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This is a small book i am Scrivere about the life of Renesmee cullen after (Breaking Dawn) It is in he rpoint of view for almost the whole time (with a few exceptions) I suggest starting from chapter 1 to get the full impact and information (:

Chapter 25: Avoided

I was relived when the air fondere, c'era un odore fresh when i arrived home. Although i hadn't fed, my thirst didn't burn my throat as it had before. I walked up the large stairs and into my grandfathers home, carefully closing the door behind myself.
As soon as i stepped foot into the doorway, my mother had me in her arms.

"Oh Renesmee!" She hugged me tightly.

Her arms that used to feel cool against my warm skin was now an uncomfortably normal tempature. She smoothed my hair back with her hand

"I didn't know if te would come back - te have no idea how anxious i've been.."

I looked back up at her, meeting my bloodred gaze with her golden.

"I didn't mean to upset you, I just couldn't risk"

I let my sentence break off. I didn't want to say the words aloud. I didn't want to hear of what i was capable of now. She nodded,

"It's quite alright, dear. Come along upstairs with the others"

I followed my mother up the staircase leading into the living room. There sat Uncle Emmette, Uncle Jasper.

"I'll be right back" She whispered in my ear, then disapeard into the house.

Jasper eyed me wonderously, yet he seemed so confused. I ignored it though, i often confused people. And it wouldn't be a surprise if there was somthing that couldn't be explained.

"Hey Renesmee" Emette said, holding a grin across his face. "Now that your finaly back, wanna go hunting?"

His excitment to take me hunting was almost apauling, as if he had been waiting forever for me to become a monster. But i knew he used to Amore taking me when i was little, and i shouldn't be suprised. yet weirdly enough, i wasn't thirsty. I couldn't quite process how that was possible, not a drop of blood has touch my mouth.

"Actualy, im not thirsty.." I said, half dazed da the fact.

"Geeze Nessie" He detto smiling again "How many people did te slaughter?!"

I sighed,

"Only you, Emette, would jump to the conclusion of me murdering the town"

But when i looked over Emette's shoulder it semmed as if Jasper had taken it quite seriously. He raised one eyebrow, as to challenge my denial. I only shook my head, and focused back on my Uncles grin.

"But come on Renesmee - te haven't fed once. te can't honestly not be thirsty"

Jasper stepped out from behind Emette examining me. He looked at me skepticly, watching my movements o rather my lack of movement.

"..She isn't lieing Emette - at least not about the thirst."

" te don't honestly think I ?.."

"There is no other possible way te would have been able to have complete self control for the plane ride and the times while te were here" He stated, questioning my honesty.

"Hey - lay off her Jazz. Even te had your slip-ups!" Emette said, trying to lighten the mood.

"But if she hunted in Volterra..."

"After living with the Volturi for that long i think she would know better"

"Guys!" I exclaimed, getting thier attention.They imedeitly stopped their small dibattito and looked up at me. I held my hands up defensivly

"I didn't Kill anybody - o anything for that matter. No amount of blood has touched my lips."

"..Sure thing Nessie.." Emette detto doubtfully.

"Ugh. I'll prove it!" I detto taking a step towards them.

I placed my hands on each of their faces, thinking about my days from the time i became a vampire to this very moment. Everything i felt, they now felt. Everything i saw - they now saw. The immagini played through their heads - like a movie. When i was finished i pulled my hands back.

"Impossible.." Jasper whispered.

Suddenly I heard the door swing open - And with it a gust of air broke through. The same air the makes my lungs and throat burn as if somebody set them on fire. This was the smell of blood. Human blood. Well.. i only wished it human.

"Jake!" I heard my mother squeal in protest "She isn't here!"

"Bella! Stop lieing to me. I heard leah think about her. Sam had told her he saw Renesmee. Where is she!" He pleaded back.

If i had a heart, it would have accelerated. I stayed facing away from the staircase, wishing i wouldn't have to meet his gaze. Emette and Jasper stood protectivly infront of me, blocking anyone in view

I heard his footsteps get closer. I felt the fuoco that burned inside my throat. I listened to each of his cuore beats, scared the he would soon find out i didn't have one. This would be my first time seeing Jacob again, and he wouldn't even see me.

Suddenly the footsteps came to a hault. An eerie silence filled the heavy air. I peeked out between Jasper's right arm. There i noticed my father blocking Jacobs path. They stared at eachother for a what seemed like a long moment.

