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So this is a sequel to “Stacy’s Return.” If te haven’t read “Stacy’s Return” I highly suggest it because te may be a little lost, but te should still be able to follow this if te haven’t. Stacy’s Return was written in between the airings of Braveheart and Known Unknowns so everything taking place after Braveheart does not exist in this alternate House world (lol).
I also want to clear up a numerical error I made in the last chapter of Stacy’s Return: October/October. It says 15 months later but it should have detto 17 months. Rachel should be 2 years and 10 months older than Amber. This story is taking place 10 years and 2 months later meaning that in this story Amber has just turned 10 and Rachel is 2 months from turning 13. Because Rachel’s birthday is in December, she was held out a anno from school so she’s only in 7th grade. Amber was not held out the extra year, so she is in 5th grade.
P.S. This is a HUDDY fanfic but Rachel and Amber are technically the main characters. Also, te all know I Amore to write stuff as much in character as possible but parts of this may be a little OOC because of the time gap and the fact that I have no idea how House and Cuddy would be as parents. I’m gonna try my best though!

    “Catch Dad!” House looked up just in time to see a softball hurling at him from across the room. He put his hands out just in time and barely caught it. He sighed and shot Rachel a look. “Geez woman!”
    Rachel dumped her backpack on the floor and collapsed into a chair in front of House’s desk. “Whatcha doing?”
    House turned his computer monitor off quickly. “Nothing. Just…checking emails.”
    “Righttt” Rachel smirked. She picked up House’s red ball from his scrivania, reception and twirled it around in her hands.
    “Can I help you?” House asked. “What are te doing here anyway?”
    “Ummm…its 5 o clock. Duh! Aunt Amy picked us up from school and brought us here after practice.”
    House frowned and looked down at his watch. “Oh. I didn’t realize it was so late.”
    Rachel continued to sit there and twirl the ball around in her hands.
    House sighed and folded his hands behind his neck, leaning back in his chair. “Why are te still in here? What do te want?”
    Rachel didn’t look up at House but stared at the ball. “I heard te and Mom fighting again last night.” She glanced up at House quickly before looking down again.
    House detto nothing and stared at Rachel instead. “We…yeah.”
    Rachel looked up at House. “Are te gonna diviso, spalato up?”
    “No!” House detto rather angrily. Rachel looked taken aback da the anger.
    “I mean…look. Couples fight all the time. te don’t need to worry about it okay?”
    Rachel sighed. “Alright. Would te guys tell me if anything was wrong?”
    “Do I lie to you?” House asked.
    Rachel gave a little smile. “No. Never.”
    House gave a little smile back and turned back to his computer screen. “Now if te don’t mind…I have some…work to get back to.”
    “Actually…I was wondering if te could help me with my math homework.” Rachel grimaced and pulled out her test. A big red D was written across the top.
    “Has your mother seen this?” House asked, grimacing back.
    Rachel shook her head. “Can te please just sign it and not tell her? She’s going to kill me!”
    House gave her a look. “Alright. Fine, just this once. JUST because te have a big game on Saturday.”
    “Thanks Dad,” Rachel sighed with relief.
“Why don’t te get Amber to help you?”
Rachel plopped the ball down, loudly, in its place. “No thanks.”
House looked up at her. “Why not?”
“Because. She’s a snot! She just tells me I’m stupid anyway.” Rachel grabbed the signed test out of House’s hands and got up while shoving it in her backpack.
House rolled his eyes and got up from his desk. “Am I sensing some issues with your sister?”
“No.” Rachel zipped up her backpack loudly and swung it onto her back.
“Rachel. Stop deflecting.” House grabbed her backpack and stopped her from walking out the door.
Rachel wrenched herself from House’s grip. “Leave me alone.”
“Fine. Whatever.” House turned away from her and walked back over to his desk, sitting down. He picked up a file and began picking through it. He waited about a minuto and looked back up, and Rachel was still standing there. House, frowning, put his folder down on the scrivania, reception when he noticed Rachel was trying not to cry.
“What’s REALLY going on?” House asked.
Rachel burst into tears. House sighed, got back up from his scrivania, reception and limped over to Rachel, sitting her down on the ottoman. He sat down on his chair and leaned inoltrare, avanti on his arms, waiting.
Rachel continued to cry for a couple minuti before wiping her tears. “You wouldn’t understand Dad.”
“Try me.”
“Well there’s this boy…Adam. He’s in 6th grade. I really like him and he’s really smart. But I’m not pretty. He doesn’t even notice me. And today I saw him talking to Amber da her locker. She’s only 10 years old!” Rachel sniffled.
“Ok Rachel look. First of all, your mother is not going to let Amber data this kid. She’s too young. secondo of all, where do te get off thinking your ugly?” House looked at her in confusion.
Rachel wiped her sleeve across her eyes. “I’m stupid too. I didn’t get the ‘smart genes’.” Rachel finished the last part of her sentence bitterly.
“Oh please!” House threw his hands into the air. “Last time I checked te had a 98 in English class! And te can sing! The rest of us sound like dying pigs!”
Rachel couldn’t help giggling a little but she sobered right back up. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Oh I see so now you’re feeling sorry for yourself.”
“Hey look who’s talking!” Rachel shot back.
House opened his mouth and then shut it again. “Good point. But te don’t have the excuse I do. Now stop moping and go tap that.”
“Dad!” Rachel slapped his arm. She suddenly threw her arms around him, tightly. “Thanks Dad.”
House couldn’t help smiling a bit. “For what?”
“For not being mushy. o being an asshole.”
“Hey, te better not say that in front of your mom. She’ll kill you.” House said.
Rachel smiled. “That’s why I don’t say anything in front of her!”

