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posted by MegaraRider
 "...does the name Flynn Rider not mean anything to anyone around here?”
"...does the name Flynn Rider not mean anything to anyone around here?”
Rick O’Connell did not believe in magic. In fact, he believed in few things; he believed in himself and that everything has a price and a value. So, when he heard about a gem with magical properties that could bring someone back to life, he didn’t believe the story. He did, however, believe in its value.

Other people, più gullible than he, would pay a fortune for something like that. Rick just needed to obtain it. The gem belonged to a princess named gelsomino from Agrabah, a country which fell to ruins centuries fa after the princess died. The gem was sealed in her coffin with her. A coffin which, as of tonight, is part of a new exhibit at the Chicago History Museum.

Rick hid in the shadows and watched the formally dressed VIP guests parade through the entrance of the museum. Tonight there was a private screening of the new exhibit for the wealthy benefactors of the museum. The princess’ coffin was currently held in the basement where it awaited its unveiling later tonight. All Rick had to do was get to the coffin, steal the gem and get out before the unveiling. He had pulled off several successful heists più complicated than this.

Muffled grunts pulled Rick’s attention from the museum. He looked back over his shoulder at the young man on the ground. He was bound to a tree, gagged and blindfolded, but trying vigorously to escape. Rick crouched down in front of him, careful not to get his tux dirty. He reached over and took the invitation out of the man’s giacca pocket.

Rick scanned it, then smirked at his captive. “Sorry, John Rolfe.” He got to his feet. “But I need to get into that museum tonight and I can’t get in without an invitation.” He tapped John Rolfe’s head with the invitation and John flinched. “I’ll bring te back some hors d'oeuvres- if I remember.”

John detto something, but Rick didn’t understand him. Rick shrugged and headed towards the entrance. Once inside, Rick was immediately greeted da a white-haired man behind a podium.

“Name?” the old man asked, without looking up.

“Rolfe. John Rolfe.” Rick flashed him the invitation. The man looked over the list, then motioned for Rick to continue on.

Rick had never been to the Chicago History Museum before and had little interest in it now. He scanned the crowd until a flash of rosa caught his eye. Standing against the wall, talking into a hidden earpiece was Aurora; the beautiful curator and daughter of the museum directors. She was the only one with full access to the museum and Rick needed her in order to get into the basement.

Aurora’s perfectly-shaped eyebrows furrowed over her viola eyes as she continued to talk harshly into her earpiece. She needed a drink. As Rick walked passed a waiter, he snagged two glasses of champagne off his tray.

“You should relax,” Rick told her when he approached her. He held a glass out to her.

“Relax.” Aurora repeated it as if it were the stupidest word ever invented. She took the champagne from Rick and downed all of it in one gulp. A waiter walked da to take her glass and she gave him her pageant smile; the smile that won her the titolo of Miss Illinois in the Miss America pageant two years ago.

Damn, she’s beautiful, Rick thought. Her golden hair was pinned up on one side with a diamond hair comb. Her rosa toga, abito revealed just enough cleavage to tease Rick and every other man in the room, while still remaining classy. A vision in pink, she stood out among the sea of black gowns.

“Everyone keeps telling me to relax,” Aurora stated, taking Rick’s glass out of his hand. She down his drink as well. “I mean, does the name Flynn Rider not mean anything to anyone around here?”

Rick swore under his breath. Aurora didn’t notice as she grabbed another glass of champagne. Rick knew Flynn Rider. Flynn was the most notorious thief in the United States. Rick’s path had crossed with Flynn’s many times; sometimes Rick came out on top, other times it was Flynn. Tonight, though, Rick would not let Flynn win. The princess’ gem was Rick’s.

Aurora arched an eyebrow at Rick. “What did te say your name was?”

“John Rolfe.”

Aurora glared at him. “You’re not John Rolfe. He is.” She pointed over his shoulder.

