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posted by TakTheFox
Sequence Five
Three months later…

Reesa Avi had dato birth. A beautiful silver-furred Acid-Monster-Banshee girl. She had long wide ears, large feet, large hands, a large head, a small little body, glowing turquoise eyes, and many moon-curved stripes.

“Relmiss.” Reesa detto as she held her child closely. She was in her bed, with medical equipment, the works, set up in her house. Melik and her could not risk going to a hospital, as they might recognize the child. Even più now that she had moon-stripes, the mark of a Daricha Banshee.

Aaron was the one who delivered the child. He was the only doctor they could trust, and even then they never told him why it was so important. They did not need to though. As soon as he went through the X-ray-scans he took before the operation, he knew.

Metal bones. A clear sign of hellborn, if not for the obvious Daricha-Moon-Stripes. And yes that meant that this child was now partly Daricha-Banshee. She was a Metal-bone, Daricha-Banshee, Feral Acid-Monster hybrid. Something Melcro would and had killed to get.

“… She’s Hellborn… all three of te are Hellborn.” Aaron sighed. “Does anyone else know?”

“No…” Melik answered as he stood da Reesa’s bedside.

“And te think that Melcro is going to go after you.”

“I’ve seen the proof myself. Melcro talked about the Hellborns, and many other creatures called Hearphlisses, Takrises… and Kaiya.”

This struck Aaron a bit più than the other sets of information. “Kaiya… the identity… what did te find out about her?”

“She’s alive… and that they have… her DNA.”

Aaron took a deep sigh and detto “Just how deep is this?”

“Well we are doing this in secret.” Melik noted. “We were planning on taking a vacation right after the baby was born. A good excuse to get away from work for a week, of course we wouldn’t come back.”

“You’ve packed lightly I’m assuming?” Aaron inquired.

“Yes. We don’t have time for anything idol.”

“When do te plan on leaving?”

“Tomorrow…” Reesa answered. “When I can walk again.”

Aaron coughed into his cappotto a bit then continued on saying “Sorry. Dust. Um, do te need help of any sort?”

Melik did not answer. He was staring at Aaron’s coat. There was a slight flicker… like something metal was attached to his collar, and it was not a button. Melik knew exactly what it was.

“Melik? te okay?” Aaron inquired with concern implied. Melik jerked his face to meet with Aaron’s… then pinned him to the ground.

Reesa seemed the most shocked, be it very brief, as she immediately understood why Melik attacked their “friend”. Aaron attempted to struggle free, but Melik was much più fit than he. Melik cut off the coat’s collar, revealing a microphone… that was recording the entire thing.

Melik wanted to punch, punzone Aaron, he wanted to scream at him, he wanted to say “How long?”, but instead he calmly detto while holding Aaron’s mouth shut “Are te alright, Aaron? That rug’s always tripping me.”

Aaron quickly caught on to this decoy, and began screaming, but his voice could not be heard. That was of course because Reesa was keeping his sound patterns from doing so. Stressfully the mother Banshee manipulated her sound patterns to sound like Aaron’s and come from his direction, saying “I’ll be alright. I should get going.”

Melik knocked Aaron out then hid his “friend” in the bathroom. From there he ran around the house gathering the suit-cases they had brought, and also picked up a glowing tan syringe.

His very weak wife was now attempting to calm the crying banshee-acid-monster hybrid baby, which due to its vocal abilities was very very loud. Melik picked them both up, which was rather easy due to how light banshees are normally, even with metal bones, and carried his family out to their car.

Melik knew Melcro had caught on and may already be there watching him, but not yet striking. But no matter the odds, he had to protect his family. As soon as the last suitcase was shakily placed in the car, Melik slammed the tronco shut, zoomed into the driver’s seat, and screeched off with his wife and child.

The drive took many turns, with traffic on the horizon. Quickly Melik glanced at the review-mirror, revealing a flying craft, though he knew not what kind, that no doubt belong to Melcro, and was no doubt after them.

