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posted by emilypenguin55

“No,” Roy detto automatically. Ollie gave him a pained look.

“Spee—Red Arrow,” he said, and it had to be bad if Ollie was actually respecting the codename change. He continued, “You know I’d never ask te to do this normally,” which was a complete and total lie and they both knew it.

Roy crossed his arms. He glowered harder, because clearly Ollie wasn’t getting the message.

“I’m not your babysitter,” he detto through gritted teeth. “I’m not doing it.”

“C’mon,” Ollie cajoled. “It’ll only be for a couple hours – two days, tops, if we get sent to another dimension, but –”

“No,” Roy said. He glared, and Ollie glared, and they stood there in the middle of room sizing each other up. It wasn’t new territory, and Roy knew they could both keep it going for hours. One thing was for certain – he wasn’t backing down this time.

“Oh, for the Amore of --!”

Dinah pushed Ollie out of the way and grabbed him da front of his costume. She yanked him down until they were face to face.

“Roy,” she said, “I swear to God, if te don’t do this, I will make every moment of your life a living hell. te are going to wipe that stupid scowl off your face, march yourself in there and watch those kids, o the entire league is going to hear about what really cancelled the stella, star City Thanksgiving giorno Parade two years ago. So help me – I will tell them what happened to the Arrow Car.”

Roy gulped.

“Wait,” Ollie said, frowning. “You told me it was stolen da aliens.”

“Am I being clear, young man?” Dinah asked. She ignored Ollie.

“Crystal,” Roy muttered. Dinah cupped her free hand to her ear.

“What’s that?”

“Yes! I understand! I’ll do it, okay?” Roy said, throwing his hands up. Dinah let go of him and he slumped forward, arms crossed.

Ollie beamed. Roy glared at him.

“I’m not doing it for you!” he hissed. “I’m doing it for Canary.”

Dinah gave him a fond, if somewhat exasperated look.

“Honestly, Roy, I don’t care if you’re doing for Lex Luthor, so long as you’re doing it,” she said. She clapped him on the shoulder. “Now, there’s instructions on the fridge and Cibo in the freezer if they get hungry – all te have to do is warm it up. We’ve really got to go.”

Ollie placed his hand on her back as they walked out. He winked at Roy over his shoulder.

“If we’re not back before 9, you’ll have to tuck them in,” he said. “Bats was real specific about their bedtime.”

They teleported away before Roy could reply. He sighed and looked at the ceiling.

“I hate everything,” he said.


Fighting whatever giant monster had decided to snack on Metropolis this week had to be easier than babysitting.

For one thing, there were six of them. For another, they weren’t exactly keen on staying in the same place, and they had the powers to back it up.

To superiore, in alto it off, at least one of them seemed to be crying over something at any dato moment.

Roy was sincerely contemplating throwing himself into the ocean.


It took him fifteen minuti to find and pesce Robin out from under Miss Martian’s bed. In the process he Lost track of Kid Flash, Superboy and Artemis, but Robin was da far the smallest and Roy had set up a priority system titled Who’s Most Likely to be Trampled.

“Hey, c’mon,” he said, catching Robin da the back of his tiny designer hoodie. He tried to keep his voice gentle – Robin was about four and his cheeks were damp. His nose was running; Roy realized he was going to need to find some tissues. “Quit squirming already.”

“No,” Robin detto petulantly. Roy was starting to think that must have been his first word. “I don’t wanna.”

“Yeah, well,” Roy groused, picking Robin up. He was ridiculously light. “I don’t wanna either, kid.”

Robin sniffed. He pressed his face into Roy’s shoulder; Roy tried not to care too much about the snot and tears staining his costume.

“I want Batman,” he whined.

Roy honestly had no idea how to reply to that.


Kid Flash showed up as soon as Roy set foot in the kitchen, which just figured. He tugged at his pants, zooming around him in circles and smiling up at him with deceptively innocent eyes.

“I’m hungry,” he declared. Roy juggled Robin in his arms, trying to grab some paper towels.

“Alright, Baby Flash, I’ll make te a deal,” he said. He wet the paper towels under the sink and wrung them out until they were only damp. He did his best to scrub at Robin’s face. It was a little tricky considering Robin kept trying to escape. “You find your Friends and I’ll get te whatever te want for dinner.”

The way Kid Flash’s eyes lit up made Roy instantly regret it.

“I don’t – not -- there are exceptions!” he shouted as Kid Flash speeds out of the room. He slumped back against the counter and held on a little tighter as Robin attempted to climb over his shoulder. “Batman’s going to kill me.”

