Arthur e Gwen Club
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 2: link

    “That is my decision,” Guinevere states, looking out over the council. There are murmurs of dissent, anger, and disbelief, but she waits patiently until they all die down.
    “My lady, are te certain this is wise?” Lord Chadwick finally speaks up. “After all, magic is what was responsible for the king’s death.”
    Gwen rises from her sede, sedile and the council members note for the first time that she does not appear as slender as she normally does and that her dress is più flowing around her middle then is her normal habit.
    “Lord Chadwick, I do not need to be reminded how my husband died, thank you,” she says tersely. “However, what te may not realize is that magic is also responsible for saving both Arthur and this kingdom many times over. We all owe a debt of gratitude to one person who was da Arthur’s side to the end. This person happens to be a great sorcerer and was also the king’s closest friend.”
    More murmurs of disbelief as they figure out to whom she is referring.
    “The least we can do,” she says, her voice rising above the grumbling, “is repay this person da allowing him to finally be free to be who he is. My job here is to continue Arthur's work and I believe that this was a part of the path he was on.”
    “My lady,” Lord Chadwick says, ever persistent, “perhaps te should wait to make such a declaration until a later time?”
    “Whatever for?” she asks, turning to face him.
    “Well,” he starts, “you’re yet in mourning, and also, in my experience, ladies who are with child do not always think as clearly as they should.”
    Leon’s hand moves to the hilt of his sword, but Gwen holds up her hand, staying him. “I have dato this matter much thought these past several months, and this was not a decision I reached in haste.”
    “But surely…” Chadwick argues. A few of the other lords are surreptitiously trying to get him to shut up now; others are looking anywhere except Gwen o Chadwick.
    “Are te implying that I am not in my right mind?” she asks coldly, lifting her chin.
    “Well, no, my lady, it’s just…”
    “Lord Chadwick,” she cuts him off, “tell me, I’m curious: what experience do te exactly have with pregnant women who are in mourning?” she asks, angling her head to the side. “From what I understand, te prefer the company of men. Specifically, Lord Reginald, if memory serves.”
    Several men around the tavolo have to bite back their snickers as she sinks gracefully back to her seat. “The Proclamation will go out tomorrow,” she says firmly.
    “My lady,” Lord Jasper says quietly, “is Chadwick correct? I mean about your being with child?”
    “Yes,” Gwen answers, nodding slightly. She looks around the tavolo and notices that many of the Council look uncomfortable, as if they have a domanda that they are afraid to ask.
    She straightens her shoulders. “The child is Arthur’s, before any of te ask. I can see it on your faces. The midwife and Gaius can both confermare the time of conception, if te don’t believe my word,” she snaps. “The council is adjourned.” She stands and turns, striding past Leon’s offered arm and sweeping from the room before most of the Council members even have a chance to get to their feet.


    “My lady,” Leon calls after her, jogging. He catches her up easily, his legs being twice as long as hers.
    “Idiots,” she mumbles crossly, striding furiously to her rooms. “Narrow minded, sexist idiot pigs. Not you, Leon.”
    “I know,” he says. “My lady, te need to calm down and slow down. Please.” He offers his arm again, and this time she takes it.
    “I mean it was bad enough that Chadwick questioned my mental state, but the accusatory looks they gave me when I confirmed that I was with child,” she pauses, looking down. “As if I needed to tell them; it’s right here.
    “Well, the black toga, abito does make it a little difficult to discern,” he says, and immediately regrets it when she shoots him a look that would make a dragon flee with its tail between its legs. “Sorry,” he mutters.
    “Honestly, the fact that they would even question… I mean, who did they think the father would be? You?” she sputters incredulously.
    Leon coughs, choking on his own surprise as she shoves her door open and stomps to a chaise she’s had brought in, sinking down onto it. It’s the only place beside her letto where she can sit comfortably lately. The babe is not yet very large, but her petite stature is working against her.
    “My lady?” Leon finally manages, awaiting instruction.