*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEECH* Went the tires as Melik made a quick turn, ramming into a weak plastic-divider in the road. Thankfully he had now avoided the traffic in front of him, but now there was traffic going towards him.

In Film the driver in this situation would normally somehow manage to dodge all cars and get to the end of the goal without dying. This was not a movie.

Immediately after going to the opposite direction, the car was hit da another vehicle, going much faster than Melik’s. The impact shoved their car sideways, and briefly stunned the driver and wife who were trying to concentrate with an enemy hover-craft after them, cars crashing into them, and a very loud baby crying.

The only motion that Melik could seem to do was slamming his foot on the gas-pedal, sending him and his family into a slight spin, then through a fence, and into the ocean successivo to it. Reesa, while still very weak, manage to briefly phase her and her family out of the car and through the surface below. They landed a bit hard in a sewer-tunnel, where Reesa promptly passed out, and dropped her child.

Melik colomba underneath, barely catching his terrified baby, and landing his face in the watery sewage. He first checked his daughter for any wounds, then quickly turned to aiding his wife. After a bit of examination, he found that Reesa’s leg was broken.

For normal bodies, if a leg is broken broken, it is only the bone that was broken for the most part, and after a while it would heal. Banshees have metal bones. There are two ways that the Bones can break. Bending, and snapping off. If they are snapped off, the pieces that broke off must be cut out from the body, and then the rest would heal over time. If bent, the Bones would either have to be snapped off, o bent back into place then slowly heal. One would imagine the pain, but they could not speak the amount of pain it would bring. In short, Reesa was very lucky to be unconscious.

Slowly and carefully, Melik strained to bend his wife’s leg back to normal. Banshee metal-bones are no atomantium, but they are usually very strong. Eventually Melik got it back into place, then rested a bit to catch his breath.

Melik made sure that his child was not touching the surface of this disgusting area da holding her up in the air for a time. Then he noticed that to his left was something stuck in the ceiling; the car. It had phased with them, but only halfway.

The part facing him was the front, and the driver’s seat, where nothing important was. The tronco had the più important items, like the syringe, and the luggage, but that was più than halfway deep in the wall. The acid monsters scraped the edges with some acid from his claws, in attempt to make the car fall forward. There was a large *CHK* but other than that, the car did not move. He would have to pull it out.

The tired man took off his giacca and his shirt, and wrapped his daughter, Relmiss in them, before placing her on the side of the tunnel, so that she would hopefully not get in the mucky water. She did not move. Good.

Melik took hold of the car’s front and began to tug at it. It did not sposta at all. He sprayed sposta acid at the sides of the wall, then pulled again, and again, and again. Finally the front of the car melted off, snapping the vehicle in half. The tronco was still closed, but now he could open it from the inside.

He jumped off the fallen car-front into the back-piece, cutting himself on the diced edges, and yanked off the backseats, revealing a small door to the trunk. He opened it, which made the luggage fall.

“No!” Melik yelled, diving after the luggage. He stopped some of them, while the others clanked onto the wet floor. Quickly throwing away the ones he saved, the acid monster colomba over to one of the damaged ones and searched it for the syringe… it was inside, and only had a small crack on it.

A sigh a relief came before Melik turned back to his child, who had still not attempted to take up swimming thankfully. He thought about injecting her now… but it was too dangerous. She was so small and young, only around two hours old. Had this child been a normal mobian, it would be dead already.

Melik debated with himself for an ora about what he should do. He could not let Melcro find their child, and no doubt the mad scientist was already on their trail. So, he injected his daughter with the syringe, and prayed that she would survive.

The baby transformed. It no longer looked like a banshee o an acid monster, but a brown lynx. And it was perfectly fine. Melik was almost angry at how illogical this was, but only very briefly. His daughter fell asleep just as his wife awoke.

“… Melik… m-my leg hurts…” Reesa detto weakly.