    Amber threw Cuddy’s doors open and waltzed in slamming the door behind her. Cuddy jumped and threw her pen down on her desk. “Sheesh does anyone in this family know how to knock?”
    Amber grinned and tossed her backpack on the couch. “How was your day, Mom?”
    “Good,” Cuddy detto casually. “Where’s your sister?”
    Amber shrugged. “I think she’s with Dad. Aunt Amy brought us from practice.”
    “How did practice go?” Cuddy folded her hands and looked up at her daughter.
    Amber shrugged. “It was alright. We almost dropped Brittany. She’s getting heavy; I think we need a new flyer.”
    Cuddy raised her eyebrows. “What do te mean she’s “getting heavy?”
    “She’s getting heavy,” Amber reiterated. “She’s gained some weight in the past couple of months.”
    “Well….just remember to be nice. I’m sure she’s trying her best.”
    “Yeah yeah,” Amber shrugged it off and crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair. “Umm…Mom?”
    “Yes sweetie.”
    “Rachel and I…we ummm….we heard te and Dad fighting again last night.”
    Cuddy looked up, but Amber had suddenly grown really interested in her rosa nail polish. Cuddy sighed and put her head in her hands. “I’m sorry Am. We shouldn’t have been so loud. And we...we shouldn’t have been fighting.” Cuddy looked up at Amber, like she was about to cry.
    “Oh Mom don’t start crying!” Amber got up and walked over to her mom’s desk, sitting on her lap and giving her a big hug. “We were just worried.”
    Cuddy smiled and took a deep breath. “I appreciate it. But…everything’s going to be okay.”
    Amber kissed her mother on the cheek and got up. “I’ll let te get back to work.” She walked over to her backpack and got her homework out. “Mrs. Roberts thinks that I need to jump up a math class again in math.”
    “But Am you’re already on a 7th grade level!”
    Amber shrugged. “It’s easy.”
    Cuddy grinned. “Maybe te should take the extra time to get that English grade up.”
    “It’s only an 83!”
    Cuddy gave her a look. “Maybe te should get Rachel to help you.”
    Amber rolled her eyes. “Yeah right. She’s just going to tell me I’m dumb. It’s not worth my time.”
    Cuddy shrugged and went back to her paperwork. Mother and daughter continued in this way for a few minuti before Amber sighed and put her pencil down. “Mom. There’s this boy…”
    Cuddy looked up, amused, at her younger daughter. “Who is he?”
    “Well…his name is Adam. He’s in 6th grade. He is really sweet AND he’s a football player! I really like him.”
    “Sweetie, you’re only in fifth grade. te should wait a couple più years before te start thinking about dating!”
    Amber pouted. “But he’s so cute! da the time a couple più years passes he’ll have a girlfriend!”
    Cuddy sighed. “I’ll talk te your father about it, Am, okay? I think you’re too young but maybe a harmless little data between children would be alright.”
    Amber smiled. “You’re the best.”
    “I try,” Cuddy grinned.
    Suddenly, Cuddy’s doors banged open loudly and she and Amber jumped. House waltzed in followed da Rachel. Cuddy rolled her eyes. “You know…one giorno te guys are going to walk in on something te shouldn’t.”
    House raised his eyebrows a couple of times at Cuddy suggestively and she smiled a little.

