Duncan e Courtney Club
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posted by milorox18
It was high noon when he decided to have a romantic occasion with his Amore Courtney. Of coarse he wasn't 'manly' enough to tell her straight to her face. He was forced to write a sappy letter and leave it on her bunk, hoping that she'd be the one to find it. Besides, how could anyone mistake the letter to be theirs. She was the only one he was after and everyone knew it. They'd have to be downright dumb, like Lindsey, to even think it was meant for them. Whatever, though. He'd just tell whoever showed up that he was waiting for someone and to fuck off. It was completely easy and pain free. Nothing could go wrong.

Courtney was off at the spiaggia with Bridgette, trying her best to have fun and relax. She had been near insanity due to this stupid game and knew that no one liked her anymore…well almost everyone. She smiled to herself as she thought of her bad boy Duncan and what surprises he had in store for her next. "Courtney. Are te alive??" Bridgette's voice intruded, snapping her out of her dazed state. "Y-Yeah. Let's get going." she murmured softly, mind still lingering on Duncan.
As Courtney walked away Gwen was sitting at the docks, dangling her feet just above the water. She loved the way it looked when it was undisturbed da anything. It calmed her down più then anything in the world. She sighed softly, the silence surrounding her in a veil of peace. Unfortunately she wasn't lucky enough to have it last. Heather's sharp voice ruined it all. "Of coarse you'd be here. No one does that. Then again I guess te would be here. The stupidest place for the stupidest girl." she was so used to Heather's snide remarks that it just went in one ear and out the other. "You know, just because you're a Goth doesn't mean te can ignore me. I exist too." She growled

"Beat it." she growled, running her fingers gingerly through her hair. She really needed a bath. Her hair felt greasy and it was starting to lose it's shine. Still, it was defiantly better then Heathers hair, considering she had none. She then proceeded to raise up into a standing position and leave, stopping momentarily as she saw Trent walk by. She shrank, worried that he might see her and go crazy with the number nine thing again. Not that she didn't like him, she loved him very much. It had just started fading at the start of TDA, più then likely because he had gone a little crazy over her and Duncan. They were just friends, really good friends, but Friends none-the-less. He just didn't understand. She sighed, relived he had missed her o just flat out ignored her. She then continued at a fast walking pace to her cabina so that she could rest, thinking about Trent and his obvious jealousy all the while.

Somehow she had managed to avoid all of her fellow campers on the way and was thoroughly pleased with herself. She made her way over to her bunk, freezing mid-step when a piece of parchment on the letto across from hers caught her eye. She debated whether o not she should check it out, it really wasn't any of her business. Still, something was urging her to go and check it out, that she wouldn't regret it. As much as she tried to fight it she couldn't help but go and pick it up to read it. It was written rather poorly and looked that of chicken scratch. Still, she managed to make out most of it.

Dear Courtney,

I need to tell te something. I don't know why I didn't just tell te to your face, but that's not the point. If you're interested in this bad boy then bring your sexy self down to the dock for a surprise. I Amore te babe. Hope to see te soon.' He didn't sign his name but I automatically knew it was Duncan. No one else in their right mind would talk to Courtney like that unless they had a death wish. Even so he was pushing it. Of coarse he loved pushing the limits to see how far he could go before she was ready to damage him. It was an obvious passion, getting her all worked up. She sighed longingly…she wished Trent would act that way. He wouldn't dare to go that out there, only did little things like gave her an extra focaccina, muffin o saved her a seat. He never came out there and told her how hot she was o that he thought she was the perfect girl. She stared down at the letter for a moment più before placing it back on the bunk.

She really didn't feel like laying down anymore. She was to upset to relax o sleep. She needed someone to make her feel better and she knew exactly who it would be.
It was near sundown and she still hadn't shown up at the dock and Duncan was starting to loss his nerve over it too. Did she not want to see him? Did she really not like him as much as he thought? Ha, no way. She was totally into him, come on, she had kissed him on multiple occasions. There was no way it had been an act either. Princess wasn't like that, she would never lead someone on like he had others. Not that he had lead her on!! He had loved her from the start, no domanda about it and now she loved him back. She would come, he could feel it.

