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posted by ShadowFan100
I decided to make a lista a crap I hate (IDk if some of this will be offensive o not, but I just need to get a few of these things off my chest)

-Abusers/Racism (kinda in one)

I hate animal/human abusers who feel like "tough" just for hurting others different o smaller than they are.

-Sexism (of both sides)

The part I really hate about this is when they act like guys NEVER get abused. Abuse happens in both genders, yet it seems like the world only pays attention to the girl side and not BOTH. Not fair. Just cuz I'm not a girl don't mean I've never been abused o hated on ect.


I'm nice person, who tries to be nice to people of all ages but...when someone older assumes they are "Better" it makes me mad. Also when younger ones act like brats to some people and there parents don't do CRAP.


Those are the things this world uses to try and label people and that makes me sick. Like just being a girl don't mean ya have to be girly o being a guy doesn't mean ya have to like football. I HATE football. o basically other stereotypes in general.

-When people treat sex like its some sorta game o something. Like hello? If te can't take care of your kids, then don't do THAT. Simple.

-People who assume they're "Better" than others

-Those who claim Digimon ripped off Pokémon. Like seriously? I doubt that.

-When people can't tell the difference from Japanese, Chinese and Korean. OK, maybe it's not their fault but...it's just that I know Japanese, and I can tell the when something is Japanese o not.

-Leaving a light on in a room when NO ONE is there. I hate that SOO much.

-When I hear certain noise when I am trying to sleep. Especially when I hair people talking.

-People with loud-as-hell voices. Like for real...I can hear my aunt talking in the cucina all the way from bedroom with my door closed -_-

-When people repeat what they say...when people repeat what they say (See? Annoying right?)

-Show-offs of any kind.

-When people blindly trust others simply based on what they WEAR. Hello? Over heard of "don't judger a book da its cover"?


I get it, they may cause some bullying to "die down"...but da making everyone wear the same crap, u let the bullies WIN. People have rights to express who they are, and shouldn't stop just cuz of bullies. I personally believe that uniforms are anther way the world tries to control us.


I really hate how some people believe it's perfectly fine to go out and seek revenge on someone (even on bad people) "An eye for an eye"? Seriously? Grow up and stop recitazione like bambini and learn to forgive. Do te not understand the consequences of pursuing revenge? DO YOU? "Paying someone back" and "giving them what they deserve" is just childish. Act your age people....forgive!

-The death penalty

Honestly, this here has to do with the whole "revenge" thing above. I get so sick of how hateful some people can get. Yeah, it's bad people do those things but seriously, that's not an excuse to harbor so much HATE inside te and wish death to them. it isn't your place to wish death to any human being, no matter WHAT they have done. Has it not accursed to te that those bad people weren't always like that? Have u ever stopped to think that maybe--just maybe--those bad people might be able to turn from their ways? Now I know some can't, but a lot of people can "see the Light" if te people would just GIVE THEM A CHANCE first. I know this one is really long, but this one bother me most: I just cant stand how humans are so quick to judge and use death to "solve their problems" with bad people.


I know some of te are OK with this but I am not. Now this is just stupid....you claim that some bacteria on mars is "life" but somehow, an innocent, unborn child ISN'T? Seriously, I get where some are coming from but hear me out: How is it fair to kill off an innocent unborn kid that didn't even ASK for this? They never ask to be born, they never once asked permission to unisciti this life...so why punish them? I know what ur going say "it's a woman's choice" and all that bunch of bull, but heres a tip, 'kay? Has it ever crossed ur minds that just cuz its "your choice" don't make it the RIGHT one? See, I strongly believe in always doing whats right. And killing any innocent soul is no exception...EVER

-Making fun of people's beliefs

I can't stand that either, and it seems as though the one belief that's attacked the most is MINE: Christianity. Yeah, I'm a Christian, yet I've never made fun of other beliefs, nor do I want to. Can't we just grow up and get along?


Now I know this will never end, as many più wars will most likely happen after Iraq but....I don't like the thought of killing another human (even those who are our enemies) I mean, I Amore the whole "fighting for freedom" thing--I really appreciate that, but...does it have to come at the cost of so many lives? Does it really? I don't wanna see any human being die--I don't like violence.

