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posted by Canada24

I finally found it in English.

It's not as good as I hoped.
Nor was it as bad as I expected.

It's.. In between.

I haven't forgot it's Japennesse.
And. Not trying to be racist.
But Japen has all the weird shit.
Ever seen there commericals?
All te have to do is go onto Windwakers club.
He has these fucked up TV commericals.
And I wouldn't be serprised if most of them were Japennesse.


Didn't really have a preferito character.
Though kinda looking foward to Jan Valentine's episode.
Ever seen his clips.
He's actually pretty funny in the real one.
Too bad the actor, Josh Phillips, was convicted of killing a child.

My thoughts on Alexander.

The abridged Alexander is still better.
His voice is più steriotypical.
And he has a better reaction to when the Hellsing lady says he betrayed them da killing all her men (he kills two più in front of her, before claiming he dosen't know why she would make such an accusation).

What else can I say..

Can't think of anything.
Till successivo time.


Now. THIS is più like it :)

This episode was fuckin awesome.

As I originally expected. Jan Valentine is truely a enjoyment to watch.
He's friggin nuts.
But that's what I Amore about him.

I would Amore to go on and on about Jan Valentine.
But. Most of te probably don't care..

Though, I'm not saying I'm in anyway depressed about his death, he still deserved it.
Though I 'am' a bit disappointed about him being killed off after just one appearance. That much, I admit to.
But hey, it seems to happen quite often in hellsing, so, whatever.. Dude.

As for Luke.
He was serprisingly enjoyable too.
But. Am I the only who thinks his voice sounds kinda like Alucard's.

But. Just like Alucard says.
Luke loses all the respect he has earned da cowarding away joining the last second.
I understand WHY he would freak out.
But.. If what Alucard detto about your legs is true.
Then.. te could of kept going.
Have some fuckin dignity Luke.
I mean. Least Jan died with 'some' dignity, he accepted that he was gonna die. While Luke didn't.

Now for the episode itself..

What I found most interesting.
Is that the ghouls aren't just ANY ghouls (you have to watch it).

The entire episode is made of one of the best battles I ever saw in a animate.
It brings anouther reason I Amore watching Jan.
I Amore how he gives himself instructions while skillfully killing soldiers.
Seeing Luke fight. Was also just as enjoyable.

Same with Walter. Even if just using somekind of string.
Still epic..

Don't think I have anything else worth talking about.
Jan? Anything to add.

JAN: Yeah! te can take this review! And suck it up your as-

(shoves him away) okay. okay, whatever..

Anyway. Till successivo time :)

But before I go.
Dose anybody else notice they say Stars Wars at the end?


Evening y'all..
I completely forgotten I was reviewing this show, te can thank Nick (Windwaker) for the reminder that I was doing so.

fanpop isn't the only places I make reviews for.
I am a member of Rotten Tomtoes and probably a few other places.
So I am always reviewing shit.
And so te can understand why it's hard for me to remember EVERYTHING I make reviews towards.
As there's Alpha & Omega fan fictions, My Little pony fan fictions, Happy albero Friends fan fictions, Eminem's THE SLIM SHADY mostra is reviewed on my Youtube page.

Here I go, reviewing episode 3.
Due to the style of battles, this sort of feels like I'm reviewing 300/Rise of an Empire.
Witch I HAVE done before.
My exact words being..

"I don't care what anyone else says.. In many ways, this is better then the original. Witch is truelly saying something. Since I was always so friggin obsessed with the original..
It explains più about Xerxies.
And Sullivan is almost even più badass then Butler was.
Not to mention, the battles and as graphic and Sparatacus styled as possible. Witch is good. Because that's what we CAME for".

I like the Begining, where it introduces the french guy.
It certainly explains the scene from Hellsing Abridged.
I keep forgetting how accurate those spoofs actually are to the videos.
Alucard really DID come there without anyone's approver, and keep calling them dogs, witch kind explains all the dog jokes in the abridged version of the scene.

My thoughts of Anderson are mostly positive, he did a good job.
But when he kept monologing on his long walk to Alucard I kept waiting for someone to cry out "JUST FUCKIN ATTACK HIM ALREADY!"

What else to say?

Not much.

I couldn't help but feel quite sorry for the swat team as they tired getting in the elevator.
They were so frightened. And Alucard is such a jerk sometimes.
Kinda like NEW Rick Grimes.
Rick is a bit of a dick now.. But still relatable, as it's for good reasons.

