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I've been thinking about the Demigod Files for a while now, and it's raised a couple of questions. First off, why was it written? I know it doesn't sound like a very important question, but I beg to differ. Rick Riordan has detto that he's always known there would be another series involving Camp Half-Blood because there were plot lines and stories he couldn't work into the Percy Jackson series. So what would te call the stories in the Demigod Files? I 'd call them stories that didn't fit into the main story arch of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. So, I think that since Rick knew he was going to write a secondo series that the Demigod Files may be the bridge between Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus! That leads to another question. How do the tales and other things included in the Demigod Files relate to the Heroes of Olympus, and exactly what does it all mean. I've went through with a highlighter pen (and ruined my copy of the Demigod Files) to find the answers, and I think te will be amazed da the things I've found!

I'm going to start with the easy stuff, that is to say the information I found in the interviews and the other extras found in the book.
1. In the Letter from Camp Half Blood, R.R. writes "Chiron has also dato me clearance to share confidential interviews with some of our most important campers..." (page one, lines 21-23.) I know te all may assume he is talking about Annabeth, Percy, and Grover. I did, too, when I first read through it, but after rereading it, I know that he was alluding to all of the campers included in the Interviews section. So we know that the aforementioned characters were extremely important, as well as Clarisse, but there was another interview included in the book. I'm talking, of course, of Connor and Travis Stoll's interview. They played a bigger role than they ever have in the Last Olympian, but I think they were destined for more. I have a feeling we will be seeing them again, in a much bigger role.

2. During the interview with the Stoll Brothers they were asked who they would most want on their team for Capture the Flag. After some brotherly banter Connor says that he'd like Ares cabina on his team. Travis then adds: "Yeah. They're strong and easy to manipulate. The perfect combo." Now, that line jumped out at me like the Nemean Lion! It makes me think that either the whole cabina o one child of Ares will trade sides. I can give te a reason, but that would give too much away about a later theory.

3. In Clarisse's interview she detto that she was going to get revenge on Percy for the whole toilet thing. I know it's a weak theory but I still had to include it. So maybe Clarisse is the side trader, but I think's just not her style.

4. This info. makes me think that we need to be on lookout for più than just the addition of cabins at camp. In her interview, Annabeth goes on a long rant about a Temple. She detto that they seroiusly needed one because it was just weird having a bunch of demigods with no temple to their parents. She also described how the sunlight in the morning would shine through a window that would display a different God's emblem on the floor every day, and having perfect acoustics for reed pipe and lyre concerts. So, like I said, I'm going to be on the lookout for a temple on the collina just south of Half-Blood Hill.

5. Grover was asked what was the most beautiful spot of nature in all of America, in his opinion. He answered that he liked Lake Placid, which is in Upstate New York. What really got me about this answer was that he mentioned that it was especially beautiful on a winter day. Why did it make me look twice? Well, because in one of the book descriptions for The Lost Hero, it detto that the quest's deadline was the Winter Solstice. It sounds like we may be getting to see Lake Placid.

6. I know everyone has thrown this bit out before, but I think it's worth bringing up again. In Percy's interview, he detto it would be cool to have armor that melted into his clothes because regular armor was a pain. I think this may have been a clue thrown in there from Rick. Some may say it's obvious, but he knows that we would be looking for clues that weren't put out in plain sight. So, I think its likely that we will be seeing this form of armor.

7.Has everyone seen the map of Camp Halfblood? Good, then we are on the same page. If te will kindly look at your copy, te will see all of the landmarks' names written successivo to them. So, look in the lefthand corner. That creek that gets mentioned a te see the name? Zephyros Creek. So, do te remember who Zephyros is? Yep, he's a wind god. And what are our theories about Jason? So, maybe this is Rick's way of saying "Hey, Jason's dad is a wind god!"

