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Okay, so I made one of these articoli about Jason and some people requested that I do one for Piper, so I thought I would try. :) Also, I’m sorry if there are a billion other articoli about why someone likes/hates Piper, I didn’t really look to see. XD Hopefully this isn’t too redundant and boring for those of te who have been on fanpop longer than I have…

Before I start I just want to say:

1) THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST A WARNING!!!!

2) These are my opinions and I just want to share them. Feel free to share your own opinions in the comments! :)

I’m going to lista the arguments I’ve seen people make against Piper and give reasons why I, personally, think they are wrong (this doesn’t mean that I’m right, it’s just my opinion and what I think, so please don’t get mad at me for it! Thanks!).

1) “Piper is a Mary-Sue”
So, I really didn’t want to start with this one, because I don’t know enough about Mary Sues to argue against this effectively. But since I see this as the #1 reason why some people hate Piper, I’ll try my best.
Here is why I DON’T think that Piper is a Mary Sue:
1)    Piper does, in fact, have flaws. She used to be a klepto, she felt (maybe still feels?) that her dad ignored her and has low self-esteem because of it, and she is a little bit of a hypocrite (because she does think about clothes and appearance, even though she wants so badly not to XD). Those sound like flaws to me!
2)    Some people say that a Mary Sue is measured da how the characters see them rather than the reader. Wouldn’t that have to mean that all the characters Amore Piper and think she is flawless? I don’t think this is true AT ALL. How many people DON’T like Piper? There’s Drew, those girls from the Wilderness School, Jane, Gaea, and probably Reyna and almost every Roman camper. So, Piper is definitely NOT loved da everyone. As for the other characters seeing her flaws, I think that they do. Here are some examples: 1) In The Lost Hero, Leo gets annoyed that Piper wants to be with Jason so much (in Chapter 23)—though I suppose te could say this is also directed at Jason and not JUST Piper. 2) Her dad thinks that she is immature with all her stealing and stuff and he is often disappointed in her. 3) Drew absolutely loathes Piper and thinks she is annoying. And there are probably more, but I only have the first book with me right now.
3)    I’ve seen some people say that Piper is a Mary Sue for these reasons: 1) She has a special weapon, 2) She has a good Canto voice, and 3) She is a Daughter of Aphrodite, but can still fight. My arguments: 1) Yeah, Piper has Katoptris, but Percy has Riptide, Jason had his coin thing, and Leo has his tool-belt. So I don’t think this makes Piper a Mary Sue. 2) Some people are good singers, even without lots of lessons. This was only mentioned ONCE and only briefly (if I’m even thinking of the right part) and I don’t see how it really makes Piper a Mary Sue, even if lots of Mary Sues can sing… (And just a random thought about that…do te think her “powerful voice” o whatever it detto about her good Canto voice has anything to do with her charmspeak? Probably not, but I just thought of it…) And 3) I’m pretty sure all the children of Aphrodite COULD fight if they wanted to, they just choose to spend più time on clothes and make-up like Drew. But the fact that Piper CHOOSES to fight and is good at it doesn’t make her a Mary Sue. If te were a child of Aphrodite, would that automatically mean te couldn’t be a good fighter? No, it’s a choice that Piper made. She wants to fight and she is good at it.
4)    Some people also say that Piper is a Mary Sue because she wants to be normal. If this is true, then Annabeth, Hazel, and probably every other female demigod in the world is a Mary Sue. They ALL want to be normal. Who wants to have monsters after te all the time? Now as for Piper not wanting her dad to be a famous actor, then I’ll just say this: I don’t think she wishes THAT necessarily. I think she wants her dad to pay più attention to her rather than his job. Who wouldn’t? Thalia didn’t like that her mom was an actress either, did she (I honestly don’t remember, so please correct me if this is wrong)?
Like I said, I don’t know enough about what makes a character a Mary Sue to really argue against this one, but from what I do know, Piper doesn’t really seem like one.

2) “Piper is weak”
I don’t see Piper as weak at all, really. For one thing, she had the guts to not betray her Friends in The Lost Hero, even though it meant she might lose her dad. Yes, she thought about betraying them, but in the end she managed to save BOTH of them. Also, in The Lost Hero, Piper wanted so badly to be able to fight when they were in the cave and the licantropi were attacking. Just because she COULDN’T fight doesn’t mean she is weak. She still tried and wanted to, which in my opinion shows TRUE strength.
And, I will say that Piper is not nearly as kick-butt as Annabeth and even Hazel, but being able to FIGHT isn’t the only thing that makes someone strong. Love, loyalty, and determination also mostra strength. And Piper shows ALL of those qualities. Piper isn’t weak.

