows Arthur is hurt but he didn’t have a choice. He had to keep the secret away from Arthur for Merlin’s sake, for the boy’s own safety. He promised Merlin’s mother. He didn’t want to betray Arthur’s trust but he didn’t want the boy he cared for punished as well. If only he could explain to Arthur. Gaius checks on Arthur’s wounds.

“Why didn’t te tell me, Gaius?”

“Sire, I understand te are angry but believe me, this is not my intention at all. I knew about Merlin from the giorno he arrived in Camelot. But he is not what te think he is, Sire. He might be a sorcerer, but he is born to serve you. And he has done that all these years, looking out for te and your well being.”

“Are te saying …”

“He saved your life, Sire. più than once.”

It hits Arthur now. All these years, during battles and fights, when Arthur was facing his death o defeat, it was Merlin who came to his rescue. It was his servant who helped him defeat his foes. Not his own strength o skills, but magic. Arthur closes his eyes and feels like a useless man. “Send word to Camelot. To Guinevere. Ask her to sentence Merlin …”

“Sire, please …” Gaius stresses silently. Arthur opens his eyes and looks at Gaius.

“What do te want me to do Gaius? He lied to me, all these years. He betrayed my trust, Guinevere’s trust … this isn’t what I expected from him. I cared for him like my own brother. I didn’t expect this … from you, either.”

“He can help you, Sire,”

“I need a physician, not a sorcerer.”

“Sire, I know Merlin. He has been born to serve te and te alone. There’s a reason why your path crossed with his. He’s the greatest sorcerer ever to walk this earth.”

“Merlin?” Arthur is sarcastic.

    “Yes. And he is the only one who can help you, Sire. I stood da and watched magic purged from this land. I took part in the killings of the innocent, in your father’s merciless tyranny, and I still regret of what I’ve been part of. But when Merlin stepped into Camelot he brought hope along with him. He’s the light to Morgana’s darkness, Sire. He might not be a knight, but he is your greatest warrior. And I know I shouldn’t be asking te this, but trust him this once. Please.”

    Arthur listens and sighs. He isn’t sure if he wants to follow Gaius’s words but he knows he hasn’t forgiven Merlin, that’s for sure.

    “How is he?” Merlin asks when Gaius rejoins him da the horses.

    “He’s poisoned Merlin. Did te see the blade that Mordred used?”

    “No, why?”

    “Something tells me Mordred didn’t use a normal blade. Arthur’s blood stopped but his wound is getting darker. It has formed dark rings around it. That usually happens when magic is involved. That explains why your magic couldn’t cure him.”

    “What are we to do?”

    “The only place for te to cure him will be in the isle of Avalon. There’s a saying in the old prophecy that a sorceress dwells in the isle of Avalon with powers beyond our imagination. She possesses the skills to cure any wounds o injuries caused da magic. te have to take him there Merlin. Only there will Arthur be saved.”

    “But the place is swarming with Saxons. How can I get him there without being seen?”

    “Perhaps this will be the right time to reveal you’re a dragonlord to Arthur.”

    “Gaius … he will be terrified of me. And do te think he will listen?”

    “He already is, Merlin. This will not make any difference. Hurry, Merlin, we haven’t any time to spare. If his wound gets darker, the poison will envelop his cuore and stop it. Call for your friend now. He owes te that much.”

    Guinevere walks to her chamber and stares out from the window. The remaining troops have returned back to the castle. The knights; Leon, Percival and Gwaine have taken responsibility in seeing things are right at the castle. Guinevere owes them her gratitude. She hasn’t been able to think right ever since Arthur went missing from the battlefield. She knows he is alive somewhere but she wants him here, in Camelot. This is where he belongs. She fears for his safety, for his health. She knows nothing can harm her husband for he is the greatest warrior and knight of Camelot and one she’s known. There is no one capable of defeating Arthur in any battle. But Morgana was at the battle as well and therefore there’s sorcery at play. What if she used magic to defeat Arthur o harm him? Now that worries Guinevere. In fact, ever since she learned of Morgana’s powers, she had feared for Arthur’s safety. But somehow, Arthur manages to come back to her safely. It’s as if someone was looking out for Arthur. Guinevere’s thought runs back to the sorcerer she noted on the mountains. The one Gaius seems to have knowledge about. She doesn’t recognise him, though she feels connected with him. Something about the sorcerer reminds her of someone. Someone knocks on the door and she hears the door opening.