Gwen searched all over for him, desperately needing his help. She had managed to run into everyone she didn't want to see, Cody, Heather, Harold, and even Courtney. Fortunately Courtney seemed preoccupied playing in the sand with Bridgette to notice her. She, much like Trent, had turned into a royal pain in the culo ever since she had returned. She had obviously decided that Gwen was threatening her relationship with Duncan and took it upon herself to make every moment of her life a living hell. Gwen swore, feeling Courtney needed to take a pill, then maybe she would actually have Friends other then Duncan. Gwen headed dejectedly to the spiaggia opposite her to avoid Courtney's wrath if she happened to snap out of her state of bliss and see her.

On Gwen's way she noticed someone sitting on the dock as if they were waiting for someone. Duncan! It had to be him. That's where he told Courtney to meet him. To bad she wouldn't get the message until after nightfall. That was fine with her. This was just what she needed to forget about her problems. She immediately changed her coarse so that she was headed toward him. "Duncan." she called out. "It's me." she got his attention, but it was obvious she wasn't the person he was expecting da the way his face fell dramatically.

"Oh…hi Gwen. What are te doing here?" he murmured softly, sounding depressed.
She noticed and felt sorta bad for getting his hopes up. Then again, at least now they could sympathize with each other better. "I don't have much else to do. Trent's getting way to weird and everyone else is doing SOMETHING. I feel useless." she finished dejectedly, moving to the end of the dock and sitting down successivo to Duncan. She noticed he had his eyes on her a bit warily and wasn't sure why. She passed it off as him being afraid of what Courtney would think of this situation.

"You're not useless. At least he still likes you. Courtney won't even mostra up and talk to me." he sounded so sad as the words passed his lips, a defeated expression now on his face.
She sighed, feeling obligated to cheer him up. "You know that isn't true. She loves te più then anything in the world. te of all people should know that. Why else would she put up with te and be such a cagna to anyone that takes an unholy interest in you?" She comforted, moving my arm around his shoulder . He looked taken aback at first, but quickly grew accustomed to it, recitazione as if her arm wasn't even there.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Then why isn't she here now?" he challenged, eager for her answer.
She hesitated a moment, uneasy da suddenly being thrown into the spotlight. "She's been off playing with Bridgette all day. So unless she's gone lesbo I think you're fine as far as her loving you." she teased, smiling innocently.

He looked lamely at her at first, a smirk slowly forming on his face. Gwen could be pretty funny when she wanted to be. Then he did something that he never thought he would even think of doing, he kissed her on the cheek.

Courtney had had about as much as she could take from these idiots for one giorno and wouldn't even stand to be around Bridgette for another second. All she wanted to do was go back to her cabina and pass out. She had done so much with so much enthusiasm that she felt if she did anything but walk she would explode. She especially wouldn't be able to take Duncan's teasing. She hoped to dear god that she wouldn't run into him. She just didn't have the patience.

As she continued back everything was oddly quiet and it was starting to freak her out. Of coarse she liked it, but nothing was ever this quiet when 22 teens were around. Perhaps everyone was still back at the spiaggia being retarded. But wait…she hadn't seen Duncan all giorno and that Goth girl hadn't been there either. She felt a sudden surge of anger at the thought of them hanging out with each other. There was no telling what they were up to. They did just about everything together, they had even worked to get the bus to breakdown so that they could stay here for the night. She felt about ready to kill the both of them when she reached her destination. She was so mad that she punched the bacheca out of habit, no thanks to Duncan's influence. She cried out in pain, holding her hand gingerly. This did nothing but make her mood even worse. She growled, irritated. She glowered at nothing in particular as she prepared to lay down and sleep her anger off when something caught her eye. At first she wanted to rip it up so that she could ruin someone else's day, but noticed that it wasn't for someone else…it was for her. Her name was scribble in near illegible Scrivere that could only be one person. She snatched the letter up greedily, scanning the room to make sure no one was around before opening it. It was short but just what she needed. It made all the fury fade from her body and filled her with a feeling of content. She hugged the letter close to her chest, smiling happily. She was so gonna go meet him, there was no doubt in her mind. If anyone he would be able to make her fell like she was important.

Back at the dock not far from where Courtney was Gwen and Duncan were staring at each other as if they had seen a ghost. "I-I'm sorry." he whispered. "I don't know what came over me."
She didn't say anything for a time, unsure of what his intentions were. Did he think of her romantically? o was it supposed to be an enthusiastic thank-you? She wasn't sure. "No problem. I know what te mean." she reassured, smiling with sincerity.