3) “Piper is useless”
Useless, te say? Then I take it te do not care at all about Percy o Jason? Because she saved both of their lives MULTIPLE times in the Mark of Athena. First when they were possessed da eidolons and fighting each other and then again when they were drowning. And some people say that it was Piper’s fault that Percy and Jason were in these situations to begin with, but actually, people: no. She saw the immagini in Katoptris, but didn’t understand them. It wasn’t her fault.
Also, Piper helped save Hera in the Lost Hero. If that’s not useful, then what is? If Hera hadn’t been saved, the world would have been doomed.

4) “Piper ha rubato, stola Jason from Reyna”
te can’t steal what doesn’t belong to anyone. Reyna never HAD Jason, according to both Jason AND Reyna. So there is no way that Piper ha rubato, stola Jason. Jason chose her fair-and-square, because according to him, he never had feelings for Reyna to begin with. Sure, te could argue that if Jason hadn’t been switched and had his memory wiped then “given time” he and Reyna may have dated. But that’s not fair to anyone. Jason didn’t ask to have his memory wiped and Piper didn’t ask to be dato fake memories of Jason. But it happened and if they are in Amore with each other, then good for them. They SHOULD be together then. Piper did not intentionally hurt Reyna. She was probably told da Jason, once he figured everything out, that he and Reyna were never dating (though we don’t know for sure, since we didn’t get to read about when they actually got together). So she probably assumed that Reyna either didn’t like Jason in that way o that it didn’t matter because Jason didn’t want to be with her.
Also, some people say that Piper’s relationship with Jason is fake because her memories of him were fake and Reyna’s were real, so he should be with Reyna. But, remember, Piper and Jason have had 8 months to get to know each other da The Mark of Athena. That’s not as long as Jason and Reyna had, maybe, but it’s enough to make REAL memories. Also, near the end of The Lost Hero it says this:

“She didn’t even worry that her knowledge of him was mostly based on three months of false
memories. te can sense possibilities, her mother had said. And Piper was determined to make those possibilities a reality.” (The Lost Hero, Chapter 52).

So Piper wanted to make real memories, and I think we can assume that she did, since she and Jason are now dating.
(And can I also just say that Reyna wasn’t exactly loyal to Jason while he was missing. She flirted with Percy. So, I don’t think it’s fair to say that Piper ha rubato, stola Jason from her when she obviously would have moved on pretty fast…)

5) “Piper is such a horrible jerk for saying that Percy is unimpressive compared to Jason! How dare she!”
Really?! Sure, maybe it was wrong for her to be comparing the two boys at all, but so what if SHE thinks that Jason is più impressive? She’s in Amore with him and NOT with Percy. Plus, she hasn't been with Percy very long at that point and she hasn't actually seen him do that much, whereas she has gone on a quest with Jason and seen him fight. If it were Annabeth, she would probably think that Percy was più impressive than Jason. It just makes sense. Piper isn’t saying that Percy is totally lame. She KNOWS that he’s epic (considering he was practically all anyone at Camp Half-Blood talked about in The Lost Hero), she just prefers Jason. What’s wrong with a character having an opinion? Nothing. It’s totally fair of Piper to think what she did.

6) “Piper is a jerk to challenge Drew for leadership of cabina Ten!”
What about it makes her a jerk? Piper had every right to do so, as it is in the rules. Drew was not helpless, considering the duel would have taken place at a later time. Yes, Piper says something along the lines of “or we can do it now, if te want”, but let’s not forget that she was technically giving Drew a choice. Sure, Piper had a dagger to Drew’s face, but do any of us REALLY think Piper would have stabbed Drew right then and there if she had refused? Doubtful. And also, Drew was just as much of a jerk to Piper and every other Aphrodite camper. Piper saved the Aphrodite campers from Drew’s horrible treatment and sort of put her in her place. So, no, Piper didn’t go about the situation the “right way” necessarily, but she isn’t a jerk for doing it.
Also, right after this confrontation Piper has with Drew it says:

“This was the part she was unsure of. She didn’t want to rule da fear. She wasn’t like Drew, but she didn’t know if they’d accept her. Then, spontaneously, the Aphrodite campers cheered so loudly, they must’ve been heard all across camp.” (The Lost Hero, Chapter 52)

She DIDN’T WANT TO RULE da FEAR. Yes, she was trying to intimidate Drew, but in order for Drew to take her seriously, she had to. She didn’t want to intimidate the rest of the campers, and they were obviously happy that she did what she did, hence the cheering.