    She turns back with hope only for her smile to fade. Leon steps in. “Any news, Leon?”

    “We have sent out further troops to the eastern borders, my lady. We will find him.”

    Guinevere chokes back her tears. She needs to talk to someone. And one name pops into her mind. She needs her friend. “Have te found Merlin?”

    “No, Gwen. He’s been missing as well. Gwaine detto he dropped Merlin at the valley of the fallen kings, at the mouth of a cave, and never heard o saw him again.”

    “The valley of the fallen kings? But Gaius detto he went to …” Guinevere stops. She and Arthur didn’t buy Gaius’s words that Merlin went to collect herbs and Gaius detto Merlin has gone to do something important and he cannot tell her that for now. And then at the battle ground, Gaius recognises the sorcerer. He also detto they owe their gratitude to him. And Merlin is still missing. “Gaius?”

    “He’s left this morning, my lady. He didn’t tell us where, but he detto we should trust him.”

    Has Merlin gone to seek the help of the sorcerer? Does Merlin know him? He must, because Gaius knows the sorcerer. Perhaps, they know about Arthur and his whereabouts? Maybe Merlin will bring Arthur home. Guinevere feels hope in her cuore and she sighs in relief. Merlin has never let her down and he will not start now. Something tells her Arthur is sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza and will come home to her. He will. He must.

    Arthur struggles to sit on the horse but Merlin helps him. He avoids looking at Merlin and calls for Gaius instead. “Gaius?”

    Merlin steps back and allows Gaius to near Arthur. The king removes the royal foca, guarnizione from around his neck and hands it to Gaius.

    “If I’m to die, Gaius, I want te to give this to Guinevere. I cannot think of anyone better to succeed my trono but her. She will be a good and wise ruler. And tell her that I Amore her very much.”

    Merlin listens sadly. He will not let Arthur die. He will not let Gwen down. He had promised Gwen before that he will protect Arthur with his life and that’s what he will do. He will bring him back to her.

    “Sire, do not lose hope,” Gaius tells Arthur.

    “Thank you, Gaius. You’ve been a loyal servant to Camelot and friend to both me and my father,” Arthur tells him and clasps his hand over Gaius’s. The old physician nods and steps away from Arthur and walks towards Merlin.

    “Remember what I told you, Merlin. Take heed of my consigli and do not delay. Call for the help I recommended and seek the lady of the Avalon. Only she can help you.”

    “Thank you, Gaius,” Merlin embraces Gaius.

    “Take care, Merlin. I will wait for te with your preferito soup,” Gaius tries to cheer up Merlin.

    Merlin nods, walks back towards Arthur’s horse, holds the reins, and leads the horse away. Arthur looks back one last time at Gaius while the old physician just watches on sadly, silently hoping both of them will reach Avalon in time.

    Gwen waits da the window like she always does whenever Arthur’s away, looking out for his arrival. She stares at the activity below, the secondo troop arriving from the cerca and another batch is sent out, seen da Leon himself. It’s been two days and still there’s no word of Arthur o Merlin. And now Gaius isn’t back yet. Her cuore thumps wildly thinking of her husband. She knows he is alive but she fears for his safety, especially when she heard rumours that Morgana is seen wandering in the forest with her men. If Arthur and Merlin o even Gaius is still in the forest, what if she finds them? She has magic and they are just three of them? She fears for all of them. She wipes the single tear that rolls down and continues to watch through the window. She notices Gwaine is rushing down the steps and nearing a horse. An old man mounts down. Gwen’s cuore lifts. She knows him. It’s Gaius. He is back. He must have news of Arthur. Without waiting, she spins around, lifts her toga, abito and runs outside her chamber.

