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I would just like to say, I think it would be a good idea to have this countdown every 6 months. Then we can notice patterns in preferiti and such.

9. Snow White
First Countdown: 9th Place
Second Countdown: 9th Place
Change: None.

Well, I don't want to write a descrizione about poor Snow White, so I'll let another user explain:

"My issue with Snow White is the rumor that she is 13 years old, which isn't a big deal in and of itself, but she's Canto and pining for true love. Even though, once upon a time, girls did marry that young, that concept has always creeped me out.
And her voice (I know I will get reamed for this), but it sounds like she hasn't even hit puberty, which means she definitely has no reason to pine after the prince of her dreams. She's still a KID!!
 Snow White first- 27%, Pocahontas 2nd-16%
Snow White first- 27%, Pocahontas 2nd-16%

Last, but not least, she's too sickly sweet. Even though I've been told I'm a really nice person, even I have defects. There is absolutely no defect in her personality, which makes her come off as naively perfect.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it." (becca85)

What I think: I think the problem is, most people (not everyone) can't look past her voice, which is shallow. Also, they're putting real-word expectations on a fairy tale character. I never saw the problem with her being 14 because it is, after all, a fairy tale, where impossible things do happen!

First Countdown: 7th Place
Second Countdown: 8th Place
Change: Dropped 1 place.
Whether it's the fact that she's the newbie, o people just plain don't like her, rarely do I see Tiana high on people's lists. I think she's a little too "real-girl" for most people, most of us want a princess that will totally live out a fantasy and Tiana just wants a restaurant.
 Tiana first- 30%, Belle/Pocahontas second- 17%
Tiana first- 30%, Belle/Pocahontas second- 17%
We watch Disney Princess Film to take a break from the real world and Tiana just doesn't provide that escape most of us want. Another big issue with this waitress is that she lacks a sense of fun. A big driving point in people liking princesses is their sense of fun and liveliness, something Tiana seems to lack.

What I think: It takes awhile to warm up to Tiana. The first few times I saw her movie I really disliked her because I think I was comparing her to other princesses & my expectations were too high. But if te watch the movie with an open mind and focus on the good parts of her you'll discover te like her more.

"I really like all of the princesses but if I had to choose one I would pick Tiana because she's too serious at times. She never really lets herself go." (SailorM91)

First Countdown: 4th Place
Second Countdown: 7th Place
Change: Dropped 3 places

Probably the least displayed princess on merchandise, Pocahontas has Lost quite a few fan since our last countdown, including myself. The problem people had is she has such great potential to be an amazing character, but as soon as John Smith shows up, she loses her personality,
positive attitude, and sense of adventure she had before he came.
 Tiebreaker: Pocahontas- 59%, Belle-41%
Tiebreaker: Pocahontas- 59%, Belle-41%
I think the problem is before John Smith showed up she was leading the movie, and after they met she became sort of a toy to push the story along, and as a result her fantastic personality got sucked dry.

What I think: I agree with most people on this one. If she had kept her personality the way it was the first part of the movie she would be my preferito princess. But she turns into a mopey dullard.

"I Amore POCAHONTAS. She doesn't lose her personality when she gets with John Smith. You're just not looking past the relationship. I mean, hello, did everyone else miss Colours of The Wind? "COME ON SMITHY, LET'S JUMP DOWN THIS WATERFALL!"

First Countdown: 8th Place
Second Countdown: 6th Place
Change: Rose 2 places

Things have certainly taken a turn for the better for Aurora. Since our last countdown, she has risen 2 places. Hardly anyone has a bad thing to say about Aurora, and più noticably fan of her have been appearing più and più on this spot. To be honest though, I didn't get much feedback about Aurora. What's keeping her from rising any higher is her lack of screentime. People complain about a lack of personality too, I remember one person awhile back even saying "knock knock, anyone in there?" about Aurora. Still though, she certainly has a charisma that keeps her from ever being in last place.
 Aurora- 28%, Belle-25%
Aurora- 28%, Belle-25%

What I think: I think people tend to be hard on Aurora too, but I can più understand why than with Snow White. Aurora doesn't have a lack of personality, in my opinion, just a lack of screentime. From what we saw I think she could build up to be a great character, and what's great about her is we can all interpret in our own way what her personality would be like if it had been expanded upon, whether it be good o bad.