7) “Piper is too obsessed with Jason”
Yes, Piper is obsessed with Jason. TOO obsessed? Maybe a little. But I, personally, think that is what makes her character so interesting. Remember, she is a daughter of Aphrodite, the Amore goddess. Piper SHOULD be obsessed with the guy she is in Amore with. It fits with her character and seems right. Is it somewhat annoying to read about her obsessing over Jason in EVERY one of her chapters? Maybe to some people, but I find it kind of cute. XD

8) “Piper is a whiny brat!”
When does Piper EVER whine? Out loud, I mean. She definitely complains a lot in the first book about her dad not paying attention to her (but who wouldn’t if their parent was ignoring them?!), but she RARELY voices her complaints. And so I don’t think that she is a brat because it. If she constantly whined to Jason and Leo about her dad in The Lost Hero, then YES she would be a brat. But she kept it to herself, which shows that she doesn’t want to burden other people with her problems. Someone please tell me how that is “bratty”.

9) “Piper is SO conceited!”
WHAT?!?! Is there ANY evidence of this in any of the books?! As far as I’m aware, Piper has extremely LOW self-esteem. She feels neglected da her dad and needs to do things like steal cars to get any attention from him. Throughout the entire first book, she feels that she is the weak link in the quest. And she constantly has worries about her relationship with Jason in the Mark of Athena. There is NO implication that Piper is the least bit conceited!

10) “Piper is a downgrade of Annabeth”
I don’t even know where to start with this one…
Hmm…let’s think about this…Piper and Annabeth are not similar enough for either one to be a “downgrade” of the other. Annabeth is strategic, athletic, and brave, while Piper is driven da her cuore rather than strategy, a little rebellious, and also brave. But all demigods should be brave. They sort of have to be…
Piper and Annabeth are totally different characters. Neither is a downgrade of the other.

11) “Piper is a manipulative jerk because of her charmspeak”
Piper isn’t really manipulative and her charmspeak doesn’t make her a jerk. She didn’t ask to be born with the ability to charmspeak. That’s not fair. That’s like saying that Jason is a horrible person because he can fly. o that Percy is a jerk for being able to breathe underwater without drowning. Plus, her charmspeak could really come in handy in their battles against Gaea and the giants.

12) “Piper is really shallow and only thinks about her looks”
Piper definitely thinks about her looks a lot, but I fail to see how she is shallow in any way, shape, o form. Like I detto before, Piper keeps her problems to herself, rather than burdening other people with them. She cares deeply about Jason, who she is in Amore with. She also shows her Amore of Leo in the Mark of Athena when she leaps of the side of the freakin’ ship to hug him when she finds out he is alive. Piper knows the true meaning of being a daughter of Aphrodite, unlike Drew (who IS shallow, in my opinion):

“Aphrodite is about Amore and beauty. Being loving. Spreading beauty. Good friends. Good times. Good deeds. Not just looking good.” –Piper McLean, The Lost Hero, Chapter 52

How is THAT shallow? No, Piper is NOT shallow.

13) “Piper is a jerk for considering betraying her Friends to save her dad”
Seriously? Her dad CREATED her. He’s her only family that she knew before she met Aphrodite. And even though he ignored her sometimes, he still loves her and she loves him. How could anyone NOT consider saving their PARENT (unless it was some extreme circumstance where the parent is horrible to the kid o hates the kid o something, but that's not Piper's situation) even if it meant betraying their friends, especially if they had just found out that they didn’t really know their Friends and all their memories of them were fake? Piper is NOT a jerk for wanting to save the man who created her, raised her, and loves her.

I hope that after all of this, I MAYBE JUST MAYBE convinced a few Piper-haters to give her a second-chance. She is a great character and she deserves to be loved as much as any other amazing character in The Heroes of Olympus. :)
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