8. This is the last clue from the extras, and its a good one! We've all been discussing how in the world Jason could've survived that lightning bolt, right. Well, in one of my articoli I threw out an idea (with evidence to back it up) that he could've been Streghe#The power of three o protected da a potion of some sort. Someone detto that it could've been Medea's SPF 5000 Sunscreen. So, in the illustration of Annabeth's camp tronco the sunscreen is clearly visible and tagged in the upper left hand corner of her trunk. In the Letter from Camp Half-Blood, it is mentioned that Annabeth had allowed the picture of her tronco so that "you can get an idea of what to pack for your first summer at camp." That means that most demigods probably have the sunscreen. più proof for our theory!

Now, I'm going to sposta on to the stuff I found in the stories.

The Stolen Chariot.
1. Clarisse mentioned that her brothers, Deimos and Phobos (Terror and Fear) were minor gods, which I think we all know. So assuming that the gods kept their oath, we've got some very, very, very scary demigods running around camp now!

2.On page thirteen Clarisse and Percy are talking about Ares' temple. Clarisse informs Percy that it is a war Museum. I saw this and immediately thought, paired with Jason's thought that the Grand Canyon looked like it had been carved da some crazy god, that the museum mentioned in The Lost Hero might be a temple, too. The only thing is I don't know which god. I think we will see più temples, too. Can te think of any places for a temple, and which god they might belong to? I'll start. Hermes in a Post Office.

3. This other idea is far-fetched to say the least, but I really don't know of any other reason, aside from foreshadowing, that R.R. would include this part. Between pages 19 and 20, Percy says that a lady and a three anno old girl walked da Ares' chariot. The girl detto " pony on fire!" pointing out that the cavalli breathed fire. Her mother called her da name (Jessie) and told her not to be silly, in a dazed voice might I add. The little girl tryed to protest, she wanted to see the ponies, I guess, but her mother pulled her away. I'm thinking that she may be a demigod that will be claimed during the series and play a big part. She may also be a clearsighted mortal, but like I said, I don't understand why she was mentioned. She didn't play an integral part in the Stolen Chariot, and she could've easily been cut from the story, but still she stayed.

4. We've been talking about the connections to WWII for a while, and I would like to mention that on page 21, while Phobos is chasing Percy in the chariot, the chariot switched forms. The form that it changed to was a WWII panzer Tank (a war vehicle employeed da the Germans.)

5. On page 24, Phobos informs Percy that there will be a successivo time. We didn't see Deimos o Phobos in the Last Olympian, did we? So that means, to me, that we will see them again in the Heores of Olympus series. And it will be both of them, because they are a package deal. If we do see them, all Hades will break lose, because they are the Gods of Terror and Fear and they could effectively stop più than half of the demigods in their tracks. They may not be too good at actual combat, but their power is immense and can be used in plenty of ways, to achieve any means. Now, do te remember number 2 in the Extras part of my article? Well, it detto that Kids of Ares are easily manipulated. I know that Deimos and Phobos can control people through their fears, so it's possible that they could use thier powers to make their brothers and sisters unisciti them on the bad side, assuming they are bad....which I know they have to be. The only exception here would be Clarisse, because she has already faced her deepest fear and she's not going to fall for the same trick twice.

6. On the same page as the last piece of information, I was surprised da what I read when I first saw it. Pretty much, Percy is kicking some major Godling butt, and he took a good look at Phobos. After stating that Phobos wasn't even a decent fighter (something that Clarisse also detto about Deimos) and that the angrier at Percy he got, the più clumbsy he was, Percy detto that te wouldn't have known that Phobos was immortal da the look in his eyes. Phobos was afraid....I don't think I remember anything ever saying that fear itself was afraid of anything, so I'm assuming that this is a first, and if Percy is the first and only person to face fear (not the personification, the god) and scare him, then I'd assume that if Deimos and Phobos do mostra up again, Percy will probably be the one that has to take them down, with the help of Clarisse, of course.

The Bronze Dragon.