    “See that the scribes have finished the proclamations and that they are postato at first light,” she sighs, leaning back and closing her eyes. “Give them a careful read before te post them to make sure that it is very clear that the abuse of magic will still be punishable to the full extend of the law.”
    “Of course,” he nods.
    “And please find Lily and tell her I will take my cena in here tonight.” Gwen opens her eyes and glances further into her rooms. “For two,” she adds.
    “You are expecting someone?” Leon asks.
    “He’s already here, Leon,” Gwen says, pointing vaguely in Merlin’s direction. He emerges from where he was standing, behind the scrivania, reception near the bed, looking out the window.
    “Ah. Hello, Merlin. Shall I keep your presence here to myself again?”
    “Hello, Leon, and no, I’ll not be secretive this time. I’ve already seen Gaius, in fact, thank you.”
    “Always good to see you,” Leon smiles. “My lady,” he nods at Gwen and exits.
    “So Merlin, to what do I owe this surprise?” Gwen asks, starting to stand.
    “Don’t get up, Gwen, please,” Merlin says, pulling a chair over to sit beside her. “I know what te did today.”
    “It needed to be done,” she says.
    “Did te do it for me?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at her.
    “I’d be lying if I detto te had nothing to do with it,” she admits. “Camelot owes te a great debt, several times over, if I am guessing correctly.”
    “Yet I still let Camelot down in the end,” he sighs.
    “Merlin, te must stop blaming yourself,” Gwen says, reaching her hand out to clasp his.
    A knock at the door interrupts them. “Yes?” she calls, and the door opens.
    “Gwen, is everything all right? I heard about the council meeting, and—Merlin!” Percival comes rushing in, talking immediately; stopping short when he sees her sitting with Merlin.
    “Hello, Percival,” he says, standing and extending his hand, but Percival grabs him and crushes him in an immense hug.
    Merlin makes a noise somewhere between a wheeze and a gurgle, and Percival releases him. “Sorry,” he mumbles.
    “Percival, everything is fine,” Gwen addresses the knight’s original question. “Lord Chadwick was being a bit of a pain in the… backside about things, but in the end I managed to make him see my side of things.”
    “And da that she means she essentially told him to shut it and she would do what she will because she’s the queen,” Merlin adds. Gwen rolls her eyes.
    “Were te there?” Percival asks, interested.
    “No, but I’m a good guesser.”
    “I wish I could have been there,” Percival scowls.
    “Percival, someone has to train the men, te know. And it was Leon’s turn to attend the council meeting,” Gwen says gently. “Percival and Leon take turns attending me at council,” she explains to Merlin. “Apparently they take my security very seriously.”
    “You are our Queen and our friend, my lady,” Percival says loyally. “And nothing is happening to that baby on our watch.”
    Merlin smiles. She is being well cared-for. Good.
    “But I am interrupting,” Percival says, turning back to the door. “Merlin, don’t be a stranger.”
    “Nice to see you, too, Percival,” Merlin calls after him.
    “Merlin,” Gwen says, beckoning him back to his chair, and he sits. “Arthur told me to tell te that he is sorry.”
    Merlin smiles. “It worked, then. te got to see him.”
    “Yes. And he doesn’t blame te for his death. He blames himself, actually.”
    He shakes his head, disagreeing. “No,” he whispers, “it was my failure, not his.”
    “He thinks that he failed Morgana and Mordred. He was shocked that te weren’t staying in Camelot, and detto he’s sorry for leaving te with no direction in your life anymore.”
    “No,” Merlin persists. “It wasn’t him! I was the one who failed! I was warned; I saw it, and I allowed it to happen! Everything I did to try and stop it… only seemed to encourage it…” Tears are rolling down the wizard’s cheeks now.
    “Merlin, what are te talking about?” Gwen asks gently.
    “Gwen, there is so much te don’t know,” he says softly. “I have such regrets. Not about anything with Arthur, no, but… decisions I made, thinking I knew better, when I was told otherwise, things I did that could not be undone…”
    Gwen waits, her cuore pounding in her chest. Her hand absentmindedly reaches up for her crystal, stroking it between her fingers, drawing comfort from it.