    “Gaius … any news about Arthur?” Gwen asks even before she reaches Gaius, who is escorted to the Queen da Gwaine.

    “The king is alive, my lady.”

    Gwen feels her world spinning as she clutches her stomach and staggers back. Gwaine catches her.

    “Gwen, are te all right?”

    “Yes, yes thank you, Gwaine. I am fine, I think.” She thanks the knight and buries her face in her hands. The news is what she has been waiting for days to hear. She knows her husband is all right. She kept telling herself that. There is no way Arthur will be taken away from her.

    “Why isn’t he with you, Gaius?” Gwaine asks.

    “Because he is wounded and he needs to be treated immediately. Merlin is taking him to Avalon as we speak for only there he will be saved.”

    “Wounded? How bad, Gaius? And Merlin, te say?”

    “Yes, my lady. Arthur’s injury is fatal, I’m afraid, but fear not. He can find the treatment in Avalon and that’s where they are heading. I trust in Merlin, Gwen. He will not fail us,” Gaius tells Gwen and then hands her the royal seal.

    Gwen’s cuore stops the moment she looks at the seal. This can’t be happening now. No, not when her hopes just had been raised. “What is the meaning of this Gaius?” her words are choking and her tears are threatening to flood.

    “The king wants te to have this in case he doesn’t … make it my lady. He wants te to succeed his trono in his absence.”

    “NO!!!” Gwen slumps to the floor, dropping the foca, guarnizione and clutching her face. Gwaine is immediately da her side as is Gaius. “NO!!! No, I won’t … I will rule with him, not without him … NO!!” she says in between her tears. “Gaius, te detto he will be saved, so what is the meaning of all this?”

    “My lady, have faith and hope. He will be saved. This was his wish, and I couldn’t argue with him, not when he is hurting. I did as I was instructed, but have faith. Merlin will save him.”

    Gwen looks up at Gaius. Something he just detto made sense to her. How can she not see that all this while? “Gaius, that sorcerer up on the mountains … te detto te know him.”

    “Yes Gwen. I do.”

    “Do I know him too?” Gwen asks, tears still rolling down her cheek.

    Gaius nods. Gwen’s cuore lifts and she smiles, in between her tears. She reaches and clasps Gaius’s hand.

    “It’s Merlin, isn’t it? All this while … it’s been him.”

    “Yes, Gwen. Merlin is a sorcerer and he has protected Arthur and us all this while. And he never revealed his true self to anyone o sought any credit for what he did,” Gaius reveals.

    “And no wonder he told me to leave after reaching the cave. He wanted to tell me, but something stopped him. I know he was hiding something, but he meant well. detto that if he found what he was searching for, he would be just fine. Merlin …” Gwaine laughs and shakes his head. He never thought his friend was a powerful wizard. And now everything falls into places nicely. And his own hopes are raised now that he knows about Merlin. Arthur’s life is in good hands. He knows it.

    Gwen covers her mouth and cries, but tears of relief this time. She knows Arthur is safe. With Merlin da his side, magic as their shield, there’s no way Morgana will hurt them. Merlin will protect Arthur. Gwaine drapes his hand over Gwen’s shoulder. She may be the Queen but she is also his friend, one who has stood da him numerous times. She needs all the support she has from those around her and Gwaine is only to happy to lend his.

