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This is my first Fanfic I hope te like it. Before I begin I would like to give the following disclaimer:

I own NOTHING of this story. The Characters setting plot and anything else I forget to mention I hereby give fully to Stephanie Meyer. I do this with the intent to not interfere with her ability to continue the stories I love. If I in any way come up with something she was going to use in any way then i differ to her as the original artist and creator. I am fully willing to put this in Scrivere apon request. I do take responsability for creating the story but she can have it, in part o whole.
I once read a review that stated Major writers were having to rework their plot lines because fan were Scrivere stories that got to close to their intentions and unfortunatley since the fan(s) in domanda published first it was the original autore who had to change.

All that being detto Stephanie Meyers Owns everything. What she did before me what I do now and whatever she does after.

The only other thing I would like to mention is where I got the idea for the story from.
I read Midnight Sun and thought it would be interesting if it was used intermittantly throughout another story da Edward. He would be explaining how he got through the first anno with her to make her feel better after an "accident" caused da Renesmee. I would explain further but that would give away the story.
I'll explain più once the cat's out of the bag and there's nothing più to hide (done as little side naratives da the author/me).
Now that thats out of the way lets get on with the story.


Part 1 Jasper:

It happened quickly one moment Bella was standing there her daughter smiling with her head tilted sideways snuggled into the side of bellas neck da her chin. Then it happened, I could feel it first, the sense of Amore mixed with joy. She reached over with her hand touching her mothers chin. Bella got that distant look one gets when listening to something intently. She looked down at her daughter smiling. No amount of magic was needed to recognise the Amore that was there. Bella mumbled something, soft and warm then closed her eyes and pursed her lips like she expected a kiss. The cuteness of the situation would have been over the superiore, in alto if I didn't Amore them both.
My expectation was that Nessie wanted to give her a kiss. I asked the others later (Edward and Alice) if they didn't understand what was to come. Edward detto she wasn't thinking specificly enough for him to figure it out. Alice with a look of absolute horror on her face detto "I don't think she planned it, the idea must have come to her so quick....there was no time, no warning".

Sadly it was not a baciare that went to her lips but the Sippy cup. Filled with a nice warm batch of type O Blood. For the first moment o two I saw recognition in her eyes felt the sadness mixed with fear. Then felt it blown away da a joyous exhiliration. This was the real stuff. Warm Juicy fresh and tasty BLOOD, in all its salty yummieness. I too was losing it.

It gets worse from here, much worse. Sippy cups are meant to not spill but they also keep the amount that flows out to a trickle. te sip from a sippy cup. Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. don't think logicly when hunting o drinking. So one moment Bella was standing there Frozen with the container upturned in front of her face, and the next...

and the successivo she let go of her daughter. She didn't exactly dump her of her side it was più lik shaking your arm away from something that was impeding a più important movement. In this case her desire to rip the lid off the sippy cup so she could gulp down the contents quicker. It should be obvious that in a house full of Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. there was no way the baby ever hit the floor.There ws nothing intelegent behind her eyes just raw animal hunger. There was no Bella, there was only the thirst. A feeling I knew well. One that had me now.

Even after decades of practice it is almost impossible for a vampire to simply not hunt humans. a newborn had no chance at all. Secretly I thought her ability to control her thirst was a byproduct of changing so soon after pregnancy. That somehow the need to connect with her young might have changed the way her brain assesed priorities. That couldn't possibly matter now. I couldn't believe she would just stop again. Not when she knew from experience what Human blood did compared to our usual Vegetarian diet. Bella was now....I didn't want to think through that yet. I loved my new sister part of me had to shut down, not see the hunter that sat there chugging the red warm Bloo......

We all regrouped hiding the child behind us while watching Bella slurp down what she had. She fell to her knees and then flat on her butt while making yummy noises. Soon, all to soon the cup was empty. She looked up and detto "MORE". There was no recognition in her eyes only an increased intensity of red. When no one detto anything she started looking around wildly while sniffing.

"MORE....NOW" Bella detto in a stangely pleading yet manic sounding tone.

Suddenly I heard alice say "Jasper, no"

Without warning there was preasure all around me. My brothers and sisters all piled on superiore, in alto of me.