Rick turned to see John Rolfe marching angrily towards them. Rick didn’t have time to wonder how Rolfe had managed to get free so quickly. In one veloce, swift movement, Rick snatched Aurora’s key card from where it had been clipped to her dress, then ran in the opposite direction of Rolfe.

“Stop him!” Aurora cried.

A few women let our gasps and screams as Rick pushed his way through the crowd. If he could get to the private elevator, he could get away. None of the guards had keys to that elevator and Rick had just stolen the only key.

No way would the guards shoot off their pistole in the middle of the party, so Rick knew as long as he stayed out of their reach, they wouldn’t be able to stop him.

Piece of cake.

Rick easily dodged the party guests and guards until he was out of the exhibit wing. Two guards stood at the elevator, ready for Rick. He stuck the key in his cappotto pocket and readied himself for the fight. The guards rushed him at the same time. Rick swerved out of the way of one and punched the other in the nose. While the secondo guard was momentarily distracted da the blood spurting over his face, Rick slammed his face against the wall, knocking him out. The first guard pulled out his gun and started shooting at Rick. Fortunately for Rick, the guard was a terrible shot. Not that Rick was expecting the glorified mall cop to be well trained.

Rick pulled out one of his pistole from the shoulder fondina hidden under his tux giacca and shot back as he ran backwards towards the elevator. The guard ducked behind a pillar for cover. Rick stopped shooting long enough to pull out the key card and scan it. He held the gun in front of him until the elevator doors closed in front of him. He sighed and leaned back against the wall. It was only then that he felt the sharp pain in his side. He looked down at the blood seeping through his white shirt.

“Damn.” Rick stuck the gun back in the fondina and removed his jacket. He ripped open his camicia and examined the wound. The bullet was no doubt still in the wound and an alarming amount of blood was pouring out of it. He pressed his hand over the hole and applied as much pressure as he could. He’d be able to remove the bullet and stitch himself up later; right now he had to get that gem.

The elevator finally reached the basement and the doors quietly slid open. Flynn Rider already stood over the stone coffin. Rick pulled out his gun and aimed it at Flynn.

Flynn turned around, crowbar in hand. “O’Connell, I was wondering when te were going to mostra up. I was afraid this was going to be too easy.”

Rick didn’t have time for the usual banter. He fired the gun at Flynn. The bullet only grazed his temple, but the force knocked Flynn back and his head hit the coffin. Flynn collapsed limply on the floor. Rick holstered the gun, grabbed the crowbar and tried to pry open the coffin. It didn’t budge. He tried again. Nothing.

“Damn.” He dropped the crowbar on the floor. He braced his body against the coffin and pushed the lid with both hands. The stone dug into his wound, but the lid still didn’t slide off. He stepped back and eyed the bloody smear on the stone. He tried to wipe it off, but his bloody hand only made it worse.

It was then, however, that Rick noticed the engraving on the lid of the coffin. He recognized the ancient language. He ran his hand over the markings and read it out loud. He didn’t know the exact the translation: something about blood and life.

Suddenly the coffin began to crack and the lid flew off da itself. Rick jumped back and pulled out his gun. The lid to the coffin smashed against the bacheca and crumbled to the floor. Rick advanced towards the coffin. Inside, a young woman in a wedding toga, abito lied still. Despite being deathly pale, she looked as if she had just been placed in the coffin that day.

As Rick watched, color slowly appeared in her skin. Her chest began to slowly rise and fall and then her eyes flew open. Rick stumbled back.

The woman sat up and stepped out of the coffin. She looked around, then fixed her eyes on Rick. “Where am I?”

“Chicago,” Rick replied. “Are te hurt? Did someone put te in there?”

She ignored his questions. “What anno is it?”

“2015.” Rick lowered his gun. “Do te need help? What’s your name?”

“Jasmine. Princess of Agrabah.”

Rick chuckled in spite of himself. “I think you’re confused. Princess gelsomino of Agrabah died centuries ago.”