Robin stilled, then started crying all over again.

Roy hung his head.


It turned out Aqualad was in the bathtub. Roy snorted, mumbled, “figured”, and left Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian and Superboy in front of the most child-friendly thing he could find on TV. Robin was still wailing about Batman; last he’d saw Kid Flash was trying to cheer him up with jokes, except he kept screwing up the punchlines.

Aqualad was, in fact, submerged in the tub. Roy had no idea where he’d gotten all the plastic fish.

“Hey, kid,” he tried, standing in the doorway. “You wanna get out of there?”

Aqualad eyed him moodily over the superiore, in alto of the water.

“That’s a no, huh?” Roy said. Aqualad dunked his head under the surface.

Roy sighed. He sat down on the ground da the tub and braced his arms on the edge, staring down into the water.

“C’mon, kid,” he said. “At least talk to me.”

It took a moment, but eventually Aqualad surfaced. He wouldn’t meet Roy’s eyes.

“I want to go home,” he detto quietly.

Roy frowned.

“It’s so… dry here,” Aqualad murmured. He pressed his knees to his chest and circled them with his arms, hiding his face. Roy settled a hand on superiore, in alto of his head.

“I know,” he said. “Can’t do anything about that, kiddo. But hey, listen. It’s only for a little while, right? Soon Aquaman’s going to come back and he can take te home.”

Aqualad was quiet for a minute. He lifted his head up just enough to give Roy a wary eye.

“You really think so?” he whispered. Roy smiled and ruffled the fluffy blond hair under his fingers.

“Yeah,” he said. “C’mon. Let’s get te dried off and maybe te can talk Kid Flash out of wanting ice cream for dinner.”

Aqualad perked up.

“Ice cream?” he said.


“Five down,” he said, depositing Aqualad in the middle of his tiny teammates. “One to go. ciao – anyone know where Artemis is?”

“She’s in the training room,” Kid Flash said. “I tried to get her to come out, but she yelled at me. She’s mean.”

“I’ll be right back,” Roy said. “Stay o nobody’s getting ice cream.”

A chorus of complaints followed him down the hallway. Roy smirked.

The lights were off in the training room, but he could hear footsteps and a huffy little girl voice grumbling. He flipped on the lights.

Artemis blinked and scowled at him. She held a bow; it looked huge in her tiny hands. Roy crossed the room in a few long strides and plucked it from her grasp. She jumped after it and, feeling a little too amused da the situation, he held it above his head.

“Give it back!” she yelled. “That’s not fair, you’re all – giant! And stupid!”

“What did Green Arrow tell te about namecalling, twerp?” he said.

She scowled at him, red in the face.

“That it’s the best distraction tactic and it makes your enemies all mad and then they mess up and lose!” she yelled, which, okay, was pretty much Green Arrow through and through.

Roy rolled his eyes.

“What does your mom say about it?” he said, taking a chance, and Artemis fell silent. She stared at the ground, scuffing the heel of her shoe against it. “It’s dinnertime. Let’s go.”

“Don’t want to go with you,” Artemis muttered. “You’re not nice. te hate me.”

Roy froze on the spot.

“I don’t hate you,” he detto after a moment. “Where’d te –”

“You do!” Artemis insisted, balling her little hands into fists. “You hate me and te don’t trust me and – you’re just a mean jerk!”

Roy sighed, tipping his head back. The league owed him for this.

He knelt down in front of her, setting the bow on the ground with a clatter. He placed his hands on her shoulders – she was trembling, slightly, and she was so little – and tried to look in her eyes.

“I don’t hate you,” he said. “You – I – what I detto before, that’s different. Honestly. I’m just… I’m a mean jerk sometimes, okay?”

Artemis sniffled. Roy sighed again.

“Look,” he said, squeezing her shoulders. “How about we forget about everything I detto and go have dinner? I’ll make te a deal – Kid Flash was supposed to choose, but if te promise not to say “ice cream”, te can pick what we’re having.”

Artemis sniffled again. She wiped her nose on the back of her hand.

“Can I have pizza?” she asked without looking up. In a smaller voice, she added, “… And a piggyback ride?”

Roy frowned, feeling defeat creeping over him. He turned around obligingly and gestured for her to get on. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he gripped her under the knees, easily lifting her up.

“Up we go,” he detto as he straightened up. “You’re going to give me hell about this when you’re back to normal, aren’t you?”

“What did Green Arrow tell te about swearing?” Artemis said. Roy bit back a grin.

