Dr. House - Medical Division House's wish list!

amberRocks posted on Dec 25, 2008 at 02:07PM
Ok guys!Lets say to Santa what we want to happen to house (the show) in 2009!

Dr. House - Medical Division 21 risposte

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più di un anno fa amberRocks said…
Ok I'll start:
1)I want to see some really interesting cases!
3Less 13!
4)No 14!I'm begging you!
5)Cuddy to have her spine back already!
6)House to go back to the misanthrope/drug adict that we loved!I'm so tired of this new whiny/needy/Oh-what-should-I-do House!
7)To get along with the 14 fans aka misanthrope cause we had our arguments last year...
8)Huddies to know that I will love Hameron till the end of time!
and lastly
9)I want Anne Dudek to get her own freaking show!!!
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più di un anno fa Evrythingmaters said…
^^ lol aR!! I love your number 8!! and Anne should get her own show!!

My list
I havent seen any of season 5 so im not sure what else to wish for.....
6)clinic patients
7)The show back to how it was seasons 1 to 3 :D
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più di un anno fa adyingsomething said…
I only ask for one little thing from the House writers:

Please... no more foreteen... : )

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più di un anno fa mrshouse62689 said…
1-More Wilson! I miss him.
2-More Wilson/House interactions. I love Huddy, but that means less House and Wilson scenes.
3-More Chameron scenes
4-Less of Thirteen! The show's called House, not Thirteen: The Huntington's Chick.
5-More character development for the main trio.
6-No Foreteen.
7-More Huddy. :-]
più di un anno fa Biathine said…
I don't have to make my own wishlist, I completely agree with mrshouse! XD ( Oh yeah, I'm so lazy! :P)

Except maybe number 6...
più di un anno fa housecuddy4ever said…
1.More shooting down Lupus & MS in the differential scenes.
2.More Chase/Cam scenes
3.Cuddy to be happy,but back to her old self.
4.More House/Wilson interactions.I'm missing the scenes with them.Just more than 1 scene together.
5.More Chase,I kind of miss him.
6.More background info on the rest of characters.
7.NO FLASHBACKS! House never had any flashbacks of his own,but we really don't need any flashbacks of any kind on any of the characters.
8.Huddy.Not more Huddy & not less Huddy.I liked their scenes together back in s3.That kind of balanced out the show.I really want that kind of balance of the show,back again.
9.More clinic duty.I just love the clinic patients ^^
10.More old Ducklings scenes together.
11.House popping more vicodin.
12.House doing more insane moves to save the patient.

più di un anno fa amberRocks said…
I'll write N.4)NO MORE 14! again cause I really don't like it...
(I'm already fast-forwarding most of the huddy scenes and some Taub scenes!If this keeps going on I will end up wathing the starting and the closing credits only!)
più di un anno fa cocacola said…
2. 2 words: MED STUDENTS
più di un anno fa pollyloveshouse said…
LOL cocalcola, that would be awesome XD

1) Clinic patients
2) More clinic patients
3) hmmmmm... Did I say clinic patients already?
4) Less Huddy! Please! I used to like Huddy, with the subtleness and the snarky comments, now... *strangle*
5) Less focusing on individual characters for an entire episode! Spread out the screentime and the story lines!
6) I want Chase to stop being an asshole to be honest. I think he's been a real nasty character this season.
7) I don't want the writers to overdo the 14. I really enjoy it at the moment, but I don't want it shoved down my throat like Huddy has been.
8) Clinic patients.

And on the fanpop House spot side of things:

1) Less arguments, dramatic exits, bashing, etc.. We are a really nice community, and I agree that debate can be healthy and intellectual, but that can't turn into bashing and personal insults, etc.. Not that I expect that to happen ;]
2) i'd rather not become a great great great grandpa... It would take an age to do all the Christmas cards this time next year! =P
più di un anno fa midnyte007 said…
lol at #2 on the fanpop House spot side of things, PLH
più di un anno fa rainbowedlife said…
1) More bromance. I love you, Wilson!
2) Chase screentime, Cameron screentime. Separate, or together thanks OK.
4) Not more, or less Huddy. Although I'm a shipper, and would be completely satisfied to have the show re-named (Huddy M.D.), I'd like things to be more realistic (If that's the right word.) and a bit less 'shippy' and more balanced with characters.
5. Character-focus episodes are alright, just not the same in a row, or not in every single episode. Subtle hints make me very happy.
6. Cuddy. Scenes. Please? I know she's been getting quite a bit of screening time but keep that going and I'm good. :) Uh, and I need for her to ditch House for a while. I also want her to own his ass as many times as possible during the season.
7. Clinic patients FTW!
8. Interesting medical cases. Un-annoying patients-of-the-weeks. *cough* Emancipation *cough*
9. More snark opportunities for House. Although that's still doing pretty well.
10. Taub/Wife scenes. Pretty please? Or just Taub scenes, 'cause he's awesome and I'm not hearing anything else!!!
11. All secondary characters need to step into the background a bit. ETC. Less Foreteen, they are alright for me but not even CHASE & CAM get that much screening! :)

più di un anno fa babybell said…
unlike most people here, i feel more labeled as shipper than a particular character fan. I don't want very much, im actually very satisfied with House at the moment.

