Percy Jackson & The Olympians libri Club
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Furies Don’t Like Buses

I untied my pony tail, this time trying not to get the bumps on top.
I grabbed my backpack and shoved my clothes, books, pencils, notepads, and anything I would need on this journey. I wore my bronze coltello on a strap under my arm and shoved my Yankees berretto, tappo in my back pocket.
That was the easy part. The hard part, was saying goodbye to my family. I turned around to face my siblings who all had tears in their eyes.
My five anno old half-sister, Darla tugged on my shirt. “ Annabeth, are te going bye-bye?”
I smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately, “ Just for a while not forever.”
“ Do me a favor and don’t die.” detto Malcolm. “ I don’t think I can handle this whole cabina da myself.” We bumped knuckles.
“ You’re finally going to be able to use all those battle plans .” detto Nikkie. “ Camp isn’t going to be the same without you.”
“ te act like I’m going to die!” I exclaimed laughing a little.
“ It’s possible! What if te don’t retrieve Zeus’s lightning bolt in time? Then what will happen?!”
“ I’ve waited too long for a quest to mess it up. I’m sure te all know that. Remember, Athena always has a plan.”
They nodded. I hugged all of them and detto good-bye.
“ I’ll be back!” I shouted as I ran through the door. “ I promise!”

I went to the camp store to pick up a can of Sprite. I remembered last night when they had dato Percy one hundred dollars and twenty golden drachmas. The coins were about the size of a DVD disc. I wasn’t so sure they should be trusting him with that much money….

Grover had to wear his fake feet and pants for his human disguise. He also wore his green rasta berretto, tappo to cover the tips of his little horns. He stocked up his back pack with apples and tin cans and all those other satyr deceases. He carried a little set of reed pipes that his father had carved for him.
“ Hey, guys.” I detto to Percy and Grover when I finally caught up to them. “ Well I should say Goat-boy and Seaweed Brain.”
“ Hey, Wise Girl.” detto Seaweed Brain.
“ Hi, Annabeth.” replied Goat-Boy.
We waited da Half-Blood collina for Chiron to come. When he did, we walked up the hill, waving to the campers good-bye. Not good bye. I told myself. Just for a while. Not forever.
We waited for Argus to come on superiore, in alto of the collina where Thalia’s albero stood.

“ This is Argus.” Chiron detto to Percy when Argus finally came. “ He will drive te into the city, and ,we well, keep an eye on things.” Argus’ million eyes all blinked at different times. Suddenly we heard foot steps behind us. I turned around to face, none other than Luke. He was carrying a pair of pallacanestro, basket shoes.

“ Hey.” He panted.” Glad I caught you.”
I blushed uncontrollably.
“Just wanted to say good luck.” Luke told Percy. “ And I thought… um, maybe te could use these.”
He handed him the sneakers. Percy felt them. The looked at them. Wait… is he smelling them?
Suddenly, Luke said, “Maia!”
White wings grew from the heels. Percy was so startled, he dropped them. The shoes struggled on the ground then the wings disappeared.
“ Awesome!” Grover exclaimed.
Luke gave us a grin. “ Those served me well on my quest. Gift from Dad. Of course, I don’t use them much these days….” He frowned suddenly Lost in sad memories.