"She has a lack of PERSONALITY" (Kataralover)
"I Don't Care For Her, Anyway!" (Soxfan89)

First Countdown: 1st place
Second Countdown: 5th Place
Change: Dropped 4 places

While I'm honestly surprised she didn't make it any higher, I'm also relieved. Not because I couldn't see why people like Belle- she's just not my personal taste- but because I think now there's not a single princess that stands out as a favorite, which is a good thing. Now the levels among the princesses are even.
 Belle- 33%, Ariel-20%
Belle- 33%, Ariel-20%
Why did Belle slip down so low? It's not really clear. I know my personal opinion of her has changed after rewatching her movie. When I first watched it I loved Belle because I loved the movie and I hadn't seen it in a long time. But after rewatching and really being able to focus on Belle, I think people started to think she's not all that she's cracked up to be. People (not so much recently) literally treat Belle like she's the best thing to come out of disney, from what I've seen. fanpop users basically detto Belle didn't deserve this incredible treatment and praise she was getting, and that Belle was too perfect for their tastes, and she has gained a lot più "dislikers" over the years.

What I think: Meh, the fact that she's here isn't really shocking, I'm only surprised she Lost to Cinderella. Liking Belle comes down to a matter of personal taste, and I still don't see what the big deal is about her, I do think she's too perfect (even going into the West Wing, the movie portrays Beast as the villain and Belle as the innocent victim), and I don't see what makes her stand out compared to the other princesses. It's not that I'm surprised she has fans, but I was surprised she had SO MANY and was clearly the preferito among fanpop users. But Belle is a damn good character and I think she deserves to be higher.

I think these two commenti summon up different points of view well:

"This is definitely one of those instances where FanPop has influenced my DP rankings. I used to think better of Belle (she ranked third o fourth), but since I joined FanPop and everyone praised her to the heavens for the smallest reasons, it started to grate on my nerves and she rapidly dropped on my list." (becca85)

"She does NOTHING wrong! Defying a dude that's been a total jackass to te is perfectly justified. All of the others do one stupid, careless thing. Belle is the goody two shoes that anyone at the schools I go to would dislike." (firegirl1515)

First Countdown: 2nd Place
Second Countdown: 4th Place
Change: Dropped 2 places

Just like Belle, Ariel has gained some haters recently. But Ariel has always had haters whereas Belle has definitely gotten hers recently. So I knew Ariel was bound to get out, but I didn't realize it would be after Belle, which surprises me. Generally (with a few people left out), people seem to like Ariel. They Amore her fun, bubly personality. The breaking point is whether o not te care about the decisions she makes.
 Ariel- 34%, Jasmine- 29%
Ariel- 34%, Jasmine- 29%
For some people, it's not a focal point for them and they più enjoy the ride Ariel goes on. But for others, it really bothers them and they consider it selfish and irresponsible. Because of these factors, and the fact that a large amount of people don't like Ariel's decisions, I knew she was never going to make it to the top.

What I think: Just like Belle, I think it all comes down to a matter of taste. Personally, I don't mind Ariel's decisions because without them we wouldn't have a movie. I always admire princesses with daring & nerve, so this didn't really bother me. I Amore the chances she takes because I know I would never take them myself. But I could definitely see how that wouldn't be important to some people, and how her decisions were harmful to others.

"I think that Ariel makes plain-old awful decisions that are very selfish. I Amore her fun personality, but her selfishness and excessive recklessness make me like her less than the other princesses." (AllegroGiocoso)

First Countdown: 4nd Place
Second Countdown: 3rd Place
Change: Rose 1 place

Pretty consistent to the last round, in general, everyone likes Jasmine, even if they're not a huge fan of her. In fact, off the superiore, in alto of my head, I can't think of one person who has her last on their list. I honestly expected gelsomino to get lower, but I'm not sure if I'm surprised o I anticipated it, because when she came out at number 3, I was indifferent.
 Jasmine- 42%, Cinderella- 31%
Jasmine- 42%, Cinderella- 31%
I personally think gelsomino came in at number 3 not because so many people have her first, but da default of not having a ton of haters to boot her out. There were other princesses made più a priority to get out first. In general, people like gelsomino but she's not proactive o relatable enough (because of living in a palace) for her to rise any higher.