“That cursing is great for sticking it to the fat cats,” he said. Artemis giggled. Roy adjusted his grip slightly, braced himself and said, “Hang on tight!”

Artemis gasped and shrieked, fingers clawing at his camicia as he took off full speed down the hall; she started to laugh, and he did too.


The ice cream vs. pizza argument raged for a good ten minutes. Aqualad and Kid Flash defended their side valiantly, but Artemis managed to recruit Miss Martian and Superboy onto Team Pizza, and the only thing Robin wanted was Batman.

Roy personally sided with pizza, if only because pomodoro sauce had some nutritional value. Sort of. He could claim it did, anyway.

He ended up having to promise ice cream for dessert – Aqualad had threatened to jump back in the tub.

“I can help with the pizza!” Miss Martian exclaimed once they were in the kitchen. She hopped up and down. “Let me, let me! I’m a really good cook!”

Roy, Frozen pizza in hand, stared at the page of instructions taped to the fridge. Under Miss Martian’s section DO NOT let near oven. o stove. o microwave. was written in red pen.

“Sure, te could help me warm this up,” Roy said, “but that’s boring. te know what’s fun? Setting the table.”

A look of confusion crossed Miss Martian’s face.

“Really?” she said.

“He’s lying!” Kid Flash shouted. “It’s not fun at all! That’s why it’s a chore!”

Miss Martian looked from Kid Flash to Roy and back again. Roy raised an eyebrow.

“Would I lie to you?” he said. “Look, te can make it a game – first one to set a whole place at the tavolo gets …” he trailed off, digging around in his pocket. He pulled out a dollar. “First one to set a whole place at the tavolo gets a dollar.”

There was a shriek as Miss Martian, Kid Flash and Artemis all just about fell over each other trying to get to the cutlery drawer. Aqualad hovered nervously behind them, standing with Superboy.

“No knives!” Roy shouted. “Any knives and you’re disqualified from the competition!”

Robin tugged at his pants and Roy obligingly bent down.

“You don’t use forks to eat pizza,” he told Roy, little voice very serious. Roy gave him a confidential smirk.

“You know that, and I know that,” he said, “but apparently they don’t.”


Roy ended up having to hand out dollars to everyone before the world’s tiniest dibattito over whether the use of superpowers was fair play broke out. Robin only shook his head when Roy offered him one.

“Batman has way più money than all of you,” he declared. Roy snorted.

“I’m sure,” he said. He waved the dollar in the air. “Whoever helps me clean up gets an extra prize!”


Roy had expected the league back da seven, at the latest. Nobody had exactly been happy about leaving their smaller-than-usual sidekicks. But seven came and went, and then eight, and then it was nine. Roy checked the instructions on the fridge; turned out Ollie hadn’t been kidding about that whole bedtime thing.

Wrangling all the kids together was hard enough. There was no way Roy was going to be able to get them to stay in their separate bedrooms. They ended up all piled into Miss Martian’s room, dressed in whatever pajamas Roy could find. Miss Martian had shifted her own – pink, with fluffy collars and cuffs.

“Are te going to read us a story?” she asked. There were libri lining her shelves – Harry Potter and chicklit and huge collections of fairy tales. It looked like she had just grabbed armfuls of whatever was on display at the book store.

“I don’t…” Roy started, but there were five pairs of eyes and one pair of sunglasses staring owlishly up at him.

“Please?” Miss Martian said. She had Superboy’s hand gripped in her own. “Nobody’s ever read a story to Superboy!”

Roy slumped a little bit.

“Alright,” he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “What kind of story do te guys want?”

“I want a fairy tale!” Miss Martian exclaimed. “Sleeping Beauty!”

Kid Flash made a face.

“That story’s for babies,” he said. “It’s boring. I want something in space!”

“Space isn’t as cool as Batman,” Robin muttered around a yawn.

“Can we have a story about pirates?” Aqualad asked, just as Artemis chimed in, “No, Robin Hood!”

Superboy didn’t say anything. He had a fist full of Miss Martian’s blankets.

“I think we should let Superboy pick the story,” Roy said. Superboy looked up sharply, something unreadable in his eyes. Roy nodded at him. “Pick whatever te want.”

“Yeah!” Miss Martian said. “What kind of story do te want, Superboy?”

Superboy bit his lip.

“It’s okay,” Aqualad said.

“I guess it’s fair,” Kid Flash said. He added, quietly, “you should still pick something in space, though,” and Robin elbowed him.

