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liamlover687 detto …
their actually Albanian AND Irish. Multicultural!!! :P postato più di un anno fa
Renesmee_XD detto …
I just discovered them!
An AMAZING band <3

postato più di un anno fa
jrnyfreak detto …
This is one of the greatest bands in my opinion. They put an emotion and intimacy into their music, it's raw, and real, and truthful, and a talent such as theirs is incredibly difficult to come across. I am confident in saying that there couldn't possibly be a much better band out there. postato più di un anno fa
amrisaladin commentato…
one of my favourite indeed...i agree with the way te describe them, they are just awesome! più di un anno fa
jrnyfreak commentato…
They so are!! Nice to talk with a fellow Frames fan!! più di un anno fa
liamlover687 commentato…
ikr! Falling slowly makes me cry, EVERY TIME! più di un anno fa