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Video games are a very important fonte of media in the world. Despite it being nowhere near as old as Musica o film, and being a little più modern than most, video games have become a major part of the entertainment industry. They make millions of dollars and many Youtubers just make a living off of playing video games. While there are those in society who will never accept video games as a part of entertainment or, hell, some who will deem games as the Devil’s tools, saying that video games have not had a cultural impact on the world would be naive. They have managed to do so much that we never thought we’d see. Video games are thought of to be nothing but children’s toys and are not even close to being regarded in the same light as film o music, yet games have managed to be just as personal with people as a movie o a book. And today, that is what I want to talk about. There are games that have really stuck with me, on a mental o emotional level. It may be silly to think, but games can have the same effect film. They can entertain us, scare us, depress us, and make us feel things just as much as any other fonte of entertainment. So, with my experiences with games, I want to share with te all games that have affected me, personally. So, with all that being said, let us get started.

#10: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

I’m gonna be honest, I was never there to play Skyrim on release day. I only got it I think less than a anno ago, and at first, I wasn’t too impressed with it. This is probably because I had already played another game that will be on this lista that we’ll get to later. And da that point, I was used to open world games with a story and sidequests. I played Fable and a bit of Final fantasy VII. So, I wasn’t really feeling much with Skyrim. I was più of a Morrowind’s guy at the time. But, as I got più into the game, I started to see why exactly this game was so beloved. It wasn’t for the story (Because, face it, Skyrim’s main story is pretty poorly written), but the sheer amount of exploration te can do. The world of Skyrim is massive and just insane to explore, with dozens of characters to meet and many sidequests to try out. Wanna start out the main story and save the land of Tamriel from an ancient evil dragon? Hell no, I want to explore this world. This place is crazy. From massive snowy mountains to dark and creepy caves, Skyrim is filled with layers and layers of atmosphere. Skyrim was a game that, not only wanted me to look at places più in video games, but really made me appreciate atmosphere more. Climbing all the way up to the Throat of the World where te go to meet the Mario voiced Paarthurnax while te heard the amazing overworld Musica really made me feel like I was truly exploring the fascinating and expansive world of Skyrim, and not just controlling some voiceless character. And with a game where te must explore to get the better idea of the world and the lore, I think that this game manages to do just that.

#9: Ghouls n Ghosts

When my uncle gave us his old Sega console, it came with two games. strada, via Fighter II and Ghouls n Ghosts. We had a lot of fun trying out the strada, via Fighter game, despite how much I sucked at fighting games. Still do, in fact. But the game that I was più fascinated with was Ghouls n Ghosts. I was very fond of the whole ancient medieval time stuff after having caught Army of Darkness on TV at one point and have always wanted to see più of that. So, when I saw this game, I thought that it would be fun, and… Oh boy, this game was way più hard than I thought it would be. Granted, this is nothing compared to the masochistic levels of difficulty that the original Ghosts n Goblins had on the NES, but this was the first difficult game I ever played. There was a lot I had to memorize in this game in order to get to the end of it. I had to remember how much hits an enemy had to take before they were killed. I had to remember which chests dropped the better suit of armor and which ones has an enemy in it. I had to remember all of the bosses attacks in order to keep from getting myself killed and sent back to the checkpoint. Ghouls n Ghosts was the first difficult game I played, a game that really made me think out my successivo action before I did it and what I had to do in order to best it and continue to the successivo challenge that was ahead of me. And at the ripe old age of eight… Yeah, Ghouls n Ghost made me try and get things planned ahead of me and learn from my screw ups at eight years old. I guess it wasn’t a bad age to start strategizing. I guess it did help with how I did games in the future and was probably the best way for me to better beat a game, as we know that games have been intentionally made to be più difficult in the current time, so I thank Ghouls n Ghosts to help me better my skills and tolerance of difficult games.