Superboy was quiet for another long moment.

“Can I…” he finally said, his voice hesitant. He looked down at the bed. “Can we have a story about Superman? Doing something cool?”

Roy huffed.

“Gotta be honest, I don’t know that many Superman stories,” he said. Something like disappointment flashed in Superboy’s eyes.

Roy made a decision: as long as it was a good story, it didn’t matter how true it was.

“But I guess I could tell te about the time he and Green Arrow fought the spazio aliens,” he said, crossing his arms and leaning back. “With the help of Aquaman and Batman. To save the princess, for truth, justice and mela, apple pie.”


Roy only realized he’d fallen asleep when the door creaked open. Black Canary stood in the doorway, lit from behind. She was smiling.

“Oh, don’t let me disturb you,” she detto quietly when he started to get up. He looked down and found himself trapped; Robin was sprawled over him, drooling on his chest, and Superboy was cuddled up against his side. Miss Martian had one of his hands trapped between her own. Aqualad and Kid Flash had thrown themselves over his legs. Artemis had her head on his shoulder. Her hair tickled his cheek.

“Help,” he said.

“I only wish I had a camera,” Dinah said, settling one hand on her hip. “Should I call the others? I’m sure Batman’s got one in that cintura of his.”

“I hate te all,” Roy grumbled and Dinah’s smile, if possible, got even wider.

“Doesn’t look like that from here,” she said. “I gotta say, I’m impressed. Everyone was taking bets on the way over about how trashed this place would be, and whether you’d be hogtied in a closet.”

“Nobody has any faith,” Roy said. He let himself relax; it wasn’t like he was going anywhere so long as the kids were all on superiore, in alto of him.

“So does that mean you’ll do it again tomorrow?” Dinah asked. Roy slanted a glare her way.

“Don’t even joke,” he said. “How long’s this supposed to last again?”

“Zatara says probably another few days,” she said. Her grin took on a wicked edge. “So. Did this put te off kids forever?”

Roy almost bit out a yes but then Artemis shifted and Superboy sighed in his sleep and he stopped.

“They weren’t that bad,” he said, quietly, his eyes falling shut, and Dinah’s smile softened as she shut the door.



Holly broke away from her baciare with Sam at the sound of the voice over her comm unit.

"Be right there." she said. 

She looked at Sam and could tell immediately something bothered him. 

"What?" she asked. "What is it?"

"Nothing," Sam detto after a moment.

"Something is wrong." agrifoglio said, looking in Sam's blue eyes.

"It's nothing." Sam said.

"Uh-huh" agrifoglio replied unbelievingly. 

Sam went for his mask, but agrifoglio caught his wrist. "Oh no te don't." she said. "Sam talks to me before Revenge leaves."

Sam sighed. "You'll know when te get there. I hoped it wouldn't come to this." he slid on his...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Wally opened his eyes everything was blurry, his vision cleared and he sat up slowly and looked around where he was, the Mount Justice Infirmary. He immeadiatley clutched his head as pain started, then he felt his head, he looked beside him to see Artemis, and to his other side Gravity Boy. " So i see your awake" a deep voice was heard, Wally looked over to the door and saw his uncle. Wally smiled a little the rested his back on the head rest of his bed, " do te know what happened?" Wally asked as his uncle came over to him and pulled up a chair successivo to his Nephew, " well te were knocked...
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posted by Robin_Love

Robin knew that if he wanted to get anywhere close to finishing the base's security aggiornamenti before daybreak, he would need to send Wally off to his room. But this was far too amusing.
"Rob. Hey, Rob."
"Yes, KF?" he asked, not looking up from the screen of his laptop. The cave was silent except for the sound of Robin's typing on the keyboard, the hum of the refrigerator, and Wally. Specially Wally.
"What time is it?" Wally's voice was muffled, but that was normal when te had your cheek smothered against the counter like...
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C'mon. Did te really expect me to end it there? XD