But Dandyman still should of used his abridged line
"You sure know how to make an enterance"

That ends my review.

Please leave comments. And await Epiode 4's review.



This I actually such a AWESOME series.
I was too hard on the first episode, I'd have to rewatch it sometime.

But anyway.
As te can tell da the picture, I am really taking a likeness towards Anderson.
He is so cool to look at.

But I'm also starting to take likeness towards The Major.
He is such a deep character, and makes for an amazing villain.
Not to mention, he's a good villain, because he, what to me, defines TRUE evil.
The type of peron who only wants to see the world burn, there's no reasoning with him.

Though unfortantly, I am starting to have LESS enjoyment towards Alucard.
He may be on the good team, but quite frankly he is a cold hearted killer, and not much else.

As for episode itself.
I don't think I have much to say this time.
I was differently enjoyable, that much I can say.
So, yeah.
4 stars.

Please await the successivo episode review.
I believe there are 13 to the first season.
And thst's probably the only one I'll watch.

Sorry for the shortness of this review.


Yet anouther episode that I don't have much to say about it.

First off.
What the fuck was up with that intro.

We didn't see Alucard.
And having seen the ending bonus scenes, apparently its gonna be like that for a few other episodes as well.
As much as I HATE Alucard it's still gonna be weird not seeing him, but it probably is only for a short amount of time.

If your wondering about my thoughts of Penwood's death.
I don't have too much.
We don't know about him.
But still he died with honor, and I still solute to him.

Like all other Hellsing episodes I saw so, the battles are awesome, so no complaints there.
Though it's weird how they have to read from libri before they attack, and how major takes 2 hours just to eat one bite.
But whatever, it's not like I never seen it happen before..

It's also kinda cool to see the nazi soldiers talking.
I always thought they were no brainless ghouls.
But there clearly full on vampires, and they actually seem pretty intelligent, so I can't help but give them credit for that.

Oh well..
Till successivo time.


As usual.
I don't have much to say..

It's been while since I watch this show, but the episode was good.

Like most media's.
Most times I just watch this mostra for the violence.

And when te know it's Japenesse, te KNOW your get nothing but blood covered pleasure. If I was a sadist I probably would get a boner from such intense battles.

But anyway.

At first I was a bit mad when they blew down the zeppelin, thought it meant their will be no epic fight against the crazy nazi bitch.
But.. I was proven wrong, she and her men servived.
And apparently she can make illusions to have herself bigger (yeah, cause that's "totally" playing fair)..

But at wheat I didn't see too many of Pip's men die.
I hate seeing army men die in shows like this.
I made episode 2 really hard to watch in that way.
All those poor army men.

Well anyway.
That's all I got.

Let's await episode 7.
And see what the crazy nazi cagna has in store..



Thats all I can say.

I'm glad the Nazi cagna died so horribly, she was really starting to piss me off. All she dose is fuck with peope's minds, instead of fighting fairly.

And as much I can't say I'm a fan of Sara's.
I mean, she's a good character, but there's just something bout her I don't like..
But obviously that didn't make it any easier to hear her suffering, so. Yeah.. It's one thing I hate worse then seeing army men die, it's seeing attractive woman being tortured.l

But anyway.
Let's sposta on the elefante of the room.
Pip's death.. THAT elefante in the room.

And as sad depressing as it was, I can't say it came as a complete serprise to me.
I read certain spoilers once, so I also am aware that Anderson dies, nd Walter backstabs them, so.. I'm aware of that.
So.. Yeah.

Still though, Pip has earned his rest, so. We can think of it that way..


We are almost done..

I can't say I really approved of Maxwell betraying everyone, but I came to accept it, considering we don't know all that much about him.
But he had a badass laugh moment, so that's a plus..
And, karma reached him, as it dose all Hellsing villains, o well.. All villains in general.

Even though I don't always like him, it's good to see Alucard again. It's just, not the same without him.
Like South park without Kenny, and Family guy without Brain.

As I detto before, I can't say I was serprised da Waltor joining them.
I was told that it was gonna appen, so was just waiting for it.

There was one thing I didn't really get though, Major pretending to be a meister..
Well. I DO get it actually,
But didn't hear any gun shots o screas, o explosions. And I'm pretty that was meant to the point, he's meistering the war sounds.. But I never heard any, unless it was being outnoised da the Musica of the episode (may it was the Musica itself he was meistering.. Who fuckin knows anymore)..

Anderson is still my preferito character.