    “Hindsight is very clear,” he explains. “I know it does no good to think about what I would have done differently, but…”
    “Yes, Merlin?”
    “I have two regrets. Two things that, had I the power, I would go back and do otherwise in an instant.” He pinches his eyes closed, clearly pained da what he is about to tell her.
    Gwen takes his hand again, holding it gently.
    “First, I would have told Arthur sooner. Before he was on death’s door.”
    “That, I don’t know. Perhaps years, perhaps weeks. I could have possibly prevented his death if I had confessed everything and told him of the prophecies revealed to me.”
    “If he would have listened,” Gwen adds knowingly.
    “If he would have let me live after learning the truth.”
    “I would not have let him execute you, Merlin.”
    Merlin sighs. “I know that, Gwen.” He pauses, then continues. “Perhaps when he acquired that horn, the one with which he accidentally let Uther back into this world.”
    “I’d really rather not relive that incident,” Gwen says, frowning.
    “I’m sorry. But he was so… receptive to magic then. He saved that woman from being executed for suspicion of using sorcery.”
    “And he used magic himself, when he blew that blasted horn,” Gwen muses thoughtfully.
    Merlin nods. “If not then, then perhaps when I freed te from Morgana’s enchantment.”
    “When you freed me?” Gwen looks at him, raising her eyebrows.
    “Um… yeah,” Merlin says slowly, looking rather embarrassed now.
    Light dawns on Gwen. “That strange sorceress… that was you.”
    Merlin nods, his mouth a tight line.
    There is a soft knock at the door, and Gwen bids Lily enter with their dinner. Merlin helps her to her feet and sits with her at the tavolo again.
    “Well, that certainly explains a lot about her,” Gwen says dryly, and Merlin actually laughs a little. He pours water for them both.
    “But you’re right, Merlin, that would have been an opportune time to tell Arthur.”
    “I know. If I had lifted the curse as me, he would have seen magic used for good, to help the one person in this world that meant più to him than anything.”
    Gwen smiles sadly, looking down at her plate. This was Arthur’s preferito meal, she notes.
    “I’m serious, Gwen, if… if we hadn’t been able to bring te out of that enchantment… I think Arthur would have just let te kill him.”
    “Honestly. He was despondent.”
    “I know,” she whispers, the memories fuzzy but dark and painful nevertheless.
    “I could have done so much più to prevent his death if I had been allowed to be who I truly am, openly, in his presence,” Merlin says with a sigh. “This was his favorite,” he adds, looking at his plate, poking his capon with his fork.
    “I know, I was just thinking that,” Gwen says. “And what is your secondo regret?”
    Merlin sets his fork down and looks straight at her. “I should have let Morgana die when I had the chance. Years ago.”
    “What?” Gwen asks, shocked.
    Merlin explains, telling her how he was the one who caused Morgana to topple down the stairs, trying to stop her from killing Uther in his sleep.
    “And then I saved her life. I was warned against it. I was told in no uncertain terms to let her die.” He stops again, regret washing over him.
    “Who told te this?” Gwen asks softly.
    “The Great Dragon. He lives. Arthur did not kill him, he lives and he is my friend. Remember my father, the dragonlord?”
    Gwen nods, her eyes wide.
    “When he died, the power passed to me. So even though the dragon told me to let Morgana die, I ordered him to give me the power to heal her.”
    “Why, Merlin? If te knew she was evil even then, why didn’t te just let her die?” Gwen whispers.
    “Because it was killing me to see te and Arthur grieve so! Even Uther! I could not sit da and let te all suffer when I could do something about it!” he exclaims, the weight of his actions fully hitting him now. “And in the end, I caused a great deal più suffering.” He drops his head into his hands.
    “I had no way to prove to te that Morgana had turned, not without my magic,” Merlin goes on. “And there was nothing in this world that would have made me tell Arthur I had magic while Uther yet lived.”
    “He may have believed te if te had tried to tell him about Morgana,” Gwen says.
    “Yes, I knew that was incorrect as soon as it was out of my mouth,” she smirks.