    Arthur feels the weight of the armour crushing him. He is weak and he knows it. He can hardly steer his horse and now, he feels as if he might just fall off the horse any time. It must be the wound. Gaius detto it was poisoned, thanks to Mordred’s sword. Whatever it was that Mordred used, it seems to be doing its job wonderfully. The intention was there, to kill the king, and Arthur is slowly dying. He just wishes he could see Guinevere one last time, to say his goodbyes. The horse neighs and Arthur really wants to cast his armour off. It’s getting heavy and he doesn’t have any strength in him to carry on with an extra weight. In front of him, Merlin is still leading the way. Arthur can ask Merlin to remove the armour and the chainmail but he doesn’t want to. He might be dying but his arrogance is still very much alive. Merlin betrayed him and he doesn’t need his help any more. The only reason he agreed to follow Merlin was because of Gaius. Arthur still respects the old man and it was his words which made Arthur agree with this trip. dato Arthur’s wish, Merlin would have been hanged da now, for treason and betrayal.

    Merlin stops and instructs Arthur to stop as well.

    “What?” Arthur asks, his voice still sarcastic.


    “How do te know?”

    How can Merlin explain that he just noted two men riding towards them from far with magic. “I saw them.”

    “In the thickness of the forest? Your eyesight is better than mine.”

    “I used magic,” Merlin says, softly.

    “Oh, pardon me. I forgot … your gift.” Arthur risposte sarcastically but Merlin ignores him. Let Arthur tell what he wants. Merlin’s only concern is to take him to Avalon. He doesn’t care if Arthur gives him the stick all throughout the journey. Merlin looks around him. There is no place they can hide. The men close in. Merlin decides to meet them. He gets down from the horse, turns to his left and using magic produces smoke a couple of yards from where he and Arthur are. Then he walks towards Arthur, removes a dark sheet and covers Arthur with it.

    “Stop!” the Saxons warns from far.

    “I’ll deal with them,” Arthur tells Merlin.

    “Shh … quiet.” Merlin tells Arthur and walks towards the men. They two Saxons dismount their horse and near Merlin.

    “Who are you?” they ask.

    “We are no one important. We were just passing through when we noticed two knights going that way.” Merlin points to the place where he started the smoke using magic. Arthur watches on.

    One of the men notices Excalibur. “Which way te say?” he asks and pushes Merlin back, nearing Arthur’s horse. Before Merlin can stop them, the man pulls off the sheet and uncovers both Arthur and Excalibur.

    “Who are you?” the men steps back and draw their sword, ready to attack. But Merlin uses his magic to throw them both off.

    “I can’t believe te kept all this from me, Merlin.” Arthur tells Merlin.

    Merlin doesn’t say anything; instead he walks back to his horse and prepares to mount it when he hears Arthur crashing onto the ground. “Arthur!” he shouts and rushes towards the king. He rolls Arthur back and notices the king is in pain.

    “Hold on Arthur, hold on.”

    “The armour … I can’t …”

    Merlin didn’t waste any più time. He removes the armour and throws it away. Arthur is still in pain and he can never make it if they ride on horses. Gaius is right, he needs help. And there’s only one Merlin can think of right now. Wiping the tears, he collects his strength and calls for the great dragon.

posted by kbrand5333
I wrote this prior to 5x12. I have since altered the beginning to match the actual events at the end of 5x13.

    “The king is dead,” Sir Leon’s stalwart voice addresses the crowd, “long live the queen!”
    “Long live the queen.”
    “Long live the queen.”
    Those assembled repeat the words, but there is an underlying sadness in them. Camelot is in mourning for their beloved young king.
    Guinevere sits on her throne, Arthur’s empty sede, sedile beside her.
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posted by ellarose88
So there is only one episode left before Merlin ends for good. And I'm both excited and sad to see it end. Excited because whole it seems that this episode will be sad, maybe there will be some light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, I will always try to find something positive in anything. That is the way I am.

Yet I'm sad because I'll miss seeing Arthur and Gwen on our screens. Angel and Bradley truly have one of the best on screen chemistry I have ever seen. They have truly made Arwen work after the crappy treatment from the producers. Really, the whole cast deserved better.