1) i want chameron marriage and then to be sent off, because, to be fair, they are now happy, get in the way of the new characters, and have.. told there story and grown up. That's it. I want new team story, not Old Team story. They just egt in the way of everyone having proper screentime, *strangle*
2) More House. Hugh Laurie is a drug to me. I want more of him on screen.
3) I want 14 to either f*** off or orbit around House. ITs started its own orbit, and thats just disgusting. Teh show is called House MD folks not House and 13 MD. No one would watch that show.
4) Medicine and Clinic. Although im a firm believer that if you sort out cam and chase and the 13 problem, thats gonna fall in place.
5) On the Huddy issue. *tries to phrase words right*
*slams head into desk several times*
its hard to explain what i want. I want it to be not so dominating so everyone doesn't get sooo annoyed with it, and i mean people like plh and hc4e not ham shippers, they are supposed to be annoyed with it. I want it not to be the only good thing on the show (to everyone else). I was talking to people the other day, and they said the problem was that it was great and everything else was less good because of the greatness. Or something....
I want something to happen. I want it to stop the "will they/won't they" because they will, most defiantly, this is just pissing people off. Either decide if they will or they won't now, and then do the willing or do the occasional snarky banter thing until they will, like lnext season or something. CHOOSE GOD DAMN IT. Oh and sex.

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più di un anno fa babybell said…
"5-More character development for the main trio.
6-No Foreteen.
7-More Huddy. :-]
that also.
più di un anno fa mimika_s said…
1.More screen time for Chase
2.A great Chase and Cameron storyline
3.Less screentime for 13
4.Old Huddy back
5.Clinic Patients
6.More interesting medical cases
7.Old House
8.Old Cuddy

più di un anno fa babybell said…
which is a shame, because my fav seasons are 3 4 and 5 :P
più di un anno fa kellinator said…
BB I completely agree with you about what you want for Huddy, I would be ok with it not being the center of every ep, as long as it's prominent in the background, kinda like season 4, or late season 3.

I also want
1) CLINIC!!!!
2) More House/Wilson bromance scenes
3)More Cuddy
4)More House/Cuddy/Wilson scenes
5)More character development for House, Cuddy, and Wilson
6)More Taub/Kutner
più di un anno fa Sheps88 said…
There have been so many things lacking, in my opinion, in this new season--so many things that used to make the show so amazing. We need those things back!

1) More clinic patients!--Those are some of the best scenes in the show.
2) More Wilson--I think the writers have forgotten just how popular Wilson is and how little screen time he has gotten this season.
3) More House--the show has been so focused on Thirteen and her illness and her relationship with Foreman that House has had less and less screen time.
4) More Taub and Kutner--They need to expound on the personal lives of these two characters because their comedic timing is so hilarious in the show.
5) More Cuddy--I know she has had quite a bit of screen time this season, but she is such a complex character , and I feel she needs to be explored even further. She really is monumentously influential.
6) Less Foreteen--I'm not against the idea, but I don't think they need to spend so much time on the storyline. They only have 43 minutes to work with after all.
7) More Huddy--Even for the people who find the Huddy storyline less than appealing, one must admit that it does add quite a bit of comedy to the show which is half its charm.
8) No more breaks!
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più di un anno fa midnyte007 said…
1) More clinic patients
2) More focus on the medical cases
3) Old Huddy back
4) More House/Wilson bromance that does not involve Huddy
5) More Kutner (he was my favorite of the new ducklings during season 4)
6) A Wameron scene (I know this is like controlling the weather)
più di un anno fa housefrk said…
1. More clinic patients
2. Chase to stop being stupid
3. Story lines for Kutner and Taub
4. No 15-1
5. More screentime for Cam and Chase, but only if Chase gets nicer
6. No Chameron *hides from angry Chameron shippers* But like I said before, more screentime for them individually
7. More Wilson
8. That hiatuses become illegal ;)
più di un anno fa amberRocks said…
I also wish for wilson to get married and have many babies!:)
più di un anno fa oldmovie said…
Alright here's mine:

1) Cuddy to get to keep the baby
2) Cuddy gets laid (I don't care who by, but poor woman)
3) Wilson's long lost brother to turn up
4) House to grow some balls
5) I want an antagonist (like Tritter or Vogler)
6) less 13
7) More Taub and Kutner exploration
8) Cameron to realize that Cuddy's job is hard and Cuddy finally get some recognition for her work.
9) Clinic patients
11) A Wilson patient, one he connects with.