"I don't want to hurt te Jacob, so leave." My father detto the words slowly, making each one aparent and meaningfull.

"To hell i will!" Jacob detto pushing my father out of the way.

Before Jacob could take one più step my father was already back on his feet.

"Bad move, mongrel!"

Panic ran through me as my fathers words sunk in. Were they really going to fight each other? Of course not.. no they wouldn't do such a thing. But i seemed to be mistaken. My father took a step forward, ready to strike him.

"Edward, no!" My mother said, pulling him back.

I saw my him struggle beneath her. But i could tell, as much as he was ready to murder Jacob he didn't want to upset my mother.

I looked back at Jacob who was quivering with anger. Yelling furiously at my father - just then Rosalie walked in.

"Whats going on he - YOU!" she detto pointing angrily at Jacob. "What did te do?"

"Where is Renesmee!?" He spat through his clenched teeth. Rosalie took a step forward, aproching him. I knew Emette was just dieing to be down there with her, he kept shifting his wieght.

They were both now face to face. Their eyes inches away from each other - her razor sharp teeth not far along either, it was almost scary. Like to wild animals, each fighting for their Cibo - and they were both starved.

"Are te going to leave, o am i going to have to make you?" She detto glaring at him.

I saw his jaw tighten, his eyes grew darker. "I'll take my chances"

"Your way." She detto raising her hands as if to preparing to physicaly take him out. I knew this would never end good. I swiftly moved out from behind my personal baracade, into plain sight from the staircase.

"Jacob..?" I detto his name quietly, but my voice had still shooken.

His head flashed up at the sound of his name. He walked around rosalie - making his way towards me. The gust of air brought his scent with him. I imedietly recoiled - pushing my hand out infront of me, motioning for him to stay were he is. But of course, it hadn't phased him. He kept walking closer.

I felt the fuoco burn beneath the skin on my throat. My lungs felt like two lumps of coals burning inside my chest.

It was almost as bad as the time in the forest. I was afraid for Jacob now.

"Renesmee?" He detto quietly stopping only a couple feet infront of me.

I nodded once, not wanting to suck in another breath of fiery air in fear i may not be able to control myself. His eyes were wide - horrorstruck. His reaction was even worse then i had initaly imagined. His body quivered with anger as he whipped around fiercly.

"WHO DID THIS TO HER?!" His eyes scanned each perfect face across the room. Yet neither of them showed fault.

Rosalie and my mother were already at my side, pulling me away. Yet i resisted. No sound escaped from anyone, making silence fill the room. The only thing heard was the loud breathing coming from Jacob.

He fell back against the wall, pulling his body down. He tilted his head back, closing his eyes.

"Who did this?" He detto calmer between his clenched teeth. The pain behind the words made it visable in his voice.

"Jacob none of us did this to her" My mother saiid clarifying her notion. "This was an act of the volturi.."

Jacob stood up imeditely at the words. "The volturi? Filthy bloodsuckers i swear when i get my hands on -"

"Jake!" I detto catching his attention, with each word i grew a step closer. "This wasn't the all of the Volturi's act. This is an act of one.."

My voice broke off at the end, remembering what had happened. Every sound, every feeling, every burn pierced my mind now. I shifted my eyes to the floor, backing up again, keeping my distance.

"Nessie.." I heard Jacob say softly, as if it was a far consoulment. As he shifted his weight closer, his scent came along with him. I grimaced lightly at the pain

"Jacob, stay back. It hurts her." I heard my father warn in response to my expression.

Although he detto the words i had been denying myself. The scent did burn più in my throat, especially now that he was only a couple feet away and growing closer. Jacob's eyes flashed towards his face,

"Oh please, My smell can't repulse her that much"

My father grimaced "I wish that was the fact, suprisingly te don't smell bad to her. Just like any other human.."

A look of confusion crossed his face. He opened his mouth to say somthing, but my father spoke before him.

"There is a lot of things we don't understand Jacob."

Jacob glared back at my father, "Well, if your done picking through my brain.." He detto bitterly.

I felt the fuoco slowly climb up my throat, making it worse.Another excess flow of liquid carefully seethed through my mouth. The pain was almost unbearable as i stood close to him.

"..Anyways" He continued "She isn't venomus, she can't hurt me.."

My mother shot one look at me, examining. "Jacob...."