She remained serious. “Yes. Which means someone has brought me back and-“ She stopped and her eyes grew wide with fear. She ran across the room to the other coffin that would be part of the new exhibit. “Oh no,” she whispered. “We need to leave. Right now.” She faced Rick. “How do we get out of here?”

Rick seized Flynn da collare and shook him. “Rider, wake up.”

Flynn groaned and slowly opened his eyes. He immediately shoved Rick away from him and got to his feet. “What the hell, man?”

“We gotta get out of here,” Rick told him.

Flynn reached up and gingerly touched his temple. “You shot at me.”

“We have to leave now,” gelsomino demanded. “Please.”

Startled, Flynn looked over at Jasmine. Before he could say anything, the coffin behind her started to crack just as hers had. A few secondi later, the lid flew off and hit the wall.

“This way!” Flynn ran down a long, dark corridor with gelsomino and Rick on his heels.

They stopped at a shattered window just above their heads. Flynn climbed out first, then he and Rick helped gelsomino out. It was difficult with his injury, but with Flynn’s help, Rick was able to hoist himself out of the window. Flynn pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and speed dialed a number as they ran towards the street. Flynn detto something into his phone that sounded like a code. A moment later a sports car came from out of nowhere and sped up to them. The car slid sideways towards them before coming to a dead stop.

“Get in,” Flynn instructed, getting in the front seat.

Rick opened the back door for Jasmine. She hesitated, but climbed in. Rick got in after her and slammed the door shut. A young blonde woman was in the driver seat. She shifted hard into gear, then sped away.

“Flynn, what’s going on?” the driver asked, casting a suspicious glance over her shoulder at Rick.

“Fuck. I don’t know,” Flynn muttered.

Flynn and Rick and looked at Jasmine. “Is there a cemetery near here?” gelsomino asked.

“I think Graceland Cemetery is about four and half miles from here,” Rick said.

gelsomino bit her lower lip. “We need to get someplace that’s unpopulated and far from any cemetery.”

“Why?” Flynn asked.

gelsomino looked out her window. “The dead are rising tonight and te are all going to die.”
 "...someone has brought me back..."
"...someone has brought me back..."
added by Saphir
Source: Me
added by ArielandEric
Source: ArielandEric
added by Bleedgirl87
Source: Bleedgirl87
added by bugbyte98
Source: bugbyte98
added by haynay24
added by GypsyMarionette
Source: GypsyMarionette
added by LionaChoco
posted by PrincessBelle2
 "What is it?"
"What is it?"
“I don’t know about this,” gelsomino said, doubtfully, studying the box that Ariel had handed to her. “Fighting magic with magic?”

Ariel could understand what she meant but “It’s the only way,” she insisted.

Ramses nodded. “She’s right, Jasmine. From what people tell me, Maleficent’s magic is pretty powerful; we’d need an equally powerful force to counter it. Besides, the spell’s only meant to bring Naveen to you; True Love’s baciare will do the rest.”

Jasmine nodded, understandingly. The three of them were standing over the cover of one of the great statues of Ra in...
continue reading...
posted by PrincessBelle2
 "Now hold on a minute!"
"Now hold on a minute!"
Word quickly got out that Adam had recovered from his attack. That was good news to Flynn in particular – Rapunzel and the other boys had been worrying that he might give himself a seizure with all the stress that had built up within him in the spazio of twenty four hours.

“If anything happens to Adam, I’m gonna kill Gaston,” he had kept muttering.

To which Rapunzel had soothingly replied “Adam’ll be just fine, Flynn. He’s tougher than people think. You’re worrying about him too much.”

Thus when they received the news that he was alright, Flynn had almost collapsed in relief....
continue reading...
posted by PrincessBelle2
 “Where did te get to last night, excuse me, Miss-bugger-off-without-a-word, well?”
“Where did you get to last night, excuse me, Miss-bugger-off-without-a-word, well?”
Belle woke up with a smile on her face. “Heh-heh!” giggled gelsomino as Meg sat up with her hair all messed. “Medusa’s back, folks!”

