fan dal November 2011

  • Favorite TV Show: Hmm... At the moment... I'd have to say Merlin. :DThe Big Bang Theory, too. :D And TMNT!!! :DD
    Favorite Movie: Too many! :)
    Favorite Musician: Paolo Nutini? Keane? GORILLAZ! It's always changing. :P :L
    Favorite Book or Author: All sorts. :P :)
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Completelynew12 ha detto riguardo a te just Lost the Game
GAME! And also, will somebody please join? It's hard gaming yourself all the time. postato più di un anno fa
Completelynew12 detto …
Is this updated, o am I just using a più advanced installation? :P postato più di un anno fa
Completelynew12 detto …
Woo! An entire mese of Fanpop! More, infact. :) postato più di un anno fa