I Pinguini di Madagascar Club
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posted by thecrazygeinus
It was morning at the Central Park Zoo. The penguins had just finished thier morning exercises.
“Men, today we have a visitor.” Skipper stated firmly.
“A visitor?” Private asked curious and confused.
“Yes an old friend of mine. She’s coming to retrieve our operation’s segnala and take it to the Association.” Skipper explained. “Rico” Rico vomited up the segnala and handed to Skipper.
“But who exactly is this visitor?” Kowalski asked.
“A solo operative da the name of E.” Skipper answered “You might remember her from the Association.” Skipper reasoned “She’ll be arriving any minuto now.” Skipper gazed toward the sky. Suddenly, a figure flipped over the railing and landed on the concrete. “Long time no see?” Skipper asked.
“Indeed” E smiled. “Do te have the report?” Skipper gestured to Kowalski and he handed her the report. “You look familiar...” E thought aloud.
“I was a part of Skipper’s training team.” Kowalski stated.
“Right...” she recalled. E activated a mechanism on her watch, allowing the segnala to be scanned.
“Why didn’t we do that before?” Kowalski asked Skipper, annoyed.
“You never know who te are sending things to with these ‘accounts’.” Skipper replied.
“Which is why I don’t send it. I print off a hard copy right before I hand it off.” E explained. She glanced down at her watch and noticed she received a message and briefly skimmed it. “What!” E shouted aloud. She turned toward Skipper. “Dr. Blowhole has escaped!”
“Irrelevant, he has no memory.” Skipper reminded her.
“Look at the surveillance video.” E replied. The watch projected a larger video. It showed Dr. Blowhole escaping with another dolphin.
“Is that Doris the Dolphin?” Skipper began to avvolgere him mind around the situation. Kowalski’s face lit up.
“A Blowhole, Doris tag-team.” E said, angrily. Skipper pulled E aside. He explained that Kowalski adored Doris.
“How could he Amore that...” E started. She was enraged that her mortal enemy had taken another pinguino under her spell of evil. Skipper muffled her.
“He cannot find out.” Skipper interrupted in a whispered tone.
“Why not?” E asked.
“You know how fragile a mad scientists sanity is. One chink in thier armor and they blow up the planet.” Skipper explained.
“Too true” E’s mind began to drift off into a flashback when an alarm sounded inside the concrete. “Secret HQ?” she asked with a smirk. Skipper removed a Cibo dish to reveal a ladder down. Skipper and the others headed down.
“Come on E” detto Private. E could tell he was the least experienced due to the lack of seriousness. She followed after him into the HQ. An entire headquarters carved out of concrete, a truly brilliant idea, E thought to herself.
“What was the warning for?” She inquired.
“There has been a break-in at Lenny’s Lens Shop.” Kowalski reported.
“And the pilferers?” Skipper asked.
“Gone.” Kowalski answered.
“Wait, why would an alarm go off for a simple robbery. I thought te did più “helping those in need” then “stopping crime” work?” E questioned.
“We put a tracking device on Blowhole before we let him loose at Coney Island.” Kowalski responded. “That’s what tripped the alarm; he came to close to our location.”
“Can I see that?” E asked. Kowalski stepped aside and let E at the control panel. With the tracking device she was able to see where he had been over the past twenty four hours. She then used her watch for reference and discovered that of the 10 most recente burglaries, Blowhole was at half of them. She brought up a map and her watch and explained. “These are the locations of robberies that Blowhole was present for.” E then continued working. She began to research what exactly had been stolen. She then opened up a notebook tool on her watch and began to scribble down. The missing items were: an adaptor cable, an experimental mood-calming compound, 10 pounds of titanium, 5 packages of 100 count nails, and a can of hot rosa spray paint. E listed of the stolen materials to the penguins.
“Well, the 10 pounds of titanium and nails obviously go together.” Kowalski reasoned.
“And the adaptor cord to transfer in the power...” She said, considering the possibilities.
“What about the spray paint?” Skipper asked.
“Petty thief o to decorate the finished product.” E answered.
“The lens means it is probably a ray.” Kowalski continued.
“Hm... that leaves the experimental compound... probably a clue into what the raggio, ray actually does. Maybe to research how to calm moods o to use in the machine to dullen the target’s mood.” E decided.
“Great, we know what they are building. Now what?” Skipper asked.
“Why don’t we go stop him?” Private wondered “We have the tracking device right?”
“Um... yeah that could work...” Kowalski answered, embarrassed he hadn’t thought of that before. The penguins left the HQ and headed off towards his coordinates. Before she left, E transferred the trackers frequency to her watch so she could find it later. “This could be helpful” she thought.
added by SJF_Penguin2
Source: My foto
added by peacebaby7
Source: Penguins of Madagascar Movie
added by peacebaby7
Source: Penguins of Madagascar Movie
added by peacebaby7
Source: Penguins of Madagascar Movie
added by SJF_Penguin2
Source: Twitter: @DWAnimation
added by peacebaby7
Source: Cheezy Dibble POM teaser
added by Sheila-Daimond
added by mouseandowl
added by Sheila-Daimond
added by Kannotekina
added by kasiaiania104
funny parody lol
Enjoy :D
I Pinguini di Madagascar
Source: Me
added by CoolNala
Source: Me!!!
added by Kowalskina
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: Deviantart.com (Iroto122)
added by CuteCuddly
Source: kelp103.blog10.fc2.com/page-6.html