    Rachel stabbed at her peas and sighed, resting her head on her hand.
    Cuddy cleared her throat loudly. “So...Rach. How was your giorno at school?”
    “Fine.” Rachel shrugged and stabbed at her peas again.
    Cuddy pursed her lips and nodded before turning back to her plate.
    “She got a D on her math test,” Amber added.
    Rachel glared at her sister and punched her in the arm, hard.
    “OW!” Amber yelled.
    “Rachel?” Cuddy asked her daughter. “Is this true?”
    Rachel turned back to her plate and stabbed even harder at her peas and didn’t answer.
    “Rachel Joy Cuddy. What is going on?”
    Rachel slammed her fork down on the table. “I studied. As hard as I could. And I still got a D. I’m sorry.” She picked her fork back up and went back to stabbing at her peas.
    Cuddy groaned and put her head in her hands. “Rachel…we studied for hours…”
    House touched Cuddy’s arm. “She’s…she’s going to have Amber help her successivo time.” House shot Rachel a look. Rachel looked at her sister and glared viciously again but Amber had her arms folded and was looking at a spot on the bacheca in the distance.
    Cuddy picked her head from out of her hands. “That’s a good idea. And Rachel te can help Amber with her English.” Cuddy went back to her Cibo and missed the anger between her daughters that passed. But House didn’t.

    “Why did te tell them?!” Rachel yelled at her sister. “Why?! That was the brattiest little sister thing to do ever!!!!”
    “Mom needed to know!” Amber reiterated.
    “No! She didn’t! She doesn’t need to think any less of me than she already does!”
    “Oh come on! She’s your mother, she loves you,” Amber said.
    “Yeah but she loves te more, you’re her own child!”
    “Well Dad loves te more!” Amber argued back.
    Rachel sighed angrily. “You know what? I don’t even care. I’m going to my room. I’ve got a big giorno tomorrow, get lost.”
    “What do te mean te have a big giorno tomorrow?” Amber smirked. “What? Your big softball game?”
    “No.” Rachel detto matter-o-factly and crossed her arms, leaning against the doorframe of her room.
    “What? A boy then?” Amber crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe as well.
    “Maybe, maybe not.” Rachel added.
    “Well…maybe I have a big giorno tomorrow too then,” Amber added.
    Rachel’s smile dropped from her face. “Who?”
    Amber smiled. “Just…a guy.”
    “You’re ten years old!” Rachel exclaimed.
    “You’re barely thirteen!” Amber yelled back.
    “That’s much older than ten!” Rachel shouted.
    “Why are te so defensive anyway? Afraid that we like the same guy?” Amber mocked.
    Rachel looked at her sister dead in the face. “Are. You. Kidding. Me?!”
    Amber looked back at her sister. “No. te can’t….Adam?”
    Rachel banged her hand angrily on the doorframe. “How did I know this was going to happen?! You’re much too young to be dating.”
    “Excuse me?! Mom detto that maybe it would be ok!!!”
    “Mom said?! Dad detto it was fine with him!!!” Rachel screamed.
    “WHOA!” Cuddy came tearing up the steps. “WHAT is going on?!”
    “Is this true Mom? Did te tell Amber that it would be ok if she dated Adam?!” Rachel cried.
    “Well…I…maybe…she…what?” Cuddy spluttered.
    “Mom, Rachel likes Adam too!” Amber yelled.
    “Tell her I’m older and he’s mine!” Rachel shouted.
    “Shut up te stupid butthead!” Amber screamed.
    “GIRLS!!!!!” Cuddy yelled. “We need to talk this out. Now I DID talk to Amber this afternoon but…”
    “I KNEW IT!” Rachel burst into tears. “You’ve always loved Amber più because she’s your own kid. I hate te both!” She went into the room and slammed the door so hard that it shook the frame.
    Cuddy looked at Amber exasperated. “Go to your room. And stay there. We will deal with this once Rachel has cooled down.”