Percy got a strange look on his face, he looked happy and embarrassed at the same time.
“ Hey, man,” Percy said. “ Thanks.”
“ Listen, Percy,” Luke detto uncomfortably. “ A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just… kill some monsters for me, okay?
They shook hands. Luke patted Grover between his horns, like he was a little cucciolo dog. I got a little light headed when Luke gave me a hug.
After that he raced down the mountain. Percy looked at me and said, “ You’re hyperventilating.”
“ Am not.” I replied trying not to mostra my embarrassment.
“ te let him capture the flag didn’t you?”
“ Oh… why do I go anywhere with you, Percy?”
He grinned as I stomped down the other side of the collina and got into the SUV. I stared out the window. Chiron handed Percy a small object and they talked.
I hope he seriously wasn’t going to use those sneakers. They were a death trap. But why should I care?
From the furgone, van I looked at Thalia’s tree. Even now I wondered why. Why Thalia had to be gone. Why the Fates had dato her such a horrible fate. Sometimes I wondered if Thalia’s spirit could still see down that tree. If she could still see me. A tear trickled down my cheek. The funny thing was, I didn’t know weather it was a tear of happiness o sadness.
y y y
Argus drove us into Long Island. I tried to act calm, but the truth was, I was amazed da the outside world. I slapped my Yankees berretto, tappo on my thigh while out of the corner of my eye I was examining all of the people all of the fast Cibo restaurants all of the things I hadn’t seen in so long. I never knew the sight of McDonald’s could make me so happy.
“ So, far so good,” Percy detto to me. “ Ten miles and not a single monster.”

I looked at him and gave him the most irritated look I could muster, I just hope in the process I didn’t look like I had just eaten a lime. “ It’s bad luck to talk that way, Seaweed Brain.”
“ Remind me again - why do te hate me so much?”
“ I don’t hate you.”
“ Could’ve fooled me.”
I folded my cap. “ Look… we’re just not supposed to get along, okay? Our parents are rivals.”
“ Why?”
I sighed. “ How many reasons do te want One time me mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena’s temple, which is hugely disrespectful. Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god for the city of Athens. Your dad created some stupid saltwater spring for his gift. My mom created the oliva tree, The people saw that her gift was way better, so they named the city after her,”
“ They must really like olives.”
I rolled my eyes. “ Oh, forget it.”
“ Now if she’d invented pizza- that I could understand.”
“ I said, forget it!”
I couldn’t tell weather he was joking o not, but I crossed my arms and tried to enjoy the rest of the trip.
At one point, traffic decided to hit, causing us to land in Manhattan at around sunset with rain heading in.
But I forgot all of that as Argus dropped us off at the Greyhound Station on the Upper East Side. As soon as I stepped out of the car, everything hit me. The smells, the strada, via lights, the crowds. So, this was New York.

I helped Argus unpack all of our things. After, he made sure we had gotten our tickets, he left us.
I sighed and grabbed my little backpack. We were on our own now.

We waited for the train to come by. I noticed Percy looking out at
some of the buildings. Grover walked up to them and they started a conversation. I just ignored them. Instead, I took out my architecture book and began reading. Did te know, that the Parthenon uses the Doric Order? The Doric Order is a form of columns it usually has very simple designs.
After a while, we got restless so Percy suggested we play Hacky Sack with one of Grover’s apples. Tossing that mela, apple around was a piece of ambrosia. Percy wasn’t to bad he could pass it on his arm o leg. Although when he tried to pass it with his shoulder, he spent three minuti rubbing it. And I swear on the Styx, I almost fell over laughing when Percy passed the mela, apple to Grover, who became Goatzilla and ate the mela, apple in one huge bite.

After that, the bus finally came. While we waited in line, Grover suddenly got twitchy and started sniffing the air like crazy.
“ What is it?” I heard Percy whisper.
“ I don’t know,” he replied nervously. “ Maybe it’s nothing.”
My shoulders tensed, but I tried to act calm. Once we got on board, Percy found seats for us to all sit together. I nervously slapped my berretto, tappo on my thigh, looking around at our surroundings. Most people were Leggere magazines o libri other passengers were staring out the window. My eyes shifted toward the door where, three old hags came in. They were wearing matching velvet dresses, pizzo gloves, and knit- hats that casted shadows over their ugly faces. There was something familiar about them. I looked closely at their black eyes and realized with a fright, that they were the Furies.
Okay, there were two explanations for the Furies being here. One: they were here to kill us. o two: they were going to L.A. to stella, star in “ Ugly Hags Times Three.”