    They poke at their Cibo for a bit, quietly. Merlin watches Gwen surreptitiously, trying to judge her mood.
    “You’re not angry with me?” he asks suddenly and quietly.
    “No, Merlin, I’m not angry with you,” she says, tossing her napkin on the table. “Did te forget I was also a servant, Merlin? I know what it is like to feel powerless, to have knowledge of things about which te can do nothing.”
    “Of course I didn’t forget that.”
    “I feel heartbroken for you, Merlin. te have borne this burden for so long, alone save for Gaius.”
    “Gaius usually tried to stop me, too. He was right about half the time,” Merlin shrugs, and Gwen giggles softly at this.
    “Gwen, te asked me why I was here today,” Merlin says, switching gears. “And I got distracted talking about Arthur again.”
    Gwen smiles. “He will like that.”
    Merlin rolls his eyes. “I came because I am concerned about your making magic legal.”
    “The practice of dark o harmful magic will still be punishable da death, Merlin.”
    “Yes, of course. But te are carrying Arthur’s heir, and even though Morgana is dead…”
    “Merlin, the other four kingdoms have sent messages of condolences over Arthur’s loss. The Saxons have retreated with their tails between their legs now that Morgana is defeated. I think te may be worrying needlessly.”
    “I am concerned for your well-being, Gwen.”
    “You are growing paranoid.”
    Merlin says nothing.
    “Have te had any visions? Prophecies? Warnings?”
    “No. But…”
    “Stay here in Camelot, then,” she challenges.
    “I… I can’t…” he croaks. She knew he would not stay, and does not press.
    She cocks her head to the side. “Where have te been these past few months?”
    “With the Druids,” he says. “Learning. Trading skills. They are pleased with you, Gwen. They think te are an excellent queen, because te know that value truly lies within, not without.”
    “That is good to know,” Gwen says, and an idea occurs to her. She files it away for now.
    Merlin studies her a moment. “The dragon wants to meet you,” he says suddenly.
    “The dragon. Kilgarrah. He requests audience with the queen.”
    “This is why you’ve really come.”
    “Perhaps. Get your cloak.”


    “Pardon my appearance, my lady, I am, sadly, in my last days in this world,” the dragon apologizes immediately, bowing his head to Guinevere.
    “You are magnificent, Kilgarrah,” she says, curtseying to him, her voice full of awe. “You’re so… large.”
    Kilgarrah chuckles warmly at this last, “Ah, Guinevere, the great Queen of Camelot, yet still the simple maid in so many ways,” he says, his great eyes twinkling in the moonlight.
    “He doesn’t mean simple like simpleminded,” Merlin starts to explain, and Gwen cuts him off.
    “I know exactly what he meant, Merlin,” she says, smiling up at the dragon.
    “It pleases me that te have kept your head, my lady,” the dragon says. “It is your connection to your people that makes te a great queen.”
    “Thank you,” Gwen whispers. I don’t know if I would use the word ‘great,’ she thinks.
    Kilgarrah raises his head and looks down at her, slight surprise on his reptilian face. “You doubt your greatness?” he asks.
    She blinks. “You can read my thoughts?” she gasps.
    “I can read your face, my lady,” he chuckles. “You are good at veiling your feelings from many, but te cannot hide from me.”
    Gwen sighs. “Very well. Yes, I do not know that I would call myself a great queen.”
    Merlin smiles knowingly.
    “Ah, and that is one of the reasons why te are, Guinevere,” Kilgarrah says. “You strive always to be better. te are not complacent. It is a quality young Arthur also had.”
    “Yes,” she whispers, nodding slightly. “He was always endeavoring to be better, stronger, wiser.”
    “Indeed, and choosing te as his Queen was one of the wisest decisions he made.”
    “I thought te detto that it was her destiny,” Merlin says, puzzling.
    “Well, yes, young warlock, Guinevere’s destiny was always to be Arthur’s queen, and it always shall be so. However, as te now know, destiny can be fickle and is often shrouded in mystery.”
