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posted by ToEkNeE
(We enter Ross and Rachel's apartment where we find there's a bunch of luggage da the door laying all over the place with jackets hung over them. Rachel comes out, holding Emma. She was asleep and ready to go. She had her hat, giacca and shoes on. Rachel put her in her car seat, zipped up her jacket, put on her sede, sedile cintura and kissed her on her head. Gently enough so that she wouldn't wake up. Then Rachel put on her giacca and shoes, grabbed her borsa and keys. Then Ross came out with the last bit of stuff.

Ross: (whispering) te got everything?
Rachel: Yeah, I think so.
Ross: Tickets?
Rachel: Yep.
Ross: Baby bag?
Rachel: Check.
Ross: Feel like were missing something.
Rachel: Were not sweetie. We have everything. Hello I lived with Mon I know what I'm doing. She taught me everything.
Ross: Right. I always made fun of her, so she never taught me...
Rachel: Okay so we'll drop her off at Mon's, it's not too early right?
Ross: Just for Chandler. Monica always wakes up at the crack of dawn.
Rachel: "Early bird gets the worm."
Ross: But yeah, it should be fine. ::looks at watch:: It's what seven? Almost eight? She should be up da now.
(Rachel picked up Emma's car sede, sedile with her baby bag and one of the luggage while Ross carried the rest. They were walking out the door when they spoke the last time:)
Rachel: Wouldn't Monica wake up Chandler though?
Ross: Nah, it's Friday. He stayed up watching porn last night.

(Opening Credits)

(The scene fades to Monica's apartment. She's at the table, drinking coffee, in her PJ's. Then Ross and Rachel walk in)
Monica: (whispers) Is she sleeping?
Ross: Yeah. She woke up early this morning so she won't be awake for a couple of hours.
Monica: Oh okay, just put her with the twins then.
(Ross unbuckled Emma from her car sede, sedile and took her into the kids' bedroom.)
Rachel: Okay here's a spare key just in case we forgot to bring something for her, and here's the baby bag.
Monica: ::taking stuff:: What time is your flight?
Rachel: It's at quarter to ten. It'll take us about fifteen minuti to get there, maybe a half hour. We want to be there early so we can eat breakfast. We haven't eaten yet.
Monica: Ooh. Honey there's supposed to be a severe thunderstorm today. It's supposed to be all day. I thought te guys were leaving at night?
Rachel: No, we were going to but they were all booked. Oh my God, what are we going to do?
Ross: ::walking out of room:: About what?
Rachel: There's supposed to be a severe thunderstorm today. Like all day.
Ross: What? No! Chances are they're going to cancella the flight.
Rachel: So what do te want to do?
Monica: te guys can try. Sometimes they just delay the flight. See if the storm is that bad. If it's not that bad, te can still go.
Ross: I don't want to take the chances. See I want to live to see my son.
Monica: --s. Your son's te have one te want to see the other--
Ross: I still want to live!
Rachel: I think that's our best bet. We can just wait there if it's delayed and when it finally opens up we can go.
(They begin to leave)
Monica: Don't die!
(Ross glares back while Rachel smirks. Then the scene fades to Joey's apartment. He's asleep on the divano with his mouth wide open covered in Cheetos powder, with a bag of Cheetos in his hand.)

(Knock on the door)

(Joey jolted upright, surprised from the loud knock, and the bag of Cheetos fly everywhere onto the floor.)

Jamie: Joey? It's me!
(His eyes widen and he picks up and eats all the Cheetos off the floor. Then he sprints into the bathroom washing his hands and face, then runs out throws away the bag and goes to the door. He fixes himself up a bit then opens the door, casually)