#8: Resident Evil Remake

Not only is the remake of the classic Resident Evil the first Mature rated game I ever played, but it is also the very first horror game I ever played, and my first introduction to the world of horror, something te no doubt know I am interested in. My dad and my older brother came home with this game, and just looking at the cover, I was freaked out da the game. My dad detto something like, “If te can handle this game, you’re più than welcome to stay and watch”. And being the kid I was, I thought I could handle it… I was wrong. I left around the first zombie because I was too freaked out and desperately wanted to get out of the room as soon as possible. I eventually played it myself, at the older and più mentally stable age of ten, of course, and was prepared to play the game to the fullest. The result of that was me getting lost, confused with the puzzles, and running into the fucking Crimson Heads. It was kinda sad and pathetic. Fast inoltrare, avanti to the age of 16, and finally, I was able to finish the game as both Jill and Chris and finally beat the game that haunted me for ten years. It was a game that I was finally able to achieve and best after so long of being both scared and confused. The game’s dark atmosphere, creepy music, and use of enemies prevented me from even picking up the game and playing it at the young age of six, and at the age of ten, I couldn’t understand the puzzles o the environment enough for me to accomplish the game much aside from finishing a rather simple puzzle. But after finally beating the game, I felt as though I had finally finished this one part of my life and had both bested something that scared me and something that had also confused me. It was a very satisfying feeling to finally finish the game, and it definitely had an influence on me for doing so as it was a game that signified my want to complete something and Resident Evil Remake is that game that proves my dedication to completing it. About ten years worth of dedication, it seems. Ten years and two copies of the game. That is how te know it’s dedication, people.

#7: Super Smash Bros. Melee

Back when I thought Super Smash Bros. Melee was the most complex fighting game ever, I was still pretty crappy at fighting games. I couldn’t perform a Fatality in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, I had to leave M. bisonte in strada, via Fighter II to my older brother, and I would always have to decrease the difficulty to the easiest amount every time I played Tekken just to get through a match. It was kinda sad, really. But suddenly, my older brother came in one giorno with a copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee. I had never seen something like this before, but as a kid, if it had Mario on the cover, I was sold. So, we put the game in, and it was unlike any fighter I had ever played. I didn’t have to worry about lifebars and having an enemy combo me into oblivion. I was able to easily understand this game much più than any complex combo. Just push a button and press a direction on the analog stick and let the player character do the rest. It wasn’t the most deep fighting game ever. I mean, hell, it’s Melee, but it was a game that did help me better my fighting game skills. I decided to prove it to the test with a three way duel between me and my two brothers, who were much better at fighting games than I ever was. We dueled it out and in the end, I managed to get the most hits in and one da a landslide. I passed it off as luck, but I still felt very good about it. Melee was the fighting game that really made me feel like I was getting better with time and practice and I felt very accomplished with it. After that, I can at least say I am not the worst fighting game player. And I don’t have to set the difficulty to zero on strada, via Fighter II each time I play it. Melee may be as simple as it gets to fighting games, but the feeling of doing better will always stick with me and I can at least say it does that.

#6: Silent collina 2

Resident Evil Remake may have been the first horror game I played, but Silent collina 2 is the best horror game I played. I remember hearing about Silent collina 2 from a friend of mine, saying it was super creepy, so I decided to look into it. I got it about two years fa (The Xbox version since I didn’t have a PS2 back then) and when I played it, I remember enjoying every single aspect of the game. Skyrim made me appreciate massive overworld, but Silent collina 2 really made me fall for atmosphere. The Musica was some of the best I had ever heard in a game, the areas that te can wander into had a much deeper meaning to it, and the characters that te meet were all so unique and memorable in their own ways. The game was a very dark story of people who were far from good people o evil people. Resident Evil was good, but it was pretty clear on who was the hero and who was the villain. With Silent collina 2, it constantly made me wonder if the character I was playing as was really a good man o even a man who you’d expect to be the protagonist of the story. It really made me have a più deeper thought of character in a story and how not everyone in a fictional piece has to be some good guy who builds orphanages with each evil factory he destroys o some villain who kicks Cuccioli for a living. Instead, Silent collina 2 introduced me to più realistic characters that I didn’t think I would see o would want to see. But I was glad I did get to see them in a game as dreadfully beautiful as Silent collina 2. I have yet to play Silent collina 3, but I really look inoltrare, avanti to it. I have played Homecoming, so…. That was unfortunate for me.