And while its sad...
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"The Diamond of the Day" Part 1

Hey there. Sixty-three down and two to go. Now who detto that? Oh, yeah, it was Bradley James earlier this week I think. I’m really not sure how I’m feeling about this. I should be super sad, but for some reason I’m not. Not sure why. Speaking for myself, I think I’ve invested far too much time and emotion into this. It’s a tv mostra and while it’s been somewhat of a “hobby” in my case there have been times it’s been somewhat a stress on the blood pressure and I’m speaking seriously. But on the other hand, there’s my main reason for watching:...
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"The Kindness of Strangers"

I can't believe the lack of excitement about this episode. I guess it's what should be expected after we wore ourselves out last week running the gamut of emotions on that one.

We know there will be something of Arwen in this, but not much. Merlin will be center stage which is fine. Well, we shall see. I'm not even going to bother to put up a picture yet until afterwards as the only one of interest to us---well, I want to see for sure what that is all about first.

OK, that's all I have to say. See te all after.
posted by kbrand5333
In honor of the birthday girls
Joppa: 5 December
Guen_evere: 6 December
Shuvarna: 7 December

Hope te all had a great day!

When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is più deadly than the male.
- from “The Female of the Species,” Rudyard Kipling, 1911

    Gwen sees the Arthur and the knights emerge from the dark cavern, dirty, some slightly bloodied, but all alive and well. She had been on pins and needles for...
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Hey, hey, hey. I haven't been around because of this power outage and I'm sure I've missed quite a lot so can't wait to get back and find out what I've been missing. My hubby let me use some of the generator power (modem on a surge protector) to get online for awhile and to get emails, etc. So naturally one of the first things on my lista is to set up our episode discussion for this week. Crossing fingers to be able to see it before the giorno is over! I see electric utility workers down the street!!!!!!

Hope everybody enjoys this episode coming, and I hope to read up on the successivo two asap because...
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So, folks, let’s see what we get today. Of primary interest to most of us, let’s see if our little couple, now married, get to have a few minuti alone together for the first time in season 5. Let’s see if they actually even have a conversation between themselves, even if only a few words are exchanged. Only a matter of a couple of hours and we’ll know about that.

Let’s see what Princess Mithian is all about. When we first heard Janet M. was coming back with her character, I remember some concern among us that trouble was going to be stirred up between Mr. and Mrs. Pendragon as a result....
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posted by Arina0122
Ladies, thank te for your inspiration. I have never written before and this is my first fan fiction. Please forgive any errors: grammar, typos and etc.

Gwen Thomas, seventeen anno old junior at Camelot High gathered up her courage and started down the hallway to ask her longtime friend, Arthur Pendragon, eighteen anno old senior to the Sadie Hawkins Dance. (In the United States, the Sadie Hawkins Dance is usually a less formal dance sponsored da a high school, middle school o college, in which female students invite male students.)was tonight and she had waited too long already. She...
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She sat in the nearly-empty coffee shop, cradling a rather oversized cup in her hands, her delicate fingers unable to span the width of it. The cup was a creamy ivory, a direct contrast to her own tawny complexion.

She blew on the surface of the steaming liquid in an attempt to cool it down so that she could sip it without scalding her lips. She liked her tè slightly warm, but realized early on that to ask it to be served as such was sacrilege. She has been a frequent enough visitor of this establishment to know that it's owners and patrons took their beverages very seriously—something which...
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    Inside the train, Gwen stands da the door looking dejected. Her cuore is aching and she doesn’t even know how to contain the pain. It creeps, leaving her dizzy. ‘Did I say all those things? Did I really say that?’ she thinks, trying to recall what has happened. Everything seems like a dream, but the pain she feels in her cuore is real. She drops her bag, clutches her cuore and slumps to the ground. Tears are rolling down, wetting her neck and her camicia but she doesn’t care about it anymore. Her breathing is coming in rapidly as she...
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posted by ellarose88
Title: A Knight’s Tale
Author ellarose88
Rating: PG (with some slight sexual references! :P)
Word count: 2, 581
Characters/Pairings: Gwaine, Gwen, Arthur/Gwen, Gwaine/Gwen (bffs), Merlin, the Knights of Camelot.
Spoilers/Warnings: None really, just a Future Fic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. If I did things would be different just a tad and I would own Arthur and Gwaine. Elyan and Percival too!
Summary: Gwaine gets enchanted….
Author’s notes: This fic was written last anno for sophielou21's Birthday. This was Part One of her present.