    “Arthur,” Gwen says, understanding. “Arthur’s destiny was to be the greatest king the land has known.”
    “Arthur’s destiny was to restore magic to Camelot and unite the lands of Albion. It was never foretold that he would achieve these things directly,” Kilgarrah clarifies. “His death was unfortunate, but it was the catalyst for you, Queen Guinevere, to fulfill these goals.”
    “Arthur was a great king, but without his Queen to guide him, he may not have achieved half of what he did,” he continues. “Camelot enjoyed several years of peace and prosperity under his reign. But it is your time now, my lady. te will finish what he has started. The proclamation te will post tomorrow is the first step.”
    Gwen nods sadly, clasping her hands over her stomach. There is a slight flutter beneath her hands as she feels her child sposta for the first time. She gasps and looks at Merlin.
    “Your son is healthy and strong,” Kilgarrah says. “In time, he will be a great ruler like his father and his mother before him.”
    “Thank you,” Gwen says, running her hand over her belly now, searching for più movement.
    “I should like to bless your child, if te would allow me,” Kilgarrah says, lowering his head.
    “I… I would be honored, Kilgarrah,” she says, stepping forward, towards him.
    “Come close, close enough to touch,” the dragon says, dropping his body now to rest his head on the ground, groaning slightly as he does so.
    “You are not well,” Merlin says quietly, sadly.
    The dragon turns his gaze on Merlin a moment, acknowledging his statement, but quickly returns his attention to Gwen.
    “You are a small thing,” Kilgarrah commenti as she steps right up to his face.
    “Sorry, I can see that this is difficult for you,” she says. “I can climb on a rock o something…”
    “You are not climbing on any rocks, Gwen,” Merlin says decisively, and the dragon chuckles again.
    “One più step,” Kilgarrah says, and Gwen steps up, her slightly swollen stomach nearly touching the dragon’s face now.
    She waits, holding her breath, anxious. He won’t hurt me. Merlin won’t let him hurt me.
    The dragon closes his eyes and whispers something in a strange tongue. Gwen feels a warm breeze blow around her, blowing her mantello back, lifting the tendrils of her curls. It is strangely comforting, like a loving embrace.
    The breeze stops and Kilgarrah moves his head just slightly, bestowing a small baciare on Guinvere’s stomach. She bravely lifts her hand to her face and kisses her fingers, then reaches out and presses them to his immense head, feeling the tough scales beneath her palm, strangely warm.
    He withdraws his head and heaves himself to his feet again, and looks quite tired.
    “Thank you,” Gwen says, stepping back to look up at him più easily.
    “Your child will be sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza from harm, as will you,” Kilgarrah says, almost sighing with exhaustion.
    “You have worn yourself out,” Merlin says reproachfully. “Is it really that close to your time?”
    Kilgarrah nods. “You will not see me again, young warlock,” he says.
    Gwen reaches over and takes Merlin’s hand as a tear rolls down his cheek.
    “But there is something te must do. Something I must charge te with before I depart this world,” the dragon says.
    Merlin nods. “I will do what te bid me.”
    “Find Aithusa, take care of her; heal the darkness Morgana wrought in her.”
    “Yes,” Merlin nods again. “She needs guidance.”
    “She is young and she has been treated poorly. Morgana loved her, but I fear that she has poisoned her mind against humans. te must teach her, Merlin. te brought her into the world, do not forget that.”
    “I know,” Merlin whispers. “I will find her.”
    “She will be the last of our kind before long. Do not let her go astray.”
    “I promise you, Kilgarrah. I will undo the harm that has been done.”
    “See that te do,” Kilgarrah says, raising up now, making ready to fly. “My queen,” he nods at Gwen, “take care of your people. te know how to do that.”
    “Thank you, Kilgarrah,” she says, tears rolling down her cheeks as well now. “I’m glad I got to meet you.”
    “As am I, my lady. Farewell,” he says, pushing off with some effort and taking to the skies.
    Gwen and Merlin watch his departing shape until they can no longer see him.


    “You’ll be gone da morning,” Gwen says knowingly, not bothering to ask.