-Putting prices on animals

I understand that when u wanna adopt a pet, it cost money. But I really hate how human put a price on an animal like that. Why don't we just start putting prices on ourselves, huh? animali are people too, not money-maker's.

-Westboro Baptist Church

Although I really shouldn't say "hate" cuz hating another human isn't what Gesù would want. I just can't stand how people like them give me a bad reputation as a Christian. I mean, I'm super freakin' nice and they're so...horrid. They spread hate in my Father's name and I HATE that.

-This generation

When I was younger, the Musica was 10x better and had actual meaning. Same goes for the TV shows and other crap. Ugh, the TV shows that are on today....I can't stand some of the crap my nephews watch. "Almost naked Animals"? My God I hate that show, and my nephew likes it simply cuz it's "Funny" when its not. Yeah, he's like 6 so he has no freakin' clue about real shows. Same goes for most kids--they have no clue about life back then. When I was a kid, I never got anything like an iPad, now my nephews are walking around with tablets and crap. Seriously? It just seems like this generation isn't letting kids be KIDS.

Now I think I've covered a lot. I shall end it now.
posted by milorox18
1. I Amore the way we finish each other’s sentences.

2. I Amore the way I know you’ll never give up on me.

3. I Amore the fact that I wouldn’t ever give up on you.

4. I Amore the way te look at me.

5. I Amore how beautiful your eyes are.

6. I Amore the way I can’t imagine a giorno without te in my life.

7. I Amore the way if we were ever separated I wouldn’t know how to go on.

8. I Amore the way we cuddle and watch sunsets together.

9. I Amore the way we sometimes stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.

10. I Amore how I know you’ll always be there when I need te to be.

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1- eye contact , if te notice him staring a lot at te ..like più than 5 times in the same giorno .(unless te got a stain on your shirt)
2- if te and him were in the same area , he would be with te in every where te walk to ( like a party o a concerto ..etc)
3- he would sit successivo to te in your class ( unless hes too shy )
4- he would scream o laugh out loud to get your attention .
5- he would kill to be your lab partner at school .
6 - if he says to te hi and hes all too sweaty , make sure hes nervous and that means he likes you.
7-if te drop something , he would be the first to get it for...
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posted by simpleplan
1. When the teacher says to “take a seat”, te answer “take it where”.
2. When the teacher calls your name at roll call, te answer “Absent”.
3. When she calls roll, te answer “yo mama”.
4. When the teacher says something, te say “is that so?”
5. If te so happened to not turn in your homework say, your class pet ate it.
6. Tell your teacher you’ll turn in your homework, as soon as your parents finish doing it.
7. Tell your teacher te did not turn in your homework because te were watching TV.
8. Fold your homework into a cootie-catcher.
9. Fold your homework into a paper...
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posted by smileypop9
1.When te walk into the room, run up to the teacher and stare her in the eyes. nothing more. just keep a straight face and stare. they get quite scared.

2.Before your science class starts, put a più fresco, dispositivo di raffreddamento that has "Human Head" written on top, on the front table. On the board write: "Class, we will be disecting a human head tommorrow, the sign up lista is on my scrivania, reception for the part te would like to dissect" Actually put a sign up lista on her desk.

3.bring a cactus to school. Raise your hand. When called upon say the cactus has a question. look at the cactus and wait for it to say something. when it...
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1. We aren’t mind readers!
2. We are not to be used as pawns in trying to make your girlfriends jealous.
3. When te sleep over never boss me around in letto unless it is during sex.
4. Smoking is the biggest turn off.
5. It never hurts to work out.
6. If te don’t want to hear the truth, don’t ask the question.
7. “Fine” o “whatever” is not an appropriate ending to a conversation.
8. If te want sex, just ask. (In case te didn’t already know.)
9. Don’t expect guys to say as many sweet things as they do in the movies. (It takes a lot of guys and their wives to come up with those...
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1. Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them! (oh yeah..you're not "popular" if you've slept with più than 5 guys..you're a HOE)

2. "Hey, are te busy?" o "Are te doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.

3... Guys may be flirting around all giorno but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

4. Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're gonna say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.