    “I don’t know what else we can do!” Cuddy practically chucked her camicetta into the hamper. “They hate each other! Why can’t they just get along?!”
    “They have opposite personalities. They’re going to fight. Why are te so upset about this?” House asked. He was lying on their letto in his boxers Leggere a magazine.
    “Because they were screaming at each other. Rachel nearly tore the door off its hinges.”
    “I know I heard,” House detto nonchalantly.
    Cuddy looked at him with her hands on her hips. “You mean to tell me that te heard all of this and didn’t come to back me up?”
    “You had it handled,” House responded. “And like I can get up those steps that fast.”
    Cuddy rolled her eyes. “Please.” She walked into the bathroom. “Did te talk to Rachel this afternoon?”
    “What did she say?”
    “Well…she didn’t want te to find out about that math test.”
    “And te wouldn’t have told me?” Cuddy came out of the bathroom with white face cream all over her face that she was rubbing on.
    “Nope.” House flipped a page in his magazine.
    Cuddy rolled her eyes and sighed, walking back into the bathroom. “I would have found out eventually! And I deserved to know!”
    “You would have freaked out! Like te did at the cena table.”
    “Oh please! I didn’t freak out!”
    “You used her full name!” House detto irritably.
    Cuddy came out of the bathroom, now with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth. “So?”
    House looked over at her. “Do te really HAVE to do all of that before bedtime?”
    Cuddy took the toothbrush out of her mouth. “Are te serious?” Cuddy snapped and went back inside the bathroom. She came back out a moment later. “Do te have to be so nasty?”
    “I wasn’t being nasty! Geez te always jump to conclusions!” House closed the magazine angrily and threw it on the ground. “I’m going to bed.”
    “Ummm…excuse me! We aren’t done here!” Cuddy exclaimed.
    House rolled over. “Ok. Fine. What else do te want to talk about?”
    “Rachel and Amber. And this boy. What do we do about it?”
    “Easy. Rachel gets him, she’s older. End of story. Good night.” House rolled back over on his side but Cuddy grabbed his arm. “That’s it? That’s just…it?”
    House barely glanced at her. “Yeah…that’s it.”
    “What about Amber?! And her feelings?” Cuddy cried.
    “She just turned ten years old! She’s barely old enough to know what sex is! She’s still in elementary school! The answer is no!” House nearly yelled.
    “This is just it!” Cuddy yelled. “You never even listen to me anymore!!! This is not what couples do! They talk to each other!”
    “I AM talking to you!” House yelled. “I told te my decision! And it’s final! Now go to bed!”
    “NO!” Cuddy yelled.
    House sat boltright up in bed. “What?! What do te want from me? Huh? To favor the daughter that YOU’VE favored for the past 10 years?!”
    “What?!” Cuddy leaped out of the bed. “How dare you!! I Amore Rachel just as much as Amber. That’s an awful thing to say!”
    “Well it’s the truth! I don’t lie!” House yelled back.
    “You know what?! te know what…you’re…you’re IMPOSSIBLE!”
    Amber stuck her head outside the door and saw Rachel standing at their parent’s bedroom. Amber walked up slowly and looked over at her sister. Tears were streaming down from Rachel’s face and Amber winced as she heard her mother’s piercing voice yelling above her father’s lower harsh one.
    Amber gently took her sisters arm and pulled her away from the door. “We have to do something.”
    “Go away I don’t want to talk to you!” Rachel whispered whispered fiercely.
    “Rach, please” Amber begged. “We have to do something!”
    Rachel sniffed and looked back at the door and then at her sister. “Alright. What do we do?”
    Amber watched the door as she talked to her sister. “Call Uncle Jamey and Aunt Amy. Now.”

So I know this is kind of depressing first chapter, but I’m starting from the bottom and moving up! lol I need te all to let me know if te like this and whether I should keep going. Also if te have any ideas be sure to let me know!
Wilson: She’s emotional and hormonal. She doesn’t know what she wants.

House: I know when to blame it on hormones. What she told te was the truth.

(Wilson could see House was upset about it but wouldn’t dare mostra it.)

Wilson: So what are te going to do?

(House met Wilson’s eyes.)

House: Nothing.