He smiled back, scooting closer da accident in an attempt to find a più comfortable position. Gwen didn't realize this and found herself blushing lightly. Then it all happened so fast. She wrapped her other arm around his neck and pulled him down to her level, locking her lips with his. Duncan was thoroughly shocked and roughly pushed her off of him, nearly knocking her off the dock and into the water. She blinked confusedly back at him, not understanding the signs he was giving. At first he seemed to be tempting her to do più and more, but now he was downright disgusted. "What the hell was that!! Are te out of your mind!!" he shrieked, eyes narrowed into slits.

Gwen cowered under his intense gaze, Lost for words. At least Courtney was still at the spiaggia and wouldn't have to know about all of this. Gwen had already done her fair share of life ruining. Pretty soon she'd be as bad as Heather. Then the snap of a twig caught her attention and she was horrorstruck to see Courtney standing before her, face ridden with distress, anger, and worst of all heartbreak. She looked as if she were about to cry and all that was stopping her was her integrity. She wasn't one to mostra weakness and if she were to now she would lose all she had left. "Noo…" Gwen breathed to herself.

Duncan didn't hear Gwen at all but he sensed that something was wrong da the way she had Frozen and immediately jerked his head in the same direction as she was looking. What he saw made his cuore fall into his stomach and a sudden panic fill him. No, no, no!! This couldn't be happening! He loved her. Loved her so very, very much. He had never wanted to hurt her and now, thanks to Gwen, everything was ruined. He wanted so much to yell and scream at Gwen till his voice cracked, but he knew that would accomplish nothing. He had to fix this as best he could before he Lost her forever. "Courtney…look, I didn't-" he began, stopping short as Courtney cut in.

"NO!! te look! I believed in you! I trusted te più then anyone I've ever met! I let te in, despite the fact I knew better!!! I didn't think te would do this to me!!! I gave te my freaking cuore and soul for gods sake!!! I LOVED YOU!!!" she shrieked disconcertedly, on the verge of breaking down. Adding in a much softer tone, "And I thought te loved me too…" I felt what was left of my cuore being crushed into dust da her words. Even when she didn't mean to she easily made te feel extremely guilty and as if the blame was completely yours to hold. He didn't know what to say. She had shot down all his reasons in one go. It was true, he was a horrible person and he didn't deserve someone like her. "I'm sorry…I never wanted this…" he muttered sullenly, "I really do Amore you…"

She didn't care what he had to say she felt like her world was ending and she would soon be crushed da the weight of the pain. She had wanted nothing più then to stay da his side for as long as the both of them wanted. Now that she'd Lost him, she tried desperately to hold on to her only pride…her dignity. She opened her mouth to scream, but it came out all wrong, like a blubbering baby. "Don't lie to me anymore! I don't want te to hurt me, now that I know the truth! I HATE YOU!!" at this point she couldn't hold the tears back any longer and she was about ready to run when she felt a pair of strong hands holding her wrists. She normally would have ordered whoever to release her o she would permanently destroy their lives, but right now she could barely think. "L-Let go! D-Don't touch me! I-I…I hate you!!" she whimpered, tears spilling from her eyes at last and streaking her face.

Duncan was tempted to let her go forever and never think about what they had had and ,even worse, what they could have been. Yet for some reason he couldn't release his grip on her hands. He felt as if he was no longer in control of his body even as he spoke, "Courtney. Look at me." he didn't mean to, but he sounded demanding, "You know me better then anyone else and te know I'd never do this. Please, Courtney, I Amore you."
Courtney's lip quivered as she stared back at him, wanting nothing più then to get as far away from him and here as possible. "N-No. I d-don't trust you…n-not anymore. I-I don't want this." she rattled on in that same pathetic voice, body trembling slightly. It was then as she noticed his grip had loosened that she ripped out of his hold and took off running to the cabin. She didn't make it far before she stumbled and tripped over a stray stick, falling head first onto the hard ground. She tried to raise up but was trembling so badly that she couldn't get up into a standing position without falling back down. She banged the ground with her fists as she screamed to no one in particular, her uncontrollable sobbing causing her 'screams' to sound muffled. After a moment of this she curled into a tight ball, burying her head in her knees and whimpering lightly to herself about how everyone was out to get her and no one cared about what happened to her.