“ Percy.” I grabbed his knee, trying to get his attention.
He looked around. When he saw the Furies he ducked down, shivering with fear. My hero.

I watched them, as they sat in the front row right behind the driver. They crossed their legs making it clear that nobody was going anywhere.

I glanced at Grover, who’s eyes were bulging out. Okay, Annabeth. I told myself. Calm down. te just need to think this all out. Maybe, if we hide then the Furies will ignore us.
No that would never work. I argued with myself. Furies have an excellent sense of smell, they’d still be able to track us….

But my thoughts were interrupted da Percy’s quivering voice. “ She didn’t stay dead long.” Dude, I detto if te were lucky. te must have done something to luck because te two aren’t exact ally friends. “ I thought te detto they could be dispelled for a lifetime.”

I rolled my eyes. “ I detto if you’re lucky. You’re obviously not.”

“ All three of them.” Grover whispered. “ Di immortals!”
“ It’s okay,” I detto improvising now. “ The Furies. The three worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. No problem. We’ll just slip out the windows.”
“ They don’t open.” Grover detto trying not to shout.
“ A back exit?” I suggested desperately. We looked behind us. There wasn’t one.
“ They won’t attack us with witnesses around.” Percy detto nervously. “ Will they?”

“ Mortals don’t have good eyes.” Listen up everybody, time for another lesson from Miss Annabeth. “ Their brains can only process what they see through the Mist.”

The Mist, is like a magical shield that protects mortals from seeing what’s really happening around them. Such as having a horrible beast from the depths of the Underworld as your teacher.

“ They’ll see three old ladies killing us, won’t they?” he continued.
I thought it over for a moment. “ Hard to say. But we can’t count on mortals for help. Maybe an emergency exit in the roof….?”
They looked at me with raised eyebrows.

Soon we hit the lincoln Tunnel. Everything went completely dark except for the ally of lights down the aisle. All was silent as the pitter patter of rain stopped temporarily.

One of the Furies- whom I guessed was Percy’s former teacher, the famous Mrs. Dodds- got up and announced to the whole bus: “ I need to use the restroom.”
“ So do I.” detto the secondo sister.
“ So do I.” Agreed the third.
They walked down the aisle in a row.
“ I’ve got it.” I detto finally. “ Percy, take my hat.”
“ What?”
“ You’re the one they want. Turn invisible and go up the aisle. Let them pass you. Maybe te can get to the front and get away.”
“ But te guys-”
“ There’s an outside chance they might not notice us.” I interrupted him. We didn‘t have time for domande but considering the fact that his head was clogged up with kelp I guess I could let it slid this time. ” You’re a son of one of the Big Three. Your smell might be overpowering.”
“ I can’t just leave you.” he argued.
“ Don’t worry about us,” Grover said, urging him to go. “ Go!”
He looked terrified as he took the berretto, tappo and disappeared from sight.
Great. I detto to myself. I just put the fate of myself into the hands of a coward.
“ I hope he’ll be okay.” Grover detto nervously as we watched Percy creep down the aisle.

I didn’t answer him. But I’ll admit, I was worried.

Suddenly, the Furies stopped abruptly. Mrs. Dodds looked at one sede, sedile in particular.

After a moment she seemed satisfied and continued on. Grover and I watched them as they walked closer toward us. Again, they stopped and looked directly at us. This time, they didn’t hesitate. I watched in horror as the Furies showed their true form. Their bodies turned into hideous leathery brown skin. Silena would have probably squirted bottles of moisturizer at them. Their handbags transformed into whips that blazed with fire. And their arms transformed into hideous talons.
“ Where is it? Where?” They screeched madly. I was confused. It? What did they mean da ‘It“?
“ He’s not here!” I screamed at them. “ He’s gone!”
The Furies raised their whips.
There was only one thing to do now. I drew my coltello and prepared for battle. Grover grabbed a tin can from his bag and did the same.
Suddenly, the bus jolted back and fourth sending me clashing into Grover.
I almost smiled. This could only be the work of one person. Drum roll please. Perseus Jackson! It’s nice to know his seaweed brain was useful for something.

