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added by cruella
added by BelleRose829
added by drewjoana18
Source: House Of topo, mouse Parking Packers Pack The Level 3
added by Uppy21
Source: House Of topo, mouse Parking Packers Pack The Level 3
added by cruella
added by BelleRose829
added by cruella
added by peterslover
added by cruella
added by cruella
added by BelleRose829
added by BelleRose829
posted by GypsyMarionette
Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

12. Tiger Lily is a princess. Wendy is a white nobody.

11. Tiger Lily has a cuter voice than Wendy. Even though her voice is only really heard when she says "HEL-*gurgle*", it's much better on the ears than one sentence out of Wendy's mouth...

10. She has a cool wardrobe that she can be proud of, which would be a nicely made dress from .... most likely a deer, and a pretty cool feather, which looks simply SMASHING with the dress. Wendy gets stuck with a blue nightgown and a simple bow hair...
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added by cruella
added by cruella
added by BelleRose829
added by cruella
added by peterslover