5. Guys go crazy over a girl's...
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I got bored, so here te go.

1. BlueEyedDemon

2. SuicidalSlut

3. MaliciousIntent

4. GloomyTears

5. Blacklight

6. DarkSunshine

7. FallenIsolation

8. DrowningInTears

9. DismalAngel

10. FallenSolitude

11. HopingInSolitude

12. SilentCall

13. CountingOnRain

14. CalledForMishap

15. RuefulDestiny

16. FallenAngel

17. KilledByAnAngel (I know for a fact it's taken on here da my twin sis but I made it up)

18. FlamingCore

19. Darkenin(g)InRegret (The G could be taken off if there is a 15 character like on Fanpop)


21. RunWithScissors

22. PlaydateWithFire (Over 15 characters but... I like it)

23. RejectedStar...
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1.In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. I'll have twenty.
2.Sometimes te make me so mad i wanna throw te in the middle of on-going traffic; but then i realize i would probably kill myself trying to save you.
3.im the type of girl who would burst out laughing in the middle of silence because of something that happened... yesterday.
4.so ill walk the plank & jump with a smile if im going down ill do it in style te wont hear me surrender.
5.the truth hurts so we lie
6.silence is golden, duct tape is silver
7.i know your probably thinking oh no she didnt but i just so totally...
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posted by iluvsmj
I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse!

Roses are red violets are blue, God made me pretty, what the hell happen to you?

Right now I'm sitting here looking at te trying to see things from your point of view but I can't get my head that far up my ass.

A pretty girl can baciare a guy* a bird can baciare a butterfly* the rising sun can baciare the grass* but te my friend!! yes you!! te CAN baciare MY ASS*******

If te didn't have feet te wouldn't wear shoes.....then why do te wear a bra??!

mirrors don't talk but lucky for te %n they don't laugh

Poof be gone, your breath is too strong, I...
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44 Ways to Make a Girl Happy

Ladies, this will make te tear up :)

Fellas, read all of it:)

1-Touch her waist.

2-Talk to her.

3-Share secrets.

4-Give her your jacket.

5-Kiss her slowly.

Are te remembering this?

6-Hug her.

7-Hold her.

8-Laugh with her.

9-Invite her somewhere.

10-Let her be with te when you're with your friends.

Keep reading...

11-Smile with her.

12-Take pics with her.

13-Pull her onto your lap.

14-When she says she loves te more, deny it. fight back.

15-When her Friends say i Amore her più than you, deny it; fight back and hug her tight so she can't get...
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42 Things That Will Make Your Parents Go Crazy.

1. Follow them around the house everywhere...

2. Moo when they say your name...

3. Run into walls...

4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion...

5. Stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine...

6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA"...

7. Wear a sticker that says, "I'm a retard"...

8. Have 20 imaginary Friends that te talk to all the time...

9. In public yell, "No Mom/Dad, I will not make out with you!!"...

10. Do what they actually tell you...

11. Jump off the roof, trying...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
My suicide note that I threw away cuz of my awesome Friends and life I wanted to keep.

To the friends, I call my family,

By the time te read this letter, I will be only a faded memory.

A corpse on the cold bathroom floor.

It is too late for me now, and I know it.

Even as I write this letter I can feel the life draining out of me.

But I feel it, so that's something, right?

I have been dead for a while now, though te may not have noticed.

I died the night I couldn't Amore you, my love.

I loved te with everything.

My heart, my body and soul.

I am sorry I wasn't good enough for you.

At least you're happy....
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posted by Bubblekat
1. Go around stores, pick up items and yell out really loudly "Who buys this CRAP anyway?!"

2. Get a cart, get on the bar below the bar te grip, and push it down the isle, extra points for running into something o someone

3. Go up to a random person and say "you have pretty eyes, may I have your eyes?!" and hear to see what they say

4. Laugh randomly

5. If someones talking on a cellphone Go closer to them and start maki random noises to disturb them, extra points if they hang up

6. If your near a fontana run to it and start splashing in it

7. If your mom starts nagging to te in public about the...
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I'm a girl pervert!I say guys are crazy cuz they think I touch their butts!I blame it on their hormones even though I touched their butts alot!