(House came out of the elevator, and collected some notes from the reception. He looked into the clinic and could see Cuddy standing there. He wanted to go over and look after her-but he stopped himself. Instead, he walked off unbeknownst to him Cuddy watched him walk away with a feeling...
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posted by huddyforever
"Well, that went well." House said. "Yeah. Real well." Cuddy detto sarcastically. "No. Seriously. Considering the hate she had for you, it went REAL well." House detto with a grin. Cuddy just gave him a look. "Well, dead people to save." House said. "Yeah, I got lawyers to deal with...again. te have to stop telling couples that one of them is cheating. te can think that just don't speak it." Cuddy detto stopping him and pulling him into a dark spot of the hallway. House looked at her with all the Amore in the world in his eyes. Cuddy smiled and blushed. "Stop that." Cuddy said. "Stop what?" "Staring...
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Chapter 13 - Bad luck! Maybe not so bad –

After such a night, with so many emotions, Cuddy was still shaking. The kiss! Feeling him so close... his smell... his touch! She knew that the successivo giorno had to come, even though she rather stayed in that night forever. Dealing with him was inevitable; after all, he was her employee.

She made sure nothing she needed was left behind; grabbed her car keys and headed out. Her metallic silver Lexus was waiting for the usual ride to the hospital.

She drove for three minuti before the rain started. Three minuti later and the droplets crashed against car as...
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Ok guys I'm not gonna be able to update for like 3-4 days. Sorry!! With Natale and family te know CRAZYYY!!!! So, this will be my Natale present to you. I'll make it really long and awesome!! ♥Merry Christmas♥ ♥Happy Holidays♥ -Kenzie (XhuddyobsessedX)
*Cuddy started to run. House limped/ran*

Are te trying to loose me? o are te just trying to rub it in that te can run faster than me?

*SHe slowed and turned around* Sorry...wait where the hell is your cain?

I wasn't thinking I just jumped off the bridge and forgot it.

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The Huddies and PLH arrived at PPTH at approximately 4 PM that following day. It was easy to get there quickly because they had their own private jet. Yes, they are THAT awesome. A plan was formulated, da guess who... that's right, Cuddles!! The plan was complex and might even put them in danger. They had to... go in through the doors and walk up the stairs instead of the elevators! Shocker? Yes. Stupid? Yes. Crazy? Maybe... ok, yes.
"Ok guys, we're splitting up into groups of three. Fruity, K, pkp, te guys are Team Alpha. bb, Cuddles, p_r, te guys are team Beta-"
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(Wilson awoke to the sound of loud banging on his door.)

Wilson: I swear to God.

(House had decided to go to Wilson’s for some advice. It was 2am.)

Wilson: What?!

House: I did it again.

(Wilson closed the door while House lay down on the sofa.)

Wilson: House. te really must think before te act.

House: I told her I loved her.

Wilson: Do you?

House: Its not relevant

Wilson: I think it kinda is.

(Wilson sat on the poltrona across from him.)

House: I don’t know.

Wilson: House, just enjoy it. Don’t obsess about what could go wrong.

House: Tell me something useful!

(Wilson got up and went back to letto while...
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House arrived at his office early the successivo day-to find something on his desk.

(House put his rucksack on the chair and lent his cane on the scrivania, reception and rattled the big box, with a red ribbon tied around it. House opened it and out popped a yellow smiley face balloon.)

House: What the hell?

House noticed a tag on the box, it read:

‘Wishing te a Happy Christmas,

Cameron: Nice balloon.

(House turned around, and saw an annoyed Cameron.)

House: Why are te here, did te send me this?

Cameron: I’d of thought your new girlfriend sent it to you.

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 He looked...
He looked...
WOW SERIOUSLY WOW HOT. Just need to get that out there, hottest baciare ever. Admittedly im bias, but still... check these link the actual hot baciare is somewhere in the middle... xD

Basically this ep is a huge huddy ep ( ahha, i bet your going DUH now.. just keep on reading) not ONLy because of the totally hot kiss, but because o the words and the tones and the Citazioni and the impact it has on there lives... i mean, reinforcing the impact thing were the Citazioni for the promo, “ Last night..” must have been detto some many times its un true. Thats because “last night “has a huge impact on...
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Cuddy was sitting on the sofa stroking the plush teddy bear. Her eyes were swollen red from all the tears she had shed since losing baby Joy earlier that day. The baby died along with the mother. The infection was too much for either of their systems. How cruel and ironic could life be? Only two years fa she was able to save a mother and her child when all odds were against them. Why was she not allowed the same happiness of saving the life of her soon to be adopted daughter? Why was she always left so unlucky?
Knock. Knock.
Cuddy was taken from her thoughts as she heard a steady banging at...
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Wrap my arms
Around your name
Feel your breath
Against my pain
As I breathe out the past is gone

Was it possible? House was trying to find a decent song on the radio when those lyrics hit him. They were so perfect.