Duncan just watched her for a time, Frozen in place. He did this. He never thought it could happen…but it did. He had hurt her più then anyone could have. His eyes stung as tears threatened to fall and his throat became desperate for water. Then as she started to slowly rock herself back and forth he noticed his letter in a crumpled heap on the ground. He stared at it a moment before bending down to pick it up. He slowly smoothed it out, seeing the scribbled letters now smeared. He sighed dejectedly, walking unhurriedly toward Courtney. She didn't notice him all the while, consumed with calming herself and reducing the flow of tears. Yet, the harder she tried the worse it got. Only when he bent down successivo to her did she see him and become even più frantic. "N-No!! D-Don't…no." although she was extremely outraged with him her sadness was enough to overpower it and hold the place of most dominant emotion.

Duncan knew he was pushing it as he wrapped his arms around her, but he really didn't care. All he wanted was to see her smile and he would do whatever it took to make it happen. "Courtney, calm down. I-I can't stand te like this. P-Please." even he was starting to stutter as he spoke, it was all to much for him.
N-NO!! I-I won't!! I-I-I can't…" she blubbered, sobs choking her.

Duncan proceeded to rest his head on her shoulder, his mouth right beside her ear so that he only had to whisper for her to hear. "Courtney, please. I Amore te più then anything in the world and could never Amore anyone so much. Never. I know te hate me for what I did, but know this, no matter where te go o how te feel about me…I will always Amore you. te are my world now and nothing could ever change that. Please…forgive me." he muttered soothingly, tears slipping from his eyes at last.
Courtney didn't speak for a time, but he knew she was thinking hard about what he detto and maybe even contemplating forgive and forget the series of unfortunate events. Her sobs had even started to die down and her body stop shaking completely. "I-I…don't know." she breathed, breathing a notch above normal.
He sighed deeply, nuzzling her slightly. "I don't know either…" he murmured softly, his breathe tickling her neck. He loosened his hold on her, giving her the freedom to chose whether she wanted to stay o go. Strange as it sounds she decided to stay, turning in his hold so that she was facing him. She gazed up into his tear filled eyes a moment before burying her face in his warm chest and throwing her arms around him, saying softly, "Let's just start over…"
da fanfictiongirl1 on deviantart.com
Courtney's Prov.

Once I saw all those pills, I soon began to think about my life and my future. But at the same time, I had this awful urge to try it. I didn't understand it. I remember when my mother used to talk about drugs to me, and stress all the time about because my sister got bad into drugs and ended up going to rehab, then jail. I thought of my sister, but at the same time, I pushed all those thoughts aside because of that urge.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw ghiandaia, jay hand Duncan the plate with crushed pills on it in a line, and a straw.
I looked at Duncan as he took the straw...
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posted by SkaterGurl13
Courtney's POV: I woke up the successivo morning totally relaxed. I rolled over in my cold, yet, comfy letto and now faced the window. The blinds were open as the sun kissed my face hello. I looked at the clock as it read 9:30a.m. I rolled over on my back, sighed, and smiled as I looked up at the ceiling. I eventually got out of letto and picked out my clothes for the day. My clothes consisted of a cream skirt, a brown belt, a blue denim shirt, and boots. I needed something easy to get out of for shopping today. I started my doccia water and waited for it to heat up. I stripped out of my pajamas and...
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The successivo day

Duncan P.O.V.

I woke up with Courtney right successivo to me,I kissed her forehead and got out of bed.I brushed my teeth,took a quick shower,and threw my clothes on."WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY!"I yelled.Courtney responded da throwing a cuscino at me.I pulled the blanket off Courtney,"ALRIGHT I'M UP!"She yelled."Aww someone's cranky this morning"I said.She got up and made her wings appear."Where's my-Duncan!"Courtney replied.I gave Courtney her halo.


Duncan:Ready to become a devil?
Courtney:I guess...

I called Gwen."Hello?"She answered."Sweetheart,I need a favor"I said."What is it?"She...
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Okay so about a anno fa I postato a story called dxc my fake fiancé and was really into it. But later I Lost interest feeling no one was reading. Now I see people were and the actual movie is on and I got inspired again to continue. To those who commentato b4 will u forgive me for stopping the story and let me continue? I ll continue where I left off. And to those new people... If you've ever watched my fake fiancé I hope u will read my story. And if u don't know the movie watch it cuz when u c it u ll think of dxc right away! I hope to see commenti so I can continue. If not I will continue anyway and hope for feedback. But still Please comment!!!!!!!!!! I really want the encouragement!
posted by pixicracker
Chris: Courtney... Harold... one of te is leaving tonight

Courtney glared at Duncan knowing it was Harold who would be heading home. And she was right. Leshawna ran up to baciare Harold goodbye. But while that happened, Duncan and Courtney happily roasted their marshmallows da the campfire.

