*'What's that? detto one of the twins suddenly, pointing at Harry's lightning scar.
'Blimey,' detto the other twin. 'Are te –?'
'He is,' detto the first twin. 'Aren't' you?' he added to Harry.
'What?' detto Harry.
'Harry Potter,' chorused the twins.
'Oh, him,' detto Harry, 'I mean, yes, I am.' (PS6)
*'Don't, Ginny, we'll send te loads of owls.'
'We'll send te a Hogwarts toilet seat.'
'George!' (PS6)
*Wood: 'This is it.'
The big one,' detto Fred Weasley.
'The one we've all been waiting for,' detto George.
'We know Oliver's speech da heart,' Fred told Harry. 'We were in the team last year.' (PS11)
*'Where did...
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