Il Signore degli Anelli LOTR RPG Needs Characters:

RPGmoony posted on May 09, 2010 at 04:55PM
Found on the net:

Lotr rpg needs the following characters:

- Frodo
- Bilbo

- Elrond

- Denethor
- Theoden
- Grima Wormtongue *

- Lothiriel **

- Treebeard
- Witchking
- Ringghosts
- Uruk Hai
- Orcs

* = Requested by Éowyn and others, creepy and stalkative please.
** = Requested by Éomer and others, can decide her own look.

-- These are the most important characters! Please contact Sam to join : link --

Join storyline here: link

Join/ sign up on the site here (copy & paste the link); link
last edited on May 10, 2010 at 09:24AM

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