Empty smile
Naked heart
Who I Was
Falls apart
When you're here inside of me

Cuddy was in her car, resting her head against the sede, sedile and listening to this particular song that was so accurate about... so many things.

I'm losing myself just to find a place in your mind
In your mind
Changing myself just to stand along in your eyes
In your eyes... pull me in
Take me out
Make me over

After the baciare they...
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posted by Fabouluz
Cuddy and House

HUDDY gets found out da the team; when they get caught in a compromised position while making out in PPH.

House sneaks into Cuddy’s office and leaves a little note in her desk; signed with a funny euphemism. No one knows anything about their relationship except for Wilson; who only knows about the infamous kiss.

(Cuddy walks into her office early in the morning and puts her ventiquattrore, sincronia file on her desk, before opening her scrivania, reception drawer to find the note from House.)

Clinic at 12. Room 3. Patient with the obviously large metaphor.

(Cuddy smiles and puts it in her pocket. Wilson walks in.)...
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ciao Guys! HS o Regi here! te must not know me unless te were over the Huddy fandom since the Joy kiss, because I’ve been absent of the Huddy fandom since the beginning of season 6 and this is why: Our fandom is slowly dying and the ones that aren’t dying are being killed da others.

So, I decided to explain te my experience da relating everything to the five stages before death: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Here’s how the story rolls:

DENIAL (aka OMG! This can’t be happening! It’s not happening!)

Before the season began, we were already receiving spoilers...
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Sorry for the wait, busy-busy-busy. This is part two of the fic. If te didn't catch the first, te can find it here, o on the House Spot. Part three coming soon.

18 years ago

Hacy_Huddy Era - After college
Hacy - First three years
After college, House received a job offer at a hospital in New Jersey. Leaving abruptly and without notice, his parents, especially his father, were outraged. They had repeatedly called him asking about his whereabouts, but he just allowed them to make their phone calls and leave their voicemails. But after a few...
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Okay people, here are the final lyrics I've decided on. Please tell me what te think about them. I am working on a melody with my chitarra right now. I can't actually play, but I can strum out what sounds good. It's the same with the piano. I can actually write bars of music, so that's not a problem.

There’s not enough time, there’s not enough time
To tell te everything I want to.
There’s not enough time, there’s not enough time
So I’ll simply say I demand you.

The world is speeding up
And I am loosing you
My mind is slowing down
You detto that we are through
But this can’t be it
I’ve got...
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posted by youngblood
Okay, this poem is basically in Cuddy's POV kind of to House. I wrote it to be kind of Cuddy's personal thing, but of course, it turned into Huddy. My first articolo on this spot AND Huddy poem, so please tell me what te think! It's short and might be a bit confusing at first, but here it goes;

And that's all I ever wanted.
How did I get here?
Just crying in an empty room
Once again a vacant world to me
I'm hurting and I'm sure te know
I hope, and that's just what i do
That the world could be, just be
What i want it to, another happy ending
Which we both know it won't be
Just hold me, so for a second
I could pretend it is
Could pretend it can
Pretend it could be
And maybe I could Amore you
And pretend i didn't know
That it was one of the few things
I was missing.

I know it kind of sucks, but it's my first and what do te expect?
"You didn't have to come over, Cuddy. I'm fine now."
"House, te blacked out in the middle of a differential. Then te blacked out again when te were with a patient...It seems like what we hoped wouldn't happen has..."
"You think this is from what I did to try and save Amber?"
"We knew there could be bad side effects, irreparable damage to your cognitive skills and brain functions."
House shook his head and sat down on his sofa.
"It's been seven months and I've been fine."
Cuddy sat down successivo to him.
"I just detto it's a possibility we won't know until we do più tests. Don't worry yet."
House leaned...
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lisa edelstein
lisa e
awake on the wild side
added by MoniBolis
Last night
added by Bones_Obsessor
Source: huddyfan09 @ lj
added by Bones_Obsessor
Source: huddyfan09 @ lj