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Link: Oh, fucking finally. I thought we'd never get off that piece of shit island.
Tetra: Yeah, I mean, what kind of rewards were that
Link: Glad te see it my way
Tetra: And all it took was your constant bitching to convince me so it would shut te the hell up
Link: It's not bitching, it's complaining
Tetra: Whatever, there is the successivo island
Link: Isn't that the Forsaken Fortress
Tetra: Yeah, so what
Link: Isn't there like, hundreds of monsters, there
Tetra: Yeah, but te have a sword
Link: Hmm. Good point. So, what do I need to do
Tetra: Just fight some ghost to the death
Link: Can, and most certainly,...
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Wow… just wow. The autore of todays fanfic didn’t even fucking try to make it good. Just a minuto and a half long story, and that’s it. And its especially insulting to me, because this is a Zelda fanfic, and I Amore the Zelda games. So, lets start the fanfic, named Majora’s Pants… About half of te just left. I can feel it. te all left because the titolo is so stupid, its unbelievable.
So, it starts with Link walking into the Great Deku albero and- HOLD ON! Majora? Great Deku Tree? Both of them are from different Zelda games. The Great Deku albero is from Ocarina of Time, whereas Majora...
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So, Tenkai Knights: Ribelle - The Brave Battle, a game on the 3DS that was forgotten about, even da enthusiasts of bad video games, like myself, probably for reasons that it deserves. And yes, I am stretching this out as much as I can because I have no idea what Tenkai Knights is. Unlike Deal o No Deal, which I had a vague understanding of, I never watched the show, Tenkai Knights. I can’t make jokes about that. But I what I can make jokes about is that Tenkai Knights: Ribelle - The Brave Battle is a fighting game that was developed da Bandai Namco, the same studio that brought us Tekken and SoulCalibur, some of the...
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So remember back when I reviewed Fable II that I liked both of the first Fable games and how I am not a true L337 Gamer as a result? Well, this is the other of the two Fable games, Fable the first, o Fable: The Lost Chapters, as I have never played the original Fable, o Anniversary for that matter.
Fable: The Lost Chapters has a story as unoriginal as the sequel. A young boy’s village is burned down and he goes to train and become a hero in a world where people need Heroes to do things. As he goes about these tasks, he later gets involved with a quest that involves immortal deities,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas!

Seanthehedgehog Presents

Hedgehog In Ponyville Episode 9


Being a war hero in a town where everyone likes te is a good thing. Everywhere I go, I see a friend. Everytime I need help with something, I ask them. I've also been promoted from captain to major.

We took back Ponyville from Nazi Forces, and Celestia was breifing me on my new assignment in Twilight's former library.

Celestia: Discord now has an army of his own. He has time traveled into the secondo world war in a planet called Earth, and gathered an army of italian humans....
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We all play games to actually get away from all the pointless chores of reality. Sadly, though, there are moments in games that throw us right back into reality da making us do the same chores as in reality. Now, a few rules before I begin. Only one game per franchise and only games that I have played. Now, with all that said, lets start the list.

#10: Survivor Chores from Dead Rising - Now, this really isn’t pointless, as saving survivors does get te a new weapon, levels te up, o gives te money. However, there are THOSE survivors. te know the ones, the ones that will refuse to...
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Song: link

Ethan: Nice piano.
Liam: Wait until te hear the lyrics.
Ethan: Oh dear lord. *Laughing*
Metal Gloss: Everyone ready for the back to back episodes of The REAL Powerpuff Girls?
Liam: Yeah.
Ethan: I am.
Metal Gloss: Alright. We'll enjoy the rest of this Musica while te enjoy the two episodes.

Song: link

Tom Kenny: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards da an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*...
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Song: link

Two officers were standing successivo to a fuoco da the Tie Interceptor.

John: That could give us extra trouble. We'll have to take care of the pilot.
Morris: I'll take care of him. *Walks downstairs, and passes them, heading towards a radio room*

Skip the song to 1:08

When Morris walked in, the room looked empty, but he wasn't so sure.

Morris: *Pulls out his silenced blaster, and looks in front of him*

Out of Morris' view to his right behind a wall, the radio operator was making himself a cup of coffee.

Morris: Hello.
Radio Operator: *Walks in front of Morris*
Morris: *Fires his blaster*...
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Oh yeah, it’s time to talk about some character action games, some of the best of the medium, and what better one to start with than the king of them all, Devil May Cry. o rather, the first one, the weird one where Dante was clearly a Blade o Neo rip-off and the camera sucked a dick. Regardless, still an incredibly fun game.
Devil May Cry follows Dante as he goes to kill demon king Mundus on a secluded island consisting of marionettes, shadow beasts, Nelo Angelos and also something about him wanting to fuck a look-a-like of his mother. Allegedly wants to fuck his mother, granted. Now,...
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Song: link

Twilight: Man, why are we here again?!
Spike: To take part in the S.S.S.S.
Twilight: Is that a Nazi thing?
Spike: No. That's the S.S.
Master Sword: *Looking at Percy, and Gordon pulling passengers. Then he looks at the ponies, Percy, and Gordon* We have two Percy's, and two Gordon's. This is very confusing!
Tom: Don't catch on fire.
Tim: Yeah, please don't. Tim Miller here everyone, and I'm hosting this week's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. Gran Turismo is still not on the list, which upsets me since I'm in that. This week's lineup, we got...