1. Page 37. Chameleon Armor was mentioned. I just liked this because it garauntees, at least in my opinion, that we are going to see più types of armor. This could also mean that they are closer to the clothes melting armor that Percy wanted so bad.

2.This pertains to the dragon. First I'm going to tell te my thoughts, and then I'm going to present my case...just letting te know that it's going to be flip-flopped a bit, here. I don't think that the dragon on the cover of The Lost Hero is the one from the Bronze Dragon. Now, here's my evidence. THe dragon in the short story is described as having a head the size of a refrigerator with "weird" bumps and ridges down the sides of it's head. The snout was as long as Percy was tall, and it had teeth like those found in a shark's mouth. The skin on it's head was a combination of oro and bronze scales and it had rubies the size of Percy's fists for eyes. The Draghi sides were plated with bronze and oro scales and encrusted with gemstones. The legs were the size of albero trunks, ,and it's feet had steel talons. It could be missing a talon because Percy chopped it off. It's body was the size of a school bus, and it's tail was just as long. But here's the kicker, the thing that seals the deal for me, it had NO wings. It looked like most Greek Drakons. Completely wingless. So from this descrizione I don't think that the cover dragon is the Bronze Dragon at all, but I have some ideas on this. Read below.

3. On page 48, when Annabeth is trying to fix the dragon, she says that they need Beckendorf to fix it. Percy then asks, "Isn't your mom the goddess of inventions?" To which she replies, "Yes, but it's different. I'm good with ideas. Not mechanics." Since I don't think that the Bronze Dragon is the one on the Lost Hero's cover, I have a theory that maybe the Athena cabina and the Hephaestus cabina came together to make a powerhouse of a dragon (Cover Dragon) that was slightly based off of the Original Bronze Dragon.

4. Here's another dragon theory. Annabeth tells Percy on page 45 that the Bronze Dragon was an automaton built, with the blessing of their father, da the Hephaestus cabin. It was made to protect the boarders of camp before the magic boundries and Thalia's albero were there. She detto it did a pretty good job, but it just disappeared one day. Based on that, I think that our Dragon might've been built as protection for the multitude of demigods at camp.

5. On page 55, after Charlie has been successfully rescued, Silena begs him to save the dragon because it had helped to save his life. So, of course, he does. After the Emergency defense is activated and the Myrmekes killed da electricity from the dragon, it starts to chase Percy and the others. They reach a weird outcropping of rocks, and after Percy distracts the thing, Charlie jumps on it's neck and shuts it down. I think that the Bronze Dragon is still in the place where they left it, and may now be a memorial of sorts for Silena and Charlie.

6. Silena and Charlie wanted to go back to the Ant collina to retrieve the treasures within. Percy said, "I think that's an adventure for later." so maybe they go back to the Aunt collina sometime during the Heroes of Olympus to retrieve some things from within.

7. The last thing here is pretty prominent in the short story. There were several times when the demigods mentioned that the head of the dragon, and finding the dragon's body in the bottom of the crater were "Signs from Hephaestus." Perhaps this sign was foreshadowing that Leo would build a dragon, o maybe Hephaestus was trying to get them to retrieve something from within the Aunt Hill. Either way it goes, I think we will find out what the sign was for in the Heroes of Olympus series.

The Sword of Hades.

1. Page 89. It is stated that demigods don't have coincidences. This means to me that someone intentionally put Jason on the bus, and that there is a reason his memory is messed up. Percy and Thalia also agree that it is probably some god messing with them. So that also means that it was most likely a god, not a daimone, not a minion, not a satyr o anything else other than a god that put Jason i the sede, sedile where he woke up at.