    Merlin nods, looking guilty.
    “Will te be returning to the Druids?”
    “Likely,” he says.
    “Will te bring them something from me?” she asks, walking over to the cabinet successivo to the bed.
    “Sure,” he says, furrowing his brow, following.
    He watches as she digs out a key and unlocks the bottom drawer of the cabinet, withdrawing the horn. That horn.
    “I do not want this anywhere near me,” she says. “It brought Arthur heartbreak and it brought me injury. And I do not need it to summon the spirit I wish to speak with.” She hands it to Merlin. “Give this to the Druids as a sign of my goodwill and friendship. I entrust this to them, knowing that in the wrong hands it could be a very dangerous item. They will treat it with the reverence it deserves.”
    “I’ll take it to them, with your message, Gwen,” Merlin says, tucking it into his satchel. “It wouldn’t work on Arthur anyway, he is not in that realm,” he adds.
    “At least find sleep in a decent letto here tonight, Merlin,” she tells him, taking his hand. “I don’t know how often te get a good warm letto to sleep in, but this castello is full of them. Find one and get a good sleep before te leave.”
    Merlin smiles and nods. “I’ll probably go to my old room in Gaius’ quarters. There are a few items in there I wish to retrieve anyway.”
    “I’m sure Gaius would be pleased to have te back, if only for a night,” Gwen smiles. “Oh!” she exclaims softly, and takes his hand, pressing it to her stomach. “Wait,” she says, moving it slightly.
    Merlin feels the baby kick and the first real smile he has smiled in months lights up his face. “Thank you, Gwen.”


    “Arthur!” Gwen exclaims breathlessly, pushing the door open and stepping into the dim.
    “Guinevere,” Arthur smiles, then a look of shock crosses his face. “Has it been that long?” He frowns, looking at her stomach, how it has grown.
    “It has been nearly three months, Arthur,” Gwen says, unable to hide the chastisement in her voice. “I… I thought I’d never see te again. Was beginning to doubt that it even happened…” she says, her voice catching.
    “Do not cry, my love, I’m so sorry,” he apologizes. “Time must not pass for me the same way it does for you…” he trails off, furrowing his brow.
    “Oh?” Gwen asks, stepping toward him.
    “I know what you’ve done, Guinevere. Lifting the ban on magic.”
    “You do?”
    “Yes. I don’t see everything, mind, that’s why I didn’t know Merlin wasn’t in Camelot anymore. But I did see this.”
    “Oh,” she says, nervous, wondering where he is going, what he thinks.
    “I mainly watch you, of course,” he grins.
    “Obviously,” she chuckles.
    “I’m proud of you, Guinevere.”
    “You are?” she gasps.
    “Yes, of course. Lifting the ban on magic… it’s something I had been mulling over for a while. I just was never Ribelle - The Brave enough to do it.”
    “You had been? Why did te never mention it?”
    “Because I was afraid of Morgana, and I didn’t want te to see my fear,” he admits.
    “Arthur, I would never…”
    “I know that. But pride is a difficult quality to shed, my love.”
    “So te approve?”
    “Yes, I do. Just be careful,” he says.
    “You sound like Merlin.”
    “You saw him?”
    “Yes, I did. He is worried for my safety as well.”
    “Good. Oh, but I must tell you, because it relates,” he says, distracted now, his excitement growing, “I’ve been talking with my mother!”
    “Your mother? She is in Avalon?”
    “Not exactly, but I was allowed to spend some time with her here.”
    “Oh, Arthur,” she sighs, knowing how his mother’s absence always pained him più than he let on.
    “It was amazing, Guinevere,” he sighs. “She… I’m… I Amore that I got to talk to her now, but it makes me all the più sad that I was robbed of her in life.”
    “What did she tell you?” Gwen whispers.
    “Well, the last time I saw her was when Morgause…”
    “Yes, I remember,” Gwen nods.
    “As it turns out, what she told me that night, about my birth, was true.”
    Gwen gasps.