“Ah, shut up!” replied Meg, tossing a cuscino at her. “At least it’s easier to style than Rapunzel’s! te alright, Belle?”

“Alright?” Belle repeated, stretching happily, “I’m so much più than alright!”

“Well?” asked Jasmine, sitting up properly in bed. “What happened between te and Adam? Did he baciare you?”

Belle blushed but she didn’t care. “He did.”

“Ooh!” gelsomino squealed.

“And he asked me out!”

“Aw, honey, that’s...
continue reading...
posted by PrincessBelle2
 "Belle, you've gone rosa as your dress!"
"Belle, you've gone pink as your dress!"
Belle woke the successivo morning, feeling strangely cleansed, despite all she’d been through the precedente evening. She stretched and pushed herself out of letto with a yawn. Snow White had her head under the cuscino and she groaned upon hearing Belle awake.

“Too much sun! Too early!”

“The bell’s about to ring,” Belle pointed out and a secondo later it did. Snow White groaned again. “Why do te always have to be right?”

“Come on!” Meg battered her with her own pillow. “Get up and at ‘em! It’s the football game today, remember?” She looked over at Belle. “You alright, sweetie?”...
continue reading...
posted by PrincessBelle2
 tè for a Princess and a Piglet!
Tea for a Princess and a Piglet!
It was an ordinary summer’s evening and Belle and Adam sat da the fire. As usual Belle had her head buried deep in a book, which Adam was Leggere over her shoulder. They often read together like this because it was so much più companionable than Leggere alone. The book they were Leggere tonight was called The Red Hound of the Moors and it was all about two mice, one named Basil and the other named Dawson, who had to solve a mystery for their friend, Madame Olivia and her father Hiram Flaversham, along with the help of their faithful dog Toby and their equally faithful and reliable housekeeper...
continue reading...
posted by PrincessBelle2
 "Make him think te don't Amore him!"
"Make him think you don't love him!"
"Tell me, girl!" Seti snapped once they were alone together in the room. "What are your intentions with my son? Are te after the titolo of Queen? o are te determined to make a total laughing stock of him?"
"I would never, never do that, your Majesty!" Ariel cried, shocked.
"You think that just because he calls te a princess that te are worthy of that title?"
"Sire, te are much mistaken in your beliefs! I Amore Ramses più than I can possibly say!"
"Yes, very much."
"Prove it."
The words were soft and dangerous. Ariel trembled. "What...what do te mean?"
"Prove to me that you...
continue reading...
posted by PrincessBelle2
 "I think te ought to talk to your father."
"I think you ought to talk to your father."
Ramses would have gladly stayed there forever, with his Ariel wrapped in his arms, his fingers twined in her red locks, his mouth pressed to hers, hungry for more, but eventually they parted. Ariel pressed her head against the crook of his neck, enjoying the warmth of his arms around her; had he always been so muscular? She had never noticed before. "Ramses, we need to talk about this?" she mumbled into his skin.
He sighed. "I know. te were right. My parents will never approve of this."
"And we can't just go sneaking around behind their backs with this. I've read about this kind of forbidden...
continue reading...
 Here we go! Odette is a much softer gray with Eric, though not as desaturated as we'd like. Oh well, I'll mostra te how to cheat with that later.
Here we go! Odette is a much softer gray with Eric, though not as desaturated as we'd like. Oh well, I'll show you how to cheat with that later.
Part Two for the baciare Crossover. I understand that I didn't really put enough into the Pixlr part, but cheshire has a wonderful articolo about making crossovers in general that can mostra te Pixlr in più detail! te can skip past this if te are here for the continuation, this is just me blabbering. The biggest issue I do find with these crossovers is how to make it look like they are kissing, rather than eating each other. What I like to do is create a nice soft rosa color and draw on lips for the girl, if te could not include them, so te at least know whose mouth is whose.
 A wild background appears! Click the 'layers' tab, select 'Add Layers', and open the background of your choice. Adjust it to the preferred size, then select 'Push Back', until the baciare couple is brought to the front. Save this picture to your computer.