"please" alice detto "not now we cant protect the baby if te do..." I could feel the fear and sorrow echo in her voice and in my head. Later she would explain that there wasn't enough blood for both of us and that when it was gone we would both hunt. Not a vegetarian hunt but a real one. They had no chance of catching and stopping us both.

No part of me wanted the little one, I just wanted my share. I was struggling but with so many people on me there was no chance of escape.

"Kitchen....Refrigerator....bottom shelf"!!! I screamed "let me go I want my share"

Bella was gone. There was a loud crash and the sound of things being dumped around the kitchen. Then it got quiet, to quiet. All my attention was focused between getting free and trying to calculate how much could possibly be left of the sippy cups goodness.

Time passed, I continued to struggle. Eventually I could hear the sound of someone Canto quietly while a baby cried. I wasn't coherent enough yet to understand. It was Rose trying to quiet down the baby while everyone else except for Bella continued to pin me to the floor.

Eventually Jacob showed up. I still have no idea how much time had passed. He looked around made a snide commento to rosalee, who then told him....everything.

His heartbreak was what finally snapped me out of it. Neither time, the futility of trying to escape o the obvious lack of anything left to drink had been enough. It was Jakes absolute sorrow flowing like waves of cold heat over me that did it.

Finally both Alice and Edward gave the all clear. they started to get up but I wasn't so sure. As I got up I could feel them again (emotionally in my head). First Alice trying to race ahead as usual hoping to see a positive future. Desperate to hide in her gift from the sadness. As if keeping busy would somehow be enough to hide her from the dark reality and the emotions that would resonate because of it. Emmett frustration and self anger. I knew he cared about our new sister but still the intensity suprised me. All the joking and bets of how many she would kill her first year, suddenly a reality.
Not good,not good at all. From Edward, I got a mixture of solemn resolve mixed with love. I could see the emptyness on his face though and perhaps he too was hiding. Both Carlile and Esme were calm but sad. I got the feeling they knew we would deal with this badly.

Until alice asked where I was going I hadn't realised I was headed for the door. Where was I going? I knew from experience I couldn't run o somehow hide from how they felt and understood myself well enough to know the difference between what came from them and what was me.
without intending to part of me had chosen to go find my own fonte of blood. I hadn't even gotten to the door and already I was hunting. Not with my eyes o da running but my nose had....something.

Just then a hand, small warm with a pulse that seemed too fast touched my arm. Suddenly I could see the room the people in it concern in their eyes. Stay the vision seemed to say. where are te going? I couldn't move, Where was I going was a good question. It occured to me that if I went I wasn't coming back. No più peace, no Alice nothing but the hunt.
It was enough, knowing I had a family my Amore and this small child who cared. Renesmee saved my life. Without her I wouldn't have known it needed saving until it was far to late. I wasn't going anywhere because they needed me as I needed them. I would be strong for them, for her and her mother. I would see this through because I must. it would be enough. It was enough. Suddenly I understood how Edward had gone so long without killing Bella.

I turned back towards the middle of the room and found Carlile looking at me. As I looked in his eyes I knew and could feel the pride he felt as he recognised the choice I made. I Jasper Hale vegetarian. And it would be enough. Others needed me più than I needed IT.

"yay, oh yay jasper my love...its going to be ok" Alice detto dancing around.

I couldn't celebrate, not yet. There was still Bella and the thirst that would dominate her first year. What were we supposed to do now. Charlie knew enough, what about the treaty what now do we do about the unreliable crafty thirstmonger that was our friend. This was giorno one and already I felt lost. It's not that I hadn't dealt with newborn Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. before. This time was different. This time I cared about her. there were so many things I couldn't do to her that would have made this easy.

With others all te have to do is set a firm example. step out of line and I rip your legs off. When you've calmed down I'll give them back. I could never do that to Bella. God please make it so I never have to. All I could feel was dispair but then Alice slid her arms around me and said

"your not listening, I detto it would be all right. We just have to be dillegent and smarter than her for a while. In the end I'm mostly sure we can get through this without anyone dying."