He's not a good guy character.

But he's not completely a villain either.

He's just a guy who visualizzazioni Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. as the enemy.
The type of character that any other vampire themed as the protagonist.
He stands for the church.
And considering I'm Christian myself, I hold respect for that.

Though, I actually agreed with Alucard at the end.
He turned himself into a "thing".
That isn't very honorable when te think about it..


Till successivo time..


EPISODE 9 and 10:

We're finally done this show.

All in all.
I give it 8/10..

* Satisfying battles
* Often unpredictable
* Has lots of "deep" means behind it..

* Bizzare Japenesse comedy scenes, that makes them look like some sort of comic book..
* strange Oprah Musica at times
* Alexander betrayed his own humanity, and Lost my respect
* It's downright confusing sometimes
* It often feels longer than it is..


I don't really have anything to say about the episodes themselves.

Thir defiantly intense.

Though, I guess I have something to say about Major's death.

I have to admit.
I actually kinda like the Major.

He's what I call a "true villain".
He dose evil, for the sake of doing evil.
But yet he still somehow manages to die in honor.

That's the perfect villain, in my eyes.

A villain who dosen't fear death.
But embraces, it.
Smiles at it..

And, he shall strangely be in my thoughts.


Please leave comments..
It's no secret that Sharks are dangerous.
But they aren't the bloodthirsty monsters that the media protrays them as.

The rare times that sharks ever killed a human isn't done purposely. They don't like the taste of man flesh, and they attacked cause they were curious, o mistook us for a seal.
There is no proof that sharks have actually EATEN their victims, and the cause of death is actually from blood loss.

Sharks are quite a bit più intelligent than most people give them credit for, and often avoid prey as unfamiliar as humans. Predation da sharks is of great importance to the...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
grand theft auto
added by Seanthehedgehog
più epic flights from Michael.
grand theft auto
added by Seanthehedgehog
The arm's dealer is an idiot.
Can it really be anyone BUT Cletus Kasedy!?

Cletus can give Trevor Phillips and Vaas, and run for their money.

He stands as the most fuck up Spiderman villain.
And unlike most villains, he was "already" evil, before becoming Carnage.

As a child, he killed his grandmother da pushing her down a flight of stairs, tried to murder his mother da throwing a hair dryer into her bathtub, and tortured and killed his mother's dog. His mother tried to kill him in a rage, Cletus was sent to a orphange that "mysteriously burnt down"

When he discovered Eddie Brock become Venom he became jealous and...
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posted by Canada24
Mr Nightmare is my new favourite youtuber...
It's scary content.. But it's also true things (except the creepy pasta readings)..

Most of these things are important to know in some way o another.. Know how to avoid such situations, and that te should NEVER take safety procautions as a joke.. o even just, knowing how terrible the world is. And how lucky we are to have such good family's, who never sell us for drugs.. o have Friends that don't try to kill us (literary).

At least that's how I see it..
call of duty

Song: link
 Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!

Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog Presents

The Great Escape


The good guys

Sean the hedgehog
Shredder Dash
Bartholomew Perfect the 55th
Jade Greene
Brewster Amzel
Princess Celestia
Rainbow Dash
Shining Armor

Chibi-emmy's OC

Sacred Symphony

Dragonaura15's OC


The bad guys


Major Skyler


Major Jones
Captain Muntz
Seargent Schultz


Queen Chrysalis
Corporal Hothead

This is based off of a true story. Although...
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posted by Canada24
te can expect chapters faster than in Demons.. So.. te know ....


Johnny arrived at a bar, and found the man from the Willis's picture having a birra da himself.

"Are te Buck?" Johnny asked him.

"Well it's not my birth name. But yes.. And te are?" The man asked, with his strong Austrian accent.

"Johnny Klebitz.. I'm here for my friend Dash" Johnny told him.

"Dash?... Dash?... Dosen't ring a bell" Buck replied, getting up, and getting another beer.

"You bought her from Hoyt" Johnny said, holding in his anger.

Buck bought...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Coffee Crème From Karina_Brony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, Ike and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Special Guest Stars

Nicole From Seanthehedgehog

Aurora Northwind From Alinah_09

Episode 50

Nicole's Mistake

August 21, 1955

Nicole has gone through many exciting adventures in her life when she used to work on the Northern Pacific. She was telling one of them to some of the...
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"Feel that? That's from Dom, and everyone else te killed, te bitch!" Marcus to Myrrah, while stabbing her.