#5: Dark Souls

When I detto I wasn’t too impressed with Skyrim’s story as I had already played a different RPG before it, this was the RPG I was talking about. Dark Souls is a very depressing game and a very atmospheric one, which te can probably guess is something I love… The atmosphere, not the crippling depression. Anyway, Dark Souls is a game with a lot of abandoned o creepy areas that were once wonderful places before falling to evil and feeling like a place te didn’t belong in. The monsters in the game really felt threatening and they really added a whole lot to the hopelessness of the game. And the difficulty really helped add to the inevitable depressing elements that this game threw at you. But I think what really got me attached to this game the way I did was mostly because of the story… o most likely, the lack of one. Let me explain. The lore of Dark Souls is very deep. A world once ruled da Dragons, who were overthrown da people with a powerful element, the First Flame. These four people, Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight, the Pygmy, Seath the Scaleless, the Witch of Izalith, and Gravelord Nito, used this power to become powerful and rule over the world in an Age of Fire. However, the fuoco began to die out. Seath began to experiment on maidens in his archives and go insane, the Witch tried to keep the flame alive with magic, but failed, and became a massive creature that created monsters. Gwyn sacrificed his existence to keep the First Flame lit for a short time. And Nito just kinda fucked off and stopped caring. I tell te this because the game sure as hell doesn’t. If te want to know this, te have to cerca for it. Dark Souls’ story is not told to te as te progress, but rather through character interactions and item descriptions. It was a unique way to tell a story that I was really interested in and really wanted to find out più about, and it was all through random descriptions on something, like a crappy set of armor. That crappy set of armor may not help with defense, but it probably has a huge lore behind it. Everything in this game does, and having to read through these descriptions really adds più to the world. It’s like finding out a hidden civilization o country and having to learn through pieces of work. I really like that, and I really Amore Dark Souls for it’s story, world, and gameplay, no matter how many times it tries to kill me.

#4: Tony Hawk’s Underground

We talked a bit about very artistic storytelling and characters with the last few games. So let’s talk about something way più simple. Tony Hawk’s Underground was a game that really got me into trying out skateboarding… I ended up breaking my foot and haven’t touched a skateboard since. But that’s not why I am so attached to this game. It is più of the bond I have it when it comes to me and my brothers. When we had gotten our Gamecube, we had also gotten Underground for it. I was never a big sports fan. I’m still not to this day. I honestly could care less about which team wins. But I do understand the cultural importance it has for others. So, I was a bit hesitant to play this game. But when me and my brothers put it in, we loved it. We loved doing insane combos and tricks on rails and in ditches, we loved trying out crazy stunts in the story mode, we loved beating up hobos as we ate shit and crashed in a very violent fashion, and we loved screwing with Eric Sparrow because he is the worst. Tony Hawk’s Underground was a game that really helped me and my brothers enjoy our days together and a game that really helped make things better when times were low for us. And to think that a game about skateboarding could have such importance to us. I still have a copy of this game today, and have begun to play other games in the franchise, like Pro Skater. I would like to try them all out sometime, but for now, I will always come back to Underground to try out that story again just to reminisce on the times me and my brothers spent on such a simple game about skateboarding and testicle shattering jokes.

#3: Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Alright, guys, things are gonna get a bit più serious from here on out, so I just wanna mentally prepare te for some feels to be felt. So, Animal Crossing. It’s as simple as it gets. Live your life in a town with cute animals, work to buy things for your house and pay off debts, and make Friends with all of your animal neighbors. It’s cute and fun, but far from complex. But I Amore this game so much. And it most likely has to do with how I had it. I had this game back in my time in early high school, and back then, I was a mess. I had barely managed to socialize with a few people, but other than that, I was silent, never spoke to anyone, and sat in the back of the class all the time. I would always just come home and keep myself locked in my room and play video games. It was a very lonely time for me. Most of my time was spent just playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I would talk to the neighbors, catch bugs and fish, and would always buy new things for my house. I would play so long that I would always end up night in my town… And then I had to turn it off da force because the game needed to charge. But for each time I played, I began to try and socialize more. I began to make Friends in school and I was finally able to be più comfortable outside of the house, after my anxiety controlled me for a bit. I don’t want to say that Animal Crossing was the main reason I got out and started to socialize, as that isn’t totally true, but I was able to help better my social life from the way I played Animal Crossing. It didn’t make me better at socializing, but I can’t deny the help it gave me.