We raised out knees and let the Furies slam into the window.
The bus continued to run wild. I held on to the sede, sedile in front of me. I felt like we were going at least one hundred miles an hour. We shot through the tunnel and ran past traffic and screaming pedestrians. I struggled to keep my coltello from hitting anyone as the were tossed about the bus.
The bus crashed into a small forest of trees and finally, came to a stop. The emergency lights flashed on. The door flew open and the bus diver scampered out, the other passengers stampeding behind him.
The Furies regained their balance, looking even angrier than before.
They thrashed their whips at me. I defended myself da shooting aside their weapons with my knife. “ Get away from me!” I shouted in Ancient Greek. Grover was throwing tin cans at them. At this point I was just about ready to hand over Percy and be done with it.

“ Hey!” Shouted a familiar voice from the door. Me, Grover, and the Furies turned our head to face Percy who braced himself.
Mrs. Dodds stalked up the aisle toward him, lashing her whip along with way. The other two others leaped from the seats and crawled on opposite sides of the first.
“ Perseus Jackson,” She detto “ te have offended the gods. te shall die!”
“ I liked te better as a math teacher.” He told her.
She growled at this description.
Percy shuttered and took out a small ballpoint pen.
Now, when he did this I thought this whole situation was just a little bit to traumatizing for him. That was before he uncapped it. When he did, a long beautiful shimmering bronze sword appeared in the pens place. It was totally awesome.
The Furies hesitated.
I signaled Grover to follow me as we crept behind them preparing to strike.
“ invia now,” She ordered. “ And te will not suffer eternal torment.”
“ Nice try.” He told her.
“ Percy, look out!” I cried out as Mrs. Dodds flung her whip around Percy’s sword while the other two pounced at him.

I watched as he gripped his sword so tight, his knuckles were white. He batted the Fury to the left of him, sending her into the sede, sedile behind her. Then he turned and stabbed the Fury on the right. As the blade touched her neck she screamed in pain and erupted into dust.

I jumped onto Mrs. Dodds back, using all my wrestling skills. I tried to draw my coltello to stab her. Grover yanked her whip out of the Fury’s hands.
“ Ow! Ow! Hot! Hot!” Not the best sposta Goat Boy.
Mrs. Dodds was trying to shake me off, but I held on with all my might. She clawed and bit me. Jeeze, two words. Breath mints.

Somehow, Grover tied the Fury’s leg with her own fiery whip.
Grover and I finally managed to drive her into the seat. She tried to get up, but she didn’t have enough room, so she kept falling down like she was sliding on butter. It was almost funny.

“ Zeus will destroy you!” She swore. “ Hades will have your soul!”
“ Braccas meas vescimini!” He shouted.
I stared at him like he had just dropped from the sky. I had to bite my toung to keep from saying, Percy, I don’t think she really wants to taste your pants….
Thunder shook the bus. My cuore pounded in my chest. We had to get out now.
“ Get out!” I ordered. “ Now!” They ran out with out a moments hesitation. I followed behind them.
The passengers were still outside the bus arguing with the driver o running around like maniacs yelling “ We’re going to die!” Some were worrying about an explosion following because of the possibility of a gas leak.
“ Our bags!” Grover shouted. “ We left our-” That was all he had time to say before he was interrupted da the sound of the bus exploding. The passengers scrambled for cover.
I heard a blood curdling wail come from inside. She was still alive. I had a feeling this explosion wasn’t because of a simple gas leak.

“ Run!” I shouted. “ She’s calling for reinforcements! We have to get out of here!”
We ran into the woods. Rain poured down on our faces. I could still hear the dancing flames crackle behind us. Soon, we were consumed in the darkness. Nothing left to do now but run ahead.
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