I wanted to believe, truly I did. Then I felt another pair of arms wrapping around me. Esme this time, with words of congratulations. They were so sure of me and all I could think of was that I needed to stay focused. My family needed me. If I slipped now o let my attention wander Bella might do something she could never forgive herself for.

This was giorno one. For me the end of one life and for both Bella and me the beginning of another.

I got this idea when I first read Blog posts where people kept saying they hated the happily ever after ending of Breaking Dawn. Hopefully after Leggere this Stephanies original ending might be più preferable.
As I detto at the beginning SM can have this story (and yes I know thats not how it really works but I can try).

If your interested the successivo installment is about the Nomads organising together to form a coalition. Their intent is to stand together against the Volturi. They ask Carlile to lead them. The domanda is, can they hold things together while keeping Bella from drinking half the population of forks dry.


This is my first Fanfic I hope te like it. Before I begin I would like to give the following disclaimer:

I own NOTHING of this story. The Characters setting plot and anything else I forget to mention I hereby give fully to Stephanie Meyer. I do this with the intent to not interfere with her ability to continue the stories I love. If I in any way come up with something she was going to use in any way then i differ to her as the original artist and creator. I am fully willing to put this in Scrivere apon request. I do take responsability for creating the story but she can have it, in part o whole.
I once read a review that stated Major writers were having to rework their plot lines because fan were Scrivere stories that got to close to their intentions and unfortunatley since the fan(s) in domanda published first it was the original autore who had to change.

All that being detto Stephanie Meyers Owns everything. What she did before me what I do now and whatever she does after.

The only other thing I would like to mention is where I got the idea for the story from.
I read Midnight Sun and thought it would be interesting if it was used intermittantly throughout another story da Edward. He would be explaining how he got through the first anno with her to make her feel better after an "accident" caused da Renesmee. I would explain further but that would give away the story.
I'll explain più once the cat's out of the bag and there's nothing più to hide (done as little side naratives da the author/me).
Now that thats out of the way lets get on with the story.


Part 1 Jasper:

It happened quickly one moment Bella was standing there her daughter smiling with her head tilted sideways snuggled into the side of bellas neck da her chin. Then it happened, I could feel it first, the sense of Amore mixed with joy. She reached over with her hand touching her mothers chin. Bella got that distant look one gets when listening to something intently. She looked down at her daughter smiling. No amount of magic was needed to recognise the Amore that was there. Bella mumbled something, soft and warm then closed her eyes and pursed her lips like she expected a kiss. The cuteness of the situation would have been over the superiore, in alto if I didn't Amore them both.
My expectation was that Nessie wanted to give her a kiss. I asked the others later (Edward and Alice) if they didn't understand what was to come. Edward detto she wasn't thinking specificly enough for him to figure it out. Alice with a look of absolute horror on her face detto "I don't think she planned it, the idea must have come to her so quick....there was no time, no warning".

Sadly it was not a baciare that went to her lips but the Sippy cup. Filled with a nice warm batch of type O Blood. For the first moment o two I saw recognition in her eyes felt the sadness mixed with fear. Then felt it blown away da a joyous exhiliration. This was the real stuff. Warm Juicy fresh and tasty BLOOD, in all its salty yummieness. I too was losing it.

It gets worse from here, much worse. Sippy cups are meant to not spill but they also keep the amount that flows out to a trickle. te sip from a sippy cup. Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. don't think logicly when hunting o drinking. So one moment Bella was standing there Frozen with the container upturned in front of her face, and the next...

and the successivo she let go of her daughter. She didn't exactly dump her of her side it was più lik shaking your arm away from something that was impeding a più important movement. In this case her desire to rip the lid off the sippy cup so she could gulp down the contents quicker. It should be obvious that in a house full of Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. there was no way the baby ever hit the floor.There ws nothing intelegent behind her eyes just raw animal hunger. There was no Bella, there was only the thirst. A feeling I knew well. One that had me now.

Even after decades of practice it is almost impossible for a vampire to simply not hunt humans. a newborn had no chance at all. Secretly I thought her ability to control her thirst was a byproduct of changing so soon after pregnancy. That somehow the need to connect with her young might have changed the way her brain assesed priorities. That couldn't possibly matter now. I couldn't believe she would just stop again. Not when she knew from experience what Human blood did compared to our usual Vegetarian diet. Bella was now....I didn't want to think through that yet. I loved my new sister part of me had to shut down, not see the hunter that sat there chugging the red warm Bloo......