#2: Persona 4

Persona 4 is a game that has been seen as one of the happiest games around, despite it being a game about murder and having some things hidden away. I only recently got the game, a couple months o so back, but it has really managed to stick with me. Throughout the game, te must socialize with people in order to better rank up some of your skills and get to know them even more. When I got this game, I was already dealing with some serious issues. My parents had just divorced and I was having doubts about my life at this point. I didn’t know what I was going to do when I got to college o if I was going to get to it at all. It didn’t really help that there were many people telling me that college was a massive waste of time and that I should just try and get a simple job and make something out of that. At this point, I had fallen into a pretty massive depression and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life and if I was really was making the right decisions o not. But as I played through Persona 4, at a point in the game, where characters I socialized with and maxed out everything with, began to help me out and support me through the hardships that my character was going through. It really made me feel hopeful and know that, even when things are at their worst, I will always have people there to help me and get me through some of the hardest parts of life. Persona 4 really helped me realise that there are always people who are there for te and willing to help te out in the worst of times, and I can appreciate the game for that. And this all came from a game about a world inside the TV with crazy monsters and a talking stuffed bear.

#1: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

So, what, this is like the billionth time that Wind Waker has made it to the superiore, in alto spot on my list? Well… yeah. But this time, I think it truly deserves it. So, please, let me explain. When I was younger, I had to sposta around a lot. I moved from a small town to out in the country to a big city. I have been around, te can say. I was too antisocial to have Friends in any of the schools I went to, as te can guess, and all I could do was spend most of my time at home, doing, what else? Playing video games. And as te can probably guess, the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker was my preferito of them all. I enjoyed the open exploration, the characters in the world, and the wonderful cel-shading graphics of it. I found it so charming, and I still find it charming today. Hell, I even looked a bit like Link at that age, only I had brown hair instead of blonde. But I am attached to this game, not because it’s my favorite, but because of how much I had to go on my own adventure at such a young age. I would always sposta from town to town to a new location in just a few years, and each time I did, I had to get used to the new environments and places that I was not familiar with. I had to adapt to the new home and had to deal with moving to the successivo place some time after. It got very exhausting, to say the least, but I would always manage to keep my Gamecube with me. And of course, I would keep Wind Waker with me, because it was the thing that gave me the most comfort at my young age. It’s silly and maybe a little dumb to admit it, but I can say that this game had prepared me for so much as a young child. The feeling of moving on, and having to go to new places. I was prepared for that da playing Wind Waker, and staying attached to it, and I still am attached to it to this day. It is a game that I will always Amore and always have a personal affection towards, and that will never change, no matter what.
Hello, everyone, and, since Natale is edging closer to us each day, I thought “Why not do a mini rants on things involving Christmas”? And I will do just that, so, why bother with all the joyful and heartwarming feelings of Natale when we can talk about all the parts that piss us off.

Santa Lines - Now, we all know that each year, kids go to malls to talk to Santa Clause. But, the big problem is when te got to wait in lines. A word of advice. Know when the line opens, and make sure te get there first because, if you’re even one person behind, your fucked. Why? Well, lets start...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Wilson gets killed, and Link gets upset.
legend of zelda
added by Seanthehedgehog
We should go to the main control room
Bond. James Bond.
Link: (Near Stone) Hey, what are te doing
Tott: I’m dancing
Link: ……………….. Why
Tott: I want to change night to day
Link: ………………. That’s stupid
Tott: Yes, it is, but, I have no friends, everyone hates me, and I am a worthless pile of flesh, so this sad dream is all I had.
Link: Wow, te suck
Tott: I know
Link: So, what do I need to do to help
Tott: Play the song on the stone, and help me live my dream
Link: Uh, okay (Plays song)
Tott: Oh, that it (Dances) I can feel it (Keeps dancing) Almost (Finishes dance)................ Wait, nothing happened. OH, I’M A FAILURE
Link: Yeah, te kinda are
Tott: Well, I’ll go kill myself now
Link: Have fun with that
(Later, on the ship)
Tetra: So, what did te get
Link: I got this song that lets me change night to giorno and stuff
Tetra: Wow, with that, we can do so many things, like-
Link: (Changes giorno to night, so he can rob Zunari’s shop)
Tetra: (Sigh)