Melik knelt da his wife. “I know… I fixed it the best I could. Maybe when we get back to a sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza area we can-“

“Let’s just… get out of here… f-first…” Reesa groaned between breaths from the injury’s pain. Melik nodded then picked up his wife, who soon after was holding her child, then began walking through the sewers for an exit.

When they finally got out, it was nightfall, which was good for two reasons. The first being the fact that if it were giorno still, they’re eyes would be in extreme pain, and the secondo being that they would now be able to escape più easily… hopefully.

With Reesa’s ghosting and cloaking, the small family made their way to the border, but she was still so tired from having her child, and the precedente car-ride. They could only go in short amounts, taking a ten minuto break each time. Thankfully they were out of Semretches now, but it was morning.

They could not afford to go to any hotels. Reesa could hear their name on the radio already. “Escaped Hellborns! Reesa and Melik Avi! Approcah with caution! Last scene in the harbor area!” When they stopped, they stopped in alley-ways. They had no Cibo with them, aside from the baby’s nursing, so Melik decided that he would try to find some Cibo in a market. He had around twenty Mobiums left, which would da enough for a day.

Melik made his way to a general store, making sure to keep his face down and did what he could to cover it with what hair he could. A small pain came up in his chest. He had not taken his pill, a pill to keep himself from going feral.

Quickly the acid monster searched through all of his pockets for one. In his left-hand pocket was a small bag, with only dust from the original pill inside. It would have to do. Melik dashed into the men’s restroom, and carefully poured the medicine into his mouth, and washed it down with sink-water. The pain stopped, but for how long?

He pondered the thought of telling Reesa about this, but he could not worry her more. This was his responsibility, and he would deal with it. He got a few fried-meals and water bottles at the store, and picked up some pain-killers along the way. This would help when he would try to fix Reesa’s leg.

Melik dashed to the alley that he had left his family in. The entire time he feared for them, but they were starved, and Reesa was in no condition to walk.

When the father had arrived, Reesa and the baby… were safe. Reesa was signing the child to sleep, and Melik could not hold back a small smile at how lucky he felt to have such a beautiful person as his wife.

“I brought some pain-killers.” He informed. “To help with your-r leg.”

Reesa took some of the pills, as they ate; discussion going between each bite. “Where will we go next?” She asked.

Melik sighed deeply. “There are at least ten cities left till we get to a land-blocked border. We may be sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza in Ytaris. I’ve heard they’re friendlier to acid monsters there.”

“And what of banshees?”

“Well I would assume the same. But we need to get there first. We should be leaving again in ten o so minutes.”

Reesa’s face filled with dread and tiredness. “Couldn’t we… rest for a while? I haven’t slept in two days.”

Melik pondered over this. Could they afford this? They could not be found, but at the same time it was Reesa’s abilities that allowed them to go unnoticed for so long, and therefore she needed to regain her energy, even if she had just eaten.

Melik agreed reluctantly. “I’ll guard around while te and Relmiss sleep.” Reesa nodded and was dozing off soon after. It felt ironic to Melik, that a banshee would need sleep, while he, who did not get energy from night, would stay watch. This was most likely because of her leg-injury, and the fact that she had just dato birth a giorno and a half ago.

Melik kept his eyes in every direction. The alley they had chosen kept them well hidden, but small children may wish to explore this area, o perhaps some man may notice them. He kept his claws unsheathed, and made himself ready to strike at anyone who would approach.

Three hours had passed. It was three in the afternoon, though Melik could only guess this da the sun. He would let her sleep till night fell, then they would sneak out further. He was so tired that he could not tell if he was asleep o awake anymore. *thud* He collapsed. A bash on the head sent him into unconsciousness, and he did not awake for two più hours.

When he did wake up, he heard the sound of crashing water, and the smell of salt tickled his nose. His eyes looked around to see metal, and plastic, and cloth, and water. He was on a boat. Where was Reesa? Where was his daughter?

*shink* Melik flew out his claws and sprang up from the ground he lay on, lashing out in all directions. The sailors around him were startled, but went into defensive positions, as the captain walked slowly up to him. “We aren’t here to harm you.” He informed. Melik did not believe him.