So i was venomus! That must be the burning liquid that flows through my mouth. At least i had a name to put to it now. Venom. The word made me think of a small snake, praying on an animal. I shuddered at the thought.

He took a step closer, closing in the spazio between us. The fuoco raged beneath my snow white skin, turning my lungs into ash. I looked up at him, slowly backing up.

"Im sorry, i can't - "

I quickly walked out of the room, searching for fresh air. I felt bad leaving like that, but it was for his sake. I stood out on the balcony relived of any contaminated air. I noticed the sun was starting to rise now, but somthing else caught my eye.

I looked down and sure enough the sun had formed tiny crystals onto my skin. But they were so vibrant, so noticeable. Mesmerising might be a better word. I turned my arm examing them, they shined perfectly as the rising sun layed into the sky.

I let my eyes scan up my arm, that was until i saw it. The bite mark. I let my arm drop beside me again, looking away from the scar. I knew that was somthing that would never leave me, i would always have a peice of him. I shook my head at the though of that.

"Renesmee?" A voice called from behind me, smoothing my hair. It didn't take me long to notice it was my mother.

I stay staring straight out at the sky.

"I still have to go back successivo year" I announced, remembering Aro's words.

"You don't have to do anything , sweetie. There are ways to keep the Volturi in the dark.."

I turned around meeting her gaze. "But I've lived with them long enough to know that tricking the Volturi always ends badly.. I've seen the concequences of that."

She sighed lightly, standing successivo to me. "It isn't your fault" her quiet voice assured me.

I somehow wished she was right. If only this wasn't my fault. If i had went back home the first time - o left before all of this. It could have been avoided, and i didn't do a thing to stop it.

"How is your thirst?" she asked concerned.

"I am not thirsty, honestly." I detto looking at her "This is quite confusing for me. Not a drop of blood has touched my tounge, yet i feel bloated."

"Renesmee" She laughed "All of us are confused. I assume this is just somthing were going to have to learn with trial and error. But until then we have to focus on what's best for you, despite regular routine."

"I guess your right" I detto looking back at her. "Thanks, Mom."

She pulled me into an embrace

"Anytime Renesmee"
posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Two: We'll Find A Way Through The Storm
Nothin was più worse then the fact that Ramens were behind us! Well, also the fact that they were loaded with armor, and we were loaded with defense tools and a stolen ramen backpack. We slowly turned around, hands raised in surrender, hoping our deaths would be fast and painless. But then again, they never were.
"What!?" One ramen asked the other, obviously ahead of the group. "What is it, boss?"
"It's a rag!" He said, holding it up for everyone, including us, to see....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Jacob's POV
I don't know but Tay had just phased into a huge wolf! I almost bigger than me! Carisle, te might wanna go. I detto to him. He was just as shocked as we were. Okay, call me if te need something. Carisle detto as he back up towards his car. He finially got there and drover off. I quickly phased into my lupo form thinking I could explain everything to her, but I couldn't, didn't know how to explain anything to her. I saw everything that was on her mind, me screaming at her for running away, Sam chasing her, me yelling again for her cutting her, and me screaming at her for a third...
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my mind is getting out of ideas so im sorry if this one is like really bad

renesmee's pov

my dad was still speechless
"what is it daddy" i ask him
"are te okay edward" my mom detto worry but still with a lot of happiness that my dad was finally home
"everything is ok, but im amaze ,noah and jake have extraordinary gifts" my dad reply still in awe looking at noah an jake in surprize

i jump surprize
"you know what there powers are??? what are they??" i ask i was so excited
my dad was looking at noah and then he chucled
"im surprized te didn't notice noah's power o jake's" my dad detto
"o cmon...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Ugh I have been in this house for a week and have only been out of it once! I felt like I was solintay confinment! I tried not to take my anger out on Billy, it would work every now and than but it was so hard.  I tried to sneek out of the house but it didn't work, Jake and everyone else kept catching me. 