1.Be a real pervert

2.You don't have to look like one but just act like one

3.Always when you're walking behind a guy always look at their butt!And say"say veiw" then touch it nice and gently! :)

4.They look back and ask te say'what?no way especially not your flat ass!!!!"when they turn around find another butt to look at!

5.Look at their muscles when they're wearing camicia sleeve shirts and they're doing heavy lifting

6.Take pictures as well

7.Always comment...
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No, I'm not racist I just found it on youtube.

If te want to check it out link

59. Goldstein
58. Burgenblatt
57. Burgenstein
56. Birumbaum
55. Farbstein
54. Grepslach
53. Steinbergavinski
52. Schnitzler
51. Pupikatvitz
50. Schnitzelmacher
49. Schpoilgekatz
48. Manashevitz
47. Platzenfinkle
46. Yankelovitz
44. Oyvayski
43. Shmoigerberg
42. Choppedleiberman
39. Gefiltashlep
38. B'Bergberg
37. Yidihevitz
36. Synagogavitz
35. Parkenfien
34. LOL they forgot this one... :D
33. Kinkenberg
32. Menachemchem
31. Rechtum
30. Along with this one
29. Docotrlawyerstein...
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posted by Lady10358
Found this on Google
1. If you're lucky enough and find someone with the shirt: FREE HUGS o If te find a camicia store selling it, hug the shirt/person and if they/someone notices you, say "It says free hugs!"
2. go to the Cibo court and go to a fast Cibo place and take tons of straws and put as many possible in your mouth and stand on a tavolo Canto elmo's world theme.
3. Go to one of those toddler toy/clothing stores and hold up a baby outfit/toy and yell as loud as te can "I Amore THIS TOY! I'D PLAY WITH IT giorno AND NIGHT!"
4. Go to the bathroom and hide in a stall until te see an old lady/guy...
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1.I like pie

2.Blue isn't blue until blue turns blue and when blue turns blue it's possibly blue and when blue turns blue, blue is orange.

3.My cat can fly. I taught him to the other day.

4.Dog Cibo is a beautiful thing to watch when te are eating!

5.BLACK HEAD!!!!!!!!

6.Butterfly fly away, because I'm your biggest fan, and I got a feeling that you'll shine on like the Moonstone high at the end of time.


8. My name is Cow. I like purple. My name is purple. I like cows. In the end, the odds come together and we get out alive.


10. Fartblossom!

11.Pip-pip cheerio! (In and English accent.)

12. Your face is disorted when te sleeeeeep.

13. Bye detto Santa while eating Blitzen.
just got this while browsing the net

1.I was kidnapped da terrorists and they only just let me go, so I didn't have time to do it.

2.I didn't do it because I didn't want to add to my teacher's heavy workload.

3.A bunch of nerds ha rubato, stola it to make sure theirs were completely perfect.

4.We ran out of toilet paper at my house last night, and my Dad isn't feeling so good. He grabbed it in a big rush and I haven't seen it since.

5.My mother took it to have it framed.

6.It was in my back pocket and a pickpocket ha rubato, stola it.

7.I let somebody copy it but they never gave it back.

8.My mom's whooping cough vaccination...
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posted by IsabellaMCullen
I didn't make this, I just found it...

1.Stick your open palm under the stall bacheca and ask your neighbor, "May I borrow a highlighter?"

2.Say, "Uh oh, I knew I shouldn't have put my lips on that."

3.Cheer and clap loudly every time somebody breaks the silence with a bodily function noise.

4.Say, "Damn, this water's cold."

5.Drop a marble and say, "Oh shit! My glass eye!"

6.Say, "Hmmm, I've never seen that color before."

7.Grunt and strain real loud for 30 secondi and then drop a cantaloupe into the toilet bowl from a height of 6 feet. Sigh relaxingly.

8.Say, "Now how did that get there?"

9.Say, "Humus....
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posted by slytherin360
found this on the net:

50 Fun Things To Do At Wal-Mart

1. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and stranding them at strategic locations.

2. Ride those little electronic cars at the front of the store.

3. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minuto intervals throughout the day.

4. Start playing Calvinball; see how many people te can get to unisciti in.

5. Contaminate the entire auto department da sampling all the spray air fresheners.

6. Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.

7. Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters.

8. Re-dress the mannequins...
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