Thanks must also go to mustbethursday3 for the prompting...
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Leggere on tumblr that Gwen was harboring secret feelings for Lancelot while engaged to Arthur; and Morgana would not have been able to used Lancelot without Gwen still having feelings for him. Say what? I respectfully disagree. Sometimes I wonder if we are all watching the same show.

Regarding Gwen’s supposed feelings for Lancelot: Gwen did not harbor any secret Amore for Lancelot while engaged to Arthur. At the start of series 4, one anno had elapsed since Lancelot returned fulltime to Camelot as a knight, yet during that time Gwen and Arthur were going strong. Their Amore deepened, and there...
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Let it be known. None of my clan of womanhood I call mates take prisoners lol. We are not loud. We do not foster war, however, never think we will not take te out. Keep your shit to yourself. I laughed when I read this, because te really could not get much più ARYAN than the woman being insulted lol. I mean really, te could not on any level. Anyway, she answered, all those years of public school (really means private) and actual knowledge will out. Yeah, she done good today.

Enjoy...oh this DISEASED ELEMENT was responding to her 101 History Course on BRITAIN. Clueless moron of course - aren't they always?

One of my favourite sayings in the world is keep your enemies way to destroy them. Let them think they have te but all this while te are perfectly aware and instead play them to the hilt until they hang themselves - they always do.

Ahh yes, the ART OF WAR, Sun Tzu approved dontchya know lololol.
Song 5: link

From wandering in the forest,
I have come into a clearing
Where I trust all men.
I am a lion who enters quietly
The cage of his own heart.

    Arthur is pacing. He is anxious. Restless. Distracted.
    “Are te all right, Arthur?” Merlin asks. “You’re stalking your room like a caged animal.”
    Arthur stops and looks at Merlin. “Am I all right? Of course I’m all right! I’m the happiest man in the world tonight, te know that!”
    “Then why are te pacing?”...
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Song 1: link

Since I have met te once,
I will meet te twice.
If we had lived forever,
We would have met before
And detto goodbye, hello,
Goodbye, hello, goodbye,
Until the clocks break down.
When anything is possible,
Very little will do nicely.
These tables are my friends.
There are others,
But these are my friends.

    Surely there are più mushrooms in that thicket, Guinevere thinks, ducking under the low-hanging branches of an immense willow albero surrounded da thick undergrowth. She creeps along, her young limbs carrying her easily, her young eyes trained on the forest floor.
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A/N: I came across this set of eleven songs based on some short poems. The poems are da George Montgomery, but I don’t know what their actual names are, if they even have names. I found some of them beautiful and all of them interesting, so I’m attempting to use them as bases for some mini-fics.

The poems were set to Musica da William Bolcom, intended for performance da voice, piano, and a solo dancer. Hence the titolo Songs to Dance. It was only performed this way once, in New York in 1991. The pianist was William Bolcom, the soloist Joan Morris (Bolcom’s wife), and the dancer was Dan Wagoner...
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Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Independence giorno is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence giorno is the national giorno of the United States

Hope you're all enjoying your day. I'll think of te enjoying your barbecues, parties etc. while I'm at work LOL
added by VampyreFey
Source: BBC: Merlin official website
added by HumbleQueen
Source: BBC