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Freddie Mclair Domanda

who is devastated about freddies death?

R.I.P freddie mclair
I'm still gettin over chris dying in s2
skinz9875 posted più di un anno fa
Of course. It killed me. He died in such a painful. He didn't deserve that. He had a good heart. He loved Effy despite from what she put him through. He was so strong for her. It sickens me everytime to watch his death.
AriaJade posted più di un anno fa
 darkfairy97 posted più di un anno fa
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Freddie Mclair Risposte

Hanneybean said:
The better domanda would be, 'Who isn't devastated da Freddie's death?'
I'm really disliking how this season has turned out to be.
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posted più di un anno fa 
i have to admit. This season is depressing.
darkfairy97 posted più di un anno fa
Agreed! I hate the writers
Mena09 posted più di un anno fa
yes!! i hate it..he's my fave character..i can't get over it.. :'(
krisarchie posted più di un anno fa
zoedragonfly said:
me ... i watched it a couple hours fa and i can still hear it over and over in my mind.. i cant sleep..
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posted più di un anno fa 
sarabeara said:
I'm sorry to be shallow, but Freddie's death just ruined the whole effing mostra for me.
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posted più di un anno fa 
me too. really depressing
Mena09 posted più di un anno fa
you're right! it is so depressing
krisarchie posted più di un anno fa
It took me a long time to watch the successivo generation. Mostly because I was devasted da his death. It was so incredibly sad.
AriaJade posted più di un anno fa
CrazyForCamGX said:
Devestated Isnt The Word :(
They Are Really Pissing Me Off, First Chris Now Freddie!
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posted più di un anno fa 
best answer dude!!
krisarchie posted più di un anno fa
Thanks Ha, Truee Tho!
CrazyForCamGX posted più di un anno fa
Yeah best male characters in their generations. They want to kill off the characters who keep the Skins gang together.
AriaJade posted più di un anno fa
BeautifulN said:
:'(:'(:'( RIP Freddie
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posted più di un anno fa 
Mena09 said:
I am...stupid writers
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posted più di un anno fa 
Madelayna said:
I'm done with Skins.
The mostra is ruined right now...Freddie's death was probably the most stupid and unfair thing ever!
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posted più di un anno fa 
Same, I refuse to watch it now.
brooki posted più di un anno fa
Glad to know I am not the only one who gave up on Skins after Freddie's death. It was so effing stupid and pointless and just wrong on so many levels. It destroyed the whole gen 2. Freddie was my favourite, but I'd be able to accept his death where it written better and made sense, but the way it happened... ugh. so much fail.
maryksand posted più di un anno fa
krisarchie said:
I'm so disappointed w/ the story..why freddie have to die???ughhhh
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posted più di un anno fa 
DeadlyBlckmumba said:
I'm from NZ and this episode only just aired here last night, the first episode I watched was the Freddie episode (I cant believe it has taken me this long to discover this programme) but he is absolutely my favourite character, the series finale is successivo week, after Leggere these commenti my hope of Freddie still being alive is fading fast. This sucks big time, please at least tell me that Cook kicks this Foster guys A**
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posted più di un anno fa 
kahli23 said:
I was so shocked and devastated when i watched that epoisode i dreamt about it all night
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posted più di un anno fa 
AriaJade said:
I'm still heartbroken even if it's been two and half years since I've seen the episode. I'm never going to forgive Skins for doing that. There's absolutely no logic behind it what's so ever. Also because he was amazing and a really good person. I think I'm going to write a fanfiction about what would happened if he hadn't died. I'm still in the development stages.
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posted più di un anno fa 
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