I only played Gears 3 and 4.. But I get the basics.. Stupid monsters wanting to kill humanity because the Myrah cagna hates us..

Marcus is voiced da John DiMaggio. The same John DiMaggio who voiced Jake from Adventure time, and Bender from Futurama, voices the angry, deep voice, cynical, Sgt Finx.
The man we been playing as, all the way till Gears of war 4.. Which, da the way, is AWESOME da the way.

Marcus Fenix is generally gruff and aggressive. He is a...
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PuttPutt: Be careful Pep, o we're cause an avalanche (sneezes, causing, well, an avalanche, and the path is blocked).

Little boy in Skyrim: (sarcastically) Oh boy. Another wanderer here to lick my father's boots. Good job.
PBG: (kills the rude little boy) LEARN SOME MANNERS, KID!

PBG: So.. Were playing PuttPutt again.
PuttPutt: Hot ziggity.
PBG: Wow.. Where's the enthusiasm?.. But I guess after te repeat the same phrase enough times. It loses it's lester..
PBG: Anyway.. As PuttPutt, te find the zoo keeper, and, serprise, serprise.. It's in trouble.....
continue reading...
#1: FIVE FINGER DEATH punch, punzone - COMING DOWN:
The video, directed da Nick Peterson, begins with clips of a young woman (played da Samantha Gill[2]) in a bathroom placing an envelope, a pill bottle and a make-up brush on the counter. Meanwhile, a young man (played da Leland Montgomery[2]) walks out to a cucina with a revolver in hand where an older man and woman (presumably his parents) are seated having breakfast together. The young man cocks the hammer, then puts the revolver barrel to his head and (presumably) pulls the trigger to commit suicide as his parents try to stop him. After a single...
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The sight is mostly contained of drug deals and stuff.
Don't know ANYTHING about this "deep web" sight.
But the fact is, drug deals aren't the BAD things.
The bad things are illagal porn, OF FUCKIN CHILDREN!.
Murderers mostrare off graphic pictures of their "art" on the victims. And ways for homicidal hackers to find your address..

Drugs ARE bad!
Our parents weren't fuckin exggerating..

It never end wells..

It never ends well..

It never...
continue reading...

A doctor finished wrapping up Dash's wound.

"Dash.. I'm so sorry.. This is ALL my fault!" Roman detto sadly.

"Hey.. I'm the one who shot Steve Erics, so it's on BOTH of us" Dash insisted.

"How the fuck did they even know it was you?" Gordon asked.

"Hell if I know" Dash admitted.

"It doesn't matter anyway.. We need to put an end to this.. Take them ALL out" Niko said.

"Shit.. If only Michael Keane was here.. He'd Amore this shit" Gordon detto sadly.

"Yeah.. Poor bastard.. If only I was nicer to him" Packie said, also sad from the memory.

"Guys.. This isn't the time.. If we're gonna...
continue reading...
posted by Canada24
An instrument of violence. I am a vessel of invincibility
leave this undecided, Stepping down to battle another day
Me for all time this, Determination is a vital part of me.
now o be counted. With the endless masses that I will defeaaat.

Come on bring it!

Don't sing it!

Better believe it!

till your hope has died
till victory's mine
And mostra me some pride

I'm the one with the warrior inside!
My dominance can't be denied!
Your entire world will turn Into a battlefield tonight!
As I look upon you, through the warrior's...
continue reading...
The famish serial killer known as Frederick Charles "Freddy" Krueger might of had an tragic childhood.
But Krueger Lost EVERY right to be sympathized with.
The death of his abusive stepfather might of been called for a bit.
But there's NO way all those innocent children deserved to die as well.
His actions eventually earned him the alias "Springwood Slasher", where he killed several kids inside a boiler room within an old power plant where he used to work. When his wife, Loretta, discovered his secret, he strangled her in front of his daughter, Kathryn, who also found out about...
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Well. Here I go..

Obviously, the main reason for not liking this, is the sex.
So much fuckin sex, sex, SEX!
Sadly, it's not the first story to involve 'incest', nor is it the 'worst'.
Though it's certainly up there.

There's even one between Kate and Lilly in this story.
I mean. For goodness sakes. There sisters, there's so many reasons why that is wrong.
Though least its better than when I read a story about Kate and Lilly 'doing' Winston, and he 'letting them'.
Seriously. What is wrong with people!?

As te expect.
The full story is the type of deal that makes te hate Lilly....
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