Justin Bieber Do Te Think Justin Bieber Is The Cuter

kaylin5789 posted on May 25, 2010 at 11:28PM
ok a lot of you guys think justin bieber is the hottest guy on earth!!!!! well i do not think he is the hottest boy on earth he is the 2nd one because my boyfriend josh is sooooooooooo!!!!!!! HOT so what do you think is justin biebe the HOTTEST BOY on earth?????? yes or no.

Justin Bieber 3 risposte

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più di un anno fa breezyg said…
yes he is way cuter than anyone!
più di un anno fa lolo10 said…
Yes he is the cutest guy ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
più di un anno fa kaylin5789 said…
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm....... my boyfriend josh is cute but so is justin bieber