We all regrouped hiding the child behind us while watching Bella slurp down what she had. She fell to her knees and then flat on her butt while making yummy noises. Soon, all to soon the cup was empty. She looked up and detto "MORE". There was no recognition in her eyes only an increased intensity of red. When no one detto anything she started looking around wildly while sniffing.

"MORE....NOW" Bella detto in a stangely pleading yet manic sounding tone.

Suddenly I heard alice say "Jasper, no"

Without warning there was preasure all around me. My brothers and sisters all piled on superiore, in alto of me.

"please" alice detto "not now we cant protect the baby if te do..." I could feel the fear and sorrow echo in her voice and in my head. Later she would explain that there wasn't enough blood for both of us and that when it was gone we would both hunt. Not a vegetarian hunt but a real one. They had no chance of catching and stopping us both.

No part of me wanted the little one, I just wanted my share. I was struggling but with so many people on me there was no chance of escape.

"Kitchen....Refrigerator....bottom shelf"!!! I screamed "let me go I want my share"

Bella was gone. There was a loud crash and the sound of things being dumped around the kitchen. Then it got quiet, to quiet. All my attention was focused between getting free and trying to calculate how much could possibly be left of the sippy cups goodness.

Time passed, I continued to struggle. Eventually I could hear the sound of someone Canto quietly while a baby cried. I wasn't coherent enough yet to understand. It was Rose trying to quiet down the baby while everyone else except for Bella continued to pin me to the floor.

Eventually Jacob showed up. I still have no idea how much time had passed. He looked around made a snide commento to rosalee, who then told him....everything.

His heartbreak was what finally snapped me out of it. Neither time, the futility of trying to escape o the obvious lack of anything left to drink had been enough. It was Jakes absolute sorrow flowing like waves of cold heat over me that did it.

Finally both Alice and Edward gave the all clear. they started to get up but I wasn't so sure. As I got up I could feel them again (emotionally in my head). First Alice trying to race ahead as usual hoping to see a positive future. Desperate to hide in her gift from the sadness. As if keeping busy would somehow be enough to hide her from the dark reality and the emotions that would resonate because of it. Emmett frustration and self anger. I knew he cared about our new sister but still the intensity suprised me. All the joking and bets of how many she would kill her first year, suddenly a reality.
Not good,not good at all. From Edward, I got a mixture of solemn resolve mixed with love. I could see the emptyness on his face though and perhaps he too was hiding. Both Carlile and Esme were calm but sad. I got the feeling they knew we would deal with this badly.

Until alice asked where I was going I hadn't realised I was headed for the door. Where was I going? I knew from experience I couldn't run o somehow hide from how they felt and understood myself well enough to know the difference between what came from them and what was me.
without intending to part of me had chosen to go find my own fonte of blood. I hadn't even gotten to the door and already I was hunting. Not with my eyes o da running but my nose had....something.

Just then a hand, small warm with a pulse that seemed too fast touched my arm. Suddenly I could see the room the people in it concern in their eyes. Stay the vision seemed to say. where are te going? I couldn't move, Where was I going was a good question. It occured to me that if I went I wasn't coming back. No più peace, no Alice nothing but the hunt.
It was enough, knowing I had a family my Amore and this small child who cared. Renesmee saved my life. Without her I wouldn't have known it needed saving until it was far to late. I wasn't going anywhere because they needed me as I needed them. I would be strong for them, for her and her mother. I would see this through because I must. it would be enough. It was enough. Suddenly I understood how Edward had gone so long without killing Bella.

I turned back towards the middle of the room and found Carlile looking at me. As I looked in his eyes I knew and could feel the pride he felt as he recognised the choice I made. I Jasper Hale vegetarian. And it would be enough. Others needed me più than I needed IT.

"yay, oh yay jasper my love...its going to be ok" Alice detto dancing around.