    “Except this time Mother did not blame Father for my death. She detto that she understands now that her death could not have been foretold. The witch Nimueh warned my father that a life would have to be dato in payment, and my father accepted the bargain anyway. Nimueh told him that the price may be steep, but my father, in his arrogance, didn’t entertain the possibility that something that tragic could happen to him, because he was the king.”
    “And in the end, he payed the price,” Gwen whispers.
    Arthur nods. “It could have been his life taken in payment just as easily as hers. It could have been anyone: Gaius, any one of hundreds of knights, a random townsperson. Your father, even. Not that I would wish that on anyone.”
    Gwen nods, understanding. “So when Merlin stopped te from killing Uther da telling te that Morgause was lying, really it was
he that lied.”
    “Yes, and good thing, too. I never would have forgiven myself. And he knew that, damn him,” Arthur chuckles. “He probably knew that Morgause was telling the truth.”
    “So perhaps the gods decided that it was your mother’s life to be taken in payment for yours to try to impart some humility on your father,” Gwen muses. “That failed miserably.”
    Arthur barks a short laugh. “Indeed. So, my point in telling te all this is that the ban on magic was born from my father’s own folly and refusal to accept his own mistake. He was stubborn and foolish and afraid. He sought out to punish magic for his error. te are right to restore it, Guinevere. It is long overdue. That should have been the secondo thing I did as king.”
    “The first thing I
should have done was marry you.”
    Gwen does not know what to say, so she just gazes at Arthur, wondering at him, how he seems wiser, più mature, while somehow still being very much himself. The Arthur she remembers and loves so dearly.
    “My mother thinks highly of you,” Arthur says suddenly. “She told me that had she been alive she would have made Uther see sense. She would have let us be together, openly, the way we always wanted.”
    “Uther would have been a different man if your mother had lived,” Gwen comments, and Arthur can only nod. He glances over his shoulder.
    “Time to go?” she asks.
    “I got to meet the great dragon tonight,” Gwen tells him. “You never killed him.”
    “Of course not,” Arthur chuckles.
    “You knew.”
    “Learned recently. He will be here in Avalon himself before long,” he says.
    “He did hint at that, yes. He was amazing. He told me that I had to finish what te started. He detto that te will still fulfill your destiny because I will achieve your goals for you.”
    Arthur smiles, but it is a sad smile. “At least it will be done,” he sighs.
    “Don’t get petulant, Arthur. Without you, without the work you’d done, I would not have been able to do what I’ve done already.”
    “I know. And I am still proud of you. te are amazing, my love,” he says, taking a step forward.
    Gwen smiles shyly, never completely comfortable with the high praise he bestows on her. “The dragon blessed our child. Assured me that we would both be healthy and safe.”
    “That’s comforting,” Arthur says, his eyes growing soft as they rest on her small belly.
    “He kicked tonight. Your son.”
    “Oh…” Arthur breathes, reaching his hand out hesitantly, but then he drops it, as if something has changed his mind.
    “I have to go. So do you,” he finally says, softly.
    “I Amore you, Arthur, always.”
    “Always, Guinevere.”

Part 4: link
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Source: iamcolinmorganist
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Source: nikascott
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Source: archaeologist_d
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Source: archaelogist_d
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Source: nikaschott
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Source: takethewords
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Source: Caelins
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Source: merlinimgladyourehere
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Source: Marstark
added by ArwenRule
Source: Me
posted by kbrand5333
Part 3: link

    Camelot is just starting to come to life for the giorno as the trio walks back to the castle. Arthur and Guinevere walk side da side with Merlin behind, pulling the cart. Arthur wants to take her hand but he knows he probably shouldn’t. Instead he hassles Merlin.
    “Come on, Merlin, keep up,” he teases.
    “I’m right behind you,” Merlin calls back.
    “It’s not like that carrello is heavy, she hardly brought anything.”
    “Arthur, stop teasing Merlin!” Gwen says,...
continue reading...
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Source: ancienttales
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Source: ancienttales
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Source: arthurgwencaps
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Source: arthurgwencaps
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Source: courtsorcerer
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Source: courtsorcerer