Joey: ciao Jayms.
(He had a nickname for her already. Although it sounded like a guys name)
Jamie: ciao ::kisses him::
Joey: What's up I thought we were supposed to meet later in the afternoon like around two.
Jamie: Sweetie, it is two.
Joey: What?!?
Jamie: It's okay. That's not why I'm here though.
Joey: Oh, what's up? ::sits on edge of recliner::
Jamie: Well see, since I'm new at being a teacher, I'm still earning my masters degree. And I'll be really busy for a few months going to early and late seminars and studying.
Joey: Mmhmm.
Jamie: And I won't be seeing much of te in these successivo few months because I have to get the things I need done. I have a lot of stuff to take care of and, I mean I don't want to break up I just need to take a step back in our relationship. No, più like..Just we can't see each other as much as I want to.
Joey: Oh, well of course. I understand. Your career is very important to te and te want to do the best te can so uh. Yeah I uh--We can do that yeah.
Jamie: Now remember this is only for a couple months okay? We can still see each other. te can visit me and I'll visit you. We just have to call.
Joey: Fair 'nough.
Jamie: So I have to go to a seminar in a half an ora so, I'll just--
Joey: I'll call you.
Jamie: Great. Bye.
(She smiles at him walking out and as she walks out Chandler walks in)
Jamie: Bye Chandler
Chandler: Hi? Bye Jamie?
(Joey lays back on recliner)
Chandler: Thought te guys had a date?
Joey: We did. But uh, she has stuff to do.
Chandler: What do te mean?
Joey: Well she's knew at this ::air quotes:: "teacher thing" and she has to go to all these boring seminars and she has to ::air quotes:: "study". So she canceled our date.
Chandler: Well it's okay. It's just one date.
Joey: Nope not just one. This is gonna be like this for months. She getting her Matters degree o something like that.
Chandler: Masters?
Joey: Yeah, whatever. I just. I Amore spending time with her, te know? She's the best and hottest girlfriend I ever had. She's even better than Rach was.
Chandler: Really?
Joey: Well, she's not as hot as her but better relationship yeah. None of her ex-boyfriends/husbands invite us to cena parties to watch them get drunk.
Chandler: So what are te going to do?
Joey: I don't know. I mean, I can still spend time with her, but not much. I mean, its Jamie te know?
Chandler: All te can do Joe is make the best of it. Spend every opportunity te can get with her, I mean, If te Amore her that much.
Joey: No I do. I so--do. Ha, do. DO. DO DO. Hahaha.
Chandler: I finally understand what she sees in you--no, no that's still vaguely said.
(The scene fades to Monica's apartment where Monica and Chandler and Monica are watching TV and the kids are in the playpen.)
Emma: Auntie Momica?
Chandler: (sarcastically) Whoa! Who was that?
Monica: Yeah sweetie?
Emma: Where's Mommy and Daddy?
Monica: Oh, they--they went on vacation. They went to go somewhere.
Emma: Oh. When they be back?
Chandler: They'll be back soon sweetie.
Emma: Oh. Okay.
Monica: She is so cute. I wonder how Jack, Erica and the baby will sound like when they're older...
Chandler: God I hope our baby isn't a boy...If he's anything like me when I went through puberty...His voice won't drop till he's fifteen! Dear God.
Monica: We can change the subject now.
Chandler: What time's the dinner?
Monica: Six.
Chandler: Why do we have to go again?
Monica: The guys at work planned it not me. They want to celebrate someone's birthday. So WE have to go. We'll just drop the kids off at Phoebe's.
Chandler: Why not Joe?
Monica: Remember the last time? Jack got a hold of Joey's romance magazine's? We had to get him one of my magazine's so he'd let go.
Chandler: Oh right. Well that was a while fa but whatever. Phoebe and Mike's it is.
Monica: Why do te want Joey to take the kids so bad?
Chandler: I just want him preoccupied with something. Jamie canceled the data tonight.
Monica: Oh, why?
Chandler: She's busy. She needs to take care of stuff, she's getting her Masters.
Monica: Oh.
Chandler: He's going to be lonely for a while so I want to keep him occupied with other things so he's not tempted to go selling anymore oats if te know what I mean.
Monica: Sweetie, I always know what te mean. But, I guess we can leave the kids with him. Besides that magazine incident, he's a really good babysitter.
Chandler: Thanks.
Monica: But if Jack o Erica o even Emma get a hold of any inappropriate items of any kind--!
Chandler: Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't get melodramatic on me now.
(The scene fades to the airport. Rachel is falling asleep on a bench waiting for Ross. Her head bops up and down. He comes back after a few minutes. She nearly fell over but luckily Ross was there to hold her up. After that she didn't go back to sleep. She listened to what Ross had to say)
Ross: They detto it's really bad outside. Here and over da Hawaii. So we'll be here for a few hours.
Rachel: Are we the only ones like is it just our plane?
Ross: No there are other planes delayed too but not as long as ours. It's bad on both sides for us.
Rachel: Mm. What time is it?
Ross: Quarter to six.
Rachel: Boy this is shaping up to be a good honeymoon.
(Rachel just rests her head on his shoulder. The scene fades to Joey's apartment. He's drinking birra at the counter when Monica and Chandler walk in.)
Chandler: ciao Joe
Monica: Can te watch the kids for an ora o so?
Joey?: Sure. Where te two going?
Chandler: cena party.
Joey: Sure I'll take care of them, and yes Mon I know not like the last time.
Monica: And same goes--
Joey: --For Emma I know. That condom thing was Chandler's fault. He left them out in the first place!
Monica: ::mouth opens, stares at Chandler and points finger:: te should be glad that I Amore you. Otherwise--
Chandler: Okay! Were going to go now? We'll be back in an ora o so.
Monica: Here's our spare key, just in case te lock yourself out-again. The kids are playing in the playpen. They already ate and we changed them so they're going to knock out soon. Put the twins in the culla, presepe and just put Emma on the bed. They should be asleep da the time we get home. Oh and--
Chandler: ::pulling Monica:: Now were going to go now because we know our loving friend Joey will take care of our kids and we'll see te later.
(Joey follows them out the door and heads into their apartment. The kids are laughing and playing in the playpen. Their voices sound weaker so it means they're getting tired. So Joey goes to them and picks up Erica and Jack. He puts them in the culla, presepe and tucks them in. He then goes back for Emma, whose still wide awake.)
Joey: te sleepy yet Em?
(She nods her head no)
Joey: Okay. Here. ::picks up Emma:: Come here girl. Let's sit on the divano together okay? Let's watch some TV. Let's see what can we watch here. No..No..NO..Whoa close your eyes! No--Here. ::Turns off TV::
(They walk into the bedroom with the twins quietly enough not the wake them up. Joey lays back on the letto beside the cribs)
Joey: (whispering) Here, lay down on my chest. There. Now, let's have a talk here. Who am I?
Emma: (sleepily) Uckle Joe.
Joey: (whispering) That's my girl. Mommy and Daddy are going somewhere for a while and Uncle Chandler and Auntie Monica went to cena so your stuck with me okay? te having fun?
(She was asleep. So he just continued to pet her head.)
Joey: Night sweetie.
(He kisses her on her head and closes his eyes. The scene fades to the airport. It's already past seven and there's very few people left. Outside, te can see lightning everywhere. Bolts of lightning just shoot down, down and down with the strong thunder following. Rachel is asleep on Ross' shoulder while he reads magazines. He constantly looks at the board, waiting for "Flight 421, Hawaii" to turn from "Delayed" to "On Time". After a few minutes, Rachel wakes up. But looking at the board, she closes her eyes again)
Rachel: What time is it.
Ross: Past seven.
Rachel: God.
Ross: Come on Rach. Cheer up. Were going to go soon.
P.A.: Flight 421, Hawaii will be delayed till tomorrow morning at eight o'clock. We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience. Enjoy your flight.
Ross: Okay maybe were going in a little bit...
(Rachel sighs)
Ross: Come on Rach. Please cheer up? It's our honeymoon.
Rachel: te know, after all the weddings you've gone through, I would've expected te to know what a honeymoon is.
(Ross just stares at her and she looks away. The Way te Look Tonight, Tony Bennett version, begins to play on P.A.)
Ross: Does it sound familiar?
(Ross looks up and gets off bench)
Ross: ::holds out hand:: Come on, let's dance.
(Rachel takes his hand and gets up. They begin to dance. As the song plays, he gently sways her from side to side, holding her in an embrace. People gaze at them dancing as Ross sings along)