A wild background appears! Click the 'layers' tab, select 'Add Layers', and open the background of your choice. Adjust it to the preferred size, then select 'Push Back', until the kissing couple is brought to the front. Save this picture to your computer.
 Open Pixlr in another tab. I cannot stress enough the importance of keeping Fotoflexer open in case te need to adjust size. Click on open foto editor, and open your manip.
Open Pixlr in another tab. I cannot stress enough the importance of keeping Fotoflexer open in case you need to adjust size. Click on open photo editor, and open your manip.
 Here they are, cropped because I'm lazy, with a brand new background. This is when we touch up.
Here they are, cropped because I'm lazy, with a brand new background. This is when we touch up.
 Here is your tool bar. I could go on for hours on how to use these tabs, but if te hover your topo, mouse over them , it will tell te what they are. I like to blur the edges of my couple, perfect the coloring on their lips, and fix any bad hair issues.
Here is your tool bar. I could go on for hours on how to use these tabs, but if you hover your mouse over them , it will tell you what they are. I like to blur the edges of my couple, perfect the coloring on their lips, and fix any bad hair issues.
 Save the image once te are satisfied, and go to the homepage. te can shut down FotoFlexer at this point. Now, this part is only if te are dissatisfied with the coloring. Go to 'Vintage Affects'.
Save the image once you are satisfied, and go to the homepage. You can shut down FotoFlexer at this point. Now, this part is only if you are dissatisfied with the coloring. Go to 'Vintage Affects'.
 carica your manip!
Upload your manip!
 te should then see your picture in this quaint little set up. te can click the individual schemes scattered along the bottom to change the coloring, I went with 'Ramona', a person preferito of mine. Once te are satisfied, save the manip again.
You should then see your picture in this quaint little set up. You can click the individual schemes scattered along the bottom to change the coloring, I went with 'Ramona', a person favorite of mine. Once you are satisfied, save the manip again.
 Before Pixlr
Before Pixlr
 The finished product! If te are happy without the fancy coloring effects, go right ahead! I hope te liked this tutorial and feel free to commento with any criticism o questions!
The finished product! If you are happy without the fancy coloring effects, go right ahead! I hope you liked this tutorial and feel free to comment with any criticism or questions!
posted by PrincessBelle2
 “There’s nothing te could do o say that could ever make me think badly of you."
“There’s nothing you could do or say that could ever make me think badly of you."
Belle awoke in the early hours of the morning snuggled close to Clopin. For the first time in a long while, she felt perfectly relaxed and content and not at all worried about anything at all. With a soft stretch, she tucked the blankets closer in around herself. Clopin blinked and then turned his head to her. He smiled.


Belle nodded, slowly, thoughtfully. “Clopin, will te tell me how te got that brand? What were te in trouble for?”

Clopin sighed. “Please don’t think badly of me for it when I tell you, Belle.”

“I won’t. I could never...” Belle took a deep breath....
continue reading...
added by Angeelous
Source: angeelous
posted by PrincessBelle2
 "What is this feeling? Loathing!"
"What is this feeling? Loathing!"
"Dearest, darlingist Mumsie and Popopsicle...."

"My dear Papa...."

"There's been some confusion over rooming here, te see..."

"But of course I'll care for Kayley...."

"But of course I'll rise above it...."

"For I know that's how you'd want me to respond, yes. There's been some confusion for my roommate seems to be..."

"Unusual and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe..."


The peace and tranquillity of El Dorado Academy is about to get shattered!

Blonde, peppy, rich and sometimes selfish Cenerentola Porter is determined to sing and dance her way to the top.

continue reading...
added by Angeelous
Source: angeelous
added by Bleedgirl87
Source: Bleedgirl87