2. Now, we've all had our theories about Piper's mom, the superiore, in alto two being Persephone and Peitho. Well, here is a physical descrizione of Persephone as dato in the story: She had long dark hair and a beautiful but deathly pale face (probably from being in the Underworld.) She wore a dress made of all sorts of changing colors. There were red, blue, and yellow fiori blooming in the fabric. Her eyes were the same way as her dress, multicolored. Percy detto she looked washed-out, but if she had been in the world above that she would've been beautiful and brilliant. Remind te of anyone? A certain half Cherokee girl who didn't even have makeup on but had Jason struck stupid da her beauty. It was also detto that when Percy was surprised that Persephone wanted them to bring the sword back that her eyes were beautiful and serious like poisonous blooms.

3. The Keys of Hades were big in the story, and they were pretty much the only reason that Nico, Thalia, and Percy were sent on the quest to catch Ethan and bring back the sword. I know that the key was used to bring Iapetus back from Tartarus, but what if they end up being something valuble in the Heroes of Olympus series? It could be possible. See the successivo theory.

4. The Big Three demigods run into Sisyphus. Sisy, as Nico reffered to him, was determined to escape from the Underworld again. He detto that he could do it, that there were ways, that people could be tricked. I don't know if I should credit this as the ravings of a madman, o if there is merit behind it. There are certainly exits he could find, and allies he could make, but how would he get off his leash? Could a demigod release him, would someone be foolish enough to take over his punishment? There is a possibility that if he does get off his leash that he will try to get the Keys of Hades! I think it is a very likely that we will see him again, in all his Troll-like glory.

5. This theory pertains to the Keys of Hades, too. I was thinking about the properties of the keys. They have the ability to bring any shade back to life on earth and they also have the power to send a soul to the Underworld. Well, we all know that the Shades can't remember who they are, right? So what if Jason was a shade, and for some reason he was restored to his living form da the Keys? I think that this is likely, but I'd like to know why he would be brought back.

6. The River Lethe is a big part of the Sword of Hades, and we all know it can erase memory. I know we've all heard the theory that Jason somehow came in contact with the water and that's why his memory is gone. I don't know if I like this theory, but because it was mentioned in the book and it was a big part of the story, I have to mention it.

7. Melinoe. The goddess of ghosts was discribed as an evil and resentful spirit. She seems like one that would hold grudges even after peace has been restored. I think that we may see her as a baddie in the Heroes of Olympus because she still doesn't have what she wanted and because she was slighted da three demigods. She also tells Percy that he will remember her, which to me sounds like "You'll see me again!"

8. Percy thinks that Hades would be trying to find a way around the oath that he wouldn't use his sword against his brothers. This means that Hades might have a score to settle in the Heroes of Olympus, but as of yet I can't tell te if he will still play for the good team, because I feel like he has mixed feelings and doesn't make his decisions until last minute.

9. Persephone detto that with the sword that the Underworld would be protected from Kronos and any others who try to threaten them. I think she may know that there will be something else happen after the secondo War, and she probably knows who might be to blame.

10. When Percy drenched Iapetus, the Titan, in the waters of the Lethe, Iapetus' memory was washed away. On page 103, Nico says that he will keep an eye on Iapetus (the newly dubbed, Bob.) Nico tells Percy that he is harmless now. Then he continues to say that he might not be, but maybe they can retrain him to work for the side of good. So, I've got two completely different ideas. Either Bob goes bad o he ends up being a huge help for the good guys.

11. This theory is based on the culmination of a lot of theories from the Sowrd of Hades. Do te remember the line from the prophecy, "And foes orso arms to the doors of death." Well, what if we've got it all wrong? What if it means they are coming from inside the Underworld into the Mortal World? There are tons of beings in the Underworld that would Amore to see the Olympians and the mortal world destroyed! If they got ahold of the Keys of Hades, there's no telling how many of them could escape and wreek havoc. We would see daimones, immortals, and people that have been sentenced to spend enternity in Tartarus and the Fields of Punishment! There'd be no telling how much damage they could do, and maybe it's up to the Seven to keep it all from happening!