What I think: I'm honestly surprised (and a little disappointed, actually) that she got higher than some of the princesses who scored lower than her. gelsomino really doesn't do much, and gets a lot of her dreams handed to her. She is my fourth favorite, but only da personality, and I know a lot of te admire the proactive princesses who go out and do things for themselves, so I was a little sad to see gelsomino get so high. It's not to say gelsomino doesn't do anything for herself, but compared to some other princesses...

"No offense to gelsomino but I don't feel that she does as much as the other girls. Mulan has to regain her honor for the family and saves China, Cenerentola has to deal with her evil stepmother and stepsisters, and Jasmine... gelsomino just whines about her already rich and royal life." (leptitsouris)

First Countdown: 6th Place
Second Countdown: 2nd Place
Change: Rose 4 places

Most people, including myself, were shocked at how far Cenerentola got this round. Especially since how she only Lost to Mulan da one point, and anything could have tipped the scale. I was surprised because a lot of people are not Cenerentola fans. But what I've noticed about the people who don't like Cenerentola is that they don't hate her, like other people do their least preferito princess, but they find her boring.
 Cinderella- 51%, Mulan- 49%
Cinderella- 51%, Mulan- 49%
In fact, the people who commentato against Cenerentola mostly detto that Cenerentola was boring and lacked personality compared to the others, o that they just liked her the least of the choices left. But most people detto they LOVED Cinderella's grace, charm, and kindness, and hardly anyone can resist it. Cenerentola represents half of the fanpop users who are not the aggressive, outgoing type. A lot of the shy, hopeful types really Amore her.

What I think: I am totally shocked too Cenerentola made it so high, but if any of the Disney Classic Princesses deserves to get high, it's Cinderella. I think to say she lacks personality is a totally uninformed statement. Just because her personality isn't aggressive doesn't mean she lacks personality. I think her ranking at number 2 is great, though very surprising!

"I easily prefer Cenerentola out of these two, I'm thrilled that she got this far!!!....Cinderella just is più princessy... I really tend to like the old-style heroines a bit better... I pretty much adore every single heroine that Walt Disney himself was involved with to pieces." (AllegroGiocoso)

"Cinderella is sweet, kind and pretty but she's so passive. I'd prefer it if she had some of that oomph to her that we saw in Cenerentola 3." (Straggy)

 Mulan climbed to the superiore, in alto of the poll. Get it? "Poll"? I'm hilarious.
Mulan climbed to the superiore, in alto of the poll. Get it? "Poll"? I'm hilarious.

First Countdown: 3rd Place
Second Countdown: 1st Place
Change: Rose 2 places

Am I surprised Mulan got into first place? No, absolutely not, and here's why:

1.I can't think of one person that has her last on their list.
2. The people that do have her toward the bottom most of the time say that they only have her there because they just like the other princesses better.
3. In all of my 2 years on fanpop, I have only seen 1 person commento negatively against Mulan.

Mulan sincerely seems to be the universal princess nobody dislikes. She's relatable, but at the same time kicks total butt. She just has this natural ease and relatability about her, and I think everyone can at least like one quality about her. Each of the other princesses have "haters", can te name one person who hates Mulan?

What I think: I think it should've been like this all along. When I came on fanpop I was so surprised Mulan wasn't everyone's favorite! I figured she would rank high for most everyone, but surprisingly, she didn't. I think she definitely Suits having the number one spot.

"I Amore te to death Cinderella, I really do. ...But Mulan wins for me. Throughout the movie, Mulan had to go through so much struggles pretending to be a male in the army and to fight for her own country. She grows and develops as a character from a clumsy, awkward girl into a strong confident heroine. " (ppgbelle4)

Biggest Loss: Belle (dropped 4 places)
Biggest Gain: Cenerentola (rose 4 places)
Least Amount of Change:: Snow White (stayed in last place)
Princesses who gained places: Cinderella, Mulan, Aurora, Jasmine.
Princesses who Lost places: Belle, Pocahontas, Ariel, Tiana.

Old Countdown Order: Belle, Ariel, Mulan, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Cinderella, Tiana, Aurora, Snow White.
New Countdown Order: Mulan, Cinderella, Jasmine, Ariel, Belle, Aurora, Pocahontas, Tiana, Snow White.

Which lista do te like better?

What I think: Personally, I like the old list. I think it better shows the preferito princesses better rather than the new list. I highly doubt Cenerentola is secondo on most people's lists. I just don't see Mulan as representing the princesses as a whole, o gelsomino being so close to the top. But the new lista isn't bad either.
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