I couldn't celebrate, not yet. There was still Bella and the thirst that would dominate her first year. What were we supposed to do now. Charlie knew enough, what about the treaty what now do we do about the unreliable crafty thirstmonger that was our friend. This was giorno one and already I felt lost. It's not that I hadn't dealt with newborn Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. before. This time was different. This time I cared about her. there were so many things I couldn't do to her that would have made this easy.

With others all te have to do is set a firm example. step out of line and I rip your legs off. When you've calmed down I'll give them back. I could never do that to Bella. God please make it so I never have to. All I could feel was dispair but then Alice slid her arms around me and said

"your not listening, I detto it would be all right. We just have to be dillegent and smarter than her for a while. In the end I'm mostly sure we can get through this without anyone dying."

I wanted to believe, truly I did. Then I felt another pair of arms wrapping around me. Esme this time, with words of congratulations. They were so sure of me and all I could think of was that I needed to stay focused. My family needed me. If I slipped now o let my attention wander Bella might do something she could never forgive herself for.

This was giorno one. For me the end of one life and for both Bella and me the beginning of another.

I got this idea when I first read Blog posts where people kept saying they hated the happily ever after ending of Breaking Dawn. Hopefully after Leggere this Stephanies original ending might be più preferable.
As I detto at the beginning SM can have this story (and yes I know thats not how it really works but I can try).

If your interested the successivo installment is about the Nomads organising together to form a coalition. Their intent is to stand together against the Volturi. They ask Carlile to lead them. The domanda is, can they hold things together while keeping Bella from drinking half the population of forks dry.
1. te wake up in the middle of the night to find him climbing through your window to watch te sleep.

2. He hates your dog, and all Cani for that matter.

3. He looks at te like you're somethig to eat.

4. He frequently tells te how nice te smell.

5. His parents mysteriously let him ditch school on sunny days just to go CAMPING!

6. He stops a furgone, van from almost crushing te to death with his orso hands.

7. He can bounce frutta from his feet like a calcio ball (apples are his specialty).

8. He calls te ragno monkey and runs around with te on his back.

9. He seems to know what everyone is thinking.

10. He claims the reason his eyes change color is because of "the fluorescence".
posted by SuperFunFan1001
Well So do te all remember Zach? Well I’m gunna bring him back into the story later on. Not for a while though. Oh! Also, the Volturi will be appearing again but again, not soon.


Bella’s POV

“BELLA!” I heard a man shout and my head instantly shot up just in time to see a HUGE man, no, vampire, running towards me. Before I could do anything he had his arms wrapped around me. Instantly I panicked and pushed out my shield making him fly into the woods.

The flames went higher and I crouched into a fighting stance looking between the direction...
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posted by TwilightCullens
 Alice and Jasper
Alice and Jasper
I don't know how surreal this was but I knew I was in no dream world, but it took me away from everything,everything I didn't know about myself.I knew two things.One,I was called Alice.Two,I could see the future.It had only been a giorno and I was sat in an empty house when......I saw a face in my eyes. He had blonde curly-ish hair that shined almost as bright as the sun,big black sphered eyes and a pale me,he was a vampire.Then there was me taking his hand. We were in an empty cafee o something like that....then it finished.I liked this vision.It made me feel warm inside even though...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


Gym passed quickly as I watched Mike's one-man badminton show. He didn't speak to me today, either in response to my vacant expression o because he was still angry about our squabble yesterday. Somewhere, in a corner of my mind, I felt bad about that. But I couldn't concentrate on him.
I hurried to change afterward, ill at ease, knowing the faster I moved, the sooner I would be with Edward. The pressure made me più clumsy than usual, but eventually I made it out the door, feeling the same release when I saw him standing there, a wide...
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posted by renesmeblack
ALERT!!! I will be discontinuing the stories. I apologize to my fan and friends, but I cannot continue. I go on a different website for my fanfics, which are different and better, da the way.


I'm under the name, mrsnessieblack!

Here's a brief descrizione of my latest ad frequently updated stories:


A girl named Erin is saved da a boy named Seth Clearwater. Soon, she learns his secrets and is in for the adventure she at first tried to avoid!!! The first of the IMPRINT series.