I hope that I have dato te some fresh theories that will give te something to discuss. We will know for sure if the Demigod Files has anything to do with the Heroes of Olympus when the Lost Hero hits bookshelves on October 12. If te want to reread the first two chapters from the Lost Hero, head over to the link. The password is "newhero". Don't forget to head over to my thread and leave your voti for the successivo topic. While te wait for the new article, check out some of the others like RoHeHa's articolo about the Mistress o one of Hecate's articles. There is also fan fic to enjoy and pictures to browse, o jump into a discussion and let us know what theories te have. Until successivo time, this is your lovable walking Greek Myth encyclopedia, Amphitrite, signing off.
added by darange
added by darange
added by hisblueeyes
Source: Rick's Blog
added by Alex13126
Source: Google
posted by Alex13126
 Anyone else wanna see some Calyspo action?
Anyone else wanna see some Calyspo action?
Read this first: I haven't read the Mark of Athena in a while, so if I quote a fact and it's wrong, please go ahead and tell me. These are my theories, so go ahead and state your own. Don't be rude just because te disagree with my theories, o someone else's.

We have about 7 months until the House of Hades. If any of te guys read Mark of Athena, then te were probably screaming and bawling at the huge cliffhanger. (What? Only me? Okay.) What I'm wondering is, what happens successivo in the series?

Obviously, Annabeth and Percy fell into Tartarus and are going to try and foca, guarnizione the Doors of Death...
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Okay, so before I even start this, I'm going to say 3 things:

1) THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a warning! :)

2) This is totally biased because Percy always annoyed me in the first series (I know, I'm a freak for saying that and I have no logical explanation for it...I always loved Annabeth and Grover più than's weird but true).

2) These are just my opinions and please don't get mad at me for them! :) Thanks. But also, please share your opinions in the commenti (but please be nice).

Sooooo, here are my thoughts on why Jason is actually really awesome, even though so...
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Hello, people of the HoO fandom! I come in peace... anyways, I just finished Leggere TLH and SoN, and am DYING for MoA! So to pass time, I have decided to pull up some predictions and try analyzing! :) So, today I'm going to do an in-depth look at the Prophecy of Seven, line-by-line. Feel free to contradict me, argue o agree with me in the comments. I Amore a good dibattito :) Anyways, without further ado. Let's begin!

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm o fire, the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes orso arms to the Doors of Death

Okay, let's start with...
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So a person added an answer to the domanda about posting the Mark of Athena in written form and they even postato a link to the transcript someone wrote down!! So I'm just transferring it here because it's pretty good so here ya go!
Disclaimer: Rick Riordan wrote this, NOT me :)
Last night while on tour for The Serpent's Shadow, Rick Riordan read the first chapter of Mark of Athena out loud to the audience.  The video can be found, but here's the transcript:

The Mark of Athena

Chapter 1:
Until she met the exploding statue, Annabeth thought she was prepared for anything.  She paced the deck...
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Ok, guys, I'm tired of the endless rants about Jason's immortal parent! No really, I'm sick of it, I just tossed my biscotti, cookie because of it...seriously! Ok, so I exxageratted, everybody does it, but back on topic. Jason's parents. I'm assuming, and it's just a hunch so don't shoot me, that his immortal parent is his dad. Don't ask me why, it's just the way I roll, I go with the messages I get subconciously. It seems that everyone has chosen sides, and they are dead set with their picks. Although there are others, three gods have been mentioned. Are te ready to pick your side?

Pick number one:...
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added by HermionePiper
Source: viria
added by Alex13126
added by darange

"That's the lava wall." Annabeth detto pointing to the huge bacheca pouring lava. "What are those?" Caroline asked staring at the camp's cabins "Oh those are the cabins. Each one represents a God." Annabeth explained "Like my mom is Athena so my cabina is the one with the owl at the top." "Cool which one is my cabin?" Caroline asked "Well I don't know. First te have to get claimed and then te get a cabin." "Oh" she detto looking confused. "Anyway it's almost time for te to go meet Chiron" Annabeth said.