Duncan: So looks like the Princess is here for another night.

Courtney: Yeah I guess.. well I was thinking maybe te and I could start an alliance.

Duncan: If te baciare me.

Courtney: Can it be on the cheek?

Duncan: Nope, on the lips. With your tounge.

Courtney stood in shock. But this could get her into the final...
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posted by reyfan01
"Leshawna I don't know what to do with him. He's been brooding over something for months now. He's just so annoying! What am I gonna do with him?"Gwen asked her loyal friend.

"Girl i know te care about the guy, but I gotta tell ya, I was never happy about te two going out."Leshawna detto patting her friend on the back. "He's maybe shown a little nice, but he's down right mean. The boy kept torturing my poor sweet baby."Leshawna detto as she looks on at her admirer mostrare off his beatboxing skills.

"Duncan's just Duncan. He tends to act immature. I know he's a bully too Harold but he's still...
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I know!!!!! I have not done a fan fic in a while but I am stumped on my last one so here is a new one. This is a mix between harry potter and TDI. Sadly I could not find good matches for most of the charicters so they usualy stay the same. This is a combonation of my 2 fav things! TDI and Harry potter!!!!!!!!! also there is a new charicter called Amila Malfoy. She represents me in this story so it will be different form the real harry potter so there r no spoilers for people who have not seen the Film o read the books. Enjoy!!!!!!!!! (P.S. we are starting where Harry meets ron (now duncan...
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posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
For the last few hours Courtney paced around the room for no particular reason just to think could she be nervous about Friends with Duncan? She shook it off but then thought again. What is there to be afraid of? domande but no risposte she had to get her mind off things she plopped down on the divano and pulled out the remote it was every so often she decided to watch Televisione considering it made her feel like she was losing brain cells every time she watched it she clicked the power button and upon the screen was Kanye West rapping I know a bar out in mars were they drive spazio ships instead...
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posted by DxCfanlover
I'm really, really, really sorry! but I was busy ¬¬ and my computer didn't worked ¬¬ can te forgive me?
Manager: So, do te have a reservation?
Duncan: Yes.
Manager: Can te please tell me your name?
Duncan: Duncan, Duncan Smith.
Manager: mmm, ok you're in the lista with 8 people more.
Duncan: yep, so tell us our rooms.
Manager: ok, come with me sir.
The manager guided them to their rooms.
Manager: Ok, so in the lista I have three rooms for two and one for three. So, please Ms. Martin and Mr. Smith in the room 100.
Leshawna:*smirk* te two alone again,...
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ciao guys. I’m sorry I haven’t Scrivere anything Duncan and Courtney in what seems like foreeeeveeeer, but I’ve been busy with my art, I’m trying to get better. ^^ I’ll draw some DxC fanart when I feel like it, that’s a promise! :) Well, short, fluffy OneShot, I hope te haven’t all forgotten me! Remember, commenti make this Dane happy! :D
Oh! And since I’m on a vacation in Crotia right now, I placed the story there, and the “unknown” people in this story, is people that have been at that place, and the group of nine, is me and my family, just to let te know. ^^ And Cardo...
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posted by crystalpotato
ciao te guys I just wanted to let te Know that I was feeling a little lazy so I decided to skip Jasons side of the story and go back to Courtney. So most of this will be her. Enjoy!

I walked into the doctors office.

Doctor: are te Courtney?

Courtney: yes.

Doctor: well THANK GOD all Jason talked about for the past ora was you. We gave him some medicine so he's unconcious but te can go in.