Ross: "Someday, when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold, I will feel a glow, just thinking of you, and the way te look tonight. Oh but your lovely, with your smile so warm, and your cheeks so soft, there is nothing for me, but, to Amore you, just the way te look tonight. With each word your tenderness grows, tearing my fears apa--"
Rachel: Sweetie te have a horrible voice. Stop singing. Just dance-Dance with me.
(As they danced te could see, più lightning struck down onto the Earth with the rain pouring. The scene fades to a fancy house. Everything was decorated with jewel tones and there were elegant curtains draped all over. Statues and long banisters were all over. This was one elegant house. Everyone had finished dinner. The party was over and Monica and Chandler were leaving. They walked out of the house, looking at each other in shock, while Chandler attempted to keep Monica out of the rain.
Chandler: So how much do te get payed?
Monica: No, its not his pay. It's inheritance from his parents. It's like they've been crapping money their whole life!
Chandler: There's something new te didn't know about te co-worker. "Hey, I'm filthy rich, but I still get money from a low paying job that's worth completely nothing!" Walk a little faster I don't want te to get sick.
(They continued this conversation all the way home. Monica and Chandler walked through the door and found everything quiet. Monica was in a sudden panic not to see Joey anywhere. She flung off her giacca and walked quickly into the kids bedroom. She looked through the darkness and could make out all of them. Her body became slightly limp as if in a physical relief.)
Monica: (whispering) Chandler! Come here. Look.
(Chandler and Monica just stood in the doorway smiling at all of them.)
Monica: Go wake up Joey. He has to sleep properly.
Chandler: It's okay Mon. Just leave him there. It looks sweet. He doesn't sposta in his sleep so she'll be fine.
Monica: Well he has to wake up sometime. te wake him up tomorrow so he can go to work.
Chandler: Fine with me. Man. Our kids!
(The scene fades into the morning. Ross and Rachel are asleep underneath their jackets on the luggage claim. A couple security guards are hovering above them waiting for them to wake up. Rachel woke up and saw the security guards around them. She nudged Ross to wake him up. At first he just smiled and looked at her but then he realized all of the security guards. They both quickly got up covering themselves with their clothes. They gave embarrassing smiles to them)

Ross: And I hope te enjoy your flight.

(Closing Credits)

[Rachel tugged him away and they made their way to the bathroom]
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