“Where are my wife and child?” Melik growled dangerously.

“We don’t know. te were the only one we were given.”

“Only one te were given!?” Melik’s arm nearly vibrated with the urge to Slash the man’s face in half. “Explain, EVERYTHING.”

“We are secret traders.” The man began. “We help Hellborns escape from countries into Ytaris.”

“And how did I get here?”

“A man brought te here, and paid us five grand to safely get te out of the city.”

“And was anyone else with him?”

“No. There wa-“

“Actually…” One of the sailors stepped forward, “I walked near that man’s car that he brought te in, and I saw a mobian in the car, but I couldn’t tell who. It might have been your wife.”

“What did the man look like?” Melik asked, slowly calming down.

“He was in his forties maybe… straight white hair… he had a red T-shirt, and jeans.”

Melik closed his eyes with a deep sigh. “Send me back.”

“… We can’t. We were told specifically to-“

“SEND ME BACK!” Melik jumped up to attack the captain, but a small tranquil-dart hit him in the side, knocking him out. He collapsed with a large thud, and the sailors dragged him inside and put him on a bed.


Reesa held her child close as she was driven back to Semretches. She could not ghost through the car, via a collare that kept her abilities disabled. Her glance turned to the side as they crossed a bridge over a small part of the spiaggia that linked two of the cities. Directly below them was a large garbage boat.

Instantaneously the idea putting her child through and having it hopefully land safely rushed through her head, but with the collare on she could not go through.

She had to think of something; in twenty secondi there would be no più time left. Quickly Reesa began to gag a bit, pretending that she was sick. The man stopped the car. “What are te doing?” He asked sternly.

“I’m g-going to thr-“ Reesa added a fake gag as if she could barely keep her Cibo inside. The man was stunned, and opened the window a bit for her. With a large vomiting-sound, Reesa slipped her child out. She stared the entire time as her small baby girl landed on the trash below. She could not orso to imagine Relmiss choking from the stench, o dying from the impact, though both were very likely.

The car started up again, and the man had yet to notice the missing child. He would not notice for a good thirty minutes. In thirty five… Reesa’s life would end.


Seven years later…

In the streets of Semretches, a rainy giorno had passed. Calving Helms, an overlander and guard at Melcro Industries, walked up to his front steps to find a small seven-year old lynx girl, asleep and shivering. She had small blue and black faded crescent-moon stripes, pale brown fur, black hair, and very large ears. She was very skinny, and looked completely lost.

Quickly, Calvin picked up the small little girl and walked inside, where he placed her on a bed, and turned on his heating system to full, so avoid her catching a cold. To his surprise, she had no fever, at all. When the girl awoke five hours later, she looked around curiously. “Where am I?” She asked weakly in a young Scottish accent.

Calvin heard the little voice and quickly rushed over to the room she was in. “Hello.” He greeted, trying to seem non-threatening. “My name is Calvin. I found te asleep on my doorstep, and well… I couldn’t leave te there. Where are your parents?”

The small girl’s ears drooped, and she looked down with a slight tear in her eye. Calvin knew what this meant. “O-oh…” He stammered. “W-well… u-uh… te can stay here for a while if te like.”

The girl did not answer him at first, but eventually nodded in response. She fell asleep soon after, and Calvin walked off to get her some dinner.

Over a few days he nursed the little girl back to health. She grew più friendly towards him, and he could not help but feel a bit loving towards this unfortunate person. She never told him her name, replying only that she never had one.

One day, Calvin heard her scream. The scream was extremely loud, and it shook him out of the living room and into her room. “What is it?!”He asked in shock, hoping the girl was alright.

The small lynx’s hand was bleeding from having a shattered piece of glass through it, from a knocked-over picture placed on the bedside. He quickly yanked the shard out, and covered the wound with some towels. He then rushed her to the bathroom where he washed off her hand. It was then that he found out what she really was.

Under her skin and pelliccia were metal bones; banshee bones.

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