A young Indian named calendula, tagete falls in Amore with Embry Call. The secondo in the IMPRINT series and funny...
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posted by darkfairy97
I was nervous about reuniting with my dad. He could be distant. Twenty seven yearsof being the only window wiper in Switchblade had forced him to distance himself from others da at least a windowpane. I recall my mom breaking down crying on the sofa after one of their rows and him just watching her stoically, right outside the window, wiping in powerful, circular motions.
When I saw him waiting for me outside the terminal, I walked toward him shyly, tripping over a toddler and soaring into a keychain display. Embarrassed, I straightened up and fell down the escalator, somersaulting over the...
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posted by TwilightCullens
I fell on the stone cold floor, whacking my head hard.I watched as he aproached me, walking down the silent corridor.I was surpised no one could hear his snarls coming from his chest.

I felt the blood pouring out of my head and down my neck.I started to lose conciousness But I could still see the man properley as he stood there with a grin that flashed his teeth.

He had blonde hair full of dirt tied up,his face was pale as the snow and his eyes were black as the night with only the slightest dot of white.

I knew he wasn't exactly human and I knew it wouldnt be long before he would come.

The images...
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This is my longest chapter yet and is deddicated to my sister who told me to post my stories on the net. Enjoy!

Nahul was standing opposite me and the rest of us but there was a problem, behind Nahul there was a pack of sixteen blood thirsty, red eyed vampires.
“It’s just like Victoria,” I heard dad mutter, automatically placing himself in front of mum and I. I had heard about Victoria before, the crazed vampire who had wanted to kill my mum when she was human; she had created an army of newborn Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. and my dad had eventually ripped her head off with the help of Seth (my best wolfish...
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posted by twilightrox43
This is a strange one. Hmmm... <3

Off I go to get Bella. It doesn't make sense. Bella just dashed after her and didn't return. I whirled into the thick trees. Ariella and Bella were like identical twins da personality. I was starting to believe Alice was getting a bit jealous. I first noticed the absolute clue when she came whizzing up behind. "Alice, what are te doing? Go back home. It's fine." I ordered. "No," she replied simply. I didn't go on more. I knew she cared about Bella. We found her leaning over a shaking Ariella, shock spreading on her face. Sounds bristled in the woods. The...
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posted by xroylex
she sensed that something was wrong as she lifted her self of the cuscino to look at me i lifted my head i needed to get my mood under control so i didn`t flip out.
"edward? what is it whats wrong?"
"you have to aske" my face maybe smooth but there was nothing i could do about my voise.
her face went blank as she thought there was many times that i had wonted to know what she was think and as her face started to crease with worrie this was defently one of thouse times sure she told me but i really did belive that she is editing it. hm.
my fingers started to smooth her fawhead.
!what are te thinking?"...
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 Lilly Black...
Lilly Black...
I walked through the gates of Forks High school, i was shaking i was that nervous i looked around
and saw teenagers flocking through the car park, i kept my eyes down and headed towards a ancient building with a small welcoming sign that said: Welcome to Forks High School. I entered the old building and found a beautiful brunette lady sitting at a small cluttered desk, she looked at me and plastered on a smile.
“Hello dear how may i help you?” she detto sweetly.
“Um I'm Lilly Black, I'm new here” i detto quietly. She than turned away from me and started searching through a bunch of papers...
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this is only a small part of it but it is some lol

the honnymoon

she stared around for a while i watched her. after a long look around she asked
"isle esme?" she asked confused
"a gift form carslie-esme offered to let us borrow it* i told her she rolled her eyes.
i placed the suitcases on the dock then turned back with a smile on my face ot grap bella i scooped her in my arms and picked the cases back up.
"arnt te ment to wait for the freshold?" she asked breathless. i had caught her of gard.
"i am nothing if not thrghout" i grinned.
i held all suitcases and bella in my arms up throught the...
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Here is chapter 2 of my story please commento and rate & and check out my other work on my profilo Thankyou for mostrare intrest in my work I REALLY APRECIATE it...x

I woke to an annoying beeping sound.
“Uhg,” I knew where I was. I was in Carlisle’s miniature ‘hospital’. “Jacob? Mum? Dad?” I questioned groggily.
“Were right here sweetie,” I heard mums wind chime voice tingle “um... te passed out.” She mumbled, sounding nervous. That was strange, mum NEVER sounded nervous.
“How long have I been sleeping?” I groaned.
“17hours,” Dad detto smiling...
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Every movie that hits theaters is going to have its critics and fans; some più than others. This has certainly been the case with the Twilight saga as it has fan in a frenzy and haters going berserk.