Slade moved into the room. He bowed before the dark shadow. The voice spoke to him.
“You failed me Slade.”
“I know master. But she is stronger than we first expected.”
“Yes. I know. I expected as much from her. But we now have her in a dangerous position.”
“Shade must make her choice. She has followed the Light for seventy years. Now, she must choose whether she is willing to risk everything o to continue to play hero.”
“And if she chooses hero?”
“She won't.”
“But Master-”
“Shade thinks she is in the clear. But I have one last trick up my sleeve.”
posted by Robin_Love
“My-my inner demons?” Becca asked.
“Yes. We all have them. I am yours Becca. You've been running away from me. Now that I've caught up, te must face me.”
Becca looked at Sheila. Her brown eyes were calm and peaceful. Becca imagined her eyes were fearful and sad; troubled and worn. She tried to look away but Sheila's eyes were so focused it was hard to sposta under her gaze.
“Becca. Do te Amore him?”
“Then face me. In order to gain what te have lost, te must talk to me.”
“About what?”
“Tell me how they make te feel, how he makes te feel.”
“How I feel when I'm...
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posted by Robin_Love
“What did te do with Becca?!” Robin shouted. “Who are you?!”
“Becca belongs to me, Robin. She use to, anyway. As for who I am, the name is Slade.”
“Batman's fought you.”
“Indeed. I was always so disappointed when te never showed with him.”
“You are quite the dedicated hero. It would have been fun to beat te again and again.”
“Slade,” Prendere said.
“Alright apprentice. I have broken him enough for one day.”
“You killed Becca?!”
“No. Who detto anything about killing? We had a disagreement. I compromised and she became what te see before te now. Prendere...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
SOOOOOOOOO I will start typing stuff up as soon as a story line comes to me which is probably like tomorrow so..
I'm gonna make a character cars and draw and stuff
(robin)butt this is all you'll be getting for nows:

Hero Name: Naturess (Nate for short :P)
Secret I.D: Sierra I. Bowen
Powers: Power to control weather
*Emotions can affect weather
*Past is.....questionable

Sierra Izabel Bowen was born to carlotta, charlotte and Norman Bowen July 29.
Norman had past issues working with the League of Shadows.
He eventually was killed off by...
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This story is to include the most famous Robin characters ever such as Nightwing, Red X, Robin III, and Red cappuccio among others.

Comment and tell me whether I should continue o not.

YJ: The Difference Between


Artemis hated the rain. She hated it almost as much as she did her family. She hated it almost as she did her mom for using her to help the Shadows. She hated it almost as much as she hated Batman for kicking her off the Team. 

And she hated it as much as she hated having to kill her sister.

It hadn't been her choice really. She had replayed the confrontation over and over in her mind,...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Becca. Jade. Glad te could come.”
The lights in the training hall switched on. The two girls froze in their tracks. The entire team was staring at them. And they looked like deer in headlights.
“Hey guys,” Becca nervously greeted. “What are te doing up?”
“What are te doing sneaking around?” Artemis retorted.
“Sneaking? Who's sneaking?”
“You are Becca. And Jade. da they way, who's Red X?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Becca narrowed her eyes. She looked at Jade. They exchanged a series of head movements before looking back at the suspicious...
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 "Batman, is he gonna be okay?"
"Batman, is he gonna be okay?"
"Batman, is he gonna be okay?" I asked nervously.
Batman took a long look at Wally, who was writhing in fear at the cot I'd put him on. After a while, he said, "He's lucky. This sample of Scarecrow's serum doesn't spread through the body. He'll be in this state for a few hours."
Behind me, the door opened and closed. Artemis stood beside me, speechless.
Batman cleared his throat. "Meanwhile, I want te and Robin to go after Scarecrow and prevent him from producing più fear serums." Without another word, he glided out of the room.
Artemis gently placed her hand on Wally's forehead. "I wonder...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Cyrus... Cyrus..wake up", Cyrus groaned and sat up rubbing her head, the first thing she saw was Wally looking down at her and smiling at her. He knelt down successivo to her, "W-what happened...?" she asked sitting up and looking into Wally's green eyes, " Becca.... the ship crashed thats all I remember" Wally said. " So im guessing te dont know where we are either?" Cyrus looked and smirked back at the speedster. " No but all i know is its cold" Wally replied rubbing on his arms. Cyrus shivered aswell at the thought. Wally looked at her and detto letsgo find some shelter and maybe get a fire...
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"Oh my god. look at this one!" Wally pointed to Robin once again there was a username about Robin
"robins-gfriend" Wally detto laughing.
"How long te two been going out?" He teased.
"Hey, I have più più fan on my page then you!"
"Do too..."
"Yeah te only have 20 he's got 37." Artemis detto ending the arguement.
"Well, how many fan do te have?"
"13..." Artemis mummbled
"exxxxusseeee me I didn't quit hear that??"
"Hey look at this picture." Robin detto bringing up a user know as Mclovin_69.
The user icona was picture of Wally holding Artemis.
"When did that happen?"...
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Once Flash had his butt handed to him, the teens stumbled into a coffee shop, trying to get warm. Noticing that hot Cioccolato was on the menu, all six got that, with plenty of marshmallows.