I walked in and looked at my husband to be. How could someone who knew me since kindergarten and loved me since 8th grade be so evil? I wached him lay there. I loved him. But my cuore belonged to Duncan....
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posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
I decided to end the series cuz im real bored wit it so this is good bye but i am makin a series were u make the characters and i use them for a series on the Total Drama island club all u do is message me sayin ur characters name personality and gender i need 15 i have 6 hurry so u can have a spot on my series più details if u message me again im srry if u like this series if u want me to make it i can write the rest of the story for u over a message thx for all the commenti and props i have recieved try to give me ur Character A.S.A.P thx again sincerley ME!!!! lol
 Courtney missed her bff Duncan wants to have movie night
Courtney missed her bff Duncan wants to have movie night
Chapter 2:The Ugly Truth
    It had been a week hanging out with Destiny times like this I really wish I didn’t care for her so much she took me shopping and made me go to a Justin Bieber concerto I stood there wondering what went so wrong what got so out of hand with me and Duncan’s relationship I looked up at the sky it now reminded me of….
    I was at the airport with my mom to pick up my brother me and Duncan were at least 14 years old then he was at a trip with his dad beyond the equator I think to Alaska I wasn’t fascinated it had been about...
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courtney-oh my i Amore this dress
duncan-hurry courtney the wedding starts in an ora
courtney-u cant c me in my wedding dress
duncan-oh yeah sorry
courtney-well shoo
duncan-*closes the door*
courtney-omg i Amore this lip stick yes red *puts on lip stick*
duncan-sence i cant c courtney i will just call her...from the other room..wat ever *calles courtney*
courtney-*phone rings* WAT
duncan-hurry every one is here
courtney-ok ok i am ready
courtney-*gets out of the room*
courtney's dad-r u ready courtney?
courtney-yes father :)
courtney's dad-then lets...
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when duncan gets back to the holtel

courtney im back where are te detto duncan

im in the bath room ill be out in a seconf k detto courtney

k detto duncan

when courtney came out of the bathroom

um i have to tell te something detto courtney

what princess

i might be pregnant

he looked at courtney and then looked away

did te a condom asked courtney

duncan looked down not making eye contaced

duncan plece she stared to cry

i thought when te detto it was alright te ment it was alright detto duncan

no i ment it was alright be cause it was my first time detto courtney

courtney detto duncan

no duncan just leave me alone ahe stated to cry and ran in the bath room

baby plece open the door detto duncan

why should i detto courtney

becouse we can get throgh this together and becouse i Amore te
posted by lemon1110
Duncans P.O.V:
*phone is ringing, duncan picks it up* "Hello?" "Duncan? im giving te one last chance to get back together with me. yes o no?" ugg its gwen. "Gwen? why dont te get it? Im the one who dumped YOU!!!!" "so...." "no gwen. and goodbye!" ugh. yes its true if you're wondering, i dumped gwen. some might say WHAT?! why?! and um because shes pregnant with her OTHER boyfriends baby! she cheated on me and they are pretty much forced to stay together! i didnt want to do it because...it reminds me of...her... scince i already am reminded of cour-never mind. too painful to say her name. but...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
TXG is like a melody with no wrods 2 say we sing lala la la la
i know it's divide but it's not 2 fight about
it's up 2 now yeah
everyday has been like a war oh yeah but now when need 2 change
if we remember difent summers it's like tosing your haert out 2 c were it lands heads is easy tails is hareder to plane if we r fighting again and again and again

u know that i can't hlep 2 wornder what well do successivo i'm a little ceryous oh yeah every club we stoud under were u were under it 2 did u ever think about freedom i hope that u did cuz i can tell u thats something i'll never froget
if we remember...
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posted by libra2000
 Charlie ( looks like this only with darker skin and longer hair :)
Charlie ( looks like this only with darker skin and longer hair :)
Duncans POV

I just starred at her. I couldn't believe what she was telling me. " So what? What do te want me to do?" She laughed a nervous laugh, then glanced at the image. " te only have one chance to change everything, starting with the kiss." " But what if I dont?" Charlie seemed to be shaking, " I'm not saying te have to, but te will lose everything te saw. That mansion, Courtney...." she paused as though she was afraid of saying what she was thinking. " and.... you'll lose me." she lifted her hand to mostra me that she too had started to vanish.
" I don't want to be with someone just...
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posted by shellgirl54
Courtneys POV
ok tdwt ended we escaped the vulcano everyone is save and i Lost the game and my bad boy ugh nd i have to go to this stupid party but it was terible

the papiratsie was stalking me telling me what am i gonna do am i gonna take revenge and data someone else i kept telling them to wait till i make my desicion till one day

papiratsi-courtney do u have a boyfriend? what r u going to do,do u hate duncan still do u like trent can u tell us

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posted by Courtneyfan101
Duncan`s POV:I didn`t know what was over-coming Gwen.I was worried for Courtney and Gwen.I didn`t know what to expect.I saw Gwen run over to the light switch and shut it down.I can`t believe I`m saying this,but I`m officially scared.It was silent.I suddenly felt a hand pull me away from the corner and reached for the face of what was pulling me.I didn`t have time.It was dark and I didn`t hear anything.I saw a light.A huge light.Then everything went black again.I woke up in some room.I sat up and looked around.Courtney`s room.No one was in the room but me.I looked at the letto and it had a note...
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