MountainClan- Clan of the mountains Wall

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Spottedfeather detto …
Hello, I'm Spottedfeather. I'm the deputy of this clan. I'm a gray she-cat with black spots and amber eyes. Anyone is welcome to unisciti my clan just don't be mean to the other cats:) postato più di un anno fa
WarriorCats1234 commentato…
Hello Spotted feather, I'm veloce, swift step with my brother white paw. I am white she cat with longish fur. My eyes are a water blue. My brother has short white pelliccia with one grey paw. When he becomes a warrior, his name will become white cloud. :) più di un anno fa
WarriorCats1234 commentato…
Hi once again, I just had a wonderful idea for a leader. Her name is Morning stella, star a ginger and white she cat with amber eyes. più di un anno fa