"The marshmallows kind of look like the snowmen that I've seen in libri before." Megan detto poking the fluffy cylinder.

"You know, there's a song like that." Wally thought through his mind-pod (1).

"It's a marshmallow, caramella gommosa e molle world in the winter, When the snow comes to cover the ground,It's the time for play, it's a whipped cream day,I wait for it all anno round." Artemis sang, knowing exactly which song the speedster...
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"Nope!" Wally snatched the computer up and started looking for other clubs/pictures of hot girls who were fan of him.
“No way Boy Wonder!”
Robin lunged for the computer. Wally was able to keep the laptop away but Robin managed to snag Wally. The two fell to the floor. The laptop crashed to the floor. A sondaggio of who was better for Wally came up. The options consisted of a girl named Mclovin_69, Jinx, and Artemis. It was a tie between Mclovin_69 and Artemis. There was silence for a minuto before a hysteric cackle burst from Robin's lips. His laughter was contagious and Connor,...
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Now that the stockings were hung and the menorah in the window, Wally stepped back with a smile on his face. It only lasted five secondi when Conner walked up behind him.

"You didn't get a tree, te know that, right?" The clone asked, Wally jumped.

"Duh, I know that."

"No te don't."


"Hey guys, gonna go chop down a Natale albero yet." Robin asked.

"Yes, exactly what us three were gonna do." Wally mumbled, going to get his coat.

20 minuti later:

So that's how Wally, Conner, and Robin wound up in a Natale albero lot, bundled up in heavy jackets.

"It's so freakin' cold!" Wally exclaimed browsing...
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Artemis and Wally walked through the park today was a giorno off of the team and Wally and Artemis wanted to spend sometime alone and away from the others. It has been a while ever since the whole wonderland thing for Artemis but after she escaped out of that dream.... a little part of her wanted to go back even if it meant for all that to happen again. Wally and Artemis walked down the path holding hands, Artemis looked down but saw something at the corner of her eye, something white. She looked over in the feild and saw a white rabbit staring at her, but it did not at all look like Zatanna but...
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posted by KatRox1
( I know its kind of short, don't kill me! *Hides behind computer* )

“Can te let me down now? I promise I will be a good girl!” I asked sarcastically. Cheshire snorted, “N-“ Joker raised a hand, “Sure!” he said, surprisingly. “Are te mad?” Ivy and Mr.Sportguy detto in unison. In case te are wondering, I still don’t know his name. “A little bit…” He grinned. Harley popped out from behind him, “Or a lot!” She giggled and kissed him quickly on the cheek. Ivy groaned, “Sportsmaster, just make sure to watch her.” Hmm, so his name was Sportsmaster? Interesting. The...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Jinx! Jinx! dont leave me okay!" Wally yelled as he wrapped goz around Jinx's wound. " Wh-Why are te helping me..?" she uttured trying hard to stay awake. " Becuase te didnt deserve this, the way I led te on... the way that I forgot about you, when i joined my team, the way i left te behind" Wally said, as he was finishing up the goz, " your gunna be okay" he detto as he helped sit her up. " Thank.. thank you" she detto blushing. Wally immeadiatley remembered Artemis is she okay?.


" Artemis! Artemis!, ninja girlfriend?" A voice detto gentley,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The fuoco crackeled as its smoke rose into the stary night sky. " So you.. Artemis is it?, te plan on leaving this place" Wonderland Red Tornado began trying to understand how Artemis came here. " Yes.. do te happen to know a way out of this place" " No im sorry", Artemis looked down in her lap but then remembered what cheshire detto it never really left her head how she detto to be a true assasin te had to give up Amore and never let it be your weakness, she kept thinking wondering about what happened ages fa when her mother was also an assasin with her father. She remembered those cruel days...
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Sorry it's been so long, but I'm back!
Note: This Fanfic will be finished on Natale Day!

Chapter 9-

En-route from Bologna to Venice, Italy
11:24 CET December 19

Wally zoomed along at superiore, in alto speed across Italy. He was traveling as fast as he could go, and kept speeding up. He was well past the sound barrier and nearing the speed of light. When he finally slowed down, it was because of hunger.

"I'm starving. I need something to eat." he said. Artemis grabbed a few hotdogs and the two ate them, before speeding off again.

Pacific Ocean
14:23 CET December 19,


"Clark, is that you?"

"Uh, yeah, Lois....
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