Ponies On The Rails - Rated...
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David Cage, the creator of many famous games of the recente era. A man who is detto to be one of the most creative minds in gaming right now. And yet, no matter who te ask, there is only two opinions on this guy. There’s the people who like David Cage and then there are the people who don’t. And I’m one of the people who don’t. Welcome to an episode of Content Cuck. And this is the David Cage and Quantic Dream rant article. I’m here to discuss all the flaws of every Quantic Dream game, yes, all five of them, and talk about the flaws of David Cage, from the self centered behavior to...
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posted by windwakerguy430
“Tiger… Hey, Tiger”
Tiger groaned as he stirred himself awake, inhaling through his nostrils as his eyes slowly opened, looking up at the bright sky and the moving clouds. Looking down at him, a young woman with red hair that stopped at her neck looked down with a grin, light freckles on her face, wearing a yellow style woman’s dress with brown boots. She graced Tiger with a chuckle as she joked, “Didn’t te just get some sleep?”
“Well when you’re on the road for as long as we are, te gotta get all the sleep te can before another job.” Tiger answered as he sat up.
Along with...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Takeshi Obata (Death Note, Bakuman)

The creator of Death Note is mostly respected for the insane thriller story he was able to create, and how it was able to become a world-wide phenomenon, despite being banned in some countries. But what I like the most about Death Note is the art style. Sure, te could pass this art off as the typical emo-haired teenager who works at your local Hot Topic, and, yeah, I can see that, but I really think it has style. For a story as dark as Death Note, I think that kind of arty fits it. And with Obata using his art to create some astounding imagery and symbolism...
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Before there was Zombieland and before there Shaun of the Dead, we didn’t get much comedy zombie movies. Sure, there were some, but not much. However, one movie came along that I think was an underrated classic of the 90s. First off, the movie was directed da Peter Jackson… yes, the Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson. Before he made Lord of the Rings, he made this movie. And it’s just as good as Lord of the Rings…. Okay, maybe not as good, but it’s still a good movie. Anyway, let’s talk about Dead Alive (Or Braindead if te live outside of North America.

Dead Alive follows the...
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 Art da SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
In 1977, Stephen King, famous horror story writer, released his book titled The Shining. It was a pretty disturbing book that a lot of people enjoyed. So much, that it even got a movie made, directed da the legendary Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick had not worked on horror Film before, so he wanted to give The Shining a shot. That sort of work ended up leading to one of the most influential and most iconic and greatest horror Film of all time… In my opinion anyway.

The Shining follows Jack Torrance, a writer suffering from writer's block, who takes the job watching over the Overlook Hotel...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Long ago, the Everlasting Dragon’s held power over Lordran and watched over all. They controlled the First Flame, which kept the land in prosperity. One day, four beings found the Lord Souls within the First Flame and took the power for their own. These four beings were known as Nito, the First of the Dead, the Witch of Izalith, the Furtive Pigmy Seath the Scaleless, and Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight. They used the power to defeat every last one of the Everlasting Draghi and took the power of the First Flame for their own, beginning the Age of Fire. However, the First Flame was never meant to last...
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Well, everyone, we finally reached the 200th article. Can te believe it. Over 199 articoli and one whole anno later, and we have done so much to do with this series. So, what can I do for te guys to celebrate this 200th articolo and one anno anniversary? Simple. I will review a movie. Yeah, crazy isn’t it. I have NEVER reviewed a movie before in this series, but, for te guys, I am going to make the first movie review for te guys. So, what film am I going to review for te guys? Well, how about Where the Dead Go to Die… Oooohh…. shit. So, before I review this movie, I need to tell you...
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Medley: (Touching Link’s hair)
Link: Will te stop that
Medley: But I can’t help it
Link: Well, te better try and help it, otherwise, I’ll cut off your head
Tetra: No te won’t
Link: (Angrily) No I won’t
(Later, at Forest Haven)
Link: Oh, not these annoying hippy bastards
Tetra: Oh, they can’t be that ba-
Great Deku Tree: Oh, Link, it is good to see te again
Tetra: AHH
Link: Told you
Great Deku Tree: Calm down, little one, no need to wor-
Tetra: Stay the fuck away from me, te creep
Great Deku Tree: Goodness you’re rude.
Link: Yeah, try having her drag te around like a dog.
Great Deku Tree:...
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Now, guess what........... There is a Creepypasta about Lil Wayne..... Just fuck it.
So, this story starts with Lil Wayne freaking out because people keep asking about his secret, which he won't tell anyone. So, the main character asks and thinks he has better luck...... He doesn't. But, for some stupid reason, Lil Wayne's agent decides to tell him, but at a different place. So, he takes the main character to a recording studio and tells him the..... First, off, I must prepare te all for the stupidest thing te will ever hear. Okay, so, the reason why Lil Wayne is so talented is because he made a deal with the devil to be a good rapper. And if he tells anyone this secret, he will lose his soul......... WHAT!? Thats the fucking plot twist? That's the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard. te know what, screw it, thats all I got. Honestly, nothing really happens in the fucking story anyway, so, fuck it, I'm done. But, hey, that's only my opinion. What's Your Take
Ganondorf: Ha ha, no doubt my giant black guard killed Link. (Laughs)
Tetra: I honestly could care less about him
Ganondorf: Now, nothing can stop-
Link: There te are, te fuckign cheater
Ganondorf: Goddamn it, I have..... wait, what is that...... te hold the final triforce piece
Link: Yeah, so wha- (Ganondorf slaps Link)
GanondorF: I'll be taking that (Picks up Triforce piece) Yoink. Finally, I have all three pieces (Giant Triforce appears) Ha ha ha. I did it. I got the Triforce. I'm so happy, I'm actually not going to kill te all
Tetra: Really
Ganondorf: (Laughs) No, your all so fucked
Link: Hey,...
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