Then the fan turn on the haters and become the haters of... well... the haters. All this going on with extreme passion on both sides of the ring.

It is a bit conspicuous that those with strong negative view points are not happy; but why?

Vampire Film have been around for decades including Nosferatu and Bram Stoker's Dracula. Some claim that these are "real" vampire Film and truly frighten people...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
to darkfairy97! thank you!

i woke.if te called that sleeping. but i diddnt want to move, i was too shocked to move, like i couldn't, paralized . again.
Jacob detto that he wasn't going to leave the house after last night, had givin up to continuing carrying on about the scent.
i jsut sat back ,and diddnt reply. i couldn't say a word. my face was numb, my whole body was cut off from me.
i knew that me recitazione this way would give concerns to jacob, but that diddnt matter now. i believe that after seeing Carlisle that Jacob knew who was there last night, but was too afraid of me to ask what happened....
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posted by KatiiCullen94
edward point of view.

(p.sfor New_moon_master!)

imortality, hurts when te have nothing to live for.
the darkness helps, being alone, cutting off all sanity.
bella., her brown eyes. her scaret blush, fragile. beautiful. Isabella.

"Carlisles home, edward please come down and greet your father."
esmes thoughts begged. she found any eccuse just to see me act "normal"
i diddnt move, only to continue my rocking back and forth.
"hey carlisle, how was work?" alice detto joyfully.
"umm ok i guess" he mumled, even up here i could hear everything that was said.
"i saw bella today"
my head jerked up. and i sped...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
the remake of the old capter 3, i was just to tired that i worte horible

dedicated to migutza2006

i sat down with my hot warm of coffee into the old armchair. just starrting at her lie there in her deep innocent slumber.
i couldnt resist, to walk over and just stop and stare.
she had two dimples painted in her cheeks with her smile, as thought hse was having a dream, a good dream. she was a good dream only waiting fr me to wake up.
she was peace, the inner tranquility that i longed the heal from.
she may not be able the heal the hole in my chest, but she was one big bandaid.
i stood there for minute...
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posted by SuperFunFan1001
Hope ya like it!

Bella’s POV
Uuuh what happened? “ Bella? Bella sweetie?” called a sharp yet beautiful velvet voice.
I opened my eyes and sat up. In front of me there was a man with black hair and almost translucent skin.
I shot up and got into a fighting stance. “Who are you!? How do te know my name?” I growled. “Bella?” he looked confused. “It’s me Aro. Don’t te remember?” he was staring at me as if I had grown a secondo head. “What are te talking about? What don’t I remember?” I detto to him putting as much coldness...
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This is the lyrics to death cab for cutie meet me on the equinox on the new moon soundtrack. Enjoy!

Meet me on the equinox
Meet me halfway
The sun is perched at its highest peak
In the middle of the day

Let me give my Amore to you
Let me take your hand
And as we walk in the dimming light
Oh darling understand

That everything
Everything ends
That everything
everything ends

Meet me on your best behaviour
Meet meet on your worst
For there will be no stone unturned
Or bubble left to burst
Let me lay beside te darling
Let me be your man
And let our bodies intertwine
But always understand

That everything
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posted by AliceRoxx
This is Bella dwelling on how her life turned out. It is supposed to be if Alice never saw her jump off the cliff, so they didn't go to the Volturi, Edward is still alive somewhere but she hasn't seen any of the Cullens since her disastrous birthday party. Enjoy!

“Goodnight Mama!”

“Goodnight sweetie, I’ll see te bright and early in the morning, ready for fishing with Grandpa ok? Amore you”

I hugged and kissed my two, adorable children and wished them goodnight.

Oh, how big they were getting! Ben was almost eight! How I loved our little Ben, just like his father. The same sun-kissed,...
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