Everyone was asleep, it was 6 am, the sun was starting to rise. I grabbed my skateboard to go find some concrete since the Black's house didn't have any. I pulled my hair into my hat and left a note saying that I was going skating. I got all the way to the end of the drive way and hadn't...
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posted by Courtneyyy
I awoke, lying flat on my back. The ground was cold and smelled like rotting wood and moss. I lifted my head and hazily looked around. I saw wilting trees, and fog. The fog was thick, and i could hardly see my hand through it. My eyes were blurry and felt like i had been crying for a while. Almost immediatly after realizing i was alone in the woods, and having no idea how i got there, I felt a throbing pain on the crown of my head. I slowly lifted my hand to my head. My arm felt like it weighed an extra 30 pounds. I felt something warm and wet. As soon as the tips of my finger touched my throbing...
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noah let go of me

then Noah and Alice detto
"ok i will go"
and then alice continue
"but te are going to give us a mese to say goodbye am not asking because i now that te are going to" alice detto flatly lifelessly

jasper's face and mine were in shook and pain

"oo of course lovely alice we will come in a mese o and alice" aro strech his hand toward alice

alice gave a little sigh of agony and touch his hand
after a while

"o wonderfull ok see te in a mese noah , alice"
aro detto and he look as a little kid in Natale

elezar jane and aro left in a flash

noah was
noah was i couldn't say it he...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Jake's POV 
I wanted to see Bella più but since we went to 2 different schools it was hard. I got out if bed, got dressed, ate breakfast, and than headed off to school. I saw Taylor sitting on the bacheca like she was yesterday. Taylor was full of secrets it felt. She always seemed to be hinding something. ciao Talor what's up? I asked her. Nothing waiting for school to start. Taylor said. Fun, what's your last? I asked her. I was so curious yo know. It Kullen, why? She asked. Just wondering. I told her. Oh, okay. She sounded like she was relieved. Than the campana, bell rang. We went to our lockers...
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posted by surfergal
Sorry its short, got to go to bed!ugh

That night Nathen and I had made plans to go to the spiaggia that mroning before making the drive back up to forks. Once I woke up I put on my bathingsuit and then I took off my ring so I wouldn't loose it. It finally hit me I was actually engage. We drove to the spiaggia and we got there and started surfing immediately. We surfed for about two hours and then we had to make a tough desion on having to leave and go back to the hotel. Once we got back we went upstairs and took showers and then we finished getting ready and sent all of our stuff down to the car....
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posted by surfergal
Sorry its so short! commento and rate PLEASE!!!

I felt bad for leaving without one word to Nathen, but I knew I couldn't leave without one word so I said;
Look, I'm sorry I made te mad, but... I couldn't even finish my sentence.
No, I shouldn't have gotten so mad it was stupid of me anyways to know if te cared where I lived. Nathen said.
Its ok. I detto with a yawn.
I think someone needs to go to bed. Nathen detto with his oh so perfect grin that I loved.
Nathen carried me up to my room, like he usually did. I fell asleep against his warm chest. It was great to know that me and Nathen had made up. I didn't like to be mad at anyone. It is hard sometimes for me to forgive people but its usually not that long till I do forgive them.
I told Nathen goodnight and that I loved him and he detto the same back to me.
he smiled at me and look deeply into my eyes as i look into his he started to get closer until i realized i was getting closer too. until his lips touched mine
It was as if when our lips touched an explosion had occured everything was in fire.
Electricity was running through my body.
There was no thought only fuoco and beauty i put my arms around his neck and knotted my fingers through his soft hair he pulled me closer with his arm and with his other hand he gently touch my face.
Then what seem to me too soon he pulled away.
The tip of his nose still touching mine and his breath warm my face.
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posted by surfergal
I got back to the house 6 hours later. I hugged everyone and told them sorry for freaking out. They all detto it was okay and that it happens. I went outside to call Nathens cellphone and he didn't answer. I left him a voicemail saying:

Hey, Its Addi.
I'm sorry for frreaking out on te and I'm sorry that, I just didn't know what to do. Thanks for looking out for me, your the best.
I hung up and waited for his call back. I went to get something good to eat and to drink and then went and take a shower. it felt good to take a hot shower. It was getting late and I still hadn't heard from Nathen yet....
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posted by surfergal
I finally fell back to sleep when all of the sudden I heard snarling and hissing. I jumped up and started looking around. I was so dazed I didn't know what was happening till my eyes ajusted to the somewhat darkness. There were six huge red-eyed Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. crowded around us. My cuore started racing so fast. One vampire tried to leap at me but Nathen stopped him before he could get to me. I backed up so far from everyone until I hit something so hard and cold I thought it was a vamp but I was wrong it was just rocks. It was getting colder outside. I was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt with a...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
He kissed me like he had never kissed me before so of course I kissed him back. We kissed più deeply and then all of the sudden we were surrounded da a bunch of vampire. I was scarred to death, I kindo screamed, then I changed into my human form, I didn't mean to, I couldn't gigure out how to change back.Th worst part ever is that they out numbered Sawyer and I. This isn't a fair fight! I yelled not really meaning to. This boy, not much older looking than me came up, she smells like a good snack. Will te share? The boy asked. Sawyer got really protective, she's a vampire! Sawyer said. Well...
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posted by surfergal
It seemed forever sinse we had left the house and I was scared to death. It got cold really faast and it was beginning to thunder storm. We were walking now, well I wasn't Emmet was told apperently that I needed to be carried. I so didn't want to be carried, Emmet was kinda of cold to tell te the truth.
Emmet, can I walk. I ask.
No, te will leave your scent on where te are walking. Emmet had told me.
Oh, can I have jacket? I'm sorta freezing. I said.
Yeah,Emmet detto while Rose handed him another sweartshirt for me.
Nathen came out of the woods from infront of us and ask:
Do te want me to carry...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This is not a Twilight fan fiction Sorry I didn't know where else to post this, Please read and comment!

My name is Mulletfingers o well that's what my step-sister calls me. My mom sent me off to some boot camp in Mobile Alabama, I lasted 2 days and than ran all the way back to Coconut Cove. I live all da myself because my mom doesn't know I'm back, Bea (short for Beatrice) gives me Cibo like apples, oranges and her famous banana bread. There is always police sireign going around here. The other giorno I saw a girl o maybe a boy with long hair, came through here ( the empty boatyard
filled with...
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posted by surfergal
 The jet that they flew on to Cali.
The jet that they flew on to Cali.
I stayed at Max's house for a couple of weeks, I went home every so often. Max could pick stuff up now sinse his shoulders were heald now.. I was finally able to sleep in my own bed, instead of being on an air mattress. School was starting within three days and I had nothing to take. When I did get into the door of my house Alice came straight to me and ask:
Hey, Addi Do te want to go school shopping? Alice ask me.
Yeah totally. Let me go up stairs and take a doccia though frist. I said
Okay, great. Alice said.
I loved going shopping Alice, she pick out clothes that was me and that I looked hot...
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Chapter Fourteen

    I didn’t know how to feel. How was someone expected to feel after they had almost been killed? Someone was gasping. What was wrong with them? As I tried to concentrate, I realized it was myself gasping. I think I was starting to hyperventilate.
“ Grandpa! She needs help!” Renesmee cried beside me. They were trying to get me back to the house. I couldn’t see anything. My vision had black dots clouding it and I felt woozy.
“ She’s going into shock. We need to get her somewhere she can lie down as soon as possible.” I distantly heard Carlisle’s...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Ugh I couldn't stand it any more! Edward came out side with Emmet and Jasper. Zoey, what can te not stand any more? - Edward asked. Just some people, first Collin and now Sawyer!! I said. Slow down, Zoe, What happen with Collin - Jasper asked. I dont want to talk about it, I told them. Jasper would quiet trying to make me spill, I don't want to! I yelled at him. te need to talk to someone, why not us? Emmett said. Yall are guys, yall wouldn't understand. I told them. Zoe, te know we will understand, te can tell us. Edward said. I don't want to and them I lunged for Edward. I had him pinned...
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posted by EdwardCullen604
"Leahs coming" Alice and Edward detto in unison. Alice must have been searching the future too. I guess i should have realised that Leah would come after me when her brother was upset considering she had serious anger issuess.

"Why? her patrols not till this evening" Jacob assked in a onfused tone he was still staring at me like he couldn't deide what he thought of me though none of his thoughts were good.

"shes not coming to see te shes comin to see Cora" they continued to speak at the same time it was kind of freaky. Charro looked anxious as he understood why she was coming. I had to admit...
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posted by patrisha727
Opps.. sorry te guys, I forgot to post Amore here. LOL. But I postato it on my spot! ^_^

I closed my eyes, involuntarily. Damn, why did I have to get caught!?!?
I turned around to see Edward's hard face slowly.
"Hi..." I said, a little nervous.
Angela just stared at Edward with a shocked expression.
"You need to leave." Edward simply said.
"What's going on in there? That girl should go to the hospital for her arm!" I argued.
"We will take care of that." Edward said.
"What was Jasper doing?" I asked.
Edward sighed.
"You need to go, and not tell anyone, not even your parents, not even your your friends...
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