When they got to the Big House Percy was sitting on the leather divano and Chiron was...
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posted by angeldawna
kk so i know everybody wanted to die after finishing MOA, but then remembered that they couldnt read the successivo one if they did. i know. me too. but if te think about it, its pretty obvious what happens, o at least easy to draw conclusions. percabeth cant die. nono. RR would die if he did that to us. but somebody has to, maybe nico? hedge? idk but someone important tho. somebody detto that calypso was coming back and immediatly my "leoissingleandilovehim" lights started flashing. i mean, come on, hes the single, sexy beast, shes the single, depressed goddess. we all see it. but idk how she got freed? i mean, what is this magic? i think we may see some jeyna magic happening what with the percabeth mess and all that jazz, and octavion probably kicking her @$$ in some way, but again, idk. im kinda anti- piper cuz shes annoying, but she did save percy and jason so she earned some respect from me. but idk. post what te think these are just ideas.
posted by -Percy-
Dear Readers, This is my fan Fic so please comment, and tell me what I can do to make this better.

Disclamer: I do not own these Characters, Rick Riordan does.

Percy felt like a rock when he and Annabeth was tumbling towards tartarus. When they almost reached the ground, he turned so his body hit the ground and protected Annabeth. He heard Annabeth scream when he turned his body but he didn't care - all he wanted is for Annabeth to be safe. When he hit the ground he could hear his Bones crunching, Annabeth calling his name but he was slowly losing consciousness.
posted by HecateA
So this afternoon [note that this was writen a long time ago] I got Lost on the Internet. But I made up for it da finding this map of Camp Jupiter that te can see if te click. (I apologise for the lack of link here, and in image sources; but I found out that my account was suspended because of a none-tolerable link here, so I just took them all out because I'm happy to be back).

It’s interactive too!

With little bubbles and boxes of information that appear through the magic of scrolling! So here are 7 fun facts and bits and bobs about New Rome, that te didn’t know but probably will find...
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posted by fusshi123
This articolo is about the wierdest couples ever... it need not be really a real couple.

I'm gonna talk about the superiore, in alto 3 wierdest couple there has to be.

3 Nico and Juniper.

*Cough cough* i kinda hate that couple. I mean, Nico is this goth kid with a black leather giacca and a skull ring, he's kinda emo. And it'll be kinda funny to see Juniper, a cheerful, green nymph to be his girlfriend. It contradicts.

Nico can do much better than that.

2 Luke and Annabeth

Seriously? Luke and Annabeth? there's a 7 anno gap between them so since Annabeth is now 17, Luke will be, what, 24?

And how can Annabeth even...
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posted by obsessionsucks
So in the YouTube video where rick reads part of chapter 2, Reyna mentions that she is the praetor of legion 12. Now in TLH Jason mentions that he is the praetor of the first legion. I believe that the legions are the same as the seperate cabins at Greek camp, therefore meaning the legions are seperated da parent, and the praetors are like the counselors. As Zeus/Jupiter is cabina one at camp half blood, he might be legion 1 at camp Jupiter. Therefore as dionysus /Bacchus is the twelfth Olympian/cabin I am led to believe that her parent is Bacchus, therefore explaining the purple robe, and maybe her father even mentioned Percy to her and detto he'd be on his way to camp which is how she knew his name. Thoughts?
Chapter 1:
P.O.V - Reyna Lewis
Narrated by: Reyna Lewis

Side note> the giorno started out as a "Normal" day. Well, normal for me is training at Half-Blood Academy to get my mind off… Well… Never mind. te see "Half-blood" here means Half-human, Half-god. My dad is Apollo, the god of the sun, prophecy, music, and so on. In this story I'm about to tell te Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune(Or Poseidon) and my crush, Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter(Or Zeus), had their memories wiped and switched into different lives. So now Percy Jackson is here, and Jason Grace